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What's your opinion on roles?

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Hi Guild Wars players,


I am struggling to keep playing guild wars at the moment.

And i think i know why that is. I love to play healer/tank/support.

in my opinion guild wars has killed the roles it's all about dps.

especially in the lower lvls (low lvl fractals, dungeons pretty much died).

I think the classes we got are pretty cool but the roles have vanished.

In guild wars 1 even on low lvl people were playing healer, tank or support and it was awesome (a real team effort).

I would like to see roles to come back.

Are there any other healer, tank or support mains struggling with the game or is it just me?





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That's true but they are pretty much used for raids and high lvl fractals.

i would like to see roles to be needed in lower lvl fractals and even dungeons (they will need to come back first tho).

so people can learn how to play and all, i think it's more fun. It feels like it's all about dps nowadays.


I do like that you can play any character in PVE yes. but every class has got 3 specs now if a healer has a dmg spec for pve it would be fine too.


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Roles are done to death. I welcomed the GW2 original approach and still think the moment they caved in and introduced druid was anets fall from grace. I don´t really know where you get your idea from, current GW2 has the most unforgiving role concept of any similar games I ever played, you are not only required to fill a role, but bring a VERY specific build (no, not talking about mobbing on Shadow Behemoth and the like obviously :P )

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Tbh I don't care if an MMO has holy trinity or not as long as there's at least one "jack of all trades" class because that's my favorite. I don't fit into any "role" because I like it when my characters can do a bit of everything (Firebrand, kit Engi).

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> @"Algreg.3629" said:

> Roles are done to death. I welcomed the GW2 original approach and still think the moment they caved in and introduced druid was anets fall from grace. I don´t really know where you get your idea from, current GW2 has the most unforgiving role concept of any similar games I ever played, you are not only required to fill a role, but bring a VERY specific build (no, not talking about mobbing on Shadow Behemoth and the like obviously :P )


What do you mean with specific builds?

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> @"derd.6413" said:

> Roles exist in lower level fractals, it's just that it's so easy you can beat it with nearly any comp and the most effective way to clear them is to go full dps


ofcourse you can play tank or healer in lower fracs it's the fact that you dont have to that bothers me.

It's not that i hate the current roles i would like to see some roles more needed.

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Tbh I don't care if an MMO has holy trinity or not as long as there's at least one "jack of all trades" class because that's my favorite. I don't fit into any "role" because I like it when my characters can do a bit of everything (Firebrand, kit Engi).


firebrand is my favourite at the moment too, but do you really not fit any role or is it because the roles aren't needed enough?

because thats why i like to play as you name it "jack of all trades".

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My experience with the trinity system is queuing as dps for a dungeon and then waiting 40 minutes for a tank and healer. No thx, I rather just have people who want to do some content be able to do it together without having to wait for key roles to show up. I know these roles still exist in endgame PvE, thus I refuse to touch it with a 10 meter stick.

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> @"man zonder schaduw.9721" said:

> > @"derd.6413" said:

> > Roles exist in lower level fractals, it's just that it's so easy you can beat it with nearly any comp and the most effective way to clear them is to go full dps


> ofcourse you can play tank or healer in lower fracs it's the fact that you dont have to that bothers me.

> It's not that i hate the current roles i would like to see some roles more needed.


I rather not wait 30 minutes for a druid tyvm. I much prefere soft requirements over hard requirements. And we have a bit of both so i don't see the problem

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> @"man zonder schaduw.9721" said:

> > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > Roles are done to death. I welcomed the GW2 original approach and still think the moment they caved in and introduced druid was anets fall from grace. I don´t really know where you get your idea from, current GW2 has the most unforgiving role concept of any similar games I ever played, you are not only required to fill a role, but bring a VERY specific build (no, not talking about mobbing on Shadow Behemoth and the like obviously :P )


> What do you mean with specific builds?


just take a look at raid lfg e.g.

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> @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > @"man zonder schaduw.9721" said:

> > > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > > Roles are done to death. I welcomed the GW2 original approach and still think the moment they caved in and introduced druid was anets fall from grace. I don´t really know where you get your idea from, current GW2 has the most unforgiving role concept of any similar games I ever played, you are not only required to fill a role, but bring a VERY specific build (no, not talking about mobbing on Shadow Behemoth and the like obviously :P )

> >

> > What do you mean with specific builds?


> just take a look at raid lfg e.g.


aah yeah but that's what i meant by the roles being there in endgame.

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> @"man zonder schaduw.9721" said:

> > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > > @"man zonder schaduw.9721" said:

> > > > @"Algreg.3629" said:

> > > > Roles are done to death. I welcomed the GW2 original approach and still think the moment they caved in and introduced druid was anets fall from grace. I don´t really know where you get your idea from, current GW2 has the most unforgiving role concept of any similar games I ever played, you are not only required to fill a role, but bring a VERY specific build (no, not talking about mobbing on Shadow Behemoth and the like obviously :P )

> > >

> > > What do you mean with specific builds?

> >

> > just take a look at raid lfg e.g.


> aah yeah but that's what i meant by the roles being there in endgame.


and I prefer they weren't.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> Considering GW2 was designed not to use those roles, I find it strange to say they've killed them. They're not actually supposed to exist to begin with.


I personally dislike the fact they aren't existing that's why i wanted to start the discussion.

I know people do like it, because most people play dps.

But there's this small group of healer/support/tank players who are being pushed to dps.

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> @"man zonder schaduw.9721" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > Considering GW2 was designed not to use those roles, I find it strange to say they've killed them. They're not actually supposed to exist to begin with.


> I personally dislike the fact they aren't existing that's why i wanted to start the discussion.

> I know people do like it, because most people play dps.

> But there's this small group of healer/support/tank players who are being pushed to dps.


believe it or not, it is not most people like dps most, many want to break away from the whole role concept, which is ultimately nothing but playing the AI.

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A big resounding no to roles being "needed" in this game. One of the, many, amazing features of this game is the no requirement for a healer/support/tank outside high end instanced content. The reason why you can play with any team composition, hop in, play, get rewards, get out, without any kind of trouble is because those ancient ideas of support/healing being required do not exist in this game. You can find many roles in any of the PVP modes.


As for Guild Wars 1, I disagree. Healer/support players weren't actually -needed- in Guild Wars 1 either, you could beat nearly every bit of content with NPC healer/support. Player healing/support was only -needed- in very specific (usually hard mode) encounters. In most other cases, playing a non-healer was a much better/useful option for your team. Let the NPCs heal/support.

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Role would seriously hamper my enjoyment of the game. I run a casual guild and right now, if we have five people online who want to do a dungeon, ANY five, it's not a problem. We don't need someone to get on a healer. We don't have to wait for a tank. Roles are the single worst thing that's happened to MMOS in my opinion. They're arbitrary, they're contrived and they suck the join out of spontaneous play for me.


If you want to play a healer, find a casual guild, play what you want and no one will care. Or start your own LFGs and say causal only everyone welcome and no one will care. Then you can play a healer all you want without the game requiring roles.

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No. I love the fact there is no trinity. You can play a support build, but it is not required (excepting raids}. If we must have a support role for raids , ideally all classes would have a viable dps build and a viable support build, so one class is not forced to always play support.


Druid is fine, but I was disappointed my main's first elite was for support/healing. In a trinity mmo I played previously, I picked a class that could be specced for dps or healing. The dps output was excellent, but the "meta" decided the class was the best healer in game (there were other healing classes). Therefore I was not wanted at even lower level group content because I refused to play healer.


So, keep the trinity out of GW2 please. I don't like seeing any class locked into one role to the exclusion of all others. GW2 is not like other mmo's and that is why I play it.

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I know they weren't really needed because of the henchman and heroes. but you do wanted them on the team in guild wars 1 one of both npc or real player.


I'm not here to talk roles into the game tho, i dont "hate" the current type of classes.

The main reason is to hear what others think about it.


what vayne is saying is what i'm doing now, trying to find my style to get my enjoyment back.

i'm also trying condi builds on heroes, condi is fun.


but i miss my support paragon from gw1

as well as my ritu and monk healers

I am trying to enjoy dps tho.

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> @"man zonder schaduw.9721" said:


> I know they weren't really needed because of the henchman and heroes. but you do wanted them on the team in guild wars 1 one of both npc or real player.


> I'm not here to talk roles into the game tho, i dont "hate" the current type of classes.

> The main reason is to hear what others think about it.


> what vayne is saying is what i'm doing now, trying to find my style to get my enjoyment back.

> i'm also trying condi builds on heroes, condi is fun.


> but i miss my support paragon from gw1

> as well as my ritu and monk healers

> I am trying to enjoy dps tho.


I think you get more enjoyment if you stop thinking "dps". This game allows you to bring crucial support + damage to the table. That is what really deviates from the traditional model IMO.

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GW2 does random open world PvE better than any MMO. That's why I'm here instead of in another MMO. For dungeons, I'd still (maybe unfortunately) take WoW over it any day. I only say that because in open world PvE the dynamic 'soft trinity' approach of group combat is excellent. Yeah sure, open world is casual, and so am I. Maybe it's a problem that GW2 (or any MMO) tries to cater to all crowds. I run some fractals now and then, and they're cool (and yeah, casual early numbers only).


I love(d) the trinity, always raided as a healer, and always will. So again for raiding, I'd be elsewhere.


TL;DR don't touch GW2 roles, they're excellent as is (for me).

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