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A question, after The Departing... (spoilers?)


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This has been something I've been thinking about after The Departing mission and after PoF that I haven't found any answers to (yet). So I would love to find out what other people think about this!


After the Commander died and came back was the rest of the guild informed about it? Taimi, Canach, Kasmeer, and Rytlock know about it obviously but has anyone else been told? Does Marjory, Rox and Braham know or have they never been told about anything that went on during PoF? I'm really curious about it. The Departing (to me at least) was great and gave so much more depth with whats going on with the commander. One more thing piled up on their ~~rather frayed~~ mental state and just one more reason the commander could use a vacation. But I feel like it was kinda tossed aside (so far at least) with the new living season. Will it ever be brought up again? Was it already brought up and I just forgot?


I would like to see a reaction at least if Braham ever found out about what happened. Either it pushes him away farther (The PC "cheating death" while his mom never came back could be a example) or he softens a bit. Who knows, but I still would like to see what happens.

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Judging from the Commander's personality and how Dragon's Watch have been treating him, my assumptions are as such:


1) The Commander came back from the dead but never felt like making a fuss about it, so he hasn't really talked about it

2) Kasmeer believes he is truly back from the dead, and has probably told Marjory all about it

3) Taimi has probably since started believing it wasn't such a big deal in the first place

4) Rytlock silently acknowledges it because of his own dealings with the Mists and having met Glint there

5) Canach tells everyone who wants (and doesn't want) to hear that the Commander is an immortal hero, the more ridiculous he can make it sound, the better for his bets

6) Rox and Braham probably haven't really heard about it yet, and if they do, they'll probably laugh it off, while secretly being pretty spooked about it.

7) Getting back to Marjory, being a necromancer, she'll probably raise a brow but accept it quickly.


I do not believe GW2's story can afford to be in-depth enough to make anyone's reaction to this a relevant plot element, though. It is more likely that this will not be mentioned again.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> Resurrection was a thing in the past, so it isn't unheard of for someone to come back from the dead. It's a lost art, however, but on the same side, the Commander and his team(s) have a habit of finding lost arts and new arts.


I don't recall anyone bringing _themselves_ back from the dead, though. Uh, in Tyria, I mean.

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> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > Resurrection was a thing in the past, so it isn't unheard of for someone to come back from the dead. It's a lost art, however, but on the same side, the Commander and his team(s) have a habit of finding lost arts and new arts.


> I don't recall anyone bringing _themselves_ back from the dead, though. Uh, in Tyria, I mean.


Shiro Tagachi, technically...

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