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A decent open world build?


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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> Eh. Nuts to Daggers, I say. Hammer makes a glorious return with Spellbreaker, IMO. Attacker's Insight is simply amazing with Hammer.


I hear you on Daggers. Its just I really, really want them to work. I'm holding out hope that some of the dmg gets buffed because it does feel like I'm hitting mobs with a wet noodle. Mind you a very fast noodle, but still a noodle. I think I might try Axe MH, dagger OH and see where that takes me.


I hear you on Hammer though. There are some nice synergies there and I can always pull Jugg out of storage and see how that works.

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> @Sarnax.8357 said:

> > @Oglaf.1074 said:

> > Eh. Nuts to Daggers, I say. Hammer makes a glorious return with Spellbreaker, IMO. Attacker's Insight is simply amazing with Hammer.


> I hear you on Daggers. Its just I really, really want them to work. I'm holding out hope that some of the dmg gets buffed because it does feel like I'm hitting mobs with a wet noodle. Mind you a very fast noodle, but still a noodle. I think I might try Axe MH, dagger OH and see where that takes me.


> I hear you on Hammer though. There are some nice synergies there and I can always pull Jugg out of storage and see how that works.


Hooray for the chrome undies once again!!!

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I've been messing with 2 builds.


[Massive Might Stacking](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4YnMdAthgdhAu6CcigleATpNE+CD4N5rcX2IA8BWaA-jhSGQBI4CAcgHAQc0MMEle17IAQGdAvQ9HAcQAgiygHqEEA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4YnMdAthgdhAu6CcigleATpNE+CD4N5rcX2IA8BWaA-jhSGQBI4CAcgHAQc0MMEle17IAQGdAvQ9HAcQAgiygHqEEA-e")


[Precision Hammer](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAS4YnMdA9dgdhAu6CcigFlATZKc8OC4z4ecQ+ILEACeA-jhSGQBH4CA8C1feoSQAcQAogOAZ9AAq3RAIOaGGiSPooMAA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAS4YnMdA9dgdhAu6CcigFlATZKc8OC4z4ecQ+ILEACeA-jhSGQBH4CA8C1feoSQAcQAogOAZ9AAq3RAIOaGGiSPooMAA-e")


Rune is Spellbreaker, mostly for thematic reasons. It was Privateer but the bird would keep getting me put into combat while trying to swap mounts.

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Personnally i use this build:

[Regen SB](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQRAoY5enMdA9dgdeAu6CcigFjADfHXkXyIpgVwHwIAsBzZA-jBCBQBA4EAwwnAQlU/JP6HK3BB4MKBrx+DYR5HA-e "gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQRAoY5enMdA9dgdeAu6CcigFjADfHXkXyIpgVwHwIAsBzZA-jBCBQBA4EAwwnAQlU/JP6HK3BB4MKBrx+DYR5HA-e")


The build works on "Might makes Right" , "Adrenal Health" , "Sun and moon style" , "Healing Signet" and "Sigil of Draining" to be really tough thanks to all the health and stamina regeneration.

The 2nd weapon kit is for control and weakness to gain "Cull the weak" damage boost. (Synergize with "Body Blow").

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I just finished maxing the elite spec and started running this build. So far, I can say this: self-sustaining, fun, but the damage output with my previous condition Berserker build was a lot higher (or at least "quicker").



Strength: 2, 3, 3

Defense: 3, 1, 2

Spellbreaker: 1, 1, 2




* full Berserker's armor set (I borrowed it from another char, so it is still sporting Superior Runes of Strength)

* full Berserker's weapon set (also borrowed for now): **(1)** Dagger (Superior Sigil of Force) + Sword (Superior Sigil of Earth), **(2)** Hammer (Superior Sigil of Draining, Superior Sigil of Absorption)



6: Healing Signet

7: Dolyak Signet

8: Imminent Threat

9: Break Enchantments

10: Winds of Disentchantment

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> @Oglaf.1074 said:

> Why on earth would you run WoD on a PvE build over something like Signet of Rage?


I don't know if you were talking to me, but like I stated before: (a) did I just acquire the elite spec and **am still experimenting** (hence the borrowed equipment), which includes testing the new skills, and (b) Winds of Disenchantment appears to be efficient in PoF against most mission bosses (if it was for other areas of the game, I would stick to my condi damage Zerker build with Head Butt).


But I will consider your advice in the long run, thanks for the heads up.

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Okay, so you were right, of course. ;) I had hoped the new elite would prove to be efficient, but its cooldown just doesn't make it a viable choice after all (just did the Tomb of the Primeval Kings mission with it, and it didn't do much good). It's a shame that the new elite skill doesn't come true like Head Butt did. :/

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> Okay, so you were right, of course. ;) I had hoped the new elite would prove to be efficient, but its cooldown just doesn't make it a viable choice after all (just did the Tomb of the Primeval Kings mission with it, and it didn't do much good). It's a shame that the new elite skill doesn't come true like Head Butt did. :/


I think with the 10 target cap on it that it was meant for WvW, or very large scale fights.

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I've been using this build here. Just regular GS / Dagger - Dagger, and it's handled story and everything PoF can throw at it just fine!


[http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4YnMdAVeg9dAu6CcigliATpLE9yC494i8S2YA8ACAA-jBSBAB0s/Alq/QxFB4KlHkpEDgnAAe6GMTJIA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4YnMdAVeg9dAu6CcigliATpLE9yC494i8S2YA8ACAA-jBSBAB0s/Alq/QxFB4KlHkpEDgnAAe6GMTJIA-e "http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4YnMdAVeg9dAu6CcigliATpLE9yC494i8S2YA8ACAA-jBSBAB0s/Alq/QxFB4KlHkpEDgnAAe6GMTJIA-e")

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> @Ashantara.8731 said:

> Okay, so you were right, of course. ;) I had hoped the new elite would prove to be efficient, but its cooldown just doesn't make it a viable choice after all (just did the Tomb of the Primeval Kings mission with it, and it didn't do much good). It's a shame that the new elite skill doesn't come true like Head Butt did. :/


Boons simply aren't that plentiful in PvE sadly. And what few boons there are, Spellbreaker has more than enough tools to take care of without WoD. I mean, even if you don't have the Dagger Burst to delete boons, you have that huge AoE that removes boons on a 15 seconds cooldown (the name escapes me atm) as well as Full Counter.

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> @Westenev.5289 said:

> I've been using this build here. Just regular GS / Dagger - Dagger, and it's handled story and everything PoF can throw at it just fine!


> [http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4YnMdAVeg9dAu6CcigliATpLE9yC494i8S2YA8ACAA-jBSBAB0s/Alq/QxFB4KlHkpEDgnAAe6GMTJIA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4YnMdAVeg9dAu6CcigliATpLE9yC494i8S2YA8ACAA-jBSBAB0s/Alq/QxFB4KlHkpEDgnAAe6GMTJIA-e "http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4YnMdAVeg9dAu6CcigliATpLE9yC494i8S2YA8ACAA-jBSBAB0s/Alq/QxFB4KlHkpEDgnAAe6GMTJIA-e")


To include soloing some of the tougher hero points?

how does it do with soloing some of the champs in the area?


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> @PunkMaster.4235 said:

> > @Westenev.5289 said:

> > I've been using this build here. Just regular GS / Dagger - Dagger, and it's handled story and everything PoF can throw at it just fine!

> >

> > [http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4YnMdAVeg9dAu6CcigliATpLE9yC494i8S2YA8ACAA-jBSBAB0s/Alq/QxFB4KlHkpEDgnAAe6GMTJIA-e](http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4YnMdAVeg9dAu6CcigliATpLE9yC494i8S2YA8ACAA-jBSBAB0s/Alq/QxFB4KlHkpEDgnAAe6GMTJIA-e "http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vJAQNAR4YnMdAVeg9dAu6CcigliATpLE9yC494i8S2YA8ACAA-jBSBAB0s/Alq/QxFB4KlHkpEDgnAAe6GMTJIA-e")


> To include soloing some of the tougher hero points?

> how does it do with soloing some of the champs in the area?

> Thanks!


Also curious about this, Im lvling a warrior myself.

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Switch Berserker's Power to Might Makes Right for survivability.


It gives Health and Endurance on Might gain. It gives you a very nice amount of health regen and lets you spam dodges (that deal aoe damage due to Reckless Dodge).


Any Warrior build with good might gain and Might Makes Right can faceroll (literally, spam dodges) the open world.

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