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And here i thought the loot box trend was finally dead

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> @"Zarghoul.5687" said:


> > Again, there are people who enjoy gambling.

> >

> > "Listening" doesn't automatically mean "listening to you". There are many different opinions.


> yes people enjoy gambling, but people who struggle with gambling will spend money whether they like it or not, the practice of gambling with lootboxes exploits that tendance


You cant get rid of all the gambling in game. Otherwise they should delete ecto gambling, mystic forge, tp,...


I would agree with your point if there werent an option to just pick a mount skin. But now there is one. Less people gamble on the skin and just buy it for a bit more.


Anet cant focus to fight every addiction related to their game. Heck even gaming is an addiction. What about people who spend every penny / second of their life into this. Lets just close the game.



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Lisa tiptoes back into the thread. Wow. This seems to be quite an emotional subject.

Religion, Politics, and now..Mount prices?


I am not going to comment. I got badly burned with my purchase of the five pack and I said my peace earlier.


I snuck back into the thread to say that after fiddling with the colors, I am now happy with my Hammerhead skimmer. I used Carnage Orange, and Enameled Perseverance as the top two colors, left to right, and Imperial Red for the bottom two colors.


The little guy is no longer drab


He is ...what do you young whippersnappers say...


He is lit :)


Lisa-making lemonade

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> > there is still another mount setup, as well as infinite BLC, and it might not bankrupt someone, but things like paying bills or buying food could become an issue, because of impulses aided by lootboxes


> Well, you yourself made this topic about the new licenses, so that's what I'll restrict my comments to.


i actually i made this topic on a promise broken by Anet not to release more skins, adding new skins just brings more attention to the old ones, which means in game we now have a loot box system for mount skins alone tht totals around 160-80 dollars for the cheapest rate, or 2 -3 times tht for people rolling skins

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> @"Zarghoul.5687" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > Oh someone labeled it gambling again. This merry go round has lost it's appeal.


> yet it still spins for the same reason


Except it's technically not gambling ... you always get a prize and the even more subtle point is that you don't own the winnings ... Anet does. The person is just purchasing the opportunity to open the chest. The assets are still owned by Anet.

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> @"Sariel.2143" said:

> > @"Zarghoul.5687" said:

> >

> > > Again, there are people who enjoy gambling.

> > >

> > > "Listening" doesn't automatically mean "listening to you". There are many different opinions.

> >

> > yes people enjoy gambling, but people who struggle with gambling will spend money whether they like it or not, the practice of gambling with lootboxes exploits that tendance


> You cant get rid of all the gambling in game. Otherwise they should delete ecto gambling, mystic forge, tp,...


> I would agree with your point if there werent an option to just pick a mount skin. But now there is one. Less people gamble on the skin and just buy it for a bit more.


internal gambling i have no problem with, its when u involve money tht i have an issue, and while yes you can buy a single skin for 1200 gems, people will be more likely to take a chance at rolling 3 skins in the hope they get the one they want

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> @"Zarghoul.5687" said:

> ok i get it, loot boxes make a stupid amount of money, and the reason this is okay is a few technicalities, but cmon Anet im tired of defending you, i love this game , i love the story, i love the gameplay, iv played since factions, and im online almost every day, but why do you have to go down this rabbit hole again, uv just been in the media for negativity and hearsay, and from what i was lead to believe by you as a company, is that loot boxes were a bad idea, it didnt go well in the media, and while it made you a ton of money, you lost a lot of trust from the community, which a couple days later you redeemed, by saying you wouldnt add more skins to the licenses, and you know what, i understood that to try and go back and sort tht out would of been a logistical nightmare, but trying to go around your promise by releasing a different set of licenses is really scummy Anet, and honestly if your having to rely on something that is hated by a large amount of the gaming community to keep your game alive, then you really need to revise your options, there are plenty of things that the community would pay for in the game, dont pick back up your own dead horse


> what sucks is knowing that these lootboxes are gonna sell well, cos people are starved for content, and anet will probably seasonally release more rng skins, to follow that "demand"


> but when the media falls on this again, you only have yourselves to blame for the backlash.

I see nothing wrong in what they have done.. they have given you a choice...buy a random mount with increasing odds.. from a pack with less mounts in it than the previous. OR choose which skin you want for a larger price.

Some people just can never be pleased, perhaps you think you should get it all for free... ooh wait you can if you play the game, earn gold and exchange for gems.

It is already been stated that selling skins for at knock down prices might yield sales but it makes small amounts of profit. So its only fair that if you want to pick and choose your 1 or 2 mounts then you gotta pay the premium and from that they make more profit over less sales.. shrewd business planning imo.

Do I like the 1800 gems price - no.

Do I buy a single mount of choice - no

I prefer the randomness because actually its a collection at the end of the day and if I want to complete the set, its far cheaper to use the packs and guess what I might just get lucky with that pretty beetle skin... if not, well I get better odds the next time I buy, safe in the knowledge it will pop eventually.

It is not gambling unless you decide to gamble.. you have the option to choose what you want and support the game a bit more in the process.


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Call it whatever you like ... I don't really get where you get the idea that Anet was abandoning loot boxes, other than the fact that some people don't like them.


I personally think they should do more if it's a good profit for them. That's the whole point ... you pay, you get something. It's not here or there if it's 'random' or 'gambling' ... people pay for stuff all the time, sometimes even willingly to get something they don't expect ... but for some reason it's not OK in an MMO? That's just ridiculous. Anet is upfront with what you might get .. there isn't a 'trick' here ... people are adults ... choices are theirs to make. I don't think most adults enjoy being babied by organizations or other people that tell them what they can and can't buy ... your POV is way off base here.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Call it whatever you like ... I don't really get where you get the idea that Anet was abandoning loot boxes, other than the fact that some people don't like them.


> I personally think they should do more if it's a good profit for them. That's the whole point ... you pay, you get something. It's not here or there if it's 'random' or 'gambling' ... I pay for stuff all the time, sometimes even willingly to get something I don't expect ... but for some reason it's not OK in an MMO? That's just ridiculous.


because its an attempt to bleed the consumer for more money than a product is worth, just because it makes a ton of money does not mean its a good moral practice towards is customers

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That's the consumers decision to make, not yours. If I decide to try and get something with a lootbox vs. direct buy, YOU certainly aren't the authority if it's OK for me to do that. If you don't like the 'morality' of adults given choices for consuming goods and deciding what something is worth to them and how they spend their money, that's your problem. Trust me, you don't need to police this as some moral crusader; there's enough of that garbage outside the game.


you thought the 'trend' was dead ... that was a bad assumption to make. If it makes Anet money, why would they stop? Is there some higher level of consciousness that you think they should attain; this isn't some cult, it's a business and if you like the game and you want more of it, then patronizing the goods and service they provide as a consumer isn't some wildy outrageous thing that needs to be scrutinized for 'morality'.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> Call it whatever you like ... I don't really get where you get the idea that Anet was abandoning loot boxes, other than the fact that some people don't like them.


> I personally think they should do more if it's a good profit for them. That's the whole point ... you pay, you get something. It's not here or there if it's 'random' or 'gambling' ... people pay for stuff all the time, sometimes even willingly to get something they don't expect ... but for some reason it's not OK in an MMO? That's just ridiculous. Anet is upfront with what you might get .. there isn't a 'trick' here ... people are adults ... choices are theirs to make. I don't think most adults enjoy being babied by organizations or other people that tell them what they can and can't buy ... your POV is way off base here.


Well in GW2 I agree the idea of it being a gamble is somewhat lessened by the fact you have the choice, and yes it is clearly marked on the tin.

The one thing you forget is that actually its not all adults here.. some are kids and that is where much of the bad press around loot boxes stems from.. addiction and raking up debts on credit cards they don't actually own.. call it bad parenting perhaps, but that side of loot box gambling is real.


But GW2 is somewhat different in its approach to the loot box craze and I for one prefer the way they do it to other MMO's.

What it boils down to in GW2 is ANET can't please everyone ,someone always has to cry foul... but they forget to us it's a game, to ANET its a business that need to turn a profit or there is no game going forward.

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> That's the consumers decision to make, not yours. If I decide to try and get something with a lootbox vs. direct buy, YOU certainly aren't the authority if it's OK for me to do that. If you don't like the 'morality' of adults given choices for consuming goods and deciding what something is worth to them and how they spend their money, that's your problem. Trust me, you don't need to police this as some moral crusader; there's enough of that garbage outside the game.


lootboxes are not about one person buying them, its about giving access to something potentially harmful to people who struggle to control their spending impulses, lootboxes feed on tht to generate the most income, and like iv said there is no need to make this rng, just sell the dam items at a reasonable price without marketing tactics tht would make you choose to roll instead

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> @"Zarghoul.5687" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > That's the consumers decision to make, not yours. If I decide to try and get something with a lootbox vs. direct buy, YOU certainly aren't the authority if it's OK for me to do that. If you don't like the 'morality' of adults given choices for consuming goods and deciding what something is worth to them and how they spend their money, that's your problem. Trust me, you don't need to police this as some moral crusader; there's enough of that garbage outside the game.


> lootboxes are not about one person buying them, its about giving access to something potentially harmful to people who struggle to control their spending impulses, lootboxes feed on tht to generate the most income, and like iv said there is no need to make this rng, just sell the dam items at a reasonable price without marketing tactics tht would make you choose to roll instead


That isn't Arenanet's problem. If you struggle with controlling yourself, I suggest you should go to rehabilitation.

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> @"Zarghoul.5687" said:

> and tht is still an excuse for a bad business practice, it might make a ton of money, but gambling is still gambling no matter how you spin it, and the potential harm it can do is huge, it might only be 1 in every 100-1000-10000 people tht end up spending themselves into dire straights, but tht still dosnt make it right, if people wont buy a singular item change it up, find new better ways to bring out more want and desire for your product, dont dig up a dead horse because your stuck for ideas, if your product is failing, then find a solution, tht dosnt involve exploiting your player base






Providing a desired service at a price a customer is willing to pay is not a bad business practice. If someone has a gambling problem they should avoid the problem, or seek help dealing with it, not ask that everyone else be denied.


Its called taking personal responsibility, exercising self control, and recognizing that you (generic, not you personally) are not the center of the universe around which the other 7 billion people on the planet should design their lives...you know, be an adult.

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> @"Zarghoul.5687" said:

> > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > @"Zarghoul.5687" said:

> > > > @"Dante.1763" said:

> > > > > @"Zarghoul.5687" said:

> > > > >

> > > > > > > there is still another mount setup, as well as infinite BLC, and it might not bankrupt someone, but things like paying bills or buying food could become an issue, because of impulses aided by lootboxes

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Well, you yourself made this topic about the new licenses, so that's what I'll restrict my comments to.

> > > > >

> > > > > i actually i made this topic on a promise broken by Anet not to release more skins, adding new skins just brings more attention to the old ones, which means in game we now have a loot box system for mount skins alone tht totals around 160-80 dollars for the cheapest rate, or 2 -3 times tht for people rolling skins

> > > >

> > > > And where is the link to that promise? I cant seem to recall such a thing.

> > >

> > > way back when Anet first apologised for the release of mount skins, i know they promised, because it was one of the reasons i defended them for, i saw it as a huge blunder on there part to jump on a bandwagon, they paid the price got the bad media attention and apologised, several months later and here we are

> >

> > a link to this, or just what you remember? i looked and i cant find it through google.


> tried myself, but they did make an apology of the mount skins and in that they said the 30 skins would be it, that original post was back in novemeber, and google is only showing me the recent twitter stuff about guildwars


Sorry i found it and you are wrong, and i qoute from MO:

"We will not add any skins to the currently available Adoption License, thus not pushing down the odds of acquiring any one skin in that set."


Nowhere did they state that they would not ever make a random license again.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

This topic has been argued about extensively in the past. If feels as if some people are determined to continue to make it an "issue of concern" when in fact ArenaNet responded with changes in the way items are offered. You have choices, and you have options. Please exercise them as you see fit, and avoid more forum hyperbole and misnomers for optional, cosmetic purchases. Thank you.

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