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My only, and I mean only, as in single, sole issue with GW2, is that I can play Fallout 4 at max settings with 60fps, but on the same rig I'm lucky to get 30-35fps while I'm questing alone, and that's at medium settings (so I have no idea about #1, I can't put the settings that high).


Not really interested in buying a $1000 new computer just to play a game launched in 2012. If there was a way to fix that (and I know, there isn't), Id then have zero complaints about the game.

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I agree on everything OP says, heck I even dare to say that GW2 it's a better Skyrim, although one is just a single player game and the other is a mmorpg, it has a better story, better lore, better sense of exploration, better combat style, better surroundings (I got tired of dungeons being the same over and over in Skyrim).


I can add to the list two more things:


29. Jumping mechanics, the jumping puzzles just sold me

30. Mechanics in boss battles, most of the bosses are not just the classic "hit them until they die", but you have to worry about a variety of mechanics to achieve that.



> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> My only, and I mean only, as in single, sole issue with GW2, is that I can play Fallout 4 at max settings with 60fps, but on the same rig I'm lucky to get 30-35fps while I'm questing alone, and that's at medium settings (so I have no idea about #1, I can't put the settings that high).


> Not really interested in buying a $1000 new computer just to play a game launched in 2012. If there was a way to fix that (and I know, there isn't), Id then have zero complaints about the game.


I feel the same, I have a nice 1000 'gaming' lap top and I was very worried at the fact that it doesn't run GW2 smoothly as I expected, even the "Autodetect" on graphic options put everything almost on Low settings. I love the graphical beauty that this game is, but I feel kinda down that I can't play normally with textures and graphical ambient at max.

But its a relief to know that its not my laptop the one with the problem, but it heats a lot while playing (and its a kind of Laptop that isn't supposed to get hot easily, I even use a breathing platform with a kind of lame fan).

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> @"Killors.7526" said:

Dear person. I am going to give you 28 reasons why not to play GW2 and it wont even be important number to me because i could continue.


1.Ugly weapon skins (not all majority)

2.Unbalanced PVP

3.Lack of realism to classes specializations (even tho we are in fantasy world it demands a certain level of realism to the world we are in)

4.Bugy instances (a lots of them)

5.Exploitable weaknesses or buffs after every single update

6.Crushes all over the game after every single update

7.Community in PVP (if you are into it)

8.Players blocking system (if a person didnt like you they can simply whisper you some insult and block you right away so you have no chance of answer happens a lot)

9.Zergs (in a WvW zerging shouldnt be done the way it is. It might be done by many combos that may be performed by two or more classes together not by 5 Necros running with perma plague fields under them burning down everything like flamethrower)

10.No Group Emotes (for instance we cant dance with each other, or camp fire with each other. Anet should check for exapmle TF2 they have some of the best group emotes i saw out there)

11.Lack of humour in story and any content

12.Main story lacks any sort of intrigues, plots or anything that would let you thrilled to know the ending

13.No Tragedy since HoT All main characters get out of everything and anything. Last time someone of importance died it was Trehearn and that day we all celebrated because we hated him


15.Classes having abbilities they shouldnt have. For the very least Guardian having teleport+burn on a steal based mechanic = How can we make a big strong tank better? Make him port himself.

16.Mesmer Clones = Definition of clone is i quote = ''An organism or cell, or group of organisms or cells, produced asexually from one ancestor or stock, to which they are genetically identical.'' (praise Google) as you may see deffinition isnt liek = A walking bomb that will follow your enemy on its own and then blast leaving 10+ conditions on him and if that wont kill him you can send another set of bombs after him to finish him off.

17.Characters in story leave us cold. You no longer can make affection to character because they are all just... blank or how to say it last time i liked some character and cared for it it was Taimi and even she now became just a squint with complexes

18.Skins for your own character as a body are really.... i will use term not the best they could be. I mean just look at new faces for Asuras. Those things can bring you nightmares

19.All story evolves around humans nothing ever goes deeper to Charr or Sylvari or Asura or Norn backstage we always evolve around Humans

20.As the story progresses our character becomes more and more puppet in a hands of everyone. I mean if i play Asura genius Engineer i dont need Taimi to explain to me how to create bla bla deatomizer bla bla something to take down Klarkatorik.

21.Prices at TP. As the time progresses the prices are getting either too unberable or too puny. I mean 56 copper for a thin leather square which is T4 material (if my memory serves well) and also 40 copper for Mithril i mean that is like (O_o) and on the other hand 7 silver for Iron ingot??? TP should be restarted and nodes and everything should be adjusted so it seems real

22.Absolutely nothing from politics of Lions Arch or any other Main racial city.

23.No street guilds that would oppress citizens or vilages or something we can fight against or lure to our side. I mean it is Guild wars all we do in PVE is fight Centaurs or beasts or currently Undead Forged and Branded

24.Musical instruments are only tuned in basic C major scale. It is hard to paly stuff with just that. Someone could really look into this. Ppl want to play but it is hard and also it would be nice to have engine in game that can play your stuff so you dont have to use bots. I dont but i know ppl do and from time to time someone dislikes it and person can get baned my friend once did

25.Elitism in Raids and everywhere. There should be some system for this beacuse people will not let you play if you dont fulfill requirements that are stated by Meta

26. Meta itself = First when i came to the game i heard stuff like = You can play whatever you like = This is bull crap you can play either what you want and loose bad and not to get to any game content beside PVE or you can play Meta and do get there. Only if you are lucky and you come up with something solid you could go like WVW or Fracs. But no Raids for you if you are not Meta.

27. Armor sets are not fitting each other it is hard to make urself a pretty or nice looking outfit

28. Comunity at Forums. I can alraedy see how i either get baned again or blocked or something if this wont be according to whatever. OR i can totally see how everyone who disagrees will salt on me but you know what i dont care i have my opinion and i will say it and i am copying this list so if someone has again something like 28 reasons why to play it i can put him in the face why not to because there has to be counter side to this. and ppl have right to see it.

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Well I wouldn't say that Guild Wars 2 graphics are "incredible", however a part of the graphics, the animations, are probably the best in any MMORPG. Especially compared to those korean mmorpgs that don't spend many resources on their animations. Even the graphic "monster" Black Desert Online, that has far better lights and textures than Guild Wars 2, has inferior animations. They look flashy/pretty but as someone who knows about animations I will choose the GW2 over the BDO animations any day. Someone needs to teach korean animators what "stop animations" are lol


> ......Black Desert has worse animations than GW2 is what you just said. Wow, i can't even begin to think how wrong this statement is.


> Please guys, take off the rose-tinted glasses. Even WoW has better animations than GW2 and this was BEFORE they started remaking them since Warlords of Draenor.


I played BDO and yea the animations aren't great. Too many of the abilities just feel so stiff and rigid to use compared to gw2 that has far more fluidity to their movement. BDO looks pretty, but animation wise it's probably two steps above stop motion animation.

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> @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> 19.All story evolves around humans nothing ever goes deeper to Charr or Sylvari or Asura or Norn backstage we always evolve around Humans


Did you miss the personal story AND Heart of Thorns that were both about Sylvari? The personal story was partly about the Sylvari being immune to dragon corruption, the mission of Trahearne to cleanse Orr while Heart of Thorns was 99% about Sylvari and their connection to Mordremoth.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Jack Redline.5379" said:

> > 19.All story evolves around humans nothing ever goes deeper to Charr or Sylvari or Asura or Norn backstage we always evolve around Humans


> Did you miss the personal story AND Heart of Thorns that were both about Sylvari? The personal story was partly about the Sylvari being immune to dragon corruption, the mission of Trahearne to cleanse Orr while Heart of Thorns was 99% about Sylvari and their connection to Mordremoth.


That's just wrong. The personal story and Heart of Thorns were about the fight against the elder dragons. In the personal story, the Sylvari's immunity against dragon magic was just a minor theme. Their corruption through Mordremoth in Heart of Thorns was somewhat more prominent, but not the driving force of the story. It was much more the entry-point to build up Mordremoth as dangerous foe. Both the personal story and Heart of Thorns are about the group-effort of uniting the Tyrian species and orders in the fight against the elder dragons. Then came LWS3 which focussed strongly on human-centric lore like the Mursaat, the human gods, the fight against Balthazar and the fight against Joko. While we had some (lore-) refreshing maps like Bitterfrost Frontier (Kodan and Quaggan) or Ember Bay (!Skritt, I'm hit!" and Asura) and the Olmakhan in Sandswept Isles, it's all still far too human-centric. I just hope ArenaNet is going to adress the elder dragons again to make GW2 a story of all Tyrian species again, but I doubt it. Fans are literally screaming for human-centric GW1-fanservice like Cantha.

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> @"Raizel.8175" said:

> That's just wrong. The personal story and Heart of Thorns were about the fight against the elder dragons. In the personal story, the Sylvari's immunity against dragon magic was just a minor theme. Their corruption through Mordremoth in Heart of Thorns was somewhat more prominent, but not the driving force of the story. It was much more the entry-point to build up Mordremoth as dangerous foe. Both the personal story and Heart of Thorns are about the group-effort of uniting the Tyrian species and orders in the fight against the elder dragons. Then came LWS3 which focussed strongly on human-centric lore like the Mursaat, the human gods, the fight against Balthazar and the fight against Joko. While we had some (lore-) refreshing maps like Bitterfrost Frontier (Kodan and Quaggan) or Ember Bay (!Skritt, I'm hit!" and Asura) and the Olmakhan in Sandswept Isles, it's all still far too human-centric. I just hope ArenaNet is going to adress the elder dragons again to make GW2 a story of all Tyrian species again, but I doubt it. Fans are literally screaming for human-centric GW1-fanservice like Cantha.


The personal story was a bout a Sylvari on a Wyld Hunt to cleanse Orr. A Sylvari that was aided by the Pale Tree herself to unite the Orders of Tyria against the Elder Dragon Zhaitan. Sylvari was a major focus of the original story. Mordremoth is "Sylvari lore", as much as Mursaat, Caudecus, Balthazar and Joko are "Human lore". The entire Heart of Thorns was about the Sylvari and how they deal with Mordremoth, heck the story itself has many unique parts if you play as a Sylvari, strengthening the Sylvari focus.


The entire Season 1 was about a Sylvari, again, trying to figure out her reason for existing (and her creator).

In Season 2, the Sylvari are once again in Focus. A crazed Sylvari downs the Zephyrite airship, the Pale Tree organizes a summit and gets injured by the Dragon's attack. Then we see more of the Sylvari story/lore playing as Caithe, we learn about her secret, Wynn and Faolain.

Up until Season 3 started the Sylvari (and to a lesser extend the Humans) were at the spotlight. With Season 3 and obviously Path of Fire, Humans got their spotlight. Season 4 gave us more Inquest lore and the Charr Olmakhan, but it's still very human-centered.

It's time to move on to Norn, Charr and Asura storylines, especially the Norn have been mostly bystanders until now.

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Started playing GW2 as I had already spent years in GW1 and had completed my Hall in readiness. That was the only reason I played, because I wanted too. I don't need 28 reasons why.

However I have a couple why I won't do certain things but I have enough to keep me busy.

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> @"dprijadime.6795" said:

> > @"Killors.7526" said

> > Are you agree ? Something to propose ?

> >

> > PS : Did you understand why "July 28" ? An index exists :wink:


> - no monthly fee

> - reapplying dye is free


Ah yes ^^


> @"Dami.5046" said:

> Started playing GW2 as I had already spent years in GW1 and had completed my Hall in readiness. That was the only reason I played, because I wanted too. I don't need 28 reasons why.

> However I have a couple why I won't do certain things but I have enough to keep me busy.


Oh ok, I understand, just one reason, but one good reason. ^^

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> @"Ephemiel.5694" said:

> This:



> is worse than this:



> That is what you guys said? You're welcomed to having an opinion, but just know my opinion is that you could not be more wrong if you tried.


I'd say yes the second one is far better. The animations in the first video you posted are clunky as if there is an fps loss. All I see in the first video is clunky, low quality animations with very few frames in-between. I mean how can you compare the low quality/choppy black desert animations to Guild Wars 2 animations?


Thanks for posting these btw to show the difference between a competent animator and one that doesn't know how to animate properly.

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