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Did you like the collection for the Roller Beetle/Banner in the new LWS4 episode?

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Collections done and fully mastered now but it was buggy as anything. Plus for an added annoyance any XP in getting the beetle did not count towards the masteries. Also am back to 0 MP again so am dreading the next chapters if there are not more points available than ones that are needed.

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I only did the Beetle, and the poll asks for both collection Hence I chose "Other".

The Beetle was easy and fun. I did it without any trouble.

I wont touch the "Banner" though. Because I dont like the Banner, wore Ammoon Banner once when I first played Gw2 and will never wear any Banner again. I still dont know why did I wear "Ammoon Banner"? Silly me.

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The Beetle collection went smoothly for me. There were some problems you'd expect when thousands of players try to kill the same mobs, but all in all it was a fun collection. 10/10


The banner collections had some issues imo. For the gandara collection it wasn't obvious which event would count for the cannons. Also the cannon events aren't part of the meta and are being neglected only weeks after the episode was released. Soloing them is very hard, so I failed them multiple times during peak hours! For the tyria collection I didn't like the temple events. Having to wait multiple hours for the event to appear isn't fun. During that time you can't even do anything else than waiting because the events are completed so quickly, you don't have any chance of getting back to the temple and getting participation before the event is finished. 7/10


As for your other question: I don't consider these collections to be quests. These are achievements. Well ok, the rollerbeetle has questlike elements, but it's still more of an achievement than a quest.

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