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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > > > > Also, there are reasons to main Necromancer and be happy. Necromancer is still a fun profession and it does very well in WvW and PvP. So the idea that people who main Necromancer can't be happy simply isn't true. If your entire focus is Raiding and Dungeons then yeah, you may never be happy. But Necromancers place as at the bottom is not universal across all states of the game. If you enjoy PvP and WvW you may be very happy with Necromancer. If PvE endgame content really isn't all that important to you and you care more about how fun it is to play then you can be very happy playing Necromancer. This is one of the reasons why people scoff when Necromancers complain about how bad they are at the game and how nobody could possibly enjoy playing the profession. There are people who do enjoy the profession and they enjoy it because they don't value the same thing that the Raiding/Dungeon crowd does. This whole blanket statement makes it really hard to take Necromancer players seriously.

> > > >

> > > > I'll might be a bit harsh, but I think that the main reason players are unhappy with their professions nowaday is because they've grown accustomed to play something "meta" and lost "flexibility" in their approach of the game.

> > > >

> > > > A perfect example of that is when someone just outright deny tools that answer their complaints by qualifying these tool as:

> > > >

> > > > > wasted slot

> > > >

> > > > This clearly show that those players are unwilling to move on and adapt.

> > > >

> > > > NB.: Don't get me wrong, I don't target any specific player. This mentality to stick to a few tools and qualifying the other tools as "wasted slot" is sadly widely spread accross all professions. And the best at denying their own abilities are not the necromancers but the elementalists.

> > > >

> > >

> > > What gives you blood magic? Life leech? Passive movespeed while wielding a dagger? Condiclear?

> > >

> > > Nothing that lets you survive high dmg bursts or gives you the ability to outsustain someone, as the lifeleach is pretty weak.

> > >

> > > What gives you sotl?

> > >

> > > 25% Movespeed? 1700 heal on 30 second cd?

> > > Well everyone else has 33% movespeed,. So that's kinda useless.

> > > 1700 heal that's 56 heal per second. Or if traited with bloodmagic it's 1900 = 63 heal per second. Pretty bad if you compare it to regeneration that all other classes have way easier access to than necromancer.

> >

> > SotL gives you unremovable movespeed in shroud when traited which is invaluable, and it's a 1700 heal **for each nearby target**. On 5 targets it's a 8500 heal on 30s - better than consume conditions with 3 conditions consumed.


> Nice. Can u use sotl in downstate? Cause that's where you should be if you meet 5 other players. Even in a group. Else the other group is just bad, not focussing the easiest kill.


I regularly 1v3/1v4 on reaper and in group play in a 5v5 situations it doesn't matter because you have allies around to help support you.

If you're good, the signet will prevent downstate to begin with lol.


> >

> > 25% is better than 0% if/when you immediately get swiftness stripped/stolen/corrupted, especially as a melee build into the existing hard matchups (thief with BT, mesmer's various boon hate, spellbreaker's various boon hate, etc.). Necro has enough mobility options (Shroud 2, Sand Swell) to make up for a little bit of lost ground over time if something moves out of range (and reaper has a very large melee hitbox radius which makes the 25% work fine).


> You can't outrun or catch up to other professions even with 25% movespeed and rs2. I don't even care about spellbreakers removing swiftness. Tbh. I don't have problems killing most of the spellbreakers i meet.



This is a L2P problem, then. Necro has just enough mobility to get by while in combat. It can't chase down the most mobile professions who are burning cooldowns trying to disengage as soon as you get near them, but it absolutely can deny kiting and execute with relative ease. Thieves are usually free kills because their attempts to commit to actually deal lethal cause them to blow up instantly if you invest into literally anything at all to even marginally shut them down and understand how to beat them.


> >

> > On my reaper, I generally fight in group environments. So it becomes a free 8-9k heal (there's Healing power in my build) that deals AoE damage which ignores damage immunity effects like Endure Pain since it's a siphon effect.


> Already mentioned above

> >


Reaper performs better with more targets so I don't even know why you're complaining about how it can be strong in group environments.


> > I swear it's like ramming my head into a wall with this community sometimes. Nobody tries anything and everyone says everything is garbage unless it's busted OP. Half of the often-complained-about matchups are people just not having any readily-available answers invested in their builds. It's not even an overall kit problem or the things being weak when they're used.


> Do you know why every good necro isn't playing signets or esp. Sotl? Because one said its bad?

> Not really.

> Most likely because they tried it and proved it as bad.


> If it was good or at least decent, much more players would run it, but seems like you have the shorter stick here.



It's funny because there are reapers out there who have performed very well in PvP and credit me with breaking down how to win hard matchups and make small tweaks to their builds to overcome them. One of these tweaks is recognizing the power of movespeed.


> >

> > Like yeah, I think signet passives should apply to shroud baseline rather than need a trait in Spite. But it still doesn't stop the combo from being potent.



> With your description of your build I guess you are playing something really tanky, not caring about dmg and killing people. It's a sitting duck build.


> 1. U use unyielding blast. - you loose speed of Shadows condiremove, being pinned down with immobiliz Ur sweet sotl is worth no movespeed.

> 2. You might use relentless pursuit, that is just as worse version of speed of Shadows and you loose augury of death or chilling nova for it

> 3. You loose a lot of survivability by not going soulreaping. Loosing the extra health and cooldowns reduction as well as passive protection and free critchance.


> And even if you fully spec into healpower it's not worth it. You cannot outsustain the other classes, if they play on a decent skilllevel. And even if you could, you wouldn't have the dmg to kill them in return


My build has 2.7k base power and 210 crit damage. And a minutia of free healing power thanks to my runes. Yup, definitely a lack of damage lol. I just don't put PvE gear on and whine when my build doesn't work lol.


The condition removal on SoS isn't worth it because of the risk of swiftness, and RP covers most of the needs here. Some players opt for Hoelbrak runes which with -condi food makes for reaper being literally immune to immob, cripple, and chill thanks to RP.


- AoD isn't worth playing most times because only two shouts are worth using at best and the gains from the shout are horrible.

- You only get meaningful CDR into multiple opponents (which apparently you auto-downed-state to by claiming SotL is bad lol), and the siphon is a total joke.

- I play soul reaping.

- Nowhere did I mention trying to sustain via healing power lol. I mentioned I had a little bit of it, not that I was building for it.


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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > > > Also, there are reasons to main Necromancer and be happy. Necromancer is still a fun profession and it does very well in WvW and PvP. So the idea that people who main Necromancer can't be happy simply isn't true. If your entire focus is Raiding and Dungeons then yeah, you may never be happy. But Necromancers place as at the bottom is not universal across all states of the game. If you enjoy PvP and WvW you may be very happy with Necromancer. If PvE endgame content really isn't all that important to you and you care more about how fun it is to play then you can be very happy playing Necromancer. This is one of the reasons why people scoff when Necromancers complain about how bad they are at the game and how nobody could possibly enjoy playing the profession. There are people who do enjoy the profession and they enjoy it because they don't value the same thing that the Raiding/Dungeon crowd does. This whole blanket statement makes it really hard to take Necromancer players seriously.

> > >

> > > I'll might be a bit harsh, but I think that the main reason players are unhappy with their professions nowaday is because they've grown accustomed to play something "meta" and lost "flexibility" in their approach of the game.

> > >

> > > A perfect example of that is when someone just outright deny tools that answer their complaints by qualifying these tool as:

> > >

> > > > wasted slot

> > >

> > > This clearly show that those players are unwilling to move on and adapt.

> > >

> > > NB.: Don't get me wrong, I don't target any specific player. This mentality to stick to a few tools and qualifying the other tools as "wasted slot" is sadly widely spread accross all professions. And the best at denying their own abilities are not the necromancers but the elementalists.

> > >

> >

> > My real gripe is the way things are defined in such a way as to the only conclusion that can be drawn is things suck. I think that there is a broader range of options. I do think that not everything in that range is OP. But I do think that there is wider room to work with than people want to deal with. I think if players accepted a broader range of playability then ANet's job would be easier to do and that we would see a lot more positive growth in the right direction.

> >

> > > @"Axl.8924" said:

> > > In the past it was always same on my necro:If i fouund some form of ranger or someone with lots of immobilizations i would be immobilized and lose because i wouldn't have enough ways to get out of it, and i would be blown up instantly for 5-10k.

> > >

> > > Necro clearly needs help, it needs a way to protect vs those dumb invulns and some form of protection something defensive to stay alive outside of reaper because reaper is a armor sort of thing for necromancers with dmg combined.

> >

> > I agree Necromancer needs help. But so long as nothing short of being OP isn't enough it won't get it. So long as there is a narrowly defined criterion for what is good then it won't get it. So long as Necromancer players walk around and say they suck and refuse to acknowledge the ways in which the professions good it won't get that help (bear in mind I'm not addressing you personally, just using your comment a launching pad). I've seen where this attitude lands people in other games and it is never anywhere that the faction's fanbase wants it to be. Change is slow. Balancing is even slower than change. It's a long process of trial and error with the sad reality that they may never get there in Guild Wars 2. Which, yeah sucks but that's the sad reality of games of this nature. I've seen it happen. I've seen how bad it sucks.

> >

> > What helps the most though is being somewhat positive. It helps when folks acknowledge what actually does work so that there is a clearer and better picture for ANet to work with. So long as everything sucks there is no real hope for improvement. When people acknowledge what works though, things have the potential for change. ANet gets better and more precise feedback that assists in the process. The doom and gloom that pervades these discussions really just promises that Necromancer continues to suck as it brings a halt to all forms of constructive feedback and critique.

> >

> > Necromancer needs some buffing in PvE. But the current forum attitude on the matter hinders Necromancer's ability to actually get that help. Let's acknowledge that Necromancer doesn't 100% suck. Let's acknowledge that Necromancer is good in WvW and PvP so that the lessons from those areas of play can be used to help give better feedback. Let's push back against the elitist in the community who want narrowly define what can work in Raids and Dungeons which in turns allows them to control what other people play.


> It's funny, because I was typing my post, when you were posting yours ...

> Just like I stated in the above message, I think it's admirable to think in a positive way, and I genuinely like that in a lot of people here in this community. But I still wholeheartedly disagree with your reasoning though! I actually really think the Necro community is pretty much _the_ one community (overall since pretty much the start of the game) that always tries to stay positive while having a terrible history of being the most unwanted class in PvE since pretty much 6 years now. And they're always more than happy to give something in return in order to get some much needed love back from ANet. From: "Oh, it must be our Shroud" to: "Epidemic is impeding our chances to really shine". Hell, it even goes to a level of where some of us even think the completely out of line nerfs from last patch were justified only because we finally got a Flesh Shark in return ....

> The whole point being, we pretty much never just DEMAND the **much** needed buffs we **so** much deserve! We're always so nice and always keep on believing in that positive future where we are META material not just for a few weeks but maybe like Warrior/Mesmer/Ele/Ranger for several years even .... Wow, how beautiful would that be ... Maybe the next expansion, I can already see it in front of me: "In stores now: GW2 Utopia, where the Necro actually becomes optimal for the whole duration of the expansions life" ...

> Well, we all know how they've treated us so far, why would that all of the sudden change now? So, maybe it's time for a different approach in the Necro community, maybe we just and only give them our demands, instead of _bargaining_ all the time ... and whit what would that still even be, what's there left to bargain with??? Our minions? LOL ... What **can** we still give in return in order to get these much needed damage, support, healing, CC, mobility, sustainability, etc. buffs??? I just don't know anymore! So, please don't pretend the Necro has so much going for it. Because if you do, you should really play different professions, and you'll experience they will outshine the Necro in pretty much all areas. And if you don't find that that's the case, you're not playing these other professions right, or you not that experienced in that profession yet. The Necro _litteraly_ has a limit cap above his/her head, that you can only improve by moving to another profession ... Be it at doing DPS, or doing healing, be it at doing CC or providing support for the team .... he's/she's literally capped! And not somewhere floating in the middle at that ... NO: always residing at or near the bottom. It's just wrong! And I really don't get why ANet is not acknowledging that. Is there maybe a research paper that we don't know about where it becomes clear that Necro mains are the worst spenders in the gem store???


> Anywho, for people who didnt already get this, I'm obviously talking about **PvE only** here ... and because ANet has proven that they can and will balance separately per game mode, we can demand changes in PvE and be the absolute opposite of changes that might be needed in in PvP/WvW, where I think the Necro is not in a bad state at all (although not the very best anymore either!)


I play every profession except for Mesmer. The problem isn't that I haven't played enough Necro or I haven't played enough of the other professions. The problem is that demanding simply does not work. For starters, in order to make a demand, you have to be in a position from which making a demand has some form of reasonable consequences that would result from those demands not being met. You don't have that here. I can demand that the president of the United States give me 100m and I don't have to pay taxes ever again. I have no position though in which that demand should be met. So demanding anything doesn't work here. Demanding also assume things aren't being done in the first place. Which is not true. ANet is working on it. They just haven't been able to do it yet. Yeah, I know how much it sucks that it hasn't happened yet but that's the nature of the beast. When you are balancing 9 factions against 3 modes of play you may never get to a point where everyone is balanced equally well across all 3 modes. But you are aware that there are Necromancer players that don't agree with you right? That are ok with how Necromancer plays right now. You can make the claim that I lack experience but are you really going to claim that anyone who disagrees with you lacks experience? Even actual Necromancer players who have been playing for years?


I don't know. I think my experience has taught me that game companies don't ignore a section of their fan base. I've had the chance (though not with ANet) to observe how a game is made, tested, and balanced over the course of several years. One thing that taught me is that in most cases the company is fully aware that a faction at the bottom needs work. In most cases, the company is working hard to change that. I have also seen that no matter how hard a company might work they may never get it right. Game balance is not an exact science. Tweaking one thing often times creates changes and issues with other things. It is every possible that a faction will remain at the bottom of the pile for the entire life of that game. I've seen it happen, despite a companies best efforts to do otherwise. I've also seen that sometimes the only way to fix a balance issue that keeps a faction at the bottom is for a complete reset of the entire game in which all the factions are rebuilt from the ground up and rebalanced. Since Necromancer has been at the bottom for 6 years that is likely the step that needs to be taken at this point as their current fixes have yet to yield the results they and the players are looking for.


It has also taught me that demands don't work. Bargaining doesn't work. Both positions assume that they aren't working on the issue when the reality is they are and have been. Folks who talk in terms of demands just become white noise in the background as folks are typically invested in creating a dialogue with people who aren't making demands that ignore the fact that they have been working on the issue. And I wasn't suggesting bargaining. I was suggesting in a change in attitude that leads to more productive back and forth. You lack the leverage for demands. But you also ignore the positives or the ways that you could change things on your own. When I speak to Necromancer players off the forums a lot of them admit to being able to play in raids and the like with their guilds. This shows that the issue is not 100% a balance issue. The other part of the issue is that players who PUG don't want anything short of OP. But you don't need to be OP to play endgame PvE. You just need patience and a team willing to work together. It is more likely that what ANet considers workable more broad than what the fans consider workable. The fans consider only the best workable. ANet likely has a lower bar that basically considers if it is possible as workable. Thus the community needs a change in attitude too. If the bar wasn't so high it likely make the job of getting Necromancer to where it needs to be easier as they wouldn't have to be aiming for OP. Like I said, I wasn't suggesting bargaining or being nice about things. I was suggesting changing the aspects of the problem you can change, which is players attitude towards what can actually get the job done as opposed to supporting the much higher bar of being the best of the best that only serves to keep you excluded. I was suggesting stop being passive and allowing other people in the community to dictate what content you can play.


If you honestly think ANet isn't working on the problem then why even bother to play the game? What's the point of putting up with something like that for 6 years if you actually believe they are ignoring the issue? Granted I don't think they are. I've seen little evidence to support the idea that they are ignoring the problems the profession faces in PvE.


But demands? Making demands isn't going to work.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > > > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > >

> > > > What gives you blood magic? Life leech? Passive movespeed while wielding a dagger? Condiclear?

> > > >

> > >

> > > - Pretty high rez ability: _ritual of life_, _life from death_, _transfusion_.

> > > - _Transfusion_ can heal you for quite a lot when playing scourge.

> > > - _Unholy martyr_ cleanse up to 3 conditions every 10 second and can potentially give you 21% life force on top of that.

> > > - _vampiric rituals_ actually can grant you an insane amount of sustain and the dps increase for the wells is far from being negligible.

> > > - _Quickening thirst_ also affect your dagger cool down and objectively the effect is quite good.

> > > - _Mark of evasion_ have a long CD for what it does but it can deal a decent amount of extra condi dps in bleed centric builds. The regen uptime can be pretty nice as well.

> > > - _Vampiric_ is a trait that give insane amount of sustain in minion centric builds.

> > >

> > > > Nothing that lets you survive high dmg bursts or gives you the ability to outsustain someone, as the lifeleach is pretty weak.

> > > >

> > >

> > > It give you the ability to outsustain someone and again, the life leech is weak only when you do not properly build to make it not weak.

> >

> >

> > Hahahaha outsustain some other class. Maybe at full healpower while the other guy has 0.


> You don't need healing power, just to play properly.


> > >

> > > > What gives you sotl?

> > > >

> > > > 25% Movespeed? 1700 heal on 30 second cd?

> > > > Well everyone else has 33% movespeed,. So that's kinda useless.

> > > > 1700 heal that's 56 heal per second. Or if traited with bloodmagic it's 1900 = 63 heal per second. Pretty bad if you compare it to regeneration that all other classes have way easier access to than necromancer.

> > >

> > > So 25% movement speed and potentially a 7500+ heal that also damage your opponents is kinda useless? Oh... regen ;) not that mark of evasion, reaper's touch or mark of blood can't give it to you right? The necromancer can easily maintain perma regen on up to 5 players even if he is not at the point of the ranger.

> >

> > Yeah it is. If you meet 5 player you should be dead, if not, enemies suck.

> > You are mentioning a skill that 99% of necro community doesn't like, because it's too weak for the difficulty to hit it, which is reapers touch. And you have to be very close to your opponent to hit it and get the regeneration. But generally you don't want to be so close to your enemy outside of shroud.

> >


> I'm not saying that reaper touch is a good and satisfying skill and I'd be the first to ask for it to be changed. However, I'm honest enough to admit that I can make this skill work and in 1v1 it can be pretty deadly for my opponent. If I really needed it and wanted to add some regen to a power build that use focus, I'd most likely be able to sort things out.


> Not liking something doesn't prevent me from acknowledging the possibilities of this thing.


> >

> > >

> > > Those abilities are objectively not bad, they are only out of your confort zone and thus you look at them with disdain.

> >

> > Not really. I guess I was one of the first players that tried healscourge right after release.

> > But using staff in close combat? Good luck.


> I can use elementalist's staff at melee range and necromancer's staff isn't that difficult either. There is nothing difficult in laying a few marks at close range. Just a matter of being able to adapt your gameplay or not. No need for any luck for that.


That's not what I meant. If you fight opponent at close range with staff I guess you are loosing like 60% of the matchups (assuming 40% bad players), because staff deals not enough dmg at close range. It's good for keeping people infight over 1200 range or pressuring thiefes, but a warrior will just kill you if you are playing staff closerange

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Forgot about CttB but the CDR won't change much in fights. Mostly a one-time deal per engagement. I guess it may have some value in sPvP but it's generally not needed outside of a larger teamfight, which if people are rotating properly, shouldn't occur often as a reaper focused on holding home.


I primarily play WvW where the runes are not wasted and the mobility means more.


I still opt for SotL in sPvP but understand why the standard BM wells build would not bother since it's intended to camp a point and only camp a point.

If you use SotL aggressively you're doing it wrong. If you need SotL and benefit from the heal in an O/N situation, then it's similarly the best utility to have in a given situation because no other util would allow you to sustain.


The gains from SoS are lost as soon as you deal with a boon denial situation or if the enemy waits out shroud to immob. There is no directly counterplay to what SotL and RP offer, while there's massive counterplay to what SoS offers.

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> If you honestly think ANet isn't working on the problem then why even bother to play the game? What's the point of putting up with something like that for 6 years if you actually believe they are ignoring the issue?

Let me tell you that you can easily avoid _the_ problem: just play _any_ other profession, but if you really want to feel like a god **everywhere**, play Mesmer!! They are the best in PvP, WvW roaming, Raids, Fractals, open world solo-ing (solo killing champions in record times), hell, even Jumping Puzzles. And in multiple roles as well, from absolute god tier support till highest condi damage, best CC, mobility, survivability (evade, evade, EVADE), etc.

I still _really_ like to play this game (not that much as a Necro anymore, but still), I consider myself an achievement hunter, (almost 35000 now), I really like to min-max builds, I even like to look "cool" (pretty much the _only_ reason why I still love my Necro) with quite a few legendary weapons, legendary armor, legendary backpack, up to the nice titles from 'GWAMM' to 'Leaves no Hero Behind' (or 'Unclean': very fitting for my Necro :D ). But that is exactly also the reason why I care so much! I hate to see my first character go down the drain like this. Imagine this, yesterday my Necro (which I _still_ consider my main) was almost the last character in my startup screen, meaning, I haven't played my Necro for a while now. It's in front now again, because I wanted to show it to someone who was visiting me, yesterday!! I mean, for me the only reason to load up my Necro is because I want to _show_ it to someone. .... I hate that. And sure, I might be different than the rest, and I'm happy not everyone thinks the same way as I do, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.

(Disclaimer: For when I play WvW (hardly though, lately), I play with my Revenant now; and PvP (which I don't play that much either lately) with my Thief and Revenant, because I still need the wins on those classes ... being a dedicated achievement hunter is a b*tch sometimes :D. But I guess the Necro would still be very much viable in those game modes)


> But demands? Making demands isn't going to work.

The problem is (_my_ problem, really), I actually even agree with you here. But after the well-known history of the Necro's state in PvE, you get desperate and frustrated sometimes. You just don't know what to do anymore, and I sometimes genuinely think ANet is ignoring the Necro community on purpose or something. So you start trying all kinds of things, from bargaining to straight out demanding stuff, like any desperate person would do, really!


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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> > @"Dace.8173" said:

> > You lack the leverage for demands.

> Do we, really? Apologies for the upcoming very much _over_-tuned analogy: but when slaves were demanding their freedom, I think they had a very good leverage, being their painful history!


> > If you honestly think ANet isn't working on the problem then why even bother to play the game? What's the point of putting up with something like that for 6 years if you actually believe they are ignoring the issue?

> Let me tell you that you can easily avoid _the_ problem: just play _any_ other profession, but if you really want to feel like a god **everywhere**, play Mesmer!! They are the best in PvP, WvW roaming, Raids, Fractals, open world solo-ing (solo killing champions in record times), hell, even Jumping Puzzles. And in multiple roles as well, from absolute god tier support till highest condi damage, best CC, mobility, survivability (evade, evade, EVADE), etc.

> I still _really_ like to play this game (not that much as a Necro anymore, but still), I consider myself an achievement hunter, (almost 35000 now), I really like to min-max builds, I even like to look "cool" (pretty much the _only_ reason why I still love my Necro) with quite a few legendary weapons, legendary armor, legendary backpack, up to the nice titles from 'GWAMM' to 'Leaves no Hero Behind' (or 'Unclean': very fitting for my Necro :D ). But that is exactly also the reason why I care so much! I hate to see my first character go down the drain like this. Imagine this, yesterday my Necro (which I _still_ consider my main) was almost the last character in my startup screen, meaning, I haven't played my Necro for a while now. It's in front now again, because I wanted to show it to someone who was visiting me, yesterday!! I mean, for me the only reason to load up my Necro is because I want to _show_ it to someone. .... I hate that. And sure, I might be different than the rest, and I'm happy not everyone thinks the same way as I do, but I'm sure I'm not the only one.

> (Disclaimer: For when I play WvW (hardly though, lately), I play with my Revenant now; and PvP (which I don't play that much either lately) with my Thief and Revenant, because I still need the wins on those classes ... being a dedicated achievement hunter is a b*tch sometimes :D. But I guess the Necro would still be very much viable in those game modes)


> > But demands? Making demands isn't going to work.

> The problem is (_my_ problem, really), I actually even agree with you here. But after the well-known history of the Necro's state in PvE, you get desperate and frustrated sometimes. You just don't know what to do anymore, and I sometimes genuinely think ANet is ignoring the Necro community on purpose or something. So you start trying all kinds of things, from bargaining to straight out demanding stuff, like any desperate person would do, really!



Yeah, slavery and complaining about a profession in a video game are nowhere near comparable. Your demands for a profession fix is nowhere near the same realm. As someone whose ancestors were slaves, I find even the thought of it to be distasteful. I can't have a conversation with someone who thinks that an analogy to slavery is appropriate for this situation (it's not).

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I loved this game and even met my love in it.. so many good memories but I finally quit after years of being a Necromancer exclusive player. The game is still decent I'm sure but I'd bet whatever Necros remain are unhappy with the current state of things. They're nerfed into the ground one patch, then pushed even further the next. Only to be ignored for months (years). The power creep has gone unchecked and the balance is all sorts of f--ked up just like League of Legends. People have been asking for minion skins or even a rework so they could finally FEEL the theme of their class yet ANET brushes them under the rug.


I've moved on to better things in life but I occasionally check if things have changed (and they never do). If I ever do return to committed gaming like an MMO it will likely be World of Warcraft.

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> @"Agrippa Oculus.3726" said:

> Do we, really? Apologies for the upcoming very much _over_-tuned analogy: but when slaves were demanding their freedom, I think they had a very good leverage, being their painful history!



If you need to apologize before you say a thing, don't say the thing. I hate the state of balance of the necromancer, but this was a horrible and insensitive (and inaccurate) thing to say. Not going to get into the subject on game forums, but shame on you.

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Again, I apologize!

Really didn't want people to feel hurt about that comment. Did want to create a bit of a stir, but not like this! Again, my deepest apologies. It's just that I'm from a country where we're much more free to talk about this subject, than for instance in America, where it's pretty much a taboo to even mention it. Still, by knowing this (and I do), I was really inconsiderate to make that FAR **over**-exaggerated analogy, and therefore again: my deepest apologies.

I'll take it away (it will still exist in other comments due to the quoting system, but I can't do anything about that, I'm afraid)

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> @"DeceiverX.8361" said:

> Forgot about CttB but the CDR won't change much in fights. Mostly a one-time deal per engagement. I guess it may have some value in sPvP but it's generally not needed outside of a larger teamfight, which if people are rotating properly, shouldn't occur often as a reaper focused on holding home.


> I primarily play WvW where the runes are not wasted and the mobility means more.


> I still opt for SotL in sPvP but understand why the standard BM wells build would not bother since it's intended to camp a point and only camp a point.

> If you use SotL aggressively you're doing it wrong. If you need SotL and benefit from the heal in an O/N situation, then it's similarly the best utility to have in a given situation because no other util would allow you to sustain.


> The gains from SoS are lost as soon as you deal with a boon denial situation or if the enemy waits out shroud to immob. There is no directly counterplay to what SotL and RP offer, while there's massive counterplay to what SoS offers.


Well last weekend I played Condi reaper solo roamer. Was pretty fun. I used rune of traveler, because I still think that there are way better skills than sotl. And against 1 target it's not really good

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