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I've seen reports that scourges are overpowered. So, I ramped myself up and attained scourge. I cannot for the life of me figure out what they meant. Scourge seems almost completely worthless, at least for PvE. (I don't know if the posters who said it was OPed were referring to PvP and/or WvW.)


My necro has full ascended carrion armor, but most of the infusions are for Fractals. Still, he has a full compliment of runes and sigils. But, the shades seem grossly underpowered, and barriers pretty much useless. I would consider converting to viper, but that doesn't seem suited for scourge, either (fewer condition skills).


Can someone who has played a scourge in PvE tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or, what are your tricks for making the profession work?

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> @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> I've seen reports that scourges are overpowered. So, I ramped myself up and attained scourge. I cannot for the life of me figure out what they meant. Scourge seems almost completely worthless, at least for PvE. (I don't know if the posters who said it was OPed were referring to PvP and/or WvW.)


> My necro has full ascended carrion armor, but most of the infusions are for Fractals. Still, he has a full compliment of runes and sigils. But, the shades seem grossly underpowered, and barriers pretty much useless. I would consider converting to viper, but that doesn't seem suited for scourge, either (fewer condition skills).


> Can someone who has played a scourge in PvE tell me what I'm doing wrong? Or, what are your tricks for making the profession work?


Run Vipers. Carrion isn't that great. You really need that precision and expertise.

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> @"Kagusaki.3176" said:

> I don't know about DPS but scourge does great for healing. Not everyone is into it but other players who needs heals or a rez are grateful that someone is doing it. It's just awesome to use transfusion and pull 5 downs to you for a fast burst rez xD


it really isn't. Your only heal is your transfusion spam, which causes fear, which causes mobs to run away from aoes, which annoys your dpsers. Barriers are only temporary, and if you don't time it right, well, let's just hope they downed right before you cast your f4 again, and while you have enough lf to cast it again. Only thing it is good for though is carrying bad players.

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Best time to use Transfusion is when you're out of harms way thus putting out heals on the downs you pull and negating fear on mobs. Ritual of Life puts down Lesser Well of Blood when you rez which benefits on the aoe healing. Using Life from Death can also put out over 4k aoe healing once you exit shroud. If you use Life from Death and Well of Blood on you before Transfusion and everything else is not on cool down, you can rez a lot of people in less than 2 seconds. During Dragons Stand and the Boss Blitz, I have had well over 5k HPS avg and on some bosses, I was able to get a burst of 11-24k hps. In WvW, I maxed out at 49.7k HPS although we didn't make it at the end. Your squad does get a lot of sustain from all the HPS you put out along with other boons that other classes give.


I haven't tried my current build in raids or any dungeons or fracs with experienced players yet mainly because I haven't done them in ages and elitists want people with experience sadly : /

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For pve:


http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vNAQJhwMNyoC9sYrK4sCEtYhRwgfqV1sKTB4bFAcCdluYAA-e - Does everything you just listed + 3 unique buffs+perma 25 might+fury+regen

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vFAQFAGEeBMSA4HWOAA-e - Does everything you listed without having to waste class specific resources and has a shorter cd and passive heales just by being in water+heals on auto

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vVAQNApeSnsADFBjtDBeCB0EhlKCaHYDIATIz5bAA-e - does everything + passive heals+quickness+prot+aegis. Assuming a half decent group, there's no need to rez

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vhAQRAse8dn0nBlfi9fCGoBEgilhj68CygQzMAWgGq+SD1TF-e - minor amounts of healing+perma quickness, alac, and every other boon minus resistance

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vlAQNAW5nnXMnNSumzJRZzNlst5oSY38UJ4bOskFNl6PIPylsdACgGYNJmiqA-e - Stronger heals and burst heals, perma alac. Assuming a half decent group, there's no need to rez

http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vdAQFASnsTBFpiVXBmXB0ehlJji+vz79Oc76uvTM8OgAA-e - Stronger healing and burst heals, more boon generation, function gyro for ranged and/or double rez. Assuming a half decent group, there's no need to rez


only class scourges are better at in terms of healing are war and thief.

nobody cares what you run in dungeon these days, and you have t1-3 fractals where nobody cares as well



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Honestly, I found a very strange build that I enjoy a lot. it uses minnions but none of the passives for them along with the nerfed epidemic. I tested this by taking on a lvl 80 risen champion solo never dropped between 90% hp. I am in full viper (exotic until I get my ascended) but honestly despite the nerf it was still strong and fun.

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> @"Anirri.4156" said:

> Honestly, I found a very strange build that I enjoy a lot. it uses minnions but none of the passives for them along with the nerfed epidemic. I tested this by taking on a lvl 80 risen champion solo never dropped between 90% hp. I am in full viper (exotic until I get my ascended) but honestly despite the nerf it was still strong and fun.


That's what I'm meant by not running with minions because you won't learn anything about the game.


Sure if you don't have the intention to raid or do t4 fractals, just chilling doing no challenge open world stuff ok you are fine by playing minions.


But if you wanna play active and raid or do t4 fractals sooner or later (or even PvP), i recommend you playing without minions, so you really have to decide, when to dodge and when to soak up dmg with your health bar

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Anirri.4156" said:

> > Honestly, I found a very strange build that I enjoy a lot. it uses minnions but none of the passives for them along with the nerfed epidemic. I tested this by taking on a lvl 80 risen champion solo never dropped between 90% hp. I am in full viper (exotic until I get my ascended) but honestly despite the nerf it was still strong and fun.


> That's what I'm meant by not running with minions because you won't learn anything about the game.


> Sure if you don't have the intention to raid or do t4 fractals, just chilling doing no challenge open world stuff ok you are fine by playing minions.


> But if you wanna play active and raid or do t4 fractals sooner or later (or even PvP), i recommend you playing without minions, so you really have to decide, when to dodge and when to soak up dmg with your health bar


I said I prefer minions, never said I don't run without. Open world I use them, raids and such I tend to run Condi support. I'm simply telling the OP that they are still rather enjoyable and not AS bad as the doomsayer's claim

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> @"Anirri.4156" said:

> > @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > > @"Anirri.4156" said:

> > > Honestly, I found a very strange build that I enjoy a lot. it uses minnions but none of the passives for them along with the nerfed epidemic. I tested this by taking on a lvl 80 risen champion solo never dropped between 90% hp. I am in full viper (exotic until I get my ascended) but honestly despite the nerf it was still strong and fun.

> >

> > That's what I'm meant by not running with minions because you won't learn anything about the game.

> >

> > Sure if you don't have the intention to raid or do t4 fractals, just chilling doing no challenge open world stuff ok you are fine by playing minions.

> >

> > But if you wanna play active and raid or do t4 fractals sooner or later (or even PvP), i recommend you playing without minions, so you really have to decide, when to dodge and when to soak up dmg with your health bar


> I said I prefer minions, never said I don't run without. Open world I use them, raids and such I tend to run Condi support. I'm simply telling the OP that they are still rather enjoyable and not AS bad as the doomsayer's claim


But isn't the best pve reaper build have a pet in it? could have sworn they bring the shout which summons multiple pets or even the golem, so yeah i think they are wrong.

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I run a celestial scourge build similar to the WvW version on metabattle (https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Scourge_-_Celestial_Scourge) but using Demonic Lore instead of Sand Savant. I find this build works quite well for general PvE. It strikes a nice balance between DPS output with both power & condi while also having good survivability. It also has nice ranged options, but it can still be effective in a close quarter slugfest if necessary.



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I disagree with those saying that Scourge in PvE is lackluster. I've been doing quite well with scourge piling condis. On one of my scourges, I run minion master because it's fun and the boons from the sands affect the minions. On the other, I've been running blood/death. I've not had any problem surviving or doing mass damage. I rarely, if ever, have relied on epi. However, I also run a Grieving/trailblazer mix for gear.


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When people say scourge is lackluster for pve they mean for high level fractals and raids where you either must be a support or a full dps and we can't do either nearly as effectively as other classes. For open world our damage and defense is fine. Even some res support from blood magic can be useful there.

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> @"Anirri.4156" said:

> Honestly, I found a very strange build that I enjoy a lot. it uses minnions but none of the passives for them along with the nerfed epidemic. I tested this by taking on a lvl 80 risen champion solo never dropped between 90% hp. I am in full viper (exotic until I get my ascended) but honestly despite the nerf it was still strong and fun.


we are the same..may char is scourge and im using minions for tanking in pve.. the build is usefull for pve..

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