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WvW Arrow Cart Nerfing

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> I don't understand why this is so hard for people to understand. Any tool that's available in the game can be used by any sized group in the game.


Yes and no, if people know what was possible interms of sustain against ac's, they would not be QQ about 1k-2kl damage form superior ac's, Ac's are mostly useless against groups with sustain and that do the correct teamwork and calls (not much work is actually needed ).


Wich means its a tool that its useless against a large sized group.


And due the current updates im seeing ._. GAWD sooo much sustain addded to the game(didnt read all the updates)

Maybe this skills update can make players start to work more in group even w/o them noticing...


A deadeye is far far more deadly than 5 superior ac's ahhahahaha.

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> @"Garrus.7403" said:

> > @"Marcel.1857" said:

> > > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > > > @"Marcel.1857" said:

> > > > Tbh i like the patch that ac got a cd for hitting players but i dislike the dmg nerve for ac on siege weapons since ac´s are literally the only thing you can use for defense and since they do so less dmg on siege i give up on defending anything. it takes you 15min to kill a deam catapult kitten which wall would hold out that much??? And balista no sorry, the require a line of sight strait forward so you would need to build it on the edge of the wall and yeah you would get bombed out of life before hiting once. Same with oil and cannons they are on the edge and every commander does first take them down and build afterwards siege so there is no way to deffend except you got a blob on your side that can kill them.

> > >

> > > ac nerf was good for those who now use bunker stuff - with dwarf rev, healing fb. takes like atleast 3 acs to scare off a tanky group. ac is still strong but... ppl whine too much.

> >

> > Well my problem is not rly that they reduced the dps on the ppl if it would be as i like, they would deal only dmg on siege but since the nerve they do literaly o dmg on siege i mean you can put down a superior flame ram and start opening the door the door will be open before you killed the flame ram with the ac.

> >


> ac is anti player weapon not anti siege.


Well then tell me how can you defend catapults that are thrown next to the wall, balista no sorry never since it need the line of side it would be only suicide, treb, cata no sorry they aren't hitting there-> only ac been a way before to do that -> no way to defend without a blob

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > I don't understand why this is so hard for people to understand. Any tool that's available in the game can be used by any sized group in the game.


> Yes and no, if people know what was possible interms of sustain against ac's, they would not be QQ about 1k-2kl damage form superior ac's, Ac's are mostly useless against groups with sustain and that do the correct teamwork and calls (not much work is actually needed ).


> Wich means its a tool that its useless against a large sized group.


> And due the current updates im seeing ._. GAWD sooo much sustain addded to the game(didnt read all the updates)

> Maybe this skills update can make players start to work more in group even w/o them noticing...


> A deadeye is far far more deadly than 5 superior ac's ahhahahaha.


Yeah it sounds like you're doing it wrong.


What you do is you build a bunch of ACs (anything more than 4 is completely unsurvivable but even 2 or 3 can get the job done easily once you get overlapping fire going) and then you push the enemy group while they're in AC fire. You don't just sit there and fire ACs at them, you push them while they're being hit with ACs. So not only are they getting hit with your group's bomb they're getting hit with AC damage. I don't care how many guardians they have, how many of them are in minstrel whatever. They're dead. Probably instantly dead. No matter who they are. Fight is over. Anyone can do this.


ACs don't just favor smaller groups against bigger groups they favor any sized group against any sized group. They are universally available and they work against everyone.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> Yes and no, if people know what was possible interms of sustain against ac's, they would not be QQ about 1k-2kl damage form superior ac's, Ac's are mostly useless against groups with sustain and that do the correct teamwork and calls (not much work is actually needed ).


> Wich means its a tool that its useless against a large sized group.



Not every group is a 60 man blob with 20 healers, but you always have access to build and siege cap objectives with dozens of ACs, even if you're outnumbering enemy, even if it's 3v3.


I'm not sure why Anet didnt want to add static siege build sites on ACs (like mortars, cannons and oils have) since people build them literally everywhere, whether it's related to defense or not; whether it's on the wall, open field, in the lord's room or shooting towards the lord's room, regardless of amount of players on each side.


One could argue that damage isn't the biggest problem on AC,but their accessibility and permanent pressure on lots of targets.



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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Yes and no, if people know what was possible interms of sustain against ac's, they would not be QQ about 1k-2kl damage form superior ac's, Ac's are mostly useless against groups with sustain and that do the correct teamwork and calls (not much work is actually needed ).

> >

> > Wich means its a tool that its useless against a large sized group.

> >


> Not every group is a 60 man blob with 20 healers, but you always have access to build and siege cap objectives with dozens of ACs, even if you're outnumbering enemy, even if it's 3v3.


> I'm not sure why Anet didnt want to add static siege build sites on ACs (like mortars, cannons and oils have) since people build them literally everywhere, whether it's related to defense or not; whether it's on the wall, open field, in the lord's room or shooting towards the lord's room, regardless of amount of players on each side.


> One could argue that damage isn't the biggest problem on AC,but their accessibility and permanent pressure on lots of targets.




Ive sugested static build places as well on the old forum, they said that would be removing freedom from players, and kinda would remove the few of sandboxing game mode has.


It is understandable.


Another thing that i can think of to actually put some "skill of usage" or management rather than keep spam instant damage, would be to increase delay between cast and damage, and add a overheat or stress mechanic and CD would start increase.

Some sorta of exaustion like elementalist had on gw1.

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> @"Ged Kealmen.7210" said:

> Nerfing arrow carts will only dissuade people even further from defending objectives.


> Already ACs weren't very effective against catapults taking down walls or against enemy players running around the base of walls taking down ballistae, now they will be even less so. Is Anet trying to promote objective flip training instead of more complex strategy play?


> Anyone have any ideas why they decided to further complicate proper tower/keep defense?


Very interesting that nerfing AC's resulted in the exact opposite of what we need. Blobbing servers cataing their way through everything.

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This is a lot of what I am seeing now for T3 towers.

1. Enemy trolls tactics. Appears near tower the second invulnerable drops.

2. Passes sentry without stopping so you see them coming, but keep already contested, the run from spawn is on.

3. Tower scout mans arrow cart, no on in the zerg has health drop below 90% ever.

4. Can't disable through shield gens or even get one off in most cases vs the blob.

5. Total elapsed time from the dots appearing by sentry to tower flip...45 seconds.


The blobs got exactly what they wanted. Yes, there are some terrible blobs who can't coordinate and fail VERY often, but I've seen tons of T3's flip in less than 1 minute during the last 2 weeks, because the blob no longer needs to plan and stay at range, they can just stand next to the tower, nuke everything down and flip it.

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to maximize ac, you have to use it along with a fight group. not just ac only =).


and if u face a blob, they will win unless you - supply drain them and imob siege. and if they dps the gate, you can alway treb gen those until help comes.


ac alone can kill squishies, but if they bunker and move around, no. so having a fight will help you.



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With the AC nerf fine , so actually have no need for shield gens now so they should be deleted but I expect nothing but examples of why they shouldn't be deleted , idea lets delete all siege and just pvd make it interesting these threads achieve nothing other than to give people a place to vent about pet peeves ohh speaking of pets let delete pets they should be at home not in the battlefield. Why should one particular item of siege be nerfed from the complaints of people that put themselves in harms way by standing at walls when the game design says otherwise hence the "range" of said items, nothing for you here time to move on. Yes I use siege when appropriate and yes I attack larger groups with FB retal is a fine answer to a lot of zergs I'm not scared of blobs . Seen many a Comm leave if things don't go their way or deem it to hard pity but thats the nature of things . give us more than 1 use of supply traps I want 5 and I am more than happy with AC nerf.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> This is a lot of what I am seeing now for T3 towers.

> 1. Enemy trolls tactics. Appears near tower the second invulnerable drops.

> 2. Passes sentry without stopping so you see them coming, but keep already contested, the run from spawn is on.

> 3. Tower scout mans arrow cart, no on in the zerg has health drop below 90% ever.

> 4. Can't disable through shield gens or even get one off in most cases vs the blob.

> 5. Total elapsed time from the dots appearing by sentry to tower flip...45 seconds.


> The blobs got exactly what they wanted. Yes, there are some terrible blobs who can't coordinate and fail VERY often, but I've seen tons of T3's flip in less than 1 minute during the last 2 weeks, because the blob no longer needs to plan and stay at range, they can just stand next to the tower, nuke everything down and flip it.


How many people did you have in that tower to defend though?

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > This is a lot of what I am seeing now for T3 towers.

> > 1. Enemy trolls tactics. Appears near tower the second invulnerable drops.

> > 2. Passes sentry without stopping so you see them coming, but keep already contested, the run from spawn is on.

> > 3. Tower scout mans arrow cart, no on in the zerg has health drop below 90% ever.

> > 4. Can't disable through shield gens or even get one off in most cases vs the blob.

> > 5. Total elapsed time from the dots appearing by sentry to tower flip...45 seconds.

> >

> > The blobs got exactly what they wanted. Yes, there are some terrible blobs who can't coordinate and fail VERY often, but I've seen tons of T3's flip in less than 1 minute during the last 2 weeks, because the blob no longer needs to plan and stay at range, they can just stand next to the tower, nuke everything down and flip it.


> How many people did you have in that tower to defend though?


Issue is players cant get close to hit down players from the wall not even shoot from above w/o being pulled or bombed by aoe.


Zerg or not players to close to the wall need to have the same risk has players close to the border wich is what dont happen, theres a ledge on walls that u need to step on to actually be alowed to cast something, even if u are on wall and have the aoe marker n the ground and in range.

The AOE marker apears always red if u still have LOS from above on the ground, only way to remove it is to step the bombing place, no one can bomb form above if dont step the ledge.


AOE casters from top NEEDS needs to have similiar AOE LoS allowance from ground, OR at least some space towards it.

I think this would make more fights as well and less "want to stack more siege".


Changing some of the walls validation towards LoS canceling from above could improve the gameplay.



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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > This is a lot of what I am seeing now for T3 towers.

> > 1. Enemy trolls tactics. Appears near tower the second invulnerable drops.

> > 2. Passes sentry without stopping so you see them coming, but keep already contested, the run from spawn is on.

> > 3. Tower scout mans arrow cart, no on in the zerg has health drop below 90% ever.

> > 4. Can't disable through shield gens or even get one off in most cases vs the blob.

> > 5. Total elapsed time from the dots appearing by sentry to tower flip...45 seconds.

> >

> > The blobs got exactly what they wanted. Yes, there are some terrible blobs who can't coordinate and fail VERY often, but I've seen tons of T3's flip in less than 1 minute during the last 2 weeks, because the blob no longer needs to plan and stay at range, they can just stand next to the tower, nuke everything down and flip it.


> How many people did you have in that tower to defend though?


There were 3 in the tower scouting when the blob passed the sentry (this latest example was OW). When the 65-70 ish blob got to the tower, people had to run from red spawn to OW since keep had been contested for 8 straight hours by perma-stealth deadeye. The others were running from Anz. I was by the Overlook keep vista when I saw the dots at OW sentry. I used the mortar that was right there since it would allow me to fire a shot that would hit about the time they dropped rams. From the time they appeared as dots at the sentry, to the time the tower flipped, was 6 full power mortar shots. One siege disable was tried, but blocked, they died. Second was pulled off the wall, and died. The one guy on AC didn't even dent them, but they died gloriously in the fray 1 vs about 70. The tower was lost regardless imo, but it really should take longer than that to flip a fully repaired/fortified structure. The AC nerf has changed the blob behavior somewhat. They used to have to plan it out, because standing under arrow cart fire would hurt, they would lose people, and risk losing the attempt. Now, there is NO risk of death, unless some random gift of battle pve'er is out in their masterwork pve build watching it rain on them. So the superblob just stands fearless next to the tower, blobs it down in under a minute, and moves on.


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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > @"cobbah.3102" said:

> give us more than 1 use of supply traps I want 5 and I am more than happy with AC nerf.


> Yea, Id like to put down at least 2 as well



Yeah, even 2 would be an improvement, 5 would be awesome but since it slows down the ktrain blob, it's unlikely Anet would implement it. All the changes made have been to improve how quickly a blob can flip things.

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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > @"cobbah.3102" said:

> > give us more than 1 use of supply traps I want 5 and I am more than happy with AC nerf.

> >

> > Yea, Id like to put down at least 2 as well

> >


> Yeah, even 2 would be an improvement, 5 would be awesome but since it slows down the ktrain blob, it's unlikely Anet would implement it. All the changes made have been to improve how quickly a blob can flip things.


That would be really kewl..


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> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > This is a lot of what I am seeing now for T3 towers.

> > > 1. Enemy trolls tactics. Appears near tower the second invulnerable drops.

> > > 2. Passes sentry without stopping so you see them coming, but keep already contested, the run from spawn is on.

> > > 3. Tower scout mans arrow cart, no on in the zerg has health drop below 90% ever.

> > > 4. Can't disable through shield gens or even get one off in most cases vs the blob.

> > > 5. Total elapsed time from the dots appearing by sentry to tower flip...45 seconds.

> > >

> > > The blobs got exactly what they wanted. Yes, there are some terrible blobs who can't coordinate and fail VERY often, but I've seen tons of T3's flip in less than 1 minute during the last 2 weeks, because the blob no longer needs to plan and stay at range, they can just stand next to the tower, nuke everything down and flip it.

> >

> > How many people did you have in that tower to defend though?


> There were 3 in the tower scouting when the blob passed the sentry (this latest example was OW). When the 65-70 ish blob got to the tower, people had to run from red spawn to OW since keep had been contested for 8 straight hours by perma-stealth deadeye. The others were running from Anz. I was by the Overlook keep vista when I saw the dots at OW sentry. I used the mortar that was right there since it would allow me to fire a shot that would hit about the time they dropped rams. From the time they appeared as dots at the sentry, to the time the tower flipped, was 6 full power mortar shots. One siege disable was tried, but blocked, they died. Second was pulled off the wall, and died. The one guy on AC didn't even dent them, but they died gloriously in the fray 1 vs about 70. The tower was lost regardless imo, but it really should take longer than that to flip a fully repaired/fortified structure. The AC nerf has changed the blob behavior somewhat. They used to have to plan it out, because standing under arrow cart fire would hurt, they would lose people, and risk losing the attempt. Now, there is NO risk of death, unless some random gift of battle pve'er is out in their masterwork pve build watching it rain on them. So the superblob just stands fearless next to the tower, blobs it down in under a minute, and moves on.



This is as it should be imo. I don't think 3 people should be able to stall 60 with some acs even if they have three acs perfectly placed. If three people with acs can stall 60 even for a few minutes then acs are way way way too strong.


The defensive game should require as much manpower as the offensive game so that if you wanted to keep your stuff you should have to match numbers and actually win the fights not just sit on siege and turtle objectives all day.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > This is a lot of what I am seeing now for T3 towers.

> > > > 1. Enemy trolls tactics. Appears near tower the second invulnerable drops.

> > > > 2. Passes sentry without stopping so you see them coming, but keep already contested, the run from spawn is on.

> > > > 3. Tower scout mans arrow cart, no on in the zerg has health drop below 90% ever.

> > > > 4. Can't disable through shield gens or even get one off in most cases vs the blob.

> > > > 5. Total elapsed time from the dots appearing by sentry to tower flip...45 seconds.

> > > >

> > > > The blobs got exactly what they wanted. Yes, there are some terrible blobs who can't coordinate and fail VERY often, but I've seen tons of T3's flip in less than 1 minute during the last 2 weeks, because the blob no longer needs to plan and stay at range, they can just stand next to the tower, nuke everything down and flip it.

> > >

> > > How many people did you have in that tower to defend though?

> >

> > There were 3 in the tower scouting when the blob passed the sentry (this latest example was OW). When the 65-70 ish blob got to the tower, people had to run from red spawn to OW since keep had been contested for 8 straight hours by perma-stealth deadeye. The others were running from Anz. I was by the Overlook keep vista when I saw the dots at OW sentry. I used the mortar that was right there since it would allow me to fire a shot that would hit about the time they dropped rams. From the time they appeared as dots at the sentry, to the time the tower flipped, was 6 full power mortar shots. One siege disable was tried, but blocked, they died. Second was pulled off the wall, and died. The one guy on AC didn't even dent them, but they died gloriously in the fray 1 vs about 70. The tower was lost regardless imo, but it really should take longer than that to flip a fully repaired/fortified structure. The AC nerf has changed the blob behavior somewhat. They used to have to plan it out, because standing under arrow cart fire would hurt, they would lose people, and risk losing the attempt. Now, there is NO risk of death, unless some random gift of battle pve'er is out in their masterwork pve build watching it rain on them. So the superblob just stands fearless next to the tower, blobs it down in under a minute, and moves on.

> >


> This is as it should be imo. I don't think 3 people should be able to stall 60 with some acs even if they have three acs perfectly placed. If three people with acs can stall 60 even for a few minutes then acs are way way way too strong.


> The defensive game should require as much manpower as the offensive game so that if you wanted to keep your stuff you should have to match numbers and actually win the fights not just sit on siege and turtle objectives all day.


It is never going to happen in the realm of reality with the server imbalances as they are ,timezones have an impact and to think that because one timezone does not have the coverage they should just rollover and play dead or throw themselves foolishly into a seething mass of instant death is ludicrous to what end so they can feel good about themselves , it is part of the game and why the heck should attackers be given a free ride for the sake of the almighty "loot" which is of no significant reward. Everybody is entitled to play the game as it was designed to be played , its about time that the so called "fight guilds" do not have an impact on the enjoyment of other players who have also paid for a game that appealed to them , It is enough that so called allies give grief to players on the same server because they choose to play it that way and totally ignore callouts to the detriment of others . Think it is about time defenders voices were heard also , lets change the name of the game to Nerf Wars and then you think everybody would be happy yeh/nah it isnt going to happen, Long Live the turtles of the game the REAL players who value the core of the game as it was designed. There is EoTM for the ones that want to do things without siege and roll over mobs neverending. Go there and leave us to our entertainment.

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> @"cobbah.3102" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > > This is a lot of what I am seeing now for T3 towers.

> > > > > 1. Enemy trolls tactics. Appears near tower the second invulnerable drops.

> > > > > 2. Passes sentry without stopping so you see them coming, but keep already contested, the run from spawn is on.

> > > > > 3. Tower scout mans arrow cart, no on in the zerg has health drop below 90% ever.

> > > > > 4. Can't disable through shield gens or even get one off in most cases vs the blob.

> > > > > 5. Total elapsed time from the dots appearing by sentry to tower flip...45 seconds.

> > > > >

> > > > > The blobs got exactly what they wanted. Yes, there are some terrible blobs who can't coordinate and fail VERY often, but I've seen tons of T3's flip in less than 1 minute during the last 2 weeks, because the blob no longer needs to plan and stay at range, they can just stand next to the tower, nuke everything down and flip it.

> > > >

> > > > How many people did you have in that tower to defend though?

> > >

> > > There were 3 in the tower scouting when the blob passed the sentry (this latest example was OW). When the 65-70 ish blob got to the tower, people had to run from red spawn to OW since keep had been contested for 8 straight hours by perma-stealth deadeye. The others were running from Anz. I was by the Overlook keep vista when I saw the dots at OW sentry. I used the mortar that was right there since it would allow me to fire a shot that would hit about the time they dropped rams. From the time they appeared as dots at the sentry, to the time the tower flipped, was 6 full power mortar shots. One siege disable was tried, but blocked, they died. Second was pulled off the wall, and died. The one guy on AC didn't even dent them, but they died gloriously in the fray 1 vs about 70. The tower was lost regardless imo, but it really should take longer than that to flip a fully repaired/fortified structure. The AC nerf has changed the blob behavior somewhat. They used to have to plan it out, because standing under arrow cart fire would hurt, they would lose people, and risk losing the attempt. Now, there is NO risk of death, unless some random gift of battle pve'er is out in their masterwork pve build watching it rain on them. So the superblob just stands fearless next to the tower, blobs it down in under a minute, and moves on.

> > >

> >

> > This is as it should be imo. I don't think 3 people should be able to stall 60 with some acs even if they have three acs perfectly placed. If three people with acs can stall 60 even for a few minutes then acs are way way way too strong.

> >

> > The defensive game should require as much manpower as the offensive game so that if you wanted to keep your stuff you should have to match numbers and actually win the fights not just sit on siege and turtle objectives all day.


> It is never going to happen in the realm of reality with the server imbalances as they are ,timezones have an impact and to think that because one timezone does not have the coverage they should just rollover and play dead or throw themselves foolishly into a seething mass of instant death is ludicrous to what end so they can feel good about themselves , it is part of the game and why the heck should attackers be given a free ride for the sake of the almighty "loot" which is of no significant reward. Everybody is entitled to play the game as it was designed to be played , its about time that the so called "fight guilds" do not have an impact on the enjoyment of other players who have also paid for a game that appealed to them , It is enough that so called allies give grief to players on the same server because they choose to play it that way and totally ignore callouts to the detriment of others . Think it is about time defenders voices were heard also , lets change the name of the game to Nerf Wars and then you think everybody would be happy yeh/nah it isnt going to happen, Long Live the turtles of the game the REAL players who value the core of the game as it was designed. There is EoTM for the ones that want to do things without siege and roll over mobs neverending. Go there and leave us to our entertainment.


This is supposed to be a large scale PvP centered game mode with light siege elements where players spend most of their playtime fighting other players over objectives. The core of the game mode is supposed to be PvP not siege turtling for hours on end.


Maybe instead of complaining about the impact of organized fight guilds you could you know learn how to actually fight and maybe try to join a fight guild so you're not always relegated to sitting on arrow carts to defend stuff? Just a thought.



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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"cobbah.3102" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > > > This is a lot of what I am seeing now for T3 towers.

> > > > > > 1. Enemy trolls tactics. Appears near tower the second invulnerable drops.

> > > > > > 2. Passes sentry without stopping so you see them coming, but keep already contested, the run from spawn is on.

> > > > > > 3. Tower scout mans arrow cart, no on in the zerg has health drop below 90% ever.

> > > > > > 4. Can't disable through shield gens or even get one off in most cases vs the blob.

> > > > > > 5. Total elapsed time from the dots appearing by sentry to tower flip...45 seconds.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The blobs got exactly what they wanted. Yes, there are some terrible blobs who can't coordinate and fail VERY often, but I've seen tons of T3's flip in less than 1 minute during the last 2 weeks, because the blob no longer needs to plan and stay at range, they can just stand next to the tower, nuke everything down and flip it.

> > > > >

> > > > > How many people did you have in that tower to defend though?

> > > >

> > > > There were 3 in the tower scouting when the blob passed the sentry (this latest example was OW). When the 65-70 ish blob got to the tower, people had to run from red spawn to OW since keep had been contested for 8 straight hours by perma-stealth deadeye. The others were running from Anz. I was by the Overlook keep vista when I saw the dots at OW sentry. I used the mortar that was right there since it would allow me to fire a shot that would hit about the time they dropped rams. From the time they appeared as dots at the sentry, to the time the tower flipped, was 6 full power mortar shots. One siege disable was tried, but blocked, they died. Second was pulled off the wall, and died. The one guy on AC didn't even dent them, but they died gloriously in the fray 1 vs about 70. The tower was lost regardless imo, but it really should take longer than that to flip a fully repaired/fortified structure. The AC nerf has changed the blob behavior somewhat. They used to have to plan it out, because standing under arrow cart fire would hurt, they would lose people, and risk losing the attempt. Now, there is NO risk of death, unless some random gift of battle pve'er is out in their masterwork pve build watching it rain on them. So the superblob just stands fearless next to the tower, blobs it down in under a minute, and moves on.

> > > >

> > >

> > > This is as it should be imo. I don't think 3 people should be able to stall 60 with some acs even if they have three acs perfectly placed. If three people with acs can stall 60 even for a few minutes then acs are way way way too strong.

> > >

> > > The defensive game should require as much manpower as the offensive game so that if you wanted to keep your stuff you should have to match numbers and actually win the fights not just sit on siege and turtle objectives all day.

> >

> > It is never going to happen in the realm of reality with the server imbalances as they are ,timezones have an impact and to think that because one timezone does not have the coverage they should just rollover and play dead or throw themselves foolishly into a seething mass of instant death is ludicrous to what end so they can feel good about themselves , it is part of the game and why the heck should attackers be given a free ride for the sake of the almighty "loot" which is of no significant reward. Everybody is entitled to play the game as it was designed to be played , its about time that the so called "fight guilds" do not have an impact on the enjoyment of other players who have also paid for a game that appealed to them , It is enough that so called allies give grief to players on the same server because they choose to play it that way and totally ignore callouts to the detriment of others . Think it is about time defenders voices were heard also , lets change the name of the game to Nerf Wars and then you think everybody would be happy yeh/nah it isnt going to happen, Long Live the turtles of the game the REAL players who value the core of the game as it was designed. There is EoTM for the ones that want to do things without siege and roll over mobs neverending. Go there and leave us to our entertainment.


> This is supposed to be a large scale PvP centered game mode with light siege elements where players spend most of their playtime fighting other players over objectives. The core of the game mode is supposed to be PvP not siege turtling for hours on end.


> Maybe instead of complaining about the impact of organized fight guilds you could you know learn how to actually fight and maybe try to join a fight guild so you're not always relegated to sitting on arrow carts to defend stuff? Just a thought.




But that isn't what's happening. Servers stack, bandwagon, and blob (time and time again). They map hop when they face an equal size force that beats them once, or, they just log off until there is nothing to really oppose them. Then, they ktrain down towers and avoid any other large force. Zergs don't even fight each other anymore unless they have to, which really isn't that often (except to defend their precious fully fortified/sieged up SMC), and won't attempt anything that takes more than a few minutes. Occasionally, bored blobs will attack a keep, but because they are 50+ strong fighting barely 20, or they already know there are no defenders. Even then, half the time they troll tactics, because no one wants to have to fight if an EWP goes off, or they don't feel like they should have to wait out the invulnerable. They aren't breaking in for "great open field combat", they siege from fortified positions that the enemy has no chance at attacking, and when they desiege everything from max treb range because there are a few defenders, they rush in and blob it down. When there are no defenders, they just drop obsecene amounts of siege, nuke down the wall and flip it in a minute.


The glory days of skilled guilds fighting vs larger numbers to prove their prowess is gone. This game was about the structures anyway. Fighting to take them, and fighting to defend them. Now, people just want them flipped as fast as possible for loot/wxp, and aren't interested in showing their skill, just their numbers.


I see it in every tier from T1 to T4.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> > @"cobbah.3102" said:

> > > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > > @"steki.1478" said:

> > > > > > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > > > > > This is a lot of what I am seeing now for T3 towers.

> > > > > > 1. Enemy trolls tactics. Appears near tower the second invulnerable drops.

> > > > > > 2. Passes sentry without stopping so you see them coming, but keep already contested, the run from spawn is on.

> > > > > > 3. Tower scout mans arrow cart, no on in the zerg has health drop below 90% ever.

> > > > > > 4. Can't disable through shield gens or even get one off in most cases vs the blob.

> > > > > > 5. Total elapsed time from the dots appearing by sentry to tower flip...45 seconds.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > The blobs got exactly what they wanted. Yes, there are some terrible blobs who can't coordinate and fail VERY often, but I've seen tons of T3's flip in less than 1 minute during the last 2 weeks, because the blob no longer needs to plan and stay at range, they can just stand next to the tower, nuke everything down and flip it.

> > > > >

> > > > > How many people did you have in that tower to defend though?

> > > >

> > > > There were 3 in the tower scouting when the blob passed the sentry (this latest example was OW). When the 65-70 ish blob got to the tower, people had to run from red spawn to OW since keep had been contested for 8 straight hours by perma-stealth deadeye. The others were running from Anz. I was by the Overlook keep vista when I saw the dots at OW sentry. I used the mortar that was right there since it would allow me to fire a shot that would hit about the time they dropped rams. From the time they appeared as dots at the sentry, to the time the tower flipped, was 6 full power mortar shots. One siege disable was tried, but blocked, they died. Second was pulled off the wall, and died. The one guy on AC didn't even dent them, but they died gloriously in the fray 1 vs about 70. The tower was lost regardless imo, but it really should take longer than that to flip a fully repaired/fortified structure. The AC nerf has changed the blob behavior somewhat. They used to have to plan it out, because standing under arrow cart fire would hurt, they would lose people, and risk losing the attempt. Now, there is NO risk of death, unless some random gift of battle pve'er is out in their masterwork pve build watching it rain on them. So the superblob just stands fearless next to the tower, blobs it down in under a minute, and moves on.

> > > >

> > >

> > > This is as it should be imo. I don't think 3 people should be able to stall 60 with some acs even if they have three acs perfectly placed. If three people with acs can stall 60 even for a few minutes then acs are way way way too strong.

> > >

> > > The defensive game should require as much manpower as the offensive game so that if you wanted to keep your stuff you should have to match numbers and actually win the fights not just sit on siege and turtle objectives all day.

> >

> > It is never going to happen in the realm of reality with the server imbalances as they are ,timezones have an impact and to think that because one timezone does not have the coverage they should just rollover and play dead or throw themselves foolishly into a seething mass of instant death is ludicrous to what end so they can feel good about themselves , it is part of the game and why the heck should attackers be given a free ride for the sake of the almighty "loot" which is of no significant reward. Everybody is entitled to play the game as it was designed to be played , its about time that the so called "fight guilds" do not have an impact on the enjoyment of other players who have also paid for a game that appealed to them , It is enough that so called allies give grief to players on the same server because they choose to play it that way and totally ignore callouts to the detriment of others . Think it is about time defenders voices were heard also , lets change the name of the game to Nerf Wars and then you think everybody would be happy yeh/nah it isnt going to happen, Long Live the turtles of the game the REAL players who value the core of the game as it was designed. There is EoTM for the ones that want to do things without siege and roll over mobs neverending. Go there and leave us to our entertainment.


> This is supposed to be a large scale PvP centered game mode with light siege elements where players spend most of their playtime fighting other players over objectives. The core of the game mode is supposed to be PvP not siege turtling for hours on end.


> Maybe instead of complaining about the impact of organized fight guilds you could you know learn how to actually fight and maybe try to join a fight guild so you're not always relegated to sitting on arrow carts to defend stuff? Just a thought.




Fight guilds can go EOTM read the letters and play the game do not assume I do not know how to fight you do not know me who do you think you are ?? Keep your assumptions to yourself I have had numbers carry me as well as you get carried .and thats what it is the comms get carried by the people who follow. Righteousness does not become you .

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> @"steki.1478" said:

> > @"cobbah.3102" said:

> > Time to close this thread it is going nowhere and achieving nothing. Boring


> Time to close this thread since there's no arguments for buffing siege.




When the fight guilds die out we wont need siege anyways we will have have big sticks

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