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BUG: Rise and Fall of Kookoochoo

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This achievement for Festival of the Four Winds in Labby Cliffs still seems bugged. I have been all over map hunting for crystals and got all 52/52 but have only found 8/30 fliers :(

The last one i found i noticed that it wasn't visible from a distance or upclose. I had to be standing right on top of it (which was accidental) and an interact icon appeared. It was on back, right hand side of the upper deck on the TP boat. I noticed there was a hotfix for this issue, but it appears to still be an unresolved problem :(

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I was at 8/30 before the patch fix. Those that I found I could see the name plate from a fair distance away. Now I was walking through an noticed a poster on a wall that had the green outline when I looked at it from the right angle and when I got close enough to touch it the 'Torn Flier' name plate showed up. I have found a few others now but only by scraping along areas where I think one might be and and looking for something with a green outline. The 'Torn Flier' nameplate does not show up until after I am even close enough to get the interact button pop up.

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I also have this issue. No nameplates showing. I did however notice that I could find them while the treasure hunt event was active - I was chasing loot bags and twice noticed the nameplate for a flier and grabbed them in passing. After the event I realised that they had been in places I had checked before and then set out to search again - nothing. I wonder if it is somehow hiding the nameplates and only activating them when the event is active - maybe a glitch in the display parameters?


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As I wrote before I know there are lots of guides for the achievement but I do not like using them. I love exploring tyria by myself and doing treasure hunts without a guide for me is more fun then just following somebody else.

Now let's see if this new patch fixed anything (the notes do not say anything about it).

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