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Share your feelings on the current state of the game ?☕️

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For the most part, I think the state of the game is better than ever. But let's start with the bad things first.


The game is far from perfect. It's very hard to get into it as a new player, since it's quite different from your typical MMO, and the overwhelming amount of mechanics and clunky systems drive new players away quite easily, especially because the game does a poor job introducing itself properly. Most of the time you'll have to consult other players, the wiki, dulfy, youtube and such to get the hang of things. Aside from that, there are various outdated and clunky systems and problems in general; the uncustomizable UI, the lack of build templates, the stupid transmutation charge system, balance issues, toxic PvP community, the list goes on and on. This game has a ton of things other MMOs handle much, much better.


Not to mention that Anet has been swimming in bad press lately; the mountgate, serious bugs, balance issues, patch launch issues and the Jessica Price incident for starters. Some people are worried about Anet's capability of keeping the game up and alive.


But then there are the good things, and IMO they greatly outweight the bad things. Once you get to know it and once you accept the bad things, the game is simply amazing. There is SO MUCH content, and the content is goooood. Free Living World releases, great story, great expansions, great endgame. I've been playing for about three years nonstop, and there's always something I want to achieve. And I'm having fun while achieving it. Population-wise the game is very healthy, and there's something for everyone, casual or hardcore. Other MMOs may do some things better than GW2, but GW2 does most things better than other MMOs.

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I'm enjoying most of the content, and I think the overall state of the game is much better than it was a couple of years ago, but we're massively overdue for quite a few things:


a. better balancing and higher quality balance patches. Offensive power creep is out of control while defenses haven't been changed at all. Power and condi are still not particularly well balanced. Chrono and druid still dominate support too much due to excessive boon sharing. control and defense aren't really a thing when they should be. Once a quarter is not enough, and when we do get them they are very poor quality and small in scale for how long it takes to release them. Something is clearly very wrong with the work structure of the balance team. Probably a management problem. It desperately needs to be addressed. Quarterly patches should be much bigger in scope, and the ones we are currently getting quarterly should happen every 2-4 weeks.


b. PvP and WvW updates (will we ever get a 3rd WvW map?)


c. QoL updates and overhauls of outdated systems like the mechanics behind various attributes and how attributes are tied to gear. A cleaner attribute system that rebalances the effectiveness of various attributes is really needed. We also could use all kinds of other things like trait memory (at least, if not build templates) and supporting voiced dialogue for players guesting in another's story.


d. finishing the damn Revenant


e. UI issues. Lacking things as basic as simple explanation of what each trait line does. Way too many things are not intuitive and force players to research out of game, which is a huge turnoff for a lot of people.


f. We really need new weapon types to spice up the game instead of just recycling all the same ones over and over.

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Story wise, PoF and LWS4 hav been the lowest point of story so far.


Maps, PoF and LWS4, except sandswept isles, are not of the same quality of older content.


Class balance, I loved Mesmer, but I hated chrono at release. The recent changes and mirage gave life to Mesmer. But also, condi rev was killed in most game content, but which was the build that I played the most in the last 2 month pre PoF release.


As for overall balance, the Nov balance patch has essentially killed most condi builds in all content but raids. SPvP balance is a fucking mess. It is better than at release, but the devs are extremely slow.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> Personally i feel that the drive we could see in Arena Net back in 2012-2015 isn't really there any more.

The passion really does seem gone. I remember the enthusiasm ANET seemed to have in 2012-13, constantly iterating with ambition, doling out new seasonal events every quarter; I mean, SAB was an _April Fools joke_; that can be no less than the lovechild of serious passion. It's sad that HoT ended up being what pushed so many away, because it seems to be the last effort on ANET's part to really innovate in the game, and was simply kneecapped by poor execution.


Since then it really does feel like they're "going through the motions," and as a result, so am I. Repeat the same metas, fractals, and content, perhaps with slight changes or one or two new maps and some revised mechanics, for an expanding treadmill of gear which seems more redundant than appealing. Dread the new "balance" changes, dread the next announcement of "delays" or "content suspension,' all while the parade of outfits, gliders, mount skins, and Black Lion weapons arrive like clockwork every week or so.

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well im enjoying the game for the moment i so have 5k hours tho, ive been keeping my self entertained atm from spvp and some pve but im finding it difficult to work towards something in the game atm since im mostly a pvp player ive spent alotta time over the years slowly working towards a legendary and as of now i have hope predator and shining blade (engi main btw) and right now id like to work towards another one but i dont plan on getting a legendary hammer and i just cant figure out what the next elite spec is going to bring to engineer, id like if we could get some hype videos for the next elite specs or something atleast so i could get some hype on what i should or could be working towards because im getting close to dropping gw2 for the moment and playing something else

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It's still keeping me busy and somewhat engaged.. I have lots of achieves to do, lots of things to collect, craft and sell, but I can understand how some are less than interested at present.


The latest update seemed a little rushed and unfinished to me, the Main event in Kourna seems almost like a band aid content filler with one of the old throw a gazillion HP at a boss and let then #111111 to death.. the most interesting part of it is standing outside the chest room waiting in anticipation for a portal in and then see how many alts you can log in and get to loot it before the timer runs out... maybe its just me being a little hyper critical, but it all feels like they run out of time or ideas.. or maybe both.


What's more worrying is that there appears to me to be a lack of presence on their own forums now.. very little to no input into any threads in the first 2-3 pages in gen or support sections since last month and support tickets are taking way longer now than I can ever remember happening.. is it holiday season having an effect, is there just an over indulgence in issues to the point that they are swamped and struggling to come up for air, is it a content push internally going on, is it they cant be bothered to talk on their official forums anymore, has the latest dev firing event pushed them into their shells, or is there something else going on that's causing this pretty low ebb at present?

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I love the game and think it's the best MMO on the market.... but it also should be renamed Grind Wars 2 because there isn't much to the game besides that. I've also never been a fan of zergs and that's most of the game. Kinda like all the base game maps better than all the expansion maps except they are so easy they bore you to tears. I also don't think mounts made the game better I think they made it worse. Now the map means absolutely nothing and isn't dangerous... I don't think they can ever make a map big enough to compensate for the movement speed now. Kinda craving Classic WoW actually. As for GW2 idk what I would change in the game, but I know I haven't had a memorable moment when playing with my friends since they started playing this last expansion. Just running through checklists as fast as we can not caring about anything in the world.

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I gave up on hoping that ArenaNet is sufficiently competent to do some proper balancing. I'm getting more and more fed up with game modes where performance does matter. I started raiding 4 months ago and it was really fun at the beginning. I finished my first legendary armor-set this week and now I'm properly fed up with raiding because the class I play is considered trash-tier due to horrible balancing. I haven't even seen stuff like Dhuum yet but then I'm just too demotivated to really care anymore. That also includes stuff like 99 and 100 CM which I won't ever see anyway if I want to continue to play the class I like to play. I have no idea why ArenaNet created condition damage in the first place since its pretty useless apart from a few select raid-bosses. It's also quite disheartening that GW2 is un- if not asocial. Sure, you have some banter during open-world-events, but that doesn't really carry over to other content. Even raiding feels more or less like playing a single-player-game with sometimes more, but often rather less competent NPC-allies due to the strict class-system which is a lot more strict than trinity-based games.


I really hope that at least the open-world-content will improve again. Some aspects in Episode 2 were nice. I enjoyed the Magnetics Lab. But Episode 3 was so very useless in its own regard. Maybe ArenaNet really should revise their current LW-formula. Creating more and more maps that will die rather fast anyway doesn't seem that useful. I really miss large-scale meta-events. They could also just create some new world bosses again. Maybe not something as complex as Triple Trouble, but at least something more complex than your typical zergfests. I'd also love to see some new large-scale JPs again, even though it's probably weird to ban mounts from certain areals of new maps.

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Boring, fractals are getting stale to me, raids have been stale to me since 2 weeks after w5, necro is in the gutter again and so I'm playing my chrono/druid more as none of the other professions appeal to me as much as scourge did (even these 2 don't appeal to me the same way necro does, I just play them since I like support classes), I find crafting legendaries to be a boring grind, wvw is either a laggy blob fest or a barren wasteland.

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The biggest problem of the game to me is the scaling. And what i mean by scaling is the number of hits your toon or boss your facing takes before dying. For PVE your toon should be much more survivable than they currently are across all professions and all weapon sets. Random mobs bursting player should be trimmed. I should be able to use melee weapons instead of just ranged beginner weapons. For Bosses it shouldnt take 20 min to kill them in PVE. If I die once cause I dont know mechanics, I still hate it. But once I am familiar I shouldnt be bursted down to death, by no-tells, no-dodge. The fascination with killing the player character or wasting time with a boss health bar is ridiculous.


Also for armors if you guys have trouble making new ones then open up the game to modders. Sick of wearing the same stuff on my toons. I need bikini armor 30 pack.


Oh and beetle boost, beetle boost, beetle boost. Please add more boosts to beetle that are accessible when its summoned.


Basically just give us stuff that make the game seem fun instead of frustrating, so time flies and there is much less complaining.


Aurora collection is another that deserves a mention. All the collections are locked behind other locks and this is supremely frustrating; ; like Draconis Mons for druid fragments. And is Aurora supposed to go in a shared slot in inventory. Only got 20 slots which is the max atm. When can we have a toy bar, a music instrument bar, a portal bar.


Please add Lava Lounge event to kill the flute player so he dont respawn for 24 hours or so. Say he is Mursaat spy or something. I always mute the game when i am there.


Cool downs for off hand weapons please drastically reduce them or make them main elites for next expac. I want to use my ipos, minstrel, shields. All the good stuff I made more frequently.


Please add more RP elements in DR. The houses and city are there to make huge improvements on in interactable options.



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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> I gave up on hoping that ArenaNet is sufficiently competent to do some proper balancing. I'm getting more and more fed up with game modes where performance does matter. I started raiding 4 months ago and it was really fun at the beginning. I finished my first legendary armor-set this week and now I'm properly fed up with raiding because the class I play is considered trash-tier due to horrible balancing. I haven't even seen stuff like Dhuum yet but then I'm just too demotivated to really care anymore. That also includes stuff like 99 and 100 CM which I won't ever see anyway if I want to continue to play the class I like to play. I have no idea why ArenaNet created condition damage in the first place since its pretty useless apart from a few select raid-bosses. It's also quite disheartening that GW2 is un- if not asocial. Sure, you have some banter during open-world-events, but that doesn't really carry over to other content. Even raiding feels more or less like playing a single-player-game with sometimes more, but often rather less competent NPC-allies due to the strict class-system which is a lot more strict than trinity-based games.


> I really hope that at least the open-world-content will improve again. Some aspects in Episode 2 were nice. I enjoyed the Magnetics Lab. But Episode 3 was so very useless in its own regard. Maybe ArenaNet really should revise their current LW-formula. Creating more and more maps that will die rather fast anyway doesn't seem that useful. I really miss large-scale meta-events. They could also just create some new world bosses again. Maybe not something as complex as Triple Trouble, but at least something more complex than your typical zergfests. I'd also love to see some new large-scale JPs again, even though it's probably weird to ban mounts from certain areals of new maps.


We must be playing different games

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Raizel.8175" said:

> > I gave up on hoping that ArenaNet is sufficiently competent to do some proper balancing. I'm getting more and more fed up with game modes where performance does matter. I started raiding 4 months ago and it was really fun at the beginning. I finished my first legendary armor-set this week and now I'm properly fed up with raiding because the class I play is considered trash-tier due to horrible balancing. I haven't even seen stuff like Dhuum yet but then I'm just too demotivated to really care anymore. That also includes stuff like 99 and 100 CM which I won't ever see anyway if I want to continue to play the class I like to play. I have no idea why ArenaNet created condition damage in the first place since its pretty useless apart from a few select raid-bosses. It's also quite disheartening that GW2 is un- if not asocial. Sure, you have some banter during open-world-events, but that doesn't really carry over to other content. Even raiding feels more or less like playing a single-player-game with sometimes more, but often rather less competent NPC-allies due to the strict class-system which is a lot more strict than trinity-based games.

> >

> > I really hope that at least the open-world-content will improve again. Some aspects in Episode 2 were nice. I enjoyed the Magnetics Lab. But Episode 3 was so very useless in its own regard. Maybe ArenaNet really should revise their current LW-formula. Creating more and more maps that will die rather fast anyway doesn't seem that useful. I really miss large-scale meta-events. They could also just create some new world bosses again. Maybe not something as complex as Triple Trouble, but at least something more complex than your typical zergfests. I'd also love to see some new large-scale JPs again, even though it's probably weird to ban mounts from certain areals of new maps.


> We must be playing different games



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I like the game. Even if there are a few things I would like to be different, globally, I keep enjoying GW2 at all levels. I keep being amazed at the graphics and how rich are towns, landscapes, NPCs, dialogs, etc... I keep being amazed that after all those years (I play since beta), I have still not achieved to do all of the contents and even still have stuff to learn about.

For me, the game is simply incredibly rich in term of contents and freedom at what way to play. Each of us can do whatever he/she wants, the way suiting him/her the best. And of course, there are activities like raids that require more commitment, but well, even that is a choice. Nobody is forced to it. In short, in this game, if we don't like something, we leave it! As easy as that! It allows sort of "picking" behavior at activities and I believe it is what allows that all types of players can find something they like in the content.


At the top of it, the community is great apart from some rare exceptions (mostly over weekends), that never last for long.


As for the things I would like different, I don't see the point to talk about because like many other things in this game, it is a matter of personal taste and opinion. One will say something is boring while another will say no it is great. That's always like that and will always be like that, and that's the best proof that this game has many different sides allowing all of us to get fun at it in one way or another.


Thanks Anet. <3

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I think the game has VASTLY improved since launch. PvE and WvW are way more fun. The maps have grown larger and more beautiful, and more complex. The living story is phenomenal. Raids are amazing. I do wish raids were on a bigger scale tho, eg: Karazhan and Ulduar from WoW.


The only major complaint I have with the game is class balance. In raids, diversity could be improved greatly just by making all boons /buffs affect 10 people until they can totally revise the boon system. And pvp balance, well, that's just a mess. So many classes have one shot builds. Instant unavoidable death, sometimes from stealth. That's so unhealthy for the game. And Lack of game modes, as has been a constant complaint from launch.


All in all, this still remains the best mmo to me simply because of the art, casualness, and very little barriers for entry into difficult content such as raids/pvp. I played other games for months and never got to experience the end game content at all cause in all that time I never reached the barrier of entry for pvp simply because of how impossible the gear grind feels.


Gw2 does a lot of things right, But it can also stand to learn from other games that do some things better.

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Well, I personally dont have everything done. So for me i still have alot of legendaries to craft. Alot of AP i can go after. Enjoying wvw lately as im lucky that my server has been more active lately. Im a casual and i dont feel the need to get everything immediately. Bummed out that the new raid wasnt released but like i said i have plenty of other things to do.

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Beta player here, still having fun every day. :) As a casual PvPer I'm working on Dragon rank (2 more ranks to go, yay) and farming Istan to stock up on Gems for the anniversary sale which is my favorite time of the year (I want to buy a few shared slots). :P Plus I'm super excited about next week's event, I hope we'll get new skins! And of course I'm on a neverending mission to help guildies and newbies. :) The best part of MMOs is the people. It's that one content I can't get bored of because there is always someone who needs my help. <3

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Well, I just got back to do Path of Fire and I am enjoying a number of things in it. There's only really one thing that makes the game difficult to really give it a good review though because it affects pretty much everything you do, whether you like it or not: the combat.


So what I do mean with that? Well with it's 10 skills and weapon swapping and mostly running around dodging when it gets tougher you could say it's more dynamic than classic MMOs. I agree with that. But it does get old and especially because the game just won't leave you the frak alone. I think PoF has some gorgeous new areas and I like to explore them but it's not really exploring, it's mostly outrunning things or getting pulled into the same old combat again.


When going through maps there are just hardly any places where you can stop and look around and see where you want to go next without getting aggro again from something. Even inside bases or outpost there is no rest depending on where you are and you need to resort to going to your HoM or something but then I can't really look around. And because the combat is pushed on your constantly it also gets old.


I find it a shame that going around the maps is a choice between outrunning enemies or having to combat them in annoying combat. And you know, once you start in combat there's always some patrol and a veteran oh and another guy around the corner etc. I win, well most of the time, but it's just tiring to have to do this. So what I would like changed for me to play this game more often is the following:


* Have fewer mobs in general travel areas. You can have some areas where mobs are more concentrated for specific objectives but not everywhere.

* Have some aesthetic areas where there is actually peace and no red mobs are around. Just to be different.

* Shorten the aggro range of ranged enemies. This is also a great annoyance. You can't take two steps or dodge attacks or there's another aggro.

* Make some of the outposts safe zones as well as the vistas. The game has so much other stuff to offer but it always gets disturbed by yeah, more combat.

* Don't have mobs when you try to outrun them follow you half way around the map.

* And please let the combat make you feel a bit more powerful, like a hero. Enemies feel much more dangerous and tough than you, the Dragon slayer, are.


With all of that I do make a difference between general map areas and specific locations. Like in the Desolation map you have the Ruptured Heart. Well clearly that's a place where you can have your mobs be a bit tougher and more of them as it makes sense for that area. I'd just like to explore a lot of the map without being annoyed so much.


Also in encounters you get so many circles and what have ye on the ground that it's just dodge, dodge, dodge and hoping to stay alive while doing some occasional bursts and then you have to deal with their HP which just makes it a drag.


My view, which I hope I've supported with my reasons, is that because combat gets pushed on you constantly and it doesn't feel very satisfying, it gets boring quickly. At least to me. I'm certainly not the best player but I can't imagine that I'm the only one who feels this way either.


So overall I'd say I want to give the game a surprising 8/10 but it's going to be more like a 5 or 6 at best because it just annoys me to have to spend 10 seconds to kill every frikken eel or awakened or be constantly on my guard running around things. This game just goes too far in that and I don't really get it. The events that run on the map are a good vehicle for harder group content and I just don't see why the map exploration itself can't be more relaxed.


Just my view.


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I'm working on mending my perception of my ele, and I've gotten to the point where it doesn't make my heart sink as much to log onto, which is sort of good I guess. (I mostly PvP so how hard the big stick hits the stationary robot means nothing to me)


As for content, yes, it's very stale. Running around in the open world is relaxing, but gets boring fast. I would be a lot happier if they stopped nerfing my ele though. It's bottom tier (worse than every other profession by a significant margin) in PvP and they're STILL nerfing it.


At least it can hit an inanimate object pretty hard in pve though... I guess... XD

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