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After 3 years im having fun again


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Ok, its not great but im actually liking core power necro again. The flow is soo much better with the channel speed ups.


ill probably drop a cleansing sigil,rune,trait for 5-10% more dps, but im rly thinking of trying a core only season.




Suggestions or feedback welcome

P.S. rlywish we had this in 2015 :)

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Power necrois a refreshing build when you are constantly running into players set up to counter condi all the time. I made a hybrid power reaper/necro by only taking first reaper trait. I can use GS and regular deathshroud, surprises opponents and had a few accusations of hacking from it lol. I know I sacrifice a traitline more-or-less but it's fun. Would be awesome if we could trait from more then 3 lines again.

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I did my first play through of PoF on core necro after doing all of HoT/LW3 on it and going platinum in spvp. I loved it so much, but the ability to do shroud damage _outside_ of shroud is a big deal.


I still miss tainted shackles, which doesn't get enough respect despite the addition of casting revealed. Death Magic only really worked on my core necro build (as the third slot scourge took), and I've never made it work on scourge, so that was another fun thing I can't do anymore.

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> @"Aktium.9506" said:

> i wish i knew how to have fun


Trust me after playing core necro since launch, then swap reaper and later scourge I can understand if you're bored. My advice is go back to core and make the most unusual builds you can think, like fear spectral wall necro, or vampire core, even hybrid axe/wh sc/dag... The secret for me is to optimize things not even close to meta. Sometimes the most stupid underperforming builds are the ones i enjoy the most XD


Here's my hybrid i'm using in wvw and I'm having a blast with it :)


It has plenty of boon corruption, descrete condi dmg(being nice paired with the corruptions), single target power dmg on axe is real good, a lot condi cleanse and shroud regen, plus life blast dhuumfire that people never expect. Only downside it's a bit squishy with2,3k armor and you gotta position yourself properly. Swiftness is not a problem with speed of shadows and wh 5 you can have it 100% uptime.

(Note that celestial is there because I had in bank so much celestial shit unused i decided to give it a go on core lol )

You could run it with spite to stack might a lot, in that case aristocracy run are perfect. Depends if roam alone or with a buddy, in party i suggest swapping to spite

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I still have a strong love for core necro and it can be fun to play against the newer specs and even feels rather satisfying when you win with it against them.

on the other side of that

it can be down right hilarious when people dont know how to fight it because almost no one uses core necro anymore.

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