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Engi race choice? (fashion doubt)


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Hey guys.

I've decided to boost an engineer at lvl 80, because from what I saw on youtube Scrapper and Holosmith seem a lot of fun, but I despise leveling core engi (not a fan of kits).

I've been watching some armours on gw2style to decide what race to pick, and while I would choose Charr, because they are just amazing, this time I've seen that there aren't many ''gold standard'' looks with the medium armor for Charr, and there are just A TON on humans.

So, is medium armor ''bad'' on charr fashion-wise? Should I go human or maybe Sylvari instead?

Not planning on going Asura (too tiny) or Norn, their walking animation is just not for me.

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My engi is a charr. the fashion problems are: most chest armors clipping with the tail. Most hats are clipping with the Horns. Claws on feet and hands will be visible and break through the armor. And the Most hats are looking strange IMO. Backpieces are more on the neck as on the back.

Armor in general looks mighty and big, thats the reason why i decided to play charr.

Skill animations on charr are really nice and i love them, using skills looks more agile and have more motion in it as other races.

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I have a Human Male and he looks great, but like mov said the Charr are awesome. You just have to deal with clipping (and some stretching) of armor... a lot. Better animations and a cooler racial look vs functionally having a worse look standing around at the bank in DR are what you have to decide between. Human vs Sylvari I can't help with as I don't even have a Sylvari yet.

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Charr are among the most challenging to dress & medium armor is the most frustrating of the three weights for the most people.


But that said, a creative player can make Charr engineers look every bit as fabulous as anything in the human female meta.


So go charr; don't let the naysayers delay you from your appointment with fashion destiny :)

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My most played character is a Charr Engineer. I've never had a problem finding armour that I like, but I do tend to stick with cultural options (not just on Charr medium but on most of my characters) and Leather Armour (which to me feels almost like a fourth cultural set since so many Charr NPCs wear it).


For me, the main issue is that many armour options don't accommodate the tail properly, and the selection of those that do seems somewhat random - although it does include the three cultural sets, and - I think - everything introduced from HoT onwards. I'd recommend making a Charr, and preview some wardrobe options in the bank as soon as you can to make sure there's something you like the look of. And make sure you check that it looks ok from the back - that's what you'll be seeing most of the time anyway!

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Charr and Asura both have great exclusive hair options from total make-over and hair make-over kits. My Charr, Krylla Siegebreaker, has a great look and I like both the cultural and Order armor options for her. The tail clipping will always be annoying, but you can mitigate it by using dyes and certain armors.


I really like my Charr because I get to display a giant hammer or shield depending on my current build. Backpacks also display well on Charr, especially the big, gaudy ones that can sometimes look ridiculous on other races.


I agree with the above comment, no matter what, make sure _you_ like how it looks from the back and when you're running, walking, and wielding.

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> @"jan.7915" said:

> Asura masterrace


My problem with an Asura Engineer is that the tech of the skills and kits don’t look Asura at all. That is why I personally went Charr with mine - the crude, improvised look of the gear fits them perfectly.


Granted though, Holosmith fixes it somewhat because their abilities look rather Asura-y, but still.



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A good post. Was just about to ask the same question. I currently have an asura engineer, and while cool looking, it doesn't really showcase the fashion war side due to it's size. Was thinking of creating a Sylvari holo. Don't see much of those around though. Concept issues maybe?

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> A good post. Was just about to ask the same question. I currently have an asura engineer, and while cool looking, it doesn't really showcase the fashion war side due to it's size. Was thinking of creating a Sylvari holo. Don't see much of those around though. Concept issues maybe?


I don't see any concept issues with a Sylvari Holosmith. Holosmiths harness the power of the Sun, plants harness the power of the Sun - it seems like a good match if you rationalise it like that.

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I had a Charr Engineer once but I deleted it because I was never happy with the way they looked. Went with the meta in this case :lol: But actually that has more to do with the fact that the T2 human medium cultural armor can be made to look like Heavy armor. I wanted a sword and board Holo knight. ^^

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> @"phs.6089" said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Charr_male_medium_armor


That only show the front. It's the backs that are generally awful and stretched with broken tail hole.


In regards to the OP, not sure why you think Asura are tiny... a max sized Asura is nearly as large as a min size human and they look kind of hilarious at that size. EIther way they are really the best because you can tell they truly **enjoy** killing stuff.


![](https://i.imgur.com/bstkBGu.jpg "")


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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > @"jan.7915" said:

> > Asura masterrace


> My problem with an Asura Engineer is that the tech of the skills and kits don’t look Asura at all. That is why I personally went Charr with mine - the crude, improvised look of the gear fits them perfectly.


> Granted though, Holosmith fixes it somewhat because their abilities look rather Asura-y, but still.




Deeply regret making my engi an asura for the reasons above. At the time I didn't have an asura character nor an engi so I went for it, but God playing core engi and scrapper feels like I am 20 years behind the rest of the asuras.

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> @"Ghostrider.6879" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > @"jan.7915" said:

> > > Asura masterrace

> >

> > My problem with an Asura Engineer is that the tech of the skills and kits don’t look Asura at all. That is why I personally went Charr with mine - the crude, improvised look of the gear fits them perfectly.

> >

> > Granted though, Holosmith fixes it somewhat because their abilities look rather Asura-y, but still.

> >

> >


> Deeply regret making my engi an asura for the reasons above. At the time I didn't have an asura character nor an engi so I went for it, but God playing core engi and scrapper feels like I am 20 years behind the rest of the asuras.


Which doesnt actually make sense since per the wiki. The Asura in the Dynamics college love Charr tech and as they say... if you cant attach it to a golem you blow it up. Guess what happens to turrets? And a dev compared that college to chemical engineering... elixirs anyone?


Well, or you could roleplay a mentally challenged Asura with a mere 220 IQ (or even lower!) that just loves to smash random things with his wrench.

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> @"Griever.8150" said:

> Engineer is probably one of the most fitting profession for them as well.


That is even canon. Iron Legion are the pioneers of the engineer profession, they are known for their skill and creativity at building machinery and stuff.

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > A good post. Was just about to ask the same question. I currently have an asura engineer, and while cool looking, it doesn't really showcase the fashion war side due to it's size. Was thinking of creating a Sylvari holo. Don't see much of those around though. Concept issues maybe?


> I don't see any concept issues with a Sylvari Holosmith. Holosmiths harness the power of the Sun, plants harness the power of the Sun - it seems like a good match if you rationalise it like that.


I went ahead and created a Sylvari holo. Ill post a pic next time im online but I’m really pleased with how his fashion war turned out. I went for a sort of cybernetic plant theme lol. Using sword and board, its very cool looking (imo)

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> @"Tommo Chocolate.5870" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > A good post. Was just about to ask the same question. I currently have an asura engineer, and while cool looking, it doesn't really showcase the fashion war side due to it's size. Was thinking of creating a Sylvari holo. Don't see much of those around though. Concept issues maybe?


> I don't see any concept issues with a Sylvari Holosmith. Holosmiths harness the power of the Sun, plants harness the power of the Sun - it seems like a good match if you rationalise it like that.


I play an Sylvari Holo. I'm not sure how many Sylvari Engineers there are but I've had mine since launch and I have never looked back.


![](https://i.imgur.com/mhQqjTS.jpg "")


Here are some of my other looks though at my [GW2Styles profile](https://gw2style.com/profile.php?id=19728 "GW2Styles profile") if you want inspiration. I'm always thinking up new looks too.


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