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Who thought a 3v2v1 was a good idea?!


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When relinking happens, JQ will bundled with other servers for a more balanced fight. In the short term it sucks for the next six weeks or so until that happens. ANet could step in and manually rebalance early which might be a good idea. That said, we forum users voted that relinks should be done less frequently a while back so "we the people" in a sense did this to ourselves.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> Bandwagon is very real; and it's only going to get worse. And yes, it's the result of going to places where you can win more easily. But that's very much the case for every casual player in the game, with no interest in improving or getting stronger or fair fights. Not so much for the fight guilds that actually aimed for quality fights - even if those are few and far in between. If those guilds don't exist anymore? RIP WvW all together.


I would argue that that is exactly the case for many so called "fight guilds" at least on NA. I've played around and with a lot of "fight guilds" on NA in my time and if there's one thing they've all had in common it's that none of them liked to lose. I've even played with some guilds who hated losing much more than they actually even enjoyed winning. "Fight guilds" all seem to form around the one shared goal of combining their powers as players to make sure they don't ever have to suffer the indignity of loss ever again and that's why they bandwagon just like pugs do and it's why they tend to be as fairweatherish about the game as anyone else . The goal of a "fight guild" should be to put themselves in positions where they will lose more consistently not where they will win more consistently but it's almost always the other way around. The goal should also be to serve their server not serve their own over inflated childish egos but it seems to almost always be the other way around. It is a rare "fight guild" that chooses a server because they know they're going to have it much harder every single day they play there and that they're probably going to lose at least as much as they win and this is why we get these "alliances" over and over on NA; too much ego not enough heart.



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> @"Grim West.3194" said:



> And JQ was never a pve server. It was the go to home of most of the RvR players from other games when GW2 launched. The original bandwagon WvW server. And that is where most of JQ's accounts come from to this day. Even though many of them stopped playing years ago.


True, it was a big landing pad for players from Aion and WAR, started there myself. But a lot of us left as the queues got insane when HOD dropped out a few weeks after launch. Most of the props for JQ's success go to it's massive SEA presence, long the largest by far in gw2. not it's NA. Pugs OR guilds.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > Bandwagon is very real; and it's only going to get worse. And yes, it's the result of going to places where you can win more easily. But that's very much the case for every casual player in the game, with no interest in improving or getting stronger or fair fights. Not so much for the fight guilds that actually aimed for quality fights - even if those are few and far in between. If those guilds don't exist anymore? RIP WvW all together.


> I would argue that that is exactly the case for many so called "fight guilds" at least on NA. I've played around and with a lot of "fight guilds" on NA in my time and if there's one thing they've all had in common it's that none of them liked to lose. I've even played with some guilds who hated losing much more than they actually even enjoyed winning. "Fight guilds" all seem to form around the one shared goal of combining their powers as players to make sure they don't ever have to suffer the indignity of loss ever again and that's why they bandwagon just like pugs do and it's why they tend to be as fairweatherish about the game as anyone else . The goal of a "fight guild" should be to put themselves in positions where they will lose more consistently not where they will win more consistently but it's almost always the other way around. The goal should also be to serve their server not serve their own over inflated childish egos but it seems to almost always be the other way around. It is a rare "fight guild" that chooses a server because they know they're going to have it much harder every single day they play there and that they're probably going to lose at least as much as they win and this is why we get these "alliances" over and over on NA; too much ego not enough heart.




This is well said.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > Bandwagon is very real; and it's only going to get worse. And yes, it's the result of going to places where you can win more easily. But that's very much the case for every casual player in the game, with no interest in improving or getting stronger or fair fights. Not so much for the fight guilds that actually aimed for quality fights - even if those are few and far in between. If those guilds don't exist anymore? RIP WvW all together.

> >

> > I would argue that that is exactly the case for many so called "fight guilds" at least on NA. I've played around and with a lot of "fight guilds" on NA in my time and if there's one thing they've all had in common it's that none of them liked to lose. I've even played with some guilds who hated losing much more than they actually even enjoyed winning. "Fight guilds" all seem to form around the one shared goal of combining their powers as players to make sure they don't ever have to suffer the indignity of loss ever again and that's why they bandwagon just like pugs do and it's why they tend to be as fairweatherish about the game as anyone else . The goal of a "fight guild" should be to put themselves in positions where they will lose more consistently not where they will win more consistently but it's almost always the other way around. The goal should also be to serve their server not serve their own over inflated childish egos but it seems to almost always be the other way around. It is a rare "fight guild" that chooses a server because they know they're going to have it much harder every single day they play there and that they're probably going to lose at least as much as they win and this is why we get these "alliances" over and over on NA; too much ego not enough heart.

> >

> >


> This is well said.


Interesting point of view. Maybe that could be used as a balancing tool: reward the "fight guilds" for helping underdog worlds.


For example credit war score delta directly to the guild. Multiplied by population or Glicko rating difference. Publish a leaderboard of the best WvW guilds in-game + other bragging rights to inflate the egos.

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That's the weak part of current link system, that happens once every 2 months, so the players can just move after linking and enjoy the "balance" they create that way. In the case of JQ, the alliance that formed there moved out, because JQ was closed, and it's easier to recruit and grow on an open server. Some players started forming alliances already, which creates huge imbalances in the current system (by stacking organized forces in a system based on "play hours"), and ArenaNet can't fix it (or don't want to, bit of both).


To me at least, was a huge surprise that many good players stayed on JQ, and unlike these forums, the atmosphere in the game is calm and free of crying. Because win or lose doesn't matter, but crying is maddening. So I really enjoy my last days on JQ, and though I have some ideeas, until the new system is in place, doesn't seem to be smart to move: every place will have pros and cons.


The upcoming re-linking may spread coverage a bit better, or just stack some time zones on top of each other, while the other side will have none, as usual (because ArenaNet just ignores time zone for now, even for the upcoming alliances, so population "balance" will never happen till they start doing it).

But even if they do spread it as well as they can, NA doesn't have enough players for 4 tiers anymore, so 3 tiers would be better.


WvW is losing players, and the continuous one sided coverage matches doesn't allow the game mode to heal. Some servers will continue to have "dead time zones" (maybe all of them do), and those times aren't fun for any sides involved.

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> @"Korgov.7645" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > > > Bandwagon is very real; and it's only going to get worse. And yes, it's the result of going to places where you can win more easily. But that's very much the case for every casual player in the game, with no interest in improving or getting stronger or fair fights. Not so much for the fight guilds that actually aimed for quality fights - even if those are few and far in between. If those guilds don't exist anymore? RIP WvW all together.

> > >

> > > I would argue that that is exactly the case for many so called "fight guilds" at least on NA. I've played around and with a lot of "fight guilds" on NA in my time and if there's one thing they've all had in common it's that none of them liked to lose. I've even played with some guilds who hated losing much more than they actually even enjoyed winning. "Fight guilds" all seem to form around the one shared goal of combining their powers as players to make sure they don't ever have to suffer the indignity of loss ever again and that's why they bandwagon just like pugs do and it's why they tend to be as fairweatherish about the game as anyone else . The goal of a "fight guild" should be to put themselves in positions where they will lose more consistently not where they will win more consistently but it's almost always the other way around. The goal should also be to serve their server not serve their own over inflated childish egos but it seems to almost always be the other way around. It is a rare "fight guild" that chooses a server because they know they're going to have it much harder every single day they play there and that they're probably going to lose at least as much as they win and this is why we get these "alliances" over and over on NA; too much ego not enough heart.

> > >

> > >

> >

> > This is well said.


> Interesting point of view. Maybe that could be used as a balancing tool: reward the "fight guilds" for helping underdog worlds.


> For example credit war score delta directly to the guild. Multiplied by population or Glicko rating difference. Publish a leaderboard of the best WvW guilds in-game + other bragging rights to inflate the egos.


I'm not sure if this is purely an economic issue with a purely economic fix though I enjoy trying to think of new incentive structures to promote noble behavior from guilds.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> They still had huge coverage and the ability to queue several maps. No problemo.


Yes, that *huge* coverage which simply let vabbi take T3 keeps in the middle of primetime because there is not enough to attempt a serious defense.


On the upside, the vabbi zerg karma train is easy to backcap. Their roaming parties are too busy spawncamping to be an issue.

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Well when you are in servers that pride on kdr, then you shouldn't be complaining.

We are in a match with JQ atm.

Couple days back, they were completely wiped off ebg.

So few of us stayed in their third and starter to upgrade stuff.

I saw no more than 5 JQ on map. Couple would take camps back and we'd flip it again.

So their keep is now T2 and DB attacks. As soon as DB is on inner, close to 50+ JQ just turn up out of nowhere to attack Jerri. Not sure if its a discord thing or something.

DB (which i will say is blobbed) took the keep and then got out and managed to wipe JQ.

What do you know........all JQ log off after that.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> Well when you are in servers that pride on kdr, then you shouldn't be complaining.

> We are in a match with JQ atm.

> Couple days back, they were completely wiped off ebg.

> So few of us stayed in their third and starter to upgrade stuff.

> I saw no more than 5 JQ on map. Couple would take camps back and we'd flip it again.

> So their keep is now T2 and DB attacks. As soon as DB is on inner, close to 50+ JQ just turn up out of nowhere to attack Jerri. Not sure if its a discord thing or something.

> DB (which i will say is blobbed) took the keep and then got out and managed to wipe JQ.

> What do you know........all JQ log off after that.


Log off? Or left that map? There is a large difference.


If they have one blob (Cloudify) they are going to map hop.

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