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Sanctum of Rall - The Final Chapter


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As many of you know, Sanctum of Rall was a server created to remember a fan who did not quite make it to see the launch of Guild Wars 2. His love for this game encourage my community to come to Guild Wars 2 and I must say Roger was 200% right. This is a great place for us.


Our server has seen it's ups and downs and at times it felt like all was lost. But sometimes, things happen for a reason.


Sanctum of Rall has spent the past few years bouncing from pairing to pairing playing in Tier 1 through Tier 4 making friends on every server we've allied with. A few staple guilds like JADE, SIN, HoL, FoW, ecto, and NICE have kept us company over the years. At first the whole mercenary system seemed like it was the start of our demise and we feared that sooner or later ArenaNet would just merge us somewhere. But we kept fighting and doing what we could to help whoever we were paired with. We made a ton of friends over the years and after ArenaNet made the announcement of their new plans for Alliances and the future of WvW we knew our days were numbered.


What we didn't know was just how big of a reputation we had nurtured. It wasn't long before WILD came to me and asked if it would be ok if they could ride out the last days of SOR with us and we of course welcomed them. A few days later I get a message from the guys on JQ who we had been fighting alongside for a while and they too wanted to join forces with us for the final chapter of Sanctum of Rall.


I am overjoyed to see so many people we've played with over the past couple years decide to come to Sanctum of Rall in hopes to give it a proper ride off into the sunset and am very thankful for all of your support. It seems at the final chapter we finally found the SOR community we had always searched for. One that welcomes new players with open arms, weaponizes the public groups, and encourages people on the battlefield.


I don't know where we'll end up in final days of the match up system but I can say that I'll be there with friends. I appreciate all of you and your support on the battlefield. This past month has been remarkable and I completely floored by the outpouring of support. Our home is your home. Welcome!


Special thanks to: NG, DaP, GAL, SF, ecto, PINK, CF, CALM, MUSA, eXa, NEON, NICE, HALO, SORC, SL, JADE, FLUX, DD, POTE, PPP, WILD, PROT, RED, AGNY, LoE, FoW, Kill, EofW, HoL, EDS, SIN, Syn, VCR, TKx, rQm, RoFL, love, FOX, vR and NYS for all your support this past month and I look forward to sharing some epic battles with all of you. It's been great firing up the old https://www.sanctumofrall.com once again to give it a last hurrah!




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I started GW2 on Sanctum of Rall at launch. I knew that because of the history behind it that a strong community would develop there.

SoR is a great place to be. I had a home in Bard and then OMEN. Eventually taking a break from the game after OMEN moved servers.


I've bounced around a couple of servers since then and landed in Jade Quarry.

We were always happy to be paired with SoR when we would occasionally get a link.


The community there has always been a great one. There are always a few bad eggs, but in general helpful, friendly, and positive even if not all of the hosts have been.


The guilds that joined SoR could have gone to any linked server to do the same thing.

We all chose SoR. Some because of the amount of guilds going there, some because of the community we had made friends with.

A community nurtured and fostered in large part thanks to Foghladha and Gaiscioch as a whole.


So thank YOU Foghladha for taking such good care of SoR over the years.

Its good to be home again.

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JQ got stale over the years. Being closed for so much of that time would tend to do that. When SoR got linked with us, it was a serious breath of fresh air. New friendships were made. We gelled on the field. There was a sense of excitement for the first time in a long time. We can thank the SoR community for bringing that feeling back and reminding us of what we have been missing out on. We could not have asked for a better link.


When the new links happened a couple of weeks ago, everything just went stale again for JQ. I obviously don't speak for everyone, but I had that blah feeling. The fun factor went down a notch. I mean, I always have fun with my guildies, but that excitement was definitely gone. It's hard to explain exactly, but something went missing again. For me, it was a pretty easy decision to transfer over to SoR. You are a great community and I'm glad to be part of it on a permanent basis now.


Thanks for welcoming us and making us feel right at home!

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> @"Foghladha.2506" said:

> > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > Ermm.?

> >

> > Didn't linking come into existence more than a year? how the "few years" come into play?


> We've been a Mercenary server since April 2016. A "Few Years" = More than one. We've been a Mercenary for 2 years.


Don't be too thankful though. Just like the people that ditched SOR when it was burning down from T1, just matter of time these people will ditch you.


Some of them actually transferred earlier this year and they already transfer once again now to sor. Base on how often they transfer, if alliance system doesn't come by end of year, they will transfer again....lol.


Some of the new additional not even from jq, is like they followed the bandwagon hype.

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> Don't be too thankful though. Just like the people that ditched SOR when it was burning down from T1, just matter of time these people will ditch you.


> Some of them actually transferred earlier this year and they already transfer once again now to sor. Base on how often they transfer, if alliance system doesn't come by end of year, they will transfer again....lol.


> Some of the new additional not even from jq, is like they followed the bandwagon hype.


There's always at least one....why so negative Nancy?



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> @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > Don't be too thankful though. Just like the people that ditched SOR when it was burning down from T1, just matter of time these people will ditch you.

> >

> > Some of them actually transferred earlier this year and they already transfer once again now to sor. Base on how often they transfer, if alliance system doesn't come by end of year, they will transfer again....lol.

> >

> > Some of the new additional not even from jq, is like they followed the bandwagon hype.


> There's always at least one....why so negative Nancy?




Negative? I don't do political correctness to this shilling nor do we need political correctness to shilling. Is bandwagoning something you should even be positive about? Bandwagon isn't something healthy to the game mode.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> why not create a guild dedicated to your server? its not the same but you would no doubt attract quite a few heads and at least keep some of yall together.


Already have Sanctum of Rall Community [sORC] which is run as a community events shell and eventually will be allied with Gaiscioch for the Sanctum of Rall Alliance. It all depends on how many guilds we can squeeze in. Gaiscioch is a 500 active player guild with a rotating roster where we remove whoever has been offline longer to invite whoever has signed in. ATM alliance cap is at 500 so not sure how it will work and how many slots for wvw we will have.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > @"Foghladha.2506" said:

> > > @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > > Ermm.?

> > >

> > > Didn't linking come into existence more than a year? how the "few years" come into play?

> >

> > We've been a Mercenary server since April 2016. A "Few Years" = More than one. We've been a Mercenary for 2 years.


> Don't be too thankful though. Just like the people that ditched SOR when it was burning down from T1, just matter of time these people will ditch you.


> Some of them actually transferred earlier this year and they already transfer once again now to sor. Base on how often they transfer, if alliance system doesn't come by end of year, they will transfer again....lol.


> Some of the new additional not even from jq, is like they followed the bandwagon hype.


If they do then thats their choice and they're welcome to make it. However the fact that they came to me in private and asked if it was ok and expressed a desire to give SOR a proper sendoff is what warmed my heart. This wasn't just a bunch of guilds hopping it was a kind gesture and we are thankful for their time joining us. These are all people we fought along side and people we have come to love. I for one am thankful for any time we can share the battlefield with them.

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NA and their transfering between servers should have a special article in the gw2wiki. I can't name a single guild on NA that really hadn't that "grass is greener elsewhere mentality". They are like locusts, that plunder a realm and after that's done they go for the next one. You aren't even safe on EU when you fight SFR and Choo, SoX and Kazo.

I wonder if any of all those transfering guilds ever was happy on a server. Hint: It's not the server that causes the problems.


Good luck, tarnished coast, hope your server will survive the locust swarm.

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> @"MachineManXX.9746" said:

> JQ got stale over the years. Being closed for so much of that time would tend to do that. When SoR got linked with us, it was a serious breath of fresh air. New friendships were made. We gelled on the field. There was a sense of excitement for the first time in a long time. We can thank the SoR community for bringing that feeling back and reminding us of what we have been missing out on. We could not have asked for a better link.


> When the new links happened a couple of weeks ago, everything just went stale again for JQ. I obviously don't speak for everyone, but I had that blah feeling. The fun factor went down a notch. I mean, I always have fun with my guildies, but that excitement was definitely gone. It's hard to explain exactly, but something went missing again. For me, it was a pretty easy decision to transfer over to SoR. You are a great community and I'm glad to be part of it on a permanent basis now.


> Thanks for welcoming us and making us feel right at home!


Numbers, numbers went missing again. I'm on FA, and by Sunday JQ had already checked out, except for Cloud Fly. TPA was the only organized group I saw on JQ from Sunday-Friday. It seemed like once a day NSP would flip all of JQ BL. One skirmish, literally the entire skirmish, JQ k/d numbers were 11/54. 11 kills, 54 deaths, over an entire 2 hour skirmish. JQ was beating NSP and literally jut gave up.

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> @"Foghladha.2506" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > why not create a guild dedicated to your server? its not the same but you would no doubt attract quite a few heads and at least keep some of yall together.


> Already have Sanctum of Rall Community [sORC] which is run as a community events shell and eventually will be allied with Gaiscioch for the Sanctum of Rall Alliance. It all depends on how many guilds we can squeeze in. Gaiscioch is a 500 active player guild with a rotating roster where we remove whoever has been offline longer to invite whoever has signed in. ATM alliance cap is at 500 so not sure how it will work and how many slots for wvw we will have.


ah ok. good luck man!

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> @"geist.9173" said:

> NA and their transfering between servers should have a special article in the gw2wiki. I can't name a single guild on NA that really hadn't that "grass is greener elsewhere mentality". They are like locusts, that plunder a realm and after that's done they go for the next one. You aren't even safe on EU when you fight SFR and Choo, SoX and Kazo.

> I wonder if any of all those transfering guilds ever was happy on a server. Hint: It's not the server that causes the problems.


> Good luck, tarnished coast, hope your server will survive the locust swarm.


TC? Abandoning TC was soooo 2017. Get with the times.

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Hey you never know Ben, SoR might just become an alliance name ;). Nice to see some life come back to my old server, and maybe....just maybe it will become a host server :).


With the alliance update coming in the future, there is little incentive for guilds to go to, or stay on host servers.

-Host servers can get/stay locked limiting access to recruits

-Stale fights and matchups

-Expensive to transfer to hosts


As opposed to links which-

-Are cheaper for guilds to transfer members too

-Offer more variety for matchups and servers to fight and play with

-Offer a wider pool of potential recruits which is important to prepare for alliances.


Dont be surprised to see this happening more often.

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> @"SkyShroud.2865" said:

> > @"Odinens.5920" said:

> > > Don't be too thankful though. Just like the people that ditched SOR when it was burning down from T1, just matter of time these people will ditch you.

> > >

> > > Some of them actually transferred earlier this year and they already transfer once again now to sor. Base on how often they transfer, if alliance system doesn't come by end of year, they will transfer again....lol.

> > >

> > > Some of the new additional not even from jq, is like they followed the bandwagon hype.

> >

> > There's always at least one....why so negative Nancy?

> >

> >


> Negative? I don't do political correctness to this shilling nor do we need political correctness to shilling. Is bandwagoning something you should even be positive about? Bandwagon isn't something healthy to the game mode.


Its not about bandwagoning, there is no incentive for guilds to go to host servers with alliances coming up as I point out in my previous post. Going to a link is a lot easier and practical for a guild, and these guilds chose one they felt comfortable with because they liked the players already there. Nothing wrong with this, its just smart for guilds to do before alliances rather than being stuck on closed servers.

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