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Bring Back No Downstate!


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I'm definately up for that but umm I think there is servers that would never go for it and so Anet wouldn't do it again the amount of tissues would be horrendous. Enough salty tears over AC. The same ones that moan about them use them still. Even in open field go figure

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> @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

> If we're too endure the insane levels of population imbalances for the entire rest of the summer, can we at least bring back some fun with No Downstate again?


Two wrongs do not make one right.


No more no down state event... like ever.


> @"Ubi.4136" said:

> Please, PLEASE, put no downstate back in. Nothing worse than responding to a camp, downing 2 of 3 and losing the camp because they can just keep ressing each other.


Erm... learn to finish them off instead of just' downing' them?

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> @"Mil.3562" said:

> > @"DeWolfe.2174" said:

> > If we're too endure the insane levels of population imbalances for the entire rest of the summer, can we at least bring back some fun with No Downstate again?


> Two wrongs do not make one right.


> No more no down state event... like ever.


> > @"Ubi.4136" said:

> > Please, PLEASE, put no downstate back in. Nothing worse than responding to a camp, downing 2 of 3 and losing the camp because they can just keep ressing each other.


> Erm... learn to finish them off instead of just' downing' them?


You sound like one of those people my post was referring to. Too bad No Downstate was loved by the majority of WvW'ers so I wouldn't be surprised if they did bring it back at some point right bud?

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no downstate is last Chance for wvw. the current state of wvw is only 60 men blobs or Nothing. nearly every Server is already like that. the rewards for blobbing in this game are way too strong. if anet is ignoring that Chance it just Shows the incompetent Management of that Company. i have never seen before a Company that is denying the greatest improvement they ever did.


its like...apple would never again producing an iPhone. that would be ridiculous...

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> Reminds me of the ac thread where people say if you are outnumbered then you deserve to lose XD, sounds like we are on familiar ground.


But, siege is there to act as an equalizer.

No downstate works as an equalizer too.

So it would seem to fit right in.

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No, No Downstate still favors the bigger zerg. If anything, all it does is make people more cautious when engaging in a fight as far as zerging goes. The worst part of it is that it brings out all the Mesmers and Thieves that Stealth Gank people left and right. Rarely while I was participating in the No Downstate did I ever see a smaller group win against a larger group, and only then was because the larger group made a miscalculated bombing mistake. With Downstate you give a smaller group the capability to still be in the fight if they can manage to get their downed players up in time. Strategy comes into play with Downed state. There are several skills that allow players to place traps down on a downed player giving them the opportunity to take out more players that come to the aid of the downed to try to revive them. The reason why so many people liked No Downstate is the same reason they want to take away Sieges. It helps to level out the playing field against larger opponents. People want to win. By any means necessary. If that win is taken from them for some reason then they cry foul and moan and complain until it is removed so they can get their win. Nobody wants real balance in this game. They want whatever they can get to make it in their favor, plain and simple. Was Meteor Shower bugged? Yes. Was it OP? I don't think so. It finally gave Elementalists a reason to play and be useful in WvW again. Now look at them. Gutted and rarely used. Once again, it's Scourge Wars 2. Downstate is in the game for a reason just like Siege. It helps to balance out the game and level the playing field.

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> @"oOStaticOo.9467" said:

> No, No Downstate still favors the bigger zerg. If anything, all it does is make people more cautious when engaging in a fight as far as zerging goes. The worst part of it is that it brings out all the Mesmers and Thieves that Stealth Gank people left and right. Rarely while I was participating in the No Downstate did I ever see a smaller group win against a larger group, and only then was because the larger group made a miscalculated bombing mistake.


It favors a smart strategic zerg. Theres a difference. Also favors those people/groups that fight larger ones. I have streamed some of my guilds small scale fights and beat larger groups. Its called Strategy.


> With Downstate you give a smaller group the capability to still be in the fight if they can manage to get their downed players up in time.


Nope, that "if" statement rarely works out that way.


> Strategy comes into play with Downed state. There are several skills that allow players to place traps down on a downed player giving them the opportunity to take out more players that come to the aid of the downed to try to revive them.


3 classes out of 9 have traps (and even most of those 3 classes don't run traps). DH would be the only one who would have a greater chance to run any traps. I would hardly consider that several. Theres even classes that can bypass that by ressing w/o standing or triggering a trap. Unless you are in a big ZvZ, this isnt a strong strategy.


> The reason why so many people liked No Downstate is the same reason they want to take away Sieges. It helps to level out the playing field against larger opponents.


I can guarantee that a majority of those who want the No Downstate are not against siege.


> People want to win. By any means necessary. If that win is taken from them for some reason then they cry foul and moan and complain until it is removed so they can get their win. Nobody wants real balance in this game. They want whatever they can get to make it in their favor, plain and simple. Was Meteor Shower bugged? Yes. Was it OP? I don't think so. It finally gave Elementalists a reason to play and be useful in WvW again. Now look at them. Gutted and rarely used. Once again, it's Scourge Wars 2. Downstate is in the game for a reason just like Siege. It helps to balance out the game and level the playing field.


Of course people want to win, however there's no point in fighting if there is no test in skill. If a 10 man group can take out a 15+ man group because they rely on skill over safety in numbers, that says something. This is why zergs and blobs are memes. Watching 2 zergs not want to fight for fear was hilarious. Showed me which zergs rely on numbers and which relied on strats (I ended up helping them once by setting up a portal bomb as I saw that as a good strat and our zerg won the encounter).


No DS does balance out the players that rely on numbers vs skill to win. It even opened up a lot of peoples eyes to how much practice they need playing their classes. (heck, I even offered and spar'd with a few in their guild halls)


I cant speak for your linking/tiers however in my t2/3 server I dont see as many scourges and see a lot of staff weavers.


anyhow, thats my 2 cents as a solo/duo/havoc roamer in a t2/3 server



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I think the very least they could do is put it back in until alliances are released then reassess then if it's really necessary


All the encounters go 1 of 3 ways now:


- Zergs clash evenly, one gets run over completely, refuses to re-engage until they have far superior numbers

_superior numbers still get beat because many players still die on inc who rely on no DS, becomes a war of attrition, which skill will always win_

- zergs avoid each other and pirate ship with no outcome

_goes without saying, players still die during pirate shipping continually so at least there is an outcome_

- Players hide in towers and refuse to come out

_Treb them until their bigger group comes, then subsequently pirate ship them down, or break their walls down and take out tower campers, again there is an outcome_



Gank squads will be more prominent, so follow your group out of spawn. Otherwise learn to not die during a battle forcing you to run back. Don't over-extend (like so many people do and get picked off). Learn to position yourself properly, not just go running in blindly hitting 1.


The days I was able to participate in no DS week, the bigger groups never won, winning being you lost less than your opponents. The bigger groups always lost more and always had to retreat. This is exactly why no DS needs to come back and remain permanent. In doing so, I wouldn't mind if they kicked AC's to the curb.

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Rangers, Dragon Hunters, and Thieves have traps, yes. Chronos and Necros also have wells and marks. I didn't say there were several CLASSES, I said SKILLS that can be placed upon a downed enemy that can help take out some of the larger group as they try to get the Downed up. Not trying to deny what you saw or experienced, but you also cannot deny mine as well. Just because you didn't see the smaller group able to get their downed up in time to help fend of a zerg doesn't mean it doesn't happen. I have seen it happen. And as far as people wanting to fight skilled people, yeah that's a small percentage. Most people want to steamroll over their opponents and get the easy loot bags. It makes them feel better for some reason to be able to 10v1 or 50v5. If people truly want to fight skilled then they will go to PvP, not WvW. WvW is just a numbers game or people ganking people from stealth.

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> @"DeadlySynz.3471" said:

> I think the very least they could do is put it back in until alliances are released then reassess then if it's really necessary


> All the encounters go 1 of 3 ways now:


> - Zergs clash evenly, one gets run over completely, refuses to re-engage until they have far superior numbers

> _superior numbers still get beat because many players still die on inc who rely on no DS, becomes a war of attrition, which skill will always win_

> - zergs avoid each other and pirate ship with no outcome

> _goes without saying, players still die during pirate shipping continually so at least there is an outcome_

> - Players hide in towers and refuse to come out

> _Treb them until their bigger group comes, then subsequently pirate ship them down, or break their walls down and take out tower campers, again there is an outcome_



> Gank squads will be more prominent, so follow your group out of spawn. Otherwise learn to not die during a battle forcing you to run back. Don't over-extend (like so many people do and get picked off). Learn to position yourself properly, not just go running in blindly hitting 1.


> The days I was able to participate in no DS week, the bigger groups never won, winning being you lost less than your opponents. The bigger groups always lost more and always had to retreat. This is exactly why no DS needs to come back and remain permanent. In doing so, I wouldn't mind if they kicked AC's to the curb.


YASSS...this guy and/or girl gets it. No DS stops zergs from holding their hands to victory and actually makes them engage the way groups were meant to, which means they actually need skill/strats to win, like in a real fight. No DS weeded out the good groups/players from the bad ones and put a spot light on them.

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