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Wondering ! Are people happy now, with the one shot meta (No Mesmer No Cry)

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Anything with burst one shots if you just stand there and can’t read it.


I have to really not be paying attention for a Mes, Ranger, Guard, etc. To one shot me.


Malicious back stab can **maybe** be brought into question due to the stealth window..


Over all it’s not really “one shot” unless you let it land. Besides it’s not like you can’t build bunky in response, but now these days:

1. Glass is no longer a free victory to heavy sustain.

2. Not as many passives and chain-able c/ds to carry survivability builds.


This shifts the meta, and more people will play power, but this is much healthier and all you have to do is learn to read a little.

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> @"Yukio blaster.9082" said:

> > @"Gwaihir.1745" said:

> > Even your loaded poll isn't going the way you wanted it to

> Actually it's going the way i need , knowing what the community thinks ......


If you wanted a legitimate poll with real community feedback, try not writing it in a loaded fashion. Here's an example:


"Do you feel the burst damage is overtuned presently?"

"A1): Yes A2:) No A3:) Maybe A3:) Other"


Let the community tell you what they think, don't shove words in their mouths.

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> @"alkaline.2938" said:

> I voted against the "one shot" meta.


> Not that I think its particularly over powered or anything. I just prefer a slightly higher time to kill. Eating a 30+k crit from a dead eye because someone failed to notice the mark is definitely the fault of the targeted player. However a single error ending a fight presumably before one person even knows it began seems more indicative of a twitch shooter rather then an mmo.


> To me a adrenaline pumping fight is fun, screaming boom headshot while seal clubbing is not.


> This is only personal preference, and not suggesting a balance change is needed.


Have you actually ever tried yelling "BOOM HEADSHOT" while landing 30k damage? Don't knock it until you've tried it.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"alkaline.2938" said:

> > I voted against the "one shot" meta.

> >

> > Not that I think its particularly over powered or anything. I just prefer a slightly higher time to kill. Eating a 30+k crit from a dead eye because someone failed to notice the mark is definitely the fault of the targeted player. However a single error ending a fight presumably before one person even knows it began seems more indicative of a twitch shooter rather then an mmo.

> >

> > To me a adrenaline pumping fight is fun, screaming boom headshot while seal clubbing is not.

> >

> > This is only personal preference, and not suggesting a balance change is needed.


> Have you actually ever tried yelling "BOOM HEADSHOT" while landing 30k damage? Don't knock it until you've tried it.



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There are very few builds that legit "oneshot". Only mesmers and thieves have actual oneshot builds, ( Stealth 25K vault builds, Mesmer stealth shatter 30k build ) and in both cases they must make MAJOR sacrifices to the rest of their build to be able to run it, in that they can really only do their combo then have to stay out of fights until it recharges - neither of these builds are considered meta as a result. Most of the "oneshot" complaints towards other classes such as Holosmith or S/S Revenant are actually a L2P problem due to poor reaction time as their "oneshot" is in fact multiple skills all with animation tells just in a short amount of time.


I suspect were the frustration comes is that once a players knows that another player has poor twitch reflexes, they will often farm that player all game to make the match a 4v5. I am very guilty of doing this on my rev. If I notice it takes a solid 2+ seconds for a certain player to react to the standard phase traverse S4-5-2 combo, I will make a note to explode that player every time I see them. I can understand my targets frustration, but at the same time it really is a l2p issue.

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I guess what he is talking about is, that Power Nero, Ranger and Holo dmg is completely out of hand and even worse, compared to a high risk build what is allowed to have high burst, these builds have high passive sustain/ high facetank ability and are ez to play. Most braindead spec maybe still core guard but these 3 classes are out of control atm.


Edit: Forgot Rev even tho Rev needs a little bit more skill than the others

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Things are alright as long as you play one of the braindead facetank classes with way too much dmg yourself. Everyone who wanna play a high risk build will be oneshotted by builds can facetak for days. Lucky i play power reaper so i am on the lucky facetank side passive proc everything without passive sustain to death very fast. But i don't lie to myself that i or anyone in this meta needs any skill to play. All casuals happy now?


Its not a oneshot meta, its bruiser meta with way too much dmg.

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> Things are alright as long as you play one of the braindead facetank classes with way too much dmg yourself. Everyone who wanna play a high risk build will be oneshotted by builds can facetak for days. Lucky i play power reaper so i am on the lucky facetank side passive proc everything without passive sustain to death very fast. But i don't lie to myself that i or anyone in this meta needs any skill to play. All casuals happy now?


> Its not a oneshot meta, its bruiser meta with way too much dmg.


Would not less damage be bunker meta, and more be true oneshot meta?

Not that balance is by any means perfect.

There's a handful of bunkery builds, but those builds are broken by boonrip or condi in most cases.



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This thread in a nutshell:

"lets argue technicalities of the OP's use of the phrase "one-shot" and totally ignore the obvious intent of the poll, which is that the damage in this meta is way to high"

> @"bravan.3876" said:

> I guess what he is talking about is, that Power Nero, Ranger and Holo dmg is completely out of hand and even worse, compared to a high risk build what is allowed to have high burst, these builds have high passive sustain/ high facetank ability and are ez to play. Most braindead spec maybe still core guard but these 3 classes are out of control atm.


> Edit: Forgot Rev even tho Rev needs a little bit more skill than the others


Power Reaper isn't even in the top 6 in terms of damage


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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> This thread in a nutshell:

> "lets argue technicalities of the OP's use of the phrase "one-shot" and totally ignore the obvious intent of the poll, which is that the damage in this meta is way to high"

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > I guess what he is talking about is, that Power Nero, Ranger and Holo dmg is completely out of hand and even worse, compared to a high risk build what is allowed to have high burst, these builds have high passive sustain/ high facetank ability and are ez to play. Most braindead spec maybe still core guard but these 3 classes are out of control atm.

> >

> > Edit: Forgot Rev even tho Rev needs a little bit more skill than the others


> Power Reaper isn't even in the top 6 in terms of damage


I play power reaper dude, the dmg is ridiulous and so easy to apply and the passive procs are just lame af. Almost as braindead as old scourge.

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> @"Azure The Heartless.3261" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > Things are alright as long as you play one of the braindead facetank classes with way too much dmg yourself. Everyone who wanna play a high risk build will be oneshotted by builds can facetak for days. Lucky i play power reaper so i am on the lucky facetank side passive proc everything without passive sustain to death very fast. But i don't lie to myself that i or anyone in this meta needs any skill to play. All casuals happy now?

> >

> > Its not a oneshot meta, its bruiser meta with way too much dmg.


> Would not less damage be bunker meta, and more be true oneshot meta?

> Not that balance is by any means perfect.

> There's a handful of bunkery builds, but those builds are broken by boonrip or condi in most cases.




No good balance is ez: when soemthing can facetank a lot than it should hit like a cotton ball. All the bruiser live from Anet being unable to balance the sustain- dmg relation. They have way too much dmg for the sustain they have. They can do everything more or less. They can hold a point even outnumebred for a bit, they can roam, they can teamfight, they can duel. Every high risk build gets highly outdmged by builds can facetank for ages, in every timeperiod longer than a second and that is just shit and don't need any skill to play. Forgiving af builds with high dmg and flexible roles in conquest.

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It’s funny when you think about it. Everyone was like “Oh Soulbeast this, Soulbeast that!”And yet, I see 1-2 holos in almost every plat game. It seems the regen scrapper didn’t stick cuz all engies are now holos with seemingly unlimited condi cleanse, double invulnerability, while still enjoying 3x+ modifiers even in healing gear. And the recent buff to elixirU that breaks stun for allies and grants aoe quickness the likes of **Time Warp** but in a neatly tucked in package on the toolbelt with a modest ~~34 ~~ 34.75 sec (traited) cooldown. Time Warp being on a 180 cd and not breaking stun. I’m sure there are other factors and it’s not all black and white. I’m just thinking out loud. It just feels like ANET decided ok time for Holo to be streamlined so let's make it FotM.


Edit: **To be revisited once I sober up**

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> @"bravan.3876" said:

> > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > This thread in a nutshell:

> > "lets argue technicalities of the OP's use of the phrase "one-shot" and totally ignore the obvious intent of the poll, which is that the damage in this meta is way to high"

> > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > I guess what he is talking about is, that Power Nero, Ranger and Holo dmg is completely out of hand and even worse, compared to a high risk build what is allowed to have high burst, these builds have high passive sustain/ high facetank ability and are ez to play. Most braindead spec maybe still core guard but these 3 classes are out of control atm.

> > >

> > > Edit: Forgot Rev even tho Rev needs a little bit more skill than the others

> >

> > Power Reaper isn't even in the top 6 in terms of damage


> I play power reaper dude, the dmg is ridiulous and so easy to apply and the passive procs are just lame af. Almost as braindead as old scourge.


In terms of burst, power reaper is outclassed by power mes, thief, soulbeast, holosmith, rev, and core guard. In terms of sustained pressure power reaper is outclassed by condi mirage, soulbeast, holosmith, rev, and scourge.


While Power Reaper does on paper have extremely good damage potential, in practice Reaper can only apply a fraction of it's damage due to how easily it is controlled in fights due to a lack of both attack avoidance and stability, on top of the class being further impeded by the fact that Reaper has the worst combat mobility of any class which results in it being easily kited by most common builds.


And no you don't play Reaper.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > @"Crinn.7864" said:

> > > This thread in a nutshell:

> > > "lets argue technicalities of the OP's use of the phrase "one-shot" and totally ignore the obvious intent of the poll, which is that the damage in this meta is way to high"

> > > > @"bravan.3876" said:

> > > > I guess what he is talking about is, that Power Nero, Ranger and Holo dmg is completely out of hand and even worse, compared to a high risk build what is allowed to have high burst, these builds have high passive sustain/ high facetank ability and are ez to play. Most braindead spec maybe still core guard but these 3 classes are out of control atm.

> > > >

> > > > Edit: Forgot Rev even tho Rev needs a little bit more skill than the others

> > >

> > > Power Reaper isn't even in the top 6 in terms of damage

> >

> > I play power reaper dude, the dmg is ridiulous and so easy to apply and the passive procs are just lame af. Almost as braindead as old scourge.


> In terms of burst, power reaper is outclassed by power mes, thief, soulbeast, holosmith, rev, and core guard. In terms of sustained pressure power reaper is outclassed by condi mirage, soulbeast, holosmith, rev, and scourge.


> While Power Reaper does on paper have extremely good damage potential, in practice Reaper can only apply a fraction of it's damage due to how easily it is controlled in fights due to a lack of both attack avoidance and stability, on top of the class being further impeded by the fact that Reaper has the worst combat mobility of any class which results in it being easily kited by most common builds.


> And no you don't play Reaper.


Rofl i do play Reaper (even core necro for the lols sometimes, that is possible because the dmg is so retarded and with the ds generation build you have a lot facetank ability, it makes up for being weak when getting focused by 3 ppl, reaper is ofc way better but still), i am just more honest to myself dear necro main. I am multiclass player, maybe that is why i don't fight for any class in a narrowed way only because it is my main. I also never did any rating between all these way to much sustain+way too much dmg ez to play classes, i am just saying power necro is clearly one of them and when i play it, i feel it is easy and no one can deny that the passives procs should go. Yes necro is weak when getting focused by the opponent team without having fb support, it always was (even the old/ pre nerf and undeniable op scourge was), but that is not the point. And no, power mes and also thief only have more burst not more overall dmg and both don't have any passive sustain/ facetank ability (at least not d/p thief and power mesmer without inspiration or chaos) and both need way more skill. They do not count into the braindead bruiser too much dmg+too much sustain category. These are the high risk builds getting out damaged in every time period longer than one second by the builds i talk about.

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