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Missing gems

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I have contacted support and no one can help me. On April 3 or about I submitted a ticket about how I forgot my password. It was reset and when I logged in I was in discord with a friend and said wow I have 11k gems that crazy I haven't played in so long and I left that many on my account. Well I went on vacation and forgot my password and on June 9 I put in a ticket and said I needed to reset and then found my password. I dismissed the ticket. I did all the updates and now I AM MISSING 8K GEMS. I have been asking tech support since June to find my gems. Where did they go? Why am I missing them? The history does not show them being used so where did they go? Anyone else have this issue. This is stealing......

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They said that I spent it a long time ago. I know I didn't and know what I saw and my friend does too. I had to resend another message to clarify that On April 2018 I saw them and then June 2018 it was gone after updates. I even asked them to roll back my account because I have not done anything on that would worry me of losing . To answer

your question here is what they said:


Thank you for your patience as we look into this issue for you! I apologize for the wait as we have been swamped with a massive ticket queue due to a large influx of new and returning players.


After researching your account, it seems as though nearly all your gems were converted to gold except for a few select gem purchases. Considering this, are you still in need of assistance in this situation?


Please let us know as soon as you can, we look forward to your reply!




I did not transfer any gems to gold even my history is blank on that. I ve looked..... still no answer and nothing.... I really believe that from April 2018 to June 2018 someone on their side took my gems cuz they are gone, and NO I did not spend them....

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There is no record when one exchanges Gems to Gold, as far as I know; I know there isn't when exchanging Gold to Gems. Is it possible someone else 'borrowed' your account? Friend, relative, evil little brother/sister?


Since you believed it was 'crazy' that there were that many Gems on your account when logging in, perhaps _that_ was the error, and was subsequently fixed?


Good luck.

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Honestly, since you didn't even remember getting that many gems before leaving the game the first time, it seems as though:


1. Your account was compromised somehow, and someone else bought those gems before you came back.

2. You did actually get the gems before leaving, and then someone else used your account to transfer gems-to-gold after you came back to the game.

3. The gems were sent to you in error and were subsequently removed once the error was seen. (Although, I would imagine there would be a record of this if this did happen.)

4. You might be leaving out parts of the story.


So, I'd continue communicating with support to try to figure out what's going on.

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My account password would take years to hack. I make it very complex and no I do not give out my information to anyone that is stupid to do so, and I question why people think that friends wont get your account banned thinking its funny. This is what my password looks like up to 24 letters, numbers, and special characters that is all scrambled up that is why I couldn't remember it. Secondly I left due to medical issues not something I left over time because I got bored of a game, it was sudden and abrupt. So at that point gems were the last thing on my mind. Again I logged in April and said holy crap Timeblazer ( my friend in discord) I have close to 11k gems. This is how I know what gems I have. I opened a ticket in June and then they are gone when i relog into guild wars. This just seems odd. They keep looking at transactions and gold exchange but if I didn't do anything but buy the Black Lion Glyph Selection Container for zero gems in April and then log back in in June there. I feel that someone is moving gems across accounts.

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> @"RoseofGilead.8907" said:

> Honestly, since you didn't even remember getting that many gems before leaving the game the first time, it seems as though:


> 1. Your account was compromised somehow, and someone else bought those gems before you came back.

> 2. You did actually get the gems before leaving, and then someone else used your account to transfer gems-to-gold after you came back to the game.

> 3. The gems were sent to you in error and were subsequently removed once the error was seen. (Although, I would imagine there would be a record of this if this did happen.)

> 4. You might be leaving out parts of the story.


> So, I'd continue communicating with support to try to figure out what's going on.


Besides this, if you can't remember your password, why are you so sure you remember whether you did or didn't spend the gems in some way? Sure, the one is so complex it "would take years to hack" and the other involves merely simple transactions. But your story involves you forgetting the password twice in two months, forgetting that you had 11k gems — isn't it just as likely that you (a) misremembered the 11k gems, (b) forgot how they were used, or even © misread how many gems were on the account?


Regardless, if you are absolutely sure that you had 11k in April, spent nothing & converting nothing, and are therefore short ~3k by June, then there are only two other possibilities:

* Someone else is using your account

* Someone else was using your account


There are no confirmed cases that I've seen of the game losing gems. It's always turned out to be account stolen, account borrowed, or a mistake by the player (misremembered or misunderstood). There are several ways an impossible-to-hack-password-protected account can be compromised. There are also various ways ANet could check, including if there was activity on your account between when you went on vacation and when you returned (or when you stopped playing prior to 3 April and when you returned).


This might be a good opportunity to change the password on your email, use two-factor authentication on your email (and the game), and otherwise double check your overall security.

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I am not leaving out parts of the story its the truth. Do not imply I am lying about it because I am not, there is no reason to lie lol. This guy. I have never had my account compromised. I am asking them now but this has been going on for months with such a slow response. I did not ask for the activity since April thru June. I am asking them now about that to see what they say. Again, I am not lying about my issue, I would not post on a forum and lie about my experience.

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