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How to get to raids and basic knowlage

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Hello guys. I started actively raiding around February this year and right now I am teaching new raiders in one training discord. I decided to write this post so I can help players that want to try raids some tips how to start.


First thing i want to talk about is toxicity. I think mayne players dont try raids because they think that there are toxic. I personaly had never problem with this in raids. I wouldnt say that raiders are toxic but that they demand some level of standard. If you join raid from LFG players there will expect you to help them kill the boss. Its not only that they will basicaly play with 1 less player if you dont reach that standards but also one player can kill whole squad (so it would be better to actualy do it only with 9 players). On the other hand if you perform and dont kill your squad then you will never have a problem. 99 percent of time "toxicity" in raids is based on logical reason.


To combat this as a new players there are few things you can do. You can join training discord and/or you can watch/reads guides on interent so you have general knowlage and then try your luck in lfg. If you see one try to join training lfgs. If there is none search for one around 50 and 100 Li (legendary insights) and politely whisper commander that you dont have enough Li but you know the encounter. If you do so he will let you join most of the time.


Most common composition for lfg raids is:

2 chronomancers (they are there to provide boons for squad and they are tanking if fight needs it)

2 druids (they heal and also provide buffs)

1 Warrior (provide unique buffs)

5 Dps (they do damage)


For begginers i would suggest to play either Warrior or Dps at start (since druids and chronomancers can fail much more then dps classes and also they require some knowlage about the fights and as a begginer you dont have that).

For builds ascended trinkets and weapons with exotic armor is enought. Since exotic hot/pof stats are quite expensive i would suggest to start with some build that uses core stats. My suggestions would be power soulbeast, power dragonhunter, power deadeye and core banner warrior. Obiously you can play other classes but those 3 are easy to gear and dont have that complicated rotation.

For builds and guides I would suggest www.metabatle.com (raid section) and www.snowcrows.com .


As for gearing: Easiest ascended weapon is caladbolg collection and after that specialization collection. For trinkets you can either get them from fractals and laurel vendors (only core stats or much more expensive) or LS3 maps.


Hope this post was helpful to someone and if you have any questions feel free to answer. Have a nice day

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Raiders aren’t toxic, but the very nature of most Raid encounters where one slight mistake from an individual player can force an restart over and over is prime festering grounds for extreme frustration that can quickly bloom into anger etc.

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> @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> Raiders aren’t toxic, but the very nature of most Raid encounters where one slight mistake from an individual player can force an restart over and over is prime festering grounds for extreme frustration that can quickly bloom into anger etc.


Some people are toxic, be it in raids, fractals, spvp, pve, club penguin or anywhere, its just that they happen to be more concentrated on Raids for some reason. But yes, I understand the frustration part of getting unprepared people on something that requires full colaboration of everyone in the squad.

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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > Raiders aren’t toxic, but the very nature of most Raid encounters where one slight mistake from an individual player can force an restart over and over is prime festering grounds for extreme frustration that can quickly bloom into anger etc.


> Some people are toxic, be it in raids, fractals, spvp, pve, club penguin or anywhere, its just that they happen to be more concentrated on Raids for some reason. But yes, I understand the frustration part of getting unprepared people on something that requires full colaboration of everyone in the squad.


Again, I must disagree. Raiders are _not_ more likely to be toxic than anyone else. That’s not why Raids are toxic.



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I think its partly because people are told raiders are toxic, therefore expecting it from them, and seein it on every little thing, turning it to a bit of a self-fulfiling prophecy. Just a few days ago I got called toxic for finding it funny that the group I was in mannaged to beat cairn without hitting enrage with only 1 person hitting more than 10k dps

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> @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> I think its partly because people are told raiders are toxic, therefore expecting it from them, and seein it on every little thing, turning it to a bit of a self-fulfiling prophecy. Just a few days ago I got called toxic for finding it funny that the group I was in mannaged to beat cairn without hitting enrage with only 1 person hitting more than 10k dps


Definitely part of it, yeh.


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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > Raiders aren’t toxic, but the very nature of most Raid encounters where one slight mistake from an individual player can force an restart over and over is prime festering grounds for extreme frustration that can quickly bloom into anger etc.


> Some people are toxic, be it in raids, fractals, spvp, pve, club penguin or anywhere, its just that they happen to be more concentrated on Raids for some reason. But yes, I understand the frustration part of getting unprepared people on something that requires full colaboration of everyone in the squad.


All content in openworld PvE is designed to be extremely forgiving. There is no competitiveness, a huge margin for error and all users have the same goal.


This isn't true for ANY of the other content. Raids, fractals, pvp, wvw, ... In all these, if you want results you need to perform (to some extent). And somehow, players conclude that openworld is "friendlier". You should see mapchat when an event fails, or even goes wrong for a little bit. Everyone loses their minds.


The fun part is, it's often the players not used to these frustrations which end up most toxic. In my experience, plenty of the most toxic yet clueless players are the ones who are new to more "frustrating" content.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> From my encounters i think raiders are LESS toxic then the rest since there are rules to raid toxicity: you underperform-> you get kicked. This is fair and I cannot find it toxic. This is based on logic.


There certainly is a percentage of the raiding-community that is toxic and my personal experience backs that up. Lately, I often organize groups with my Reaper (aiming for people in the 100-150 LI range). At least once per squad, I get some random asshole that's saying stuff like "Power-Reaper? No, thanks.", which can be quite fun if you're able to carry your weight as Reaper and are able to out-dps other people. In that regard, I will have to disagree with the point about meta-builds you're talking about. A lot of people are way too enslaved by SC and are unable to think for themselves. There are several off-meta-builds that still do the job and often end up better than their meta-counterparts in realistic scenarios because they are easier and more comfortable to use. You have some very strong builds like kitless Holosmith, which is easy to use and wields good results, builds like SB³ that performed exceptionally well even before SC considered it being "meta", stuff like Core-Banner-Warrior and even Support-builds like Auramancer which is more effective in PUGs than a second Druid. Fact is that there are many people that only look at the class/build you play and discriminate you for doing so.

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> > @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> > > @"Oglaf.1074" said:

> > > Raiders aren’t toxic, but the very nature of most Raid encounters where one slight mistake from an individual player can force an restart over and over is prime festering grounds for extreme frustration that can quickly bloom into anger etc.

> >

> > Some people are toxic, be it in raids, fractals, spvp, pve, club penguin or anywhere, its just that they happen to be more concentrated on Raids for some reason. But yes, I understand the frustration part of getting unprepared people on something that requires full colaboration of everyone in the squad.


> All content in openworld PvE is designed to be extremely forgiving. There is no competitiveness, a huge margin for error and all users have the same goal.


> This isn't true for ANY of the other content. Raids, fractals, pvp, wvw, ... In all these, if you want results you need to perform (to some extent). And somehow, players conclude that openworld is "friendlier". You should see mapchat when an event fails, or even goes wrong for a little bit. Everyone loses their minds.


> The fun part is, it's often the players not used to these frustrations which end up most toxic. In my experience, plenty of the most toxic yet clueless players are the ones who are new to more "frustrating" content.


I agree. I just misstated what I was trying to express. There are chill, very chill persons (like me) that wouldn't even say a swear even if he gets matched with the worst. But there are people that would, and will yell at people even with the slightest of errors made by them, they just need a little trigger for doing so, and you can find that trigger on places where failure is not an option.


And no, Raid is not a toxic environment, I never said that, I just said that some people are toxic, you can still find chill people on Raids.


And no, Kicking players that are not fully geared/prepared is not a toxic behaviour, they just have to learn that there is an etiquette to follow before playing special content.

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Some people are toxic, and some are chill, that's just the way it goes. Toxic people can't stand being embarrassed or made fun of. The natural enemy of the toxic person is the troll, the humorist, the griefer. If you have already accomplished everything else in the game, calculated griefing could be an interesting pass-time.

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When something doesn't go their way, people get upset. Some people understand that people need time to learn and just lashing out at teammates only creates more problems in the long run. Other people only care about acting out based on their current feelings instead of thinking things through and just lash out at their own teammtes, oblivious to problems they're causing. It's not so much that raiders are more toxic, but because of the demanding envinronment, you will naturally see more toxicity in raids.


It's not just toxicity that keeps some players from raids. I, for example, prefer to play more casually. I'm also not a fan of using pre-made or meta builds. I love experimenting with builds on my own. Mainly, though, I have a disability that forces me to take frequent breaks due to pain. I don't want to be a hindrance to my teammates.


On a side note, this is why I love GW1 so much. Heroes don't mind constant breaks, so I can eventually do long stuff like elite areas even if it takes me hours. Also, I can use my own builds in GW1 without people telling me what to use. Somebody in GW1 tried to convince me that Rangers aren't viable for playing with heroes. Please. :tongue: I did WoC HM with heroes and no cons on all professions. My Ranger was no less viable than other professions.


Anyways. Although I'm still a new player whose biggest concern is getting more gold so I can buy 2000 gems before anniversary sale, I found this post very helpful. It helps to know the roles of certain professions. Though I must say, as a GW1 player, seeing Mesmer as a tank is like... what?! XD


Thank you for the info OP.

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> @"ButcherofMalakir.4067" said:

> From my encounters i think raiders are LESS toxic then the rest since there are rules to raid toxicity: you underperform-> you get kicked. This is fair and I cannot find it toxic. This is based on logic.


I think part of it is due to people just not knowing they're underperforming, or having no way (that they know of) to check their performance. If you're a player who doesn't know about the 3rd party tools people use to check DPS and you stay on the straight-and-narrow only using the tools GW2 provides you, how would you know what your DPS is? Training golems only tell you so much. And when such a person gets kicked for not pulling their weight they may think "How did they know? There's know way they could have known how much damage I was doing. They're just jerks!"

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