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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > > To;dr : Woe, doom and woe. I don't think so. Also try not to think about the game too much while disconnected. Posting here and there when you have a minute but otherwise you are over thinking it.

> >

> > It's not woe and doom, more like the game is going really slow , and after 6 years there is probably a reason, I personally don't think there is much to achieve by creating new content on a 12 yo engine that doesnt work well with today's technology


> I believe they already have another 6 years of content on the master timeline they're using for the game...the "white board" outline they started the game with.


I hope what you say will not happen, seeing people talk about how this small thing and that small thing is extremely complicated just grinds my gears, if you have a bad foundation that cannot be tolerated, why keep creating new content on it?

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> @"Diescream.8053" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > I am getting so tired of all these slug fest and not feeling powerful at all even against normal mobs. I think the boss fights would be good enough if they had half their HP as they do now and exploring the maps just gets tiresome when around every corner there is yet another mob to aggro you and it becomes difficult to just stand still and orient yourself or just look around. For me those things do kinda make it hard for me to enjoy the rest of it.


> But aggroing everything on the map and fighting for your life is the best part! It's why the Silverwastes is my favorite map in the game -- until it goes on cooldown.


Silverwastes is probably my least favourite, but also because I find it one of the ugliest maps as well.


I mean, people will have different preferences, so I can only speak for myself, but for me I actually really like the way particularly Path of Fire looks. The vanilla game looked very standard and though technically well done, I didn't really connect to it very well. HoT introduced some of the worst maps in my view, because they overcomplicated things and there things really got aggravating. Now Path of Fire I think the maps look very nice but I can't really enjoy the scenery because of "aggroing everything and fighting for your life" all the time. In this game I'm very casual. In other games I was much more involved in raiding but here that's not interesting to me. Also because I really get tired of just dancing around between twenty different circles on the ground all the time. And there's just a lot of HP all around which just makes my character feel completely unheroic to begin with. I mean I've slayed dragons and an ex-god but I still struggle with common mobs? I get that they can't make it too easy so that comparison is not completely fair but still. Normal mobs can beat me quite easily if I don't pay attention. So that makes the game less enjoyable from a casual point of view.


But I'm not going to tell you that you're wrong, because that's personally what you like, but I really don't understand that constantly fighting for your life stays fun for you. I get really annoyed every time I get aggro now. I know I can win, but I just find it annoying and the frequent combat also makes the combat very repetitive and therefore it bores me more quickly. That's my truth for me.


I think I really would give PoF an 8/10 if exploring would've been more relaxing. I don't just mean running around dodging combat till the next POI but actually travelling around, reaching hard to find places and taking in the scenery. I'd like there to be some sense in why red mobs are at certain places on the map rather than just littered around for your personal annoyance. They really did a lot of things right in PoF but since this aggro business is pretty much everywhere it takes the fun out of it for me. Also I'm doing the LS parts now and really some of these boss fights are just exercises in annoyance vs patience. It just makes me not want to take any alts through PoF.


It's different for different people but for me, there are a lot of things in this game that just take longer than they should or are simply annoying. That's why I can only enjoy this game for a month or two at a time and then I leave it for a year or two again. Truth is that as much as I like a lot of things in PoF, I've already gotten to the point where the fatigue starts setting in. Apparently you get excited every time you get aggro. I just get annoyed and think "oh here we go again" and I start looking for a place I can escape to because the combat is boring, takes too long and isn't rewarding in the end. So that's where I stand. I'm not saying that my will has to be done but when asked my opinion, this is it.

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Sounds a bit paranoid to me. I highly doubt that Anet is working on something else. In fact, I think they are already working on the 3rd GW2 expansion.


"people lose their interest more and more" - This always happens in MMOs, some people lose interest, some stick around, there are new and returning players, etc... Like I've been playing since beta, only took a break during my exams. I'm definitely not losing interest at all.

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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> > > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > > > @"Dreadshow.9320" said:

> > > > To;dr : Woe, doom and woe. I don't think so. Also try not to think about the game too much while disconnected. Posting here and there when you have a minute but otherwise you are over thinking it.

> > >

> > > It's not woe and doom, more like the game is going really slow , and after 6 years there is probably a reason, I personally don't think there is much to achieve by creating new content on a 12 yo engine that doesnt work well with today's technology

> >

> > I believe they already have another 6 years of content on the master timeline they're using for the game...the "white board" outline they started the game with.


> I hope what you say will not happen, seeing people talk about how this small thing and that small thing is extremely complicated just grinds my gears, if you have a bad foundation that cannot be tolerated, why keep creating new content on it?


Because a lot of the time although it's annoying it's not actually a big problem and not worth the effort to fix. We're in the same situation with a lot of things in my work. The database my department uses for _everything_ is about 15 years old now and as processes have changed over time it hasn't been kept up to date (it was a custom design by a company which is no longer around) so we have to use weird work-arounds to make the new processes work with the older systems. And there's lots of things which would be nice to have - like letting people log in remotely to access and update just their own details - which are impossible.


But it works well enough that we can do everything we need to do and most of what we'd like to do and replacing it will take a lot of time, a lot of money and probably cause a whole load of new problems (especially when it comes to transferring data across) so we can't justify doing it yet. At some point in the future it will have to be done and we're planning for that (trying to make sure when we do it we do it right so we don't have to re-do it in a couple of years, and trying to minimise the problems it will cause) but that doesn't mean it's going to happen this month or even this year.


I imagine it's the same with Arenanet. A lot of the things players want which they say are too difficult are things we can actually live without. Build templates for example (something which as far as I know most MMOs and most RPGs don't have). It would be nice to be able to save multiple builds and swap between them instantly. But it's not like we can't play without them so if it means delaying something else to make it happen it's probably not worth it.


I know people say they should stop making new Living Story releases, or even stop all new content, until they've fixed what they've got. But look at the reaction when they delayed one release to fix problems with that release. Imagine how much worse all the impatience would be if they said they were delaying everything to fix old problems.

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> @"FlyingK.9720" said:

> Considering when the game launched there were concerns over how dated the engine was and as time goes on old content has been left in stasis as it's too difficult to fix the old code. I really don't see this game continuing on forever. Anet needs a game with a more modern engine, better performance, better netcode. I don't see GW2 remaining the focus into the 2020's and beyond, as a result, I am eager to see what new things they can turn out.


By 2020 it won't be. The game has a 10 year life cycle, and thats about as far as you can take an MMO post launch without some major updates to the engine. Some games can port old content to that, but most can't. Some won't, because its easier to sell a new game then an existing one.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:


> Because a lot of the time although it's annoying it's not actually a big problem and not worth the effort to fix. We're in the same situation with a lot of things in my work. The database my department uses for _everything_ is about 15 years old now and as processes have changed over time it hasn't been kept up to date (it was a custom design by a company which is no longer around) so we have to use weird work-arounds to make the new processes work with the older systems. And there's lots of things which would be nice to have - like letting people log in remotely to access and update just their own details - which are impossible.


> But it works well enough that we can do everything we need to do and most of what we'd like to do and replacing it will take a lot of time, a lot of money and probably cause a whole load of new problems (especially when it comes to transferring data across) so we can't justify doing it yet. At some point in the future it will have to be done and we're planning for that (trying to make sure when we do it we do it right so we don't have to re-do it in a couple of years, and trying to minimise the problems it will cause) but that doesn't mean it's going to happen this month or even this year.


Yea you do have a point in the fact that if it works, it works and should not be touched but with a company like Anet you need to create a continuous line of new content towards your customers, in order to keep the revenue in a good position , if you start to delay your content because of problems in the system, or just the fact that you create content slower on the platform you use more than any competing platforms that exist today, it creates a direct impact on your ability to maintain your revenue - products success, which should be solved ASAP.

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But they are creating a [continuous line of new content](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Release#recent "continuous line of new content"). We had a Living story release in March, one in June, we're getting a festival tomorrow, and they've said they're going to release the next living world episode on schedule, meaning within 4 months of the last one.


No it doesn't include every feature, fix and change on everyone's wishlist, but that's not the same as not releasing new content.

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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> I feel that with every episode that passes by, or content that gets released the game gets slower, ideas are running out [...]


Funny. I have the exact opposite impression as I find that the game has immensely improved story-wise with the release of PoF (and the writing finally shows high quality again since LWS 4).

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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:


> > Because a lot of the time although it's annoying it's not actually a big problem and not worth the effort to fix. We're in the same situation with a lot of things in my work. The database my department uses for _everything_ is about 15 years old now and as processes have changed over time it hasn't been kept up to date (it was a custom design by a company which is no longer around) so we have to use weird work-arounds to make the new processes work with the older systems. And there's lots of things which would be nice to have - like letting people log in remotely to access and update just their own details - which are impossible.

> >

> > But it works well enough that we can do everything we need to do and most of what we'd like to do and replacing it will take a lot of time, a lot of money and probably cause a whole load of new problems (especially when it comes to transferring data across) so we can't justify doing it yet. At some point in the future it will have to be done and we're planning for that (trying to make sure when we do it we do it right so we don't have to re-do it in a couple of years, and trying to minimise the problems it will cause) but that doesn't mean it's going to happen this month or even this year.

> >

> Yea you do have a point in the fact that if it works, it works and should not be touched but with a company like Anet you need to create a continuous line of new content towards your customers, in order to keep the revenue in a good position , if you start to delay your content because of problems in the system, or just the fact that you create content slower on the platform you use more than any competing platforms that exist today, it creates a direct impact on your ability to maintain your revenue - products success, which should be solved ASAP.


And then everyone kicks up a fuss whenever something is rushed and doesn't work. Its a damned if you do and damned if you don't...... unless its a continuous stream of miracles, the all around impact if "negative" in the eyes of consumers.

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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> TL:DR - I feel like the devs are preparing to switch their attention to another game due to the bad direction that the story has taken with time or the fact that implementing new content or fixing old content becomes way more complicated than it should be because of bad foundations.


Not seeing anything to support this theory.


> I feel that with every episode that passes by, or content that gets released the game gets slower, ideas are running out and people lose their interest more and more


We got a new mount (which is very unique) in the last episode so I'm not sure where this "running out of ideas" comes from.

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> @"ProtoGunner.4953" said:

> Don't overexaggerate. PoF maps have just one problem: there are too few safe zones. That's really true. You constantly aggro, even on the 'official' paths between locations. Also the aggro-leash is hilariously long. It takes ages to de-aggro on foot.


I agree. I love combat and I can take on far more than PoF ever throws at me even in the most mob-dense areas with veterans and elites. But the mob density and aggro range are so ridiculous in most areas that you end up having to clear everything within a square mile just to get out of combat. Then you have to find some tall rock pinnacle or cliff where no enemy can possibly reach you if you want a moment to stop fighting because within seconds something else will come rushing at you from a mile away to attack.


I find it extremely annoying and I don't understand why the difference in aggro range. Why do those stupid sand eels and forged snipers have to spot you from so far off? Does this add something to the game?

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> >

> > > Because a lot of the time although it's annoying it's not actually a big problem and not worth the effort to fix. We're in the same situation with a lot of things in my work. The database my department uses for _everything_ is about 15 years old now and as processes have changed over time it hasn't been kept up to date (it was a custom design by a company which is no longer around) so we have to use weird work-arounds to make the new processes work with the older systems. And there's lots of things which would be nice to have - like letting people log in remotely to access and update just their own details - which are impossible.

> > >

> > > But it works well enough that we can do everything we need to do and most of what we'd like to do and replacing it will take a lot of time, a lot of money and probably cause a whole load of new problems (especially when it comes to transferring data across) so we can't justify doing it yet. At some point in the future it will have to be done and we're planning for that (trying to make sure when we do it we do it right so we don't have to re-do it in a couple of years, and trying to minimise the problems it will cause) but that doesn't mean it's going to happen this month or even this year.

> > >

> > Yea you do have a point in the fact that if it works, it works and should not be touched but with a company like Anet you need to create a continuous line of new content towards your customers, in order to keep the revenue in a good position , if you start to delay your content because of problems in the system, or just the fact that you create content slower on the platform you use more than any competing platforms that exist today, it creates a direct impact on your ability to maintain your revenue - products success, which should be solved ASAP.


> And then everyone kicks up a fuss whenever something is rushed and doesn't work. Its a damned if you do and damned if you don't...... unless its a continuous stream of miracles, the all around impact if "negative" in the eyes of consumers.


I think there is a lot of space between releasing "miracles" and releasing buggy, unfinished content after a significant delay. I've been more than pleased with the pace and quality of content releases since LS3 began, but this latest episode was well below standard, in my opinion. The story itself was fairly interesting and enjoyable, but still had a "rushed" feeling to it. And the map felt downright incomplete! The fact that the release was significantly delayed and riddled with game-breaking bugs didn't help matters.


I don't think it's unreasonable to expect better than this from ANet. This was easily the worst content release I've seen from them since I started playing and you bet I'm disappointed with it!

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> But they are creating a [continuous line of new content](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Release#recent "continuous line of new content"). We had a Living story release in March, one in June, we're getting a festival tomorrow, and they've said they're going to release the next living world episode on schedule, meaning within 4 months of the last one.


> No it doesn't include every feature, fix and change on everyone's wishlist, but that's not the same as not releasing new content.


The festival is a filler, and if I may say - a last resort filler. the living world episodes are great - story wise, the map is wasted if you'd ask me, this is content that will most likely never gonna get touched by players that finished the beetle collection for example, unless Anet will revamp the meta for it, im talking about Kourna and Sandswept isles btw, that had a tediously long time between them for absolutely no reason, we got ourselves a new fractal that people are starting to hate - mostly because it was not worth the 7 months wait for many reasons and so on...



> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > I feel that with every episode that passes by, or content that gets released the game gets slower, ideas are running out [...]


> Funny. I have the exact opposite impression as I find that the game has immensely improved story-wise with the release of PoF (and the writing finally shows high quality again since LWS 4).


Well, I mostly thought about the personal story when I said I was disappointed, the LWS4 is pretty much the only one I've enjoyed so far, maybe its the meta events that ruined it to me, seeing only 2 squads filled with barely 5 people, no event that will hold the peoples attention for longer than a month.

also Palawadan is just braindead farming and i'm afraid of losing any more brain cells :p .



> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > TL:DR - I feel like the devs are preparing to switch their attention to another game due to the bad direction that the story has taken with time or the fact that implementing new content or fixing old content becomes way more complicated than it should be because of bad foundations.


> Not seeing anything to support this theory.


> > I feel that with every episode that passes by, or content that gets released the game gets slower, ideas are running out and people lose their interest more and more


> We got a new mount (which is very unique) in the last episode so I'm not sure where this "running out of ideas" comes from.


Unique it is, I fully agree, every time I stare at the mounts I get blown away over and over again, their mechanics are just perfect in every aspect and each one has a place of his own in the matter of traversing the land, Petey could've been better tho, his place is not solid for me, you can move extremely fast across big instances but it should have mechanics more like the raptor to maneuver without getting stuck in bushes and trees every second across this instance , this is where they screwd up, at least for me.


When I say turning their attention towards a new game, that's my feeling after reading so many lore articles and posts, the game just seems to go nowhere at this point - the gods have departed, dragons are no longer an option of killing, Bubbles is asleep and should stay like this - I hope we don't get an UW expac- the mechanics would be horrible, the sea is just not a good place to explore, its a nightmare for the devs and for the players, unless we go to somewhere completely new(Bubbles can breath above water and will move to land).


doing the whole "time has passed so we recreated the map to feel like this" will just feel boring unless they will make a major change to the area , but at this point I think they will just add Cantha because it already exists in GW1 so they will have easy time recreating it and its the msot wanted area in GW2 to create an expac on :'( .



> @"Alchimist.4738" said:

> There is nothing that support OP's speculation, quite the contrary if they wanted to move to something else they clearly wouldn't waste time with living world, Guild Wars 2 is far from dying.


They probably don't want to move without concluding the story I guess, they don't want to leave us hanging.


> @"aspirine.6852" said:

> Hmm I'M spending more on the game than ever. Sure hope it is not ending soon. I would say let's explore the rest of the current map first before we end it ?


Yeah I think that's what they are planning, the engine can't get dragged like this forever, if they'll make a major update to the engine then ill be happy, getting demolished 10 fps in 50 player groups with the lowest settings on a computer that I bought way after the release of the game is just sad for me.


> @"perilisk.1874" said:

> If they're distracted, it's more likely by the next expansion than an all-new game.


I wish the expansion will get released after the 4th episode, I just wish.

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> @"AliamRationem.5172" said:

> > @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > > > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > >

> > > > Because a lot of the time although it's annoying it's not actually a big problem and not worth the effort to fix. We're in the same situation with a lot of things in my work. The database my department uses for _everything_ is about 15 years old now and as processes have changed over time it hasn't been kept up to date (it was a custom design by a company which is no longer around) so we have to use weird work-arounds to make the new processes work with the older systems. And there's lots of things which would be nice to have - like letting people log in remotely to access and update just their own details - which are impossible.

> > > >

> > > > But it works well enough that we can do everything we need to do and most of what we'd like to do and replacing it will take a lot of time, a lot of money and probably cause a whole load of new problems (especially when it comes to transferring data across) so we can't justify doing it yet. At some point in the future it will have to be done and we're planning for that (trying to make sure when we do it we do it right so we don't have to re-do it in a couple of years, and trying to minimise the problems it will cause) but that doesn't mean it's going to happen this month or even this year.

> > > >

> > > Yea you do have a point in the fact that if it works, it works and should not be touched but with a company like Anet you need to create a continuous line of new content towards your customers, in order to keep the revenue in a good position , if you start to delay your content because of problems in the system, or just the fact that you create content slower on the platform you use more than any competing platforms that exist today, it creates a direct impact on your ability to maintain your revenue - products success, which should be solved ASAP.

> >

> > And then everyone kicks up a fuss whenever something is rushed and doesn't work. Its a damned if you do and damned if you don't...... unless its a continuous stream of miracles, the all around impact if "negative" in the eyes of consumers.


> I think there is a lot of space between releasing "miracles" and releasing buggy, unfinished content after a significant delay. I've been more than pleased with the pace and quality of content releases since LS3 began, but this latest episode was well below standard, in my opinion. The story itself was fairly interesting and enjoyable, but still had a "rushed" feeling to it. And the map felt downright incomplete! The fact that the release was significantly delayed and riddled with game-breaking bugs didn't help matters.


> I don't think it's unreasonable to expect better than this from ANet. This was easily the worst content release I've seen from them since I started playing and you bet I'm disappointed with it!


Agree with every word.

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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> When I say turning their attention towards a new game, that's my feeling after reading so many lore articles and posts, the game just seems to go nowhere at this point - the gods have departed, dragons are no longer an option of killing, Bubbles is asleep and should stay like this - I hope we don't get an UW expac- the mechanics would be horrible, the sea is just not a good place to explore, its a nightmare for the devs and for the players, unless we go to somewhere completely new(Bubbles can breath above water and will move to land).


We still have to deal with Kralkatorik. That can open up many options

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I think it's highly unlikely they're developing a new game. MMO studios aren't like companies who make single-player games - who make a game and then immediately start making their next one (if they weren't already working on it) while maybe a small team makes some expansions or extra content to keep players busy. MMOs typically get constant development even after release, so it takes up a lot of time and resources.


> Arenanet have been around for 18 years now and they've only ever made 2 games - Guild Wars 1 and Guild Wars 2. They don't have anything else to focus on and launching a new game would require a lot of planning, including careful handling of the PR. If they just came out and said "Hey so we're forgetting about GW2 and making this instead" they'd get a lot of angry and confused people overshadowing any positivity.


Taking into account that things have barely improved, i wouldn't be surprised if they were working on GW3 ideas.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > When I say turning their attention towards a new game, that's my feeling after reading so many lore articles and posts, the game just seems to go nowhere at this point - the gods have departed, dragons are no longer an option of killing, Bubbles is asleep and should stay like this - I hope we don't get an UW expac- the mechanics would be horrible, the sea is just not a good place to explore, its a nightmare for the devs and for the players, unless we go to somewhere completely new(Bubbles can breath above water and will move to land).


> We still have to deal with Kralkatorik. That can open up many options


I guess we'll just have to wait and see, although I can see Aurene taking in a good chuck of that energy from Kralk after we will put him to sleep and that should conclude something... maybe waking something else up again smh

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> @"Mea.5491" said:

> Sounds a bit paranoid to me. I highly doubt that Anet is working on something else. In fact, I think they are already working on the 3rd GW2 expansion.


> "people lose their interest more and more" - This always happens in MMOs, some people lose interest, some stick around, there are new and returning players, etc... Like I've been playing since beta, only took a break during my exams. I'm definitely not losing interest at all.


From what I've seen there seem to be a fair amount of people playing still. What's more important for ArenaNet is how much people are spending. So far, aside from the spikes of the expansion releases the quarterly revenue keeps going down. We'll know soon if that is still the case after PoF in a couple of weeks. My guess is that there are enough people playing but maybe not enough paying. However, it is unknown how much revenue is needed for them to keep GW2 going so there is no reason to assume doom scenarios at this stage.


I've played a lot of SWTOR over the years and I think that game is in more trouble than GW2. They are down to 5 servers, two of which are still decently populated. Not so good for a game that started with 200 servers. Anyways, GW2 doesn't have a server set up like that. I did notice a stronger focus on the Gem store and that can be an indication that they're trying to boost revenue. The numbers say that the PoF peak was about as significant for revenue as HoT, however, with the RNG mount skin packs and such, part of that success me also be from increased spending on Gem store items.


It does show that the expansion releases are very important as they said years ago. There will be a point though where they're going to have to decide whether it's worth continuing with GW2 or do a new game. They can go different ways about that. One way is that they announce a new game at the moment people expect a new expansion release. That would give them time to start on it for a year or longer and then when they announce no new expansion will be coming, they will be able to at least give people something to look forward to in the not too distant future. So I get why people might think this scenario might be happening now, but if GW2 is still making enough money for them, it'd make more sense to make at least one more expansion. Cantha probably ;) Then go on to making the next game and doing small patch updates in GW2 still to keep people at least a bit happy here. But it's all speculation anyway. In the end we really have no idea where it's at for ArenaNet.


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> @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Nopesarenotforme.5190" said:

> > > When I say turning their attention towards a new game, that's my feeling after reading so many lore articles and posts, the game just seems to go nowhere at this point - the gods have departed, dragons are no longer an option of killing, Bubbles is asleep and should stay like this - I hope we don't get an UW expac- the mechanics would be horrible, the sea is just not a good place to explore, its a nightmare for the devs and for the players, unless we go to somewhere completely new(Bubbles can breath above water and will move to land).

> >

> > We still have to deal with Kralkatorik. That can open up many options


> I guess we'll just have to wait and see, although I can see Aurene taking in a good chuck of that energy from Kralk after we will put him to sleep and that should conclude something... maybe waking something else up again smh


Won't "conclude" anything. We can't kill the Elder Dragons so we must find something -else- in order to defeat them without killing them. Maybe Aurene will take Kralkatorik's place as the crystal elder dragon. Then we'll have to find ways to defeat the last remaining active Dragon (Bubbles is all that's left), defeat/replace him too. Then we'll need to go back and do something about the dragons we sent to sleep (Jormag/Primordus) and of course at some point we might need to replace Zhaitan and Mordremoth as well, to keep things balanced. There is lots of story about the Dragons still to be had, that wouldn't fit in LS4, and it the mean time we might get another "Balthazar" to shake things up, like how we got Joko. Story-wise we aren't anywhere near the end.

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