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[Suggestion] Gear normalization in WvW/EOTM with the alliance rework


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Hi all,


To make more WvW more accessible to all players (not just geared and max level) with full traits unlocked, I have two options suggestions for this:


**1st option:** (Note: I prefer this by a long shot)


Make WvW completely **normalized** for all players just like sPvP stat-wise **BUT not the amulet system**. The WvW gear panel will have all 6 armor slots, 2 weapon slots and 6 trinket slots (just like hero panel) except you can change stats, runes, sigils, etc for free anytime you're out of combat and in WvW. Players will automatically be boosted to 80 with all specializations and elite specs unlocked (as long as you have the expansions just like sPvP). Food will be allowed as per usual which will consume badges of honour as its currency (increase the cost to make it a proper sink and make BiS food available to be used in WvW only). The appearance of our character will use the PvE gear like how it's in sPvP.



1) Equal battle field statistically and WvW'ers won't have to PvE at all.

2) Easier to balance via removal of some condi-defense heavy stat combos like trailblazer/dire.

3) A proper Badges of honour sink


**2nd option:**


Make equipped gear scale to exotic level (like how sPvP scales to lvl 78 exotic power level) and if ascended armor have infusions it won't count those stats while in WvW. So unlike first suggestion, you have to go to pve to change stats of your gear and traits/specs won't be unlocked by default while in WvW and you have to do the manually by spending heroics of testimony or HP trains. Food will be allowed as per usual which will consume badges of honour as its currency (increase the cost to make it a proper sink and make BiS food available to be used in WvW only). The appearance of our character will use the PvE gear like how it's in sPvP.



1) A bit less equal battle field than 1st option statistically but still better than what we have.

2) A proper badges of honour sink



1) WvW'ers still have to level to 80 and get all specs unlocked.

2) Stats like trailblazer/dire will continue to plague WvW and balance becomes much more difficult.




To conclude, this will make the competitive aspect of GW2 less dependent on gear and will allow more people to directly come to WvW and populate it further with the upcoming alliance system. People who likes to sPvP already have this option and can directly jump straight away after hitting lvl 5 so it'll be great if the same is extended to WvW/EoTM mode as well. Even playing field statistically = Better for everyone (minus the lag, balance issues).


P.S. Gear will absolutely count in PvE and all its areas, this suggestion is ONLY while in WvW and EoTM. EoTM is planned to host GvGs, so it'll be great for them to be statistically equalized.


Thoughts? It'll be great to have someone in WvW team chime in on this.

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I agree, but many WvWers are very determined they need "muh speciul builds".

Frankly, I'd rather get the pvp system. Then at least we can look towards more balanced runes / sigils / ... rather than live with the horrendeously OP PvE shit which they can't nerf; because if they nerf something as broken as concentration sigil every PvE mesmer in the game will complain.


Players say there's more diversity because of this; and in stats there is. But in optimized builds there isn't. Overpowered options like energy sigils, concentration sigils, specific expensive foods, ... are so dominant it reduces diversity. What promotes diversity compared to PvP is the lack of a skill-lock. Any build works if you're playing against the "average player" and not "player of my skill". Not to mention the entire set-up is inherently uneven.


Coming from someone who has 2/3 legendary armor sets and will have the last set soon. I already have any wvw build I want. But the fact that it takes years to work towards this just so i can freely experiment with builds and classes is rather sad.


It'd be much healthier for the game if players could just swap builds at will. It'd also help for roaming / zergs / .... It allows you to swap your build with a queue; allowing you to adapt your build to what you need without having spare gear on you. (Something many players with legendary armor or second armor sets already do; but it requires them to be WvW dedicated).


The best part about Wvw is that players don't win through gear. A lot of mediocre players in WvW enjoy that this isn't entirely true in WvW; allowing them to feel more skilled than they are. The issue is bigger now that WvW gives nearly NO money; and many "meta" builds aren't easy buyable stats and not necessarily available in cheap exotic either (minstrel, trailblazer, concentration sigils, dura runes in exotic, ...)

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> @"Etheri.5406" said:

> I agree, but many WvWers are very determined they need "muh speciul builds".

> Frankly, I'd rather get the pvp system. Then at least we can look towards more balanced runes / sigils / ... rather than live with the horrendeously OP PvE kitten which they can't nerf; because if they nerf something as broken as concentration sigil every PvE mesmer in the game will complain.


> Players say there's more diversity because of this; and in stats there is. But in optimized builds there isn't. Overpowered options like energy sigils, concentration sigils, specific expensive foods, ... are so dominant it reduces diversity. What promotes diversity compared to PvP is the lack of a skill-lock. Any build works if you're playing against the "average player" and not "player of my skill". Not to mention the entire set-up is inherently uneven.


> Coming from someone who has 2/3 legendary armor sets and will have the last set soon. I already have any wvw build I want. But the fact that it takes years to work towards this just so i can freely experiment with builds and classes is rather sad.


> It'd be much healthier for the game if players could just swap builds at will. It'd also help for roaming / zergs / .... It allows you to swap your build with a queue; allowing you to adapt your build to what you need without having spare gear on you. (Something many players with legendary armor or second armor sets already do; but it requires them to be WvW dedicated).


> The best part about Wvw is that players don't win through gear. A lot of mediocre players in WvW enjoy that this isn't entirely true in WvW; allowing them to feel more skilled than they are. The issue is bigger now that WvW gives nearly NO money; and many "meta" builds aren't easy buyable stats and not necessarily available in cheap exotic either (minstrel, trailblazer, concentration sigils, dura runes in exotic, ...)


You can still create those special builds with these 2 suggestions because it won't use the single amulet system so you can interchange stat. So by default, there will be more diversity than in sPvP.


My main intention behind this post are these:


1) Balance will be _MUCH better_ since they can add/remove sigils/runes/stat combos in WvW exclusively without hampering PvE. It already has its own trait/spec system so why not this? In the past, because of WvW, PvE has already suffered so this system will eliminate that to a great extent.


2) Alliance/WvW restructure is in progress and it probably won't finish by this year or early next year. So this thread will give the devs and fellow WvW'ers to think and discuss and/or add/subtract stuffs depending on how it goes.


3) Most importantly, new players who are primarily looking for WvW/RvR action can straight away jump into WvW without any grinding required. Only thing that a new player won't have are the cosmetic looks which doesn't give any advantage.

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> @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> So for option 1, players new to GW2 and its combat/mechanics system can bypass the content thats there to teach them and jump right in expecting to contribute to your team? Theyre more likely to get flamed for being a free rally.


It'll be the same system as in sPvP just having more slots. It's not like the players new to gw2 now can't already jump to WvW at lower level than 80 currently. Basically this will make them autogeared the moment you step into WvW.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > So for option 1, players new to GW2 and its combat/mechanics system can bypass the content thats there to teach them and jump right in expecting to contribute to your team? Theyre more likely to get flamed for being a free rally.


> It'll be the same system as in sPvP just having more slots. It's not like the players new to gw2 now can't already jump to WvW at lower level than 80 currently. Basically this will make them autogeared the moment you step into WvW.


Fair point, so its already accessible to players currently. But one group just worked harder to gear their PC than the other. And with this option it renders that obsolete.



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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > > @"Rysdude.3824" said:

> > > > So for option 1, players new to GW2 and its combat/mechanics system can bypass the content thats there to teach them and jump right in expecting to contribute to your team? Theyre more likely to get flamed for being a free rally.

> > >

> > > It'll be the same system as in sPvP just having more slots. It's not like the players new to gw2 now can't already jump to WvW at lower level than 80 currently. Basically this will make them autogeared the moment you step into WvW.

> >

> > Fair point, so its already accessible to players currently. But one group just worked harder to gear their PC than the other. And with this option it renders that obsolete.

> >

> >


> Gear will still matter in PvE as stated in the original post, so not obsolete. This is just a discussion anyway. Maybe it could be changed to you must be lvl 80 to enter WvW for all players.



Personally I think the idea has merit to a degree. Would be interested in hearing other view points for the sake of discussion.


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Don't really see the need for this. WvW is not PvP. You can slap full ascended onto new WvW players and it won't make them better. Playing WvW repeatedly makes you better. Yes there are issues in the mode as it stands, but this is not the solution.


> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> ...In the past, because of WvW, PvE has already suffered...


Just no. Try the other way around.

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> @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

> Don't really see the need for this. WvW is not PvP. You can slap full ascended onto new WvW players and it won't make them better. Playing WvW repeatedly makes you better. Yes there are issues in the mode as it stands, but this is not the solution.


Balance is one of the issues and has always been. With pre-defined stat combos in the game mode(=WvW/EoTM), it'll be better than how it is now. Also changing stat will be on the fly and will give much flexibility to WvW'ers. It's not just about getting better as in personal/zerging skill. New players can directly join which will boost the WvW population who doesn't wanna PvE for gear.



> @"Blodeuyn.2751" said:

> > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > ...In the past, because of WvW, PvE has already suffered...


> Just no. Try the other way around.


Either way this is a solution that won't affect either game mode and will work like sPvP (minus the amulet system).

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No, for the last time if you want to have a standardized stat set/gear play sPvP, that is what it is there for, WvW was never intended for that system, it will disenfranchise so many players that actually put in the effort to gear up their characters, and it doesn’t even take that much to make a viable build/character in WvW so new players don’t even have to do much to be viable....


This is just another thinly veiled attempt to make it so certain people don’t have to put in the minimal effort possible to play WvW and so they can be instantly gratified.





If you want standardized/free stats sPvP is the Gamemode for you, not WvW.

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I like how OP casually ignores the current implementation of things and the direction WvW is meant to have.

Like the fact that in his opinion infusions should be disabled in WvW, while currently Arena Net is selling WvW-specific infusions in WvW merchants, so basically his point was already moot before it was made, since he's assuming that the gear WvW players are using is PvE gear, while there exists WvW specific gear, which is arguably easier to obtain if you only do WvW.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> Hi all,


> To make more WvW more accessible to all players (not just geared and max level) with full traits unlocked, I have two options suggestions for this:


> **1st option:** (Note: I prefer this by a long shot)


> Make WvW completely **normalized** for all players just like sPvP stat-wise **BUT not the amulet system**. The WvW gear panel will have all 6 armor slots, 2 weapon slots and 6 trinket slots (just like hero panel) except you can change stats, runes, sigils, etc for free anytime you're out of combat and in WvW. Players will automatically be boosted to 80 with all specializations and elite specs unlocked (as long as you have the expansions just like sPvP). Food will be allowed as per usual which will consume badges of honour as its currency (increase the cost to make it a proper sink and make BiS food available to be used in WvW only). The appearance of our character will use the PvE gear like how it's in sPvP.


> Pros:

> 1) Equal battle field statistically and WvW'ers won't have to PvE at all.

> 2) Easier to balance via removal of some condi-defense heavy stat combos like trailblazer/dire.

> 3) A proper Badges of honour sink


> **2nd option:**


> Make PvE gear scale to exotic level (like how sPvP scales to lvl 78 exotic power level) and if ascended armor have infusions it won't count those stats while in WvW. So unlike first suggestion, you have to go to pve to change stats of your gear and traits/specs won't be unlocked by default while in WvW and you have to do the manually by spending heroics of testimony or HP trains. Food will be allowed as per usual which will consume badges of honour as its currency (increase the cost to make it a proper sink and make BiS food available to be used in WvW only). The appearance of our character will use the PvE gear like how it's in sPvP.


> Pros:

> 1) A bit less equal battle field than 1st option statistically but still better than what we have.

> 2) A proper badges of honour sink


> Cons:

> 1) WvW'ers still have to level to 80 and get all specs unlocked.

> 2) Stats like trailblazer/dire will continue to plague WvW and balance becomes much more difficult.


> ----------------------------------------------------


> To conclude, this will make the competitive aspect of GW2 less dependent on gear and will allow more people to directly come to WvW and populate it further with the upcoming alliance system. People who likes to sPvP already have this option and can directly jump straight away after hitting lvl 5 so it'll be great if the same is extended to WvW/EoTM mode as well. Even playing field statistically = Better for everyone (minus the lag, balance issues).


> P.S. Gear will absolutely count in PvE and all its areas, this suggestion is ONLY while in WvW and EoTM. EoTM is planned to host GvGs, so it'll be great for them to be statistically equalized.


> Thoughts? It'll be great to have someone in WvW team chime in on this.


I have gotten 15k+ tickets over several months of exclusive wvw. Bought many T3 ascended armors that way, not to mention mist talismans. Also, made quite a few selectable stat exotic armorboxes, along with LS4 and LS3 map currencies and bought more ascended trinkets.

I didnt have to pve at all.

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> @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> I like how OP casually ignores the current implementation of things and the direction WvW is meant to have.

> Like the fact that in his opinion infusions should be disabled in WvW, while currently Arena Net is selling WvW-specific infusions in WvW merchants, so basically his point was already moot before it was made, since he's assuming that the gear WvW players are using is PvE gear, while there exists WvW specific gear, which is arguably easier to obtain if you only do WvW.


What I meant by using PvE gear is not literally using the gear you use for PvE but what the characters wear in hero panel. In the first option something like that could very well be implemented having WvW specific infusions in the WvW gear panel where anyone who has enough laurel/tickets/extract from current armors and insert those infusions.


> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> No, for the last time if you want to have a standardized stat set/gear play sPvP, that is what it is there for, WvW was never intended for that system, it will disenfranchise so many players that actually put in the effort to gear up their characters, and it doesn’t even take that much to make a viable build/character in WvW so new players don’t even have to do much to be viable....


> **This is just another thinly veiled attempt to make it so certain people don’t have to put in the minimal effort possible to play WvW and so they can be instantly gratified.**





> If you want standardized/free stats sPvP is the Gamemode for you, not WvW.


Gearing properly while grinding in PvE for stats like Trailblazer/Minstrel gives you gratification instead of actually enjoying the WvW mode and winning fights/PPT/whatever you enjoy? This system will put everyone on equal footing in the mass PvP mode. Gear will stay absolutely relevant in PvE like it has always been which is the biggest game mode by far (atleast by population). This will not only add a lot of flexibility to changing builds on the fly everytime you're out of combat but also help balancing issues by eliminating certain stat combos which are removed from sPvP for a reason.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > I like how OP casually ignores the current implementation of things and the direction WvW is meant to have.

> > Like the fact that in his opinion infusions should be disabled in WvW, while currently Arena Net is selling WvW-specific infusions in WvW merchants, so basically his point was already moot before it was made, since he's assuming that the gear WvW players are using is PvE gear, while there exists WvW specific gear, which is arguably easier to obtain if you only do WvW.


> What I meant by using PvE gear is not literally using the gear you use for PvE but what the characters wear in hero panel. In the first option something like that could very well be implemented having WvW specific infusions in the WvW gear panel where anyone who has enough laurel/tickets/extract from current armors and insert those infusions.


> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > No, for the last time if you want to have a standardized stat set/gear play sPvP, that is what it is there for, WvW was never intended for that system, it will disenfranchise so many players that actually put in the effort to gear up their characters, and it doesn’t even take that much to make a viable build/character in WvW so new players don’t even have to do much to be viable....

> >

> > **This is just another thinly veiled attempt to make it so certain people don’t have to put in the minimal effort possible to play WvW and so they can be instantly gratified.**

> >

> >

> > TLDR

> >

> > If you want standardized/free stats sPvP is the Gamemode for you, not WvW.


> Gearing properly while grinding in PvE for stats like Trailblazer/Minstrel gives you gratification instead of actually enjoying the WvW mode and winning fights/PPT/whatever you enjoy? This system will put everyone on equal footing in the mass PvP mode. Gear will stay absolutely relevant in PvE like it has always been which is the biggest game mode by far (atleast by population). This will not only add a lot of flexibility to changing builds on the fly everytime you're out of combat but also help balancing issues by eliminating certain stat combos which are removed from sPvP for a reason.


Sorry but every piece of gear and stats are obtainable solely from WvW, you don’t have to PvE for any gear set, and again if players want the instant gratification and not have to put any effort into gearing their character Anet thought of that and provided a game mode specifically for that called sPvP.


Just because some people don’t want to put any effort into their character doesn’t mean all those that did should have all of their effort invalidated, it’s a very selfish idea in the OP really.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > I like how OP casually ignores the current implementation of things and the direction WvW is meant to have.

> > > Like the fact that in his opinion infusions should be disabled in WvW, while currently Arena Net is selling WvW-specific infusions in WvW merchants, so basically his point was already moot before it was made, since he's assuming that the gear WvW players are using is PvE gear, while there exists WvW specific gear, which is arguably easier to obtain if you only do WvW.

> >

> > What I meant by using PvE gear is not literally using the gear you use for PvE but what the characters wear in hero panel. In the first option something like that could very well be implemented having WvW specific infusions in the WvW gear panel where anyone who has enough laurel/tickets/extract from current armors and insert those infusions.

> >

> > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > No, for the last time if you want to have a standardized stat set/gear play sPvP, that is what it is there for, WvW was never intended for that system, it will disenfranchise so many players that actually put in the effort to gear up their characters, and it doesn’t even take that much to make a viable build/character in WvW so new players don’t even have to do much to be viable....

> > >

> > > **This is just another thinly veiled attempt to make it so certain people don’t have to put in the minimal effort possible to play WvW and so they can be instantly gratified.**

> > >

> > >

> > > TLDR

> > >

> > > If you want standardized/free stats sPvP is the Gamemode for you, not WvW.

> >

> > Gearing properly while grinding in PvE for stats like Trailblazer/Minstrel gives you gratification instead of actually enjoying the WvW mode and winning fights/PPT/whatever you enjoy? This system will put everyone on equal footing in the mass PvP mode. Gear will stay absolutely relevant in PvE like it has always been which is the biggest game mode by far (atleast by population). This will not only add a lot of flexibility to changing builds on the fly everytime you're out of combat but also help balancing issues by eliminating certain stat combos which are removed from sPvP for a reason.


> Sorry but every piece of gear and stats are obtainable solely from WvW, you don’t have to PvE for any gear set, and again if players want the instant gratification and not have to put any effort into gearing their character Anet thought of that and provided a game mode specifically for that called sPvP.


> Just because some people don’t want to put any effort into their character doesn’t mean all those that did should have all of their effort invalidated, it’s a very selfish idea in the OP really.


sPvP isn't mass PvP. It won't invalidate any earned gear before since they'll matter in PvE so that's not a valid point. It seems certain people want unbalanced PvP, that's fine if that's your opinion.


Going forward this system will only help WvW (a mode which already has a much less population than PvE) and attract new players. It's not exactly like veteran players gonna lose their earned gear. IMO, the positives far outweighs the negatives.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > I like how OP casually ignores the current implementation of things and the direction WvW is meant to have.

> > > > Like the fact that in his opinion infusions should be disabled in WvW, while currently Arena Net is selling WvW-specific infusions in WvW merchants, so basically his point was already moot before it was made, since he's assuming that the gear WvW players are using is PvE gear, while there exists WvW specific gear, which is arguably easier to obtain if you only do WvW.

> > >

> > > What I meant by using PvE gear is not literally using the gear you use for PvE but what the characters wear in hero panel. In the first option something like that could very well be implemented having WvW specific infusions in the WvW gear panel where anyone who has enough laurel/tickets/extract from current armors and insert those infusions.

> > >

> > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > No, for the last time if you want to have a standardized stat set/gear play sPvP, that is what it is there for, WvW was never intended for that system, it will disenfranchise so many players that actually put in the effort to gear up their characters, and it doesn’t even take that much to make a viable build/character in WvW so new players don’t even have to do much to be viable....

> > > >

> > > > **This is just another thinly veiled attempt to make it so certain people don’t have to put in the minimal effort possible to play WvW and so they can be instantly gratified.**

> > > >

> > > >

> > > > TLDR

> > > >

> > > > If you want standardized/free stats sPvP is the Gamemode for you, not WvW.

> > >

> > > Gearing properly while grinding in PvE for stats like Trailblazer/Minstrel gives you gratification instead of actually enjoying the WvW mode and winning fights/PPT/whatever you enjoy? This system will put everyone on equal footing in the mass PvP mode. Gear will stay absolutely relevant in PvE like it has always been which is the biggest game mode by far (atleast by population). This will not only add a lot of flexibility to changing builds on the fly everytime you're out of combat but also help balancing issues by eliminating certain stat combos which are removed from sPvP for a reason.

> >

> > Sorry but every piece of gear and stats are obtainable solely from WvW, you don’t have to PvE for any gear set, and again if players want the instant gratification and not have to put any effort into gearing their character Anet thought of that and provided a game mode specifically for that called sPvP.

> >

> > Just because some people don’t want to put any effort into their character doesn’t mean all those that did should have all of their effort invalidated, it’s a very selfish idea in the OP really.


> sPvP isn't mass PvP. It won't invalidate any earned gear before since they'll matter in PvE so that's not a valid point. It seems certain people want unbalanced PvP, that's fine if that's your opinion.


> Going forward this system will only help WvW (a mode which already has a much less population than PvE) and attract new players. It's not exactly like veteran players gonna lose their earned gear. IMO, the positives far outweighs the negatives.


If players don’t play PvE their effort is completely invalidated, Players have made full sets of Legendary Armor without ever touching PvE just for WvW so you are saying their effort won’t be invalidated? If they never PvE that is exactly what happens, that is just common sense, and all those people that actually put effort in will be very disenfranchised and more likely than not leave, and again WvW was never designed to be standardized, that’s what sPvP is for, so again if a player wants standardized PvP they have a Gamemode specifically for that and soon it will have the option of 10v10.


It is clear that this suggestion is only a selfish attempt at not having to put in effort for a Gamemode, especially since all gear is available through WvW so no player has to play any other Gamemode to gear up or anything.


Players have made full sets of Legendary Armor without ever touching PvE just for WvW so you are saying their effort won’t be invalidated? If they never PvE that is exactly what happens. Smh.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > I like how OP casually ignores the current implementation of things and the direction WvW is meant to have.

> > > > > Like the fact that in his opinion infusions should be disabled in WvW, while currently Arena Net is selling WvW-specific infusions in WvW merchants, so basically his point was already moot before it was made, since he's assuming that the gear WvW players are using is PvE gear, while there exists WvW specific gear, which is arguably easier to obtain if you only do WvW.

> > > >

> > > > What I meant by using PvE gear is not literally using the gear you use for PvE but what the characters wear in hero panel. In the first option something like that could very well be implemented having WvW specific infusions in the WvW gear panel where anyone who has enough laurel/tickets/extract from current armors and insert those infusions.

> > > >

> > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > No, for the last time if you want to have a standardized stat set/gear play sPvP, that is what it is there for, WvW was never intended for that system, it will disenfranchise so many players that actually put in the effort to gear up their characters, and it doesn’t even take that much to make a viable build/character in WvW so new players don’t even have to do much to be viable....

> > > > >

> > > > > **This is just another thinly veiled attempt to make it so certain people don’t have to put in the minimal effort possible to play WvW and so they can be instantly gratified.**

> > > > >

> > > > >

> > > > > TLDR

> > > > >

> > > > > If you want standardized/free stats sPvP is the Gamemode for you, not WvW.

> > > >

> > > > Gearing properly while grinding in PvE for stats like Trailblazer/Minstrel gives you gratification instead of actually enjoying the WvW mode and winning fights/PPT/whatever you enjoy? This system will put everyone on equal footing in the mass PvP mode. Gear will stay absolutely relevant in PvE like it has always been which is the biggest game mode by far (atleast by population). This will not only add a lot of flexibility to changing builds on the fly everytime you're out of combat but also help balancing issues by eliminating certain stat combos which are removed from sPvP for a reason.

> > >

> > > Sorry but every piece of gear and stats are obtainable solely from WvW, you don’t have to PvE for any gear set, and again if players want the instant gratification and not have to put any effort into gearing their character Anet thought of that and provided a game mode specifically for that called sPvP.

> > >

> > > Just because some people don’t want to put any effort into their character doesn’t mean all those that did should have all of their effort invalidated, it’s a very selfish idea in the OP really.

> >

> > sPvP isn't mass PvP. It won't invalidate any earned gear before since they'll matter in PvE so that's not a valid point. It seems certain people want unbalanced PvP, that's fine if that's your opinion.

> >

> > Going forward this system will only help WvW (a mode which already has a much less population than PvE) and attract new players. It's not exactly like veteran players gonna lose their earned gear. IMO, the positives far outweighs the negatives.


> If players don’t play PvE their effort is completely invalidated, that is common sense, and all those people that actually put effort in will be very disenfranchised and more likely than not leave, and again WvW was never designed to be standardized, that’s what sPvP is for, so again if a player wants standardized PvP they have a Gamemode specifically for that and soon it will have the option of 10v10.


> It is clear that this suggestion is only a selfish attempt at not having to put in effort for a Gamemode, especially since all gear is available through WvW so no player has to play any other Gamemode to gear up or anything.



Yeah and that's the only negative if you can call that. You'll be getting those tickets and gears anyway so nothing gets invalidated in the process. Making any PvP mode on equal footing will help more than it'll drive people away. Let PvE stay gear based. It's not like you or us will lose anything personally when everyone else is same statistically...


There is nothing selfish about the thread. I started it with the intent of reaching out to the WvW devs genuinely believing this will help our beloved game mode a lot more in the future. All competitive modes (every pvp mode) should be on equal footing otherwise it doesn't remain competitive anymore. More people trying out when alliances hit is never a bad idea. If they want PvE they'll have to earn their gear anyway.

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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > I like how OP casually ignores the current implementation of things and the direction WvW is meant to have.

> > > > > > Like the fact that in his opinion infusions should be disabled in WvW, while currently Arena Net is selling WvW-specific infusions in WvW merchants, so basically his point was already moot before it was made, since he's assuming that the gear WvW players are using is PvE gear, while there exists WvW specific gear, which is arguably easier to obtain if you only do WvW.

> > > > >

> > > > > What I meant by using PvE gear is not literally using the gear you use for PvE but what the characters wear in hero panel. In the first option something like that could very well be implemented having WvW specific infusions in the WvW gear panel where anyone who has enough laurel/tickets/extract from current armors and insert those infusions.

> > > > >

> > > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > > No, for the last time if you want to have a standardized stat set/gear play sPvP, that is what it is there for, WvW was never intended for that system, it will disenfranchise so many players that actually put in the effort to gear up their characters, and it doesn’t even take that much to make a viable build/character in WvW so new players don’t even have to do much to be viable....

> > > > > >

> > > > > > **This is just another thinly veiled attempt to make it so certain people don’t have to put in the minimal effort possible to play WvW and so they can be instantly gratified.**

> > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > > > > TLDR

> > > > > >

> > > > > > If you want standardized/free stats sPvP is the Gamemode for you, not WvW.

> > > > >

> > > > > Gearing properly while grinding in PvE for stats like Trailblazer/Minstrel gives you gratification instead of actually enjoying the WvW mode and winning fights/PPT/whatever you enjoy? This system will put everyone on equal footing in the mass PvP mode. Gear will stay absolutely relevant in PvE like it has always been which is the biggest game mode by far (atleast by population). This will not only add a lot of flexibility to changing builds on the fly everytime you're out of combat but also help balancing issues by eliminating certain stat combos which are removed from sPvP for a reason.

> > > >

> > > > Sorry but every piece of gear and stats are obtainable solely from WvW, you don’t have to PvE for any gear set, and again if players want the instant gratification and not have to put any effort into gearing their character Anet thought of that and provided a game mode specifically for that called sPvP.

> > > >

> > > > Just because some people don’t want to put any effort into their character doesn’t mean all those that did should have all of their effort invalidated, it’s a very selfish idea in the OP really.

> > >

> > > sPvP isn't mass PvP. It won't invalidate any earned gear before since they'll matter in PvE so that's not a valid point. It seems certain people want unbalanced PvP, that's fine if that's your opinion.

> > >

> > > Going forward this system will only help WvW (a mode which already has a much less population than PvE) and attract new players. It's not exactly like veteran players gonna lose their earned gear. IMO, the positives far outweighs the negatives.

> >

> > If players don’t play PvE their effort is completely invalidated, that is common sense, and all those people that actually put effort in will be very disenfranchised and more likely than not leave, and again WvW was never designed to be standardized, that’s what sPvP is for, so again if a player wants standardized PvP they have a Gamemode specifically for that and soon it will have the option of 10v10.

> >

> > It is clear that this suggestion is only a selfish attempt at not having to put in effort for a Gamemode, especially since all gear is available through WvW so no player has to play any other Gamemode to gear up or anything.

> >


> Yeah and that's the only negative if you can call that. You'll be getting those tickets and gears anyway so nothing gets invalidated in the process. Making any PvP mode on equal footing will help more than it'll drive people away. Let PvE stay gear based. It's not like you or us will lose anything personally when everyone else is same statistically...


> There is nothing selfish about the thread. I started it with the intent of reaching out to the WvW devs genuinely believing this will help our beloved game mode a lot more in the future. All competitive modes (every pvp mode) should be on equal footing otherwise it doesn't remain competitive anymore. More people trying out when alliances hit is never a bad idea. If they want PvE they'll have to earn their gear anyway.


Again only PvP mode that is competitive is the sPvP and that’s because it’s actually a League/tournament system, that is not the case in any sense as WvW and at the very core of WvW it will never be a fair footing due to population. And WvW was never intended to have standardized gear at all hence why it’s never had it in 6 years, so if players want to have standardized gear they have sPvP as is intended.


And one last time every player that put any effort into acquiring gear for WvW will have all that effort invalidated, there is no way around that no matter how loudly *certain people* claim otherwise, and yes it is selfish to want to invalidate a plethora of peoples time and effort just so *certain people* don’t have to put in any effort, and to get the same results, that is selfishness and laziness at its very core.


And again a lot of Players don’t PvE at all and they got all of their gear solely for WvW and players can get every gear stat and tier from WvW without ever setting foot in PvE. Again it’s common sense that making WvW players gear useless their time/effort investment is completely invalidated, again that is pure common sense.

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> @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > > I like how OP casually ignores the current implementation of things and the direction WvW is meant to have.

> > > > > > > Like the fact that in his opinion infusions should be disabled in WvW, while currently Arena Net is selling WvW-specific infusions in WvW merchants, so basically his point was already moot before it was made, since he's assuming that the gear WvW players are using is PvE gear, while there exists WvW specific gear, which is arguably easier to obtain if you only do WvW.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > What I meant by using PvE gear is not literally using the gear you use for PvE but what the characters wear in hero panel. In the first option something like that could very well be implemented having WvW specific infusions in the WvW gear panel where anyone who has enough laurel/tickets/extract from current armors and insert those infusions.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > > > No, for the last time if you want to have a standardized stat set/gear play sPvP, that is what it is there for, WvW was never intended for that system, it will disenfranchise so many players that actually put in the effort to gear up their characters, and it doesn’t even take that much to make a viable build/character in WvW so new players don’t even have to do much to be viable....

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > **This is just another thinly veiled attempt to make it so certain people don’t have to put in the minimal effort possible to play WvW and so they can be instantly gratified.**

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > TLDR

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > If you want standardized/free stats sPvP is the Gamemode for you, not WvW.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Gearing properly while grinding in PvE for stats like Trailblazer/Minstrel gives you gratification instead of actually enjoying the WvW mode and winning fights/PPT/whatever you enjoy? This system will put everyone on equal footing in the mass PvP mode. Gear will stay absolutely relevant in PvE like it has always been which is the biggest game mode by far (atleast by population). This will not only add a lot of flexibility to changing builds on the fly everytime you're out of combat but also help balancing issues by eliminating certain stat combos which are removed from sPvP for a reason.

> > > > >

> > > > > Sorry but every piece of gear and stats are obtainable solely from WvW, you don’t have to PvE for any gear set, and again if players want the instant gratification and not have to put any effort into gearing their character Anet thought of that and provided a game mode specifically for that called sPvP.

> > > > >

> > > > > Just because some people don’t want to put any effort into their character doesn’t mean all those that did should have all of their effort invalidated, it’s a very selfish idea in the OP really.

> > > >

> > > > sPvP isn't mass PvP. It won't invalidate any earned gear before since they'll matter in PvE so that's not a valid point. It seems certain people want unbalanced PvP, that's fine if that's your opinion.

> > > >

> > > > Going forward this system will only help WvW (a mode which already has a much less population than PvE) and attract new players. It's not exactly like veteran players gonna lose their earned gear. IMO, the positives far outweighs the negatives.

> > >

> > > If players don’t play PvE their effort is completely invalidated, that is common sense, and all those people that actually put effort in will be very disenfranchised and more likely than not leave, and again WvW was never designed to be standardized, that’s what sPvP is for, so again if a player wants standardized PvP they have a Gamemode specifically for that and soon it will have the option of 10v10.

> > >

> > > It is clear that this suggestion is only a selfish attempt at not having to put in effort for a Gamemode, especially since all gear is available through WvW so no player has to play any other Gamemode to gear up or anything.

> > >

> >

> > Yeah and that's the only negative if you can call that. You'll be getting those tickets and gears anyway so nothing gets invalidated in the process. Making any PvP mode on equal footing will help more than it'll drive people away. Let PvE stay gear based. It's not like you or us will lose anything personally when everyone else is same statistically...

> >

> > There is nothing selfish about the thread. I started it with the intent of reaching out to the WvW devs genuinely believing this will help our beloved game mode a lot more in the future. All competitive modes (every pvp mode) should be on equal footing otherwise it doesn't remain competitive anymore. More people trying out when alliances hit is never a bad idea. If they want PvE they'll have to earn their gear anyway.


> Again only PvP mode that is competitive is the sPvP and that’s because it’s actually a League/tournament system, that is not the case in any sense as WvW and at the very core of WvW it will never be a fair footing due to population. And WvW was never intended to have standardized gear at all hence why it’s never had it in 6 years, so if players want to have standardized gear they have sPvP as is intended.


> And one last time every player that put any effort into acquiring gear for WvW will have all that effort invalidated, there is no way around that no matter how loudly *certain people* claim otherwise, and yes it is selfish to want to invalidate a plethora of peoples time and effort just so *certain people* don’t have to put in any effort, and to get the same results, that is selfishness and laziness at its very core.


> And again a lot of Players don’t PvE at all and they got all of their gear solely for WvW and players can get every gear stat and tier from WvW without ever setting foot in PvE. Again it’s common sense that making WvW players gear useless their time/effort investment is completely invalidated, again that is pure common sense.


Isn't population balance is what Anet is trying to achieve through the alliance system for the WvW restructure?


Direct quote from restructure FAQ:

"Q. Will all servers be tried to balance at the same level or at rough tiers? I'd imagine with the EU language restrictions it will be more difficult to achieve that.


The goal is to have worlds be balanced at the same level. That way we can create great matches. We are not trying to make 3 tier-one-worlds and then 3 tier-two-worlds etc."


So they are obviously making an attempt to balance out population among the alliances/worlds which is much more difficult than this. While they are attempting why not put everyone on same footing statistically as well? This will create "great matches" as well as "great fights" and also easier balance than currently.


Like I said previously call it selfishness (lol) or laziness, this system has far more positives than negative(s), atleast so far from what I have read in this thread so far.


We have to agree to disagree on this one.


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> @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > > > @"GwAddict.9746" said:

> > > > > > > > @"ReaverKane.7598" said:

> > > > > > > > I like how OP casually ignores the current implementation of things and the direction WvW is meant to have.

> > > > > > > > Like the fact that in his opinion infusions should be disabled in WvW, while currently Arena Net is selling WvW-specific infusions in WvW merchants, so basically his point was already moot before it was made, since he's assuming that the gear WvW players are using is PvE gear, while there exists WvW specific gear, which is arguably easier to obtain if you only do WvW.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > What I meant by using PvE gear is not literally using the gear you use for PvE but what the characters wear in hero panel. In the first option something like that could very well be implemented having WvW specific infusions in the WvW gear panel where anyone who has enough laurel/tickets/extract from current armors and insert those infusions.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > @"BlaqueFyre.5678" said:

> > > > > > > > No, for the last time if you want to have a standardized stat set/gear play sPvP, that is what it is there for, WvW was never intended for that system, it will disenfranchise so many players that actually put in the effort to gear up their characters, and it doesn’t even take that much to make a viable build/character in WvW so new players don’t even have to do much to be viable....

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > **This is just another thinly veiled attempt to make it so certain people don’t have to put in the minimal effort possible to play WvW and so they can be instantly gratified.**

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > TLDR

> > > > > > > >

> > > > > > > > If you want standardized/free stats sPvP is the Gamemode for you, not WvW.

> > > > > > >

> > > > > > > Gearing properly while grinding in PvE for stats like Trailblazer/Minstrel gives you gratification instead of actually enjoying the WvW mode and winning fights/PPT/whatever you enjoy? This system will put everyone on equal footing in the mass PvP mode. Gear will stay absolutely relevant in PvE like it has always been which is the biggest game mode by far (atleast by population). This will not only add a lot of flexibility to changing builds on the fly everytime you're out of combat but also help balancing issues by eliminating certain stat combos which are removed from sPvP for a reason.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Sorry but every piece of gear and stats are obtainable solely from WvW, you don’t have to PvE for any gear set, and again if players want the instant gratification and not have to put any effort into gearing their character Anet thought of that and provided a game mode specifically for that called sPvP.

> > > > > >

> > > > > > Just because some people don’t want to put any effort into their character doesn’t mean all those that did should have all of their effort invalidated, it’s a very selfish idea in the OP really.

> > > > >

> > > > > sPvP isn't mass PvP. It won't invalidate any earned gear before since they'll matter in PvE so that's not a valid point. It seems certain people want unbalanced PvP, that's fine if that's your opinion.

> > > > >

> > > > > Going forward this system will only help WvW (a mode which already has a much less population than PvE) and attract new players. It's not exactly like veteran players gonna lose their earned gear. IMO, the positives far outweighs the negatives.

> > > >

> > > > If players don’t play PvE their effort is completely invalidated, that is common sense, and all those people that actually put effort in will be very disenfranchised and more likely than not leave, and again WvW was never designed to be standardized, that’s what sPvP is for, so again if a player wants standardized PvP they have a Gamemode specifically for that and soon it will have the option of 10v10.

> > > >

> > > > It is clear that this suggestion is only a selfish attempt at not having to put in effort for a Gamemode, especially since all gear is available through WvW so no player has to play any other Gamemode to gear up or anything.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Yeah and that's the only negative if you can call that. You'll be getting those tickets and gears anyway so nothing gets invalidated in the process. Making any PvP mode on equal footing will help more than it'll drive people away. Let PvE stay gear based. It's not like you or us will lose anything personally when everyone else is same statistically...

> > >

> > > There is nothing selfish about the thread. I started it with the intent of reaching out to the WvW devs genuinely believing this will help our beloved game mode a lot more in the future. All competitive modes (every pvp mode) should be on equal footing otherwise it doesn't remain competitive anymore. More people trying out when alliances hit is never a bad idea. If they want PvE they'll have to earn their gear anyway.

> >

> > Again only PvP mode that is competitive is the sPvP and that’s because it’s actually a League/tournament system, that is not the case in any sense as WvW and at the very core of WvW it will never be a fair footing due to population. And WvW was never intended to have standardized gear at all hence why it’s never had it in 6 years, so if players want to have standardized gear they have sPvP as is intended.

> >

> > And one last time every player that put any effort into acquiring gear for WvW will have all that effort invalidated, there is no way around that no matter how loudly *certain people* claim otherwise, and yes it is selfish to want to invalidate a plethora of peoples time and effort just so *certain people* don’t have to put in any effort, and to get the same results, that is selfishness and laziness at its very core.

> >

> > And again a lot of Players don’t PvE at all and they got all of their gear solely for WvW and players can get every gear stat and tier from WvW without ever setting foot in PvE. Again it’s common sense that making WvW players gear useless their time/effort investment is completely invalidated, again that is pure common sense.


> Isn't population balance is what Anet is trying to achieve through the alliance system for the WvW restructure?


> Direct quote from restructure FAQ:

> "Q. Will all servers be tried to balance at the same level or at rough tiers? I'd imagine with the EU language restrictions it will be more difficult to achieve that.


> The goal is to have worlds be balanced at the same level. That way we can create great matches. We are not trying to make 3 tier-one-worlds and then 3 tier-two-worlds etc."


> So they are obviously making an attempt to balance out population among the alliances/worlds which is much more difficult than this. While they are attempting why not put everyone on same footing statistically as well? This will create "great matches" as well as "great fights" and also easier balance than currently.


> Like I said previously call it selfishness (lol) or laziness, this system has far more positives than negative(s), atleast so far from what I have read in this thread so far.


> We have to agree to disagree on this one.


Population balance will never be perfectly even so it will never be a fair footing, plain and simple.



Again everyone can acquire all the same gear just bun WvW and nothing is stopping them from being statistically even, absolutely nothing all it takes is an iota of effort, and yes it is completely selfish and lazy to want to completely invalidate a plethora of other peoples time/effort just so *certain people* don’t have to put in any effort to receive the same results, it’s simple common sense no way around that. And you say that the benefits are so many but you have zero proof of that because this system will disenfranchise a Plethora Of actual players not hypothetical potential players, which is huge negative. It’s crystal clear the whole intent behind this.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> How can you say in one sentence that skill and trait splits exist, then in the other claim that WvW influences PvE balance..


Because of gear like trailblazer/dire. Currently they provide full condi dmg + both defensive stats. There'a a good reason why these 2 stats do not exist in sPvP (the more competitive mode) along with other stats combos as well. My proposal is to increase the competitiveness in WvW by having the same system just slightly modified. With this, balance by adding/removing stat combos will be better overall as well.


I'll give confusion as a recent example which used to be OP (when they enabled passive ticking in all modes) in WvW but ok in PvE. When it got nerfed recently (around 2-3 months ago?) they made it completely useless in PvE rendering lot of builds which relied on confusion nearly useless (condi engi, condi mesmer). Because of that they had to change certain axe skills of mesmer from confusion to torment.

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