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PvP verbal abuse & ignorance


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> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> > > > @"shadowpass.4236" said:

> > > > Block them and grow up. People need to stop being so sensitive and use the features that are already available to them.

> > > >

> > > > You can't control what other people do. If you're actually getting your feelings hurt by random comments, that's your problem. Ignore them, block them, your choice.

> > >

> > > You don't know who is on the other end of the keyboard. Someone once whispered my little sister that she should be kitten and called her a kitten because she was new to pvp.

> > >

> > > Another time I messaged a person I thought was terrible at the game. I didn't message them anything terrible, but i just simply asked them if they were new to the game and me and them got to talking. They said to me that they wasn't new to the game, had been playing for years, but was recovering from a stroke.

> > >

> > > I'm just saying, you really have no idea who you are hurling insults at and what they may be dealing with in their real life. It's not as simple as just block and move on. Anet needs to silence those players if they don't know how to interact with people in a positive way. I'm not saying no one should be able to give criticism. Of course you can. But it is about how you say it. And people need to learn to quench their rage instead of spouting hate at people just trying to enjoy the game.

> >

> > You're assuming I'm one of these people that rage pm and harass people over whisper.

> >

> > I don't.

> >

> > In fact, if I see my teammates even start to argue in team chat, I say, "Shut up and focus."

> >

> > It works 98% of the time.

> >

> > Regardless, if you don't want to interact with someone, block them or ignore them. It doesn't matter who you are or what you've suffered from. Be mature about it and use the block feature rather than coming on the forums crying "Poor me!" The tools to solve the issue are already in game. Coming here about a personal vendetta trying to get someone banned is childish. For all you know, the person hurling insults just had the worst day of his life. So, in your own words, you never know. Just block and move on.


> There's no vendetta. I don't think they should be banned. But they should be muted from all chat channels and forbidden from joining groups for the duration. Toxic behaviors are usually a pattern. Not just a one time thing. I don't want to see them banned. They should continue to play, just keep their chat on lock.


Although I see the reasoning behind it, I don't think that's a good idea.


If it were up to me, people who are toxic, behaved poorly, or trolled in ranked ques should be locked out of ranked as well.


Until someone can justify that and it gets implemented, I don't think someone's chat should get restricted.

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1st of all you have Profanity Filter. Turn it on. **Why do you bother forums about chat insults, when you have turned off Profanity Filter?**

Interesting fact It's easy to get your attention by using insults, and hard to get your attention on the map by using normal language. And since most of sPvP players don't look at the map, this is the only way to draw their attention.

Ban system(Support team) works slow. I've roasted people in so many matches, and got banned after 3 weeks or something like that. There is no punishment for toxic behavior. It could be automatic bans for 1-3 hours. To make person shut the hell up, you would be need 6+ reports. But we have Profanity Filter to secure fragile people from rough words.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > This is right out of RULES of Conduct something all players agree to when they Click "I accept" when installing this game.

> >

> > https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-rules-of-conduct/

> >

> > >While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

> >

> > It pretty clear what they are saying here .

> >

> > No where in that Rules of Conduct does it suggest that players "must be Good" or that players "Must play acceptable builds".

> >

> > Now again, I have never felt the need to report another player even though I have received such messages. That does not suggest that other players do not have that right should they feel they have been subject to such.


> But playing with eles on my team "causes distress" to me and other players

> Playing with a guardian on my team who goes to my home node with me at start (I am the thief) "causes distress" to me and other players

> Playing with revs on my team "causes distress" to me and other players

> Hell, playing against duo queue teams "causes distress" to me more than any of the above things, and that was sanctioned by anet as well as half the community. Why haven't all those people been banned? Why didn't anet ban themselves? You might read that and laugh, but that's what this sounds like to me - someone call me a ninny and my feelings are hurt so I want him banned. Causing distress is bannable according to the absurdly vague anet rules that really can apply to pretty much everyone playing the game doing literally anything. I could argue farming materials causes me distress because it devalues the ones I collected this morning.


> You know what happened this morning when someone called me a kitten noob for running over to +1 on a 2v1 node? I called him a kitten and went back to mid - but now I won't +1 a 2v1 as a thief anymore, because I realized that was stupid. And then we won the game and everyone was better for it. Maybe instead of hiding in our "safe spaces" and grabbing our blankies every time someone doesn't like something we did, we can all grow the kitten up and learn to deal with "toxicity". You people really haven't learned how to think things through properly.


> One of two things can happen. Scenario 1: "toxic" players start getting banned -

> 1. well that's 80% of the people who play the game, so nobody is going to be left playing. This will actually lead to even MORE toxicity in the end, as the matchmaker struggles to correct massive imbalances caused by low population due to the high number of banned players, the match quality nosedives, and nobody enjoys the games any more

> 2. In addition, everyone will be trash at pvp now, because none of the whiney children can get out of their safe space with their blankies long enough to learn how to pvp because they can't handle someone calling them a noob for +1 a 2v1 on the side node.

> 3. Then, several years from now, long after the authorities have caved to your whining about someone calling you a noob, and since "toxicity" is absurdly vague to the point that you can't possibly define it, you get YOURSELF banned because someone else is offended by the phrase "fresh air ele is trash" because they happened to be playing fresh air ele and you didn't see that. Because by that time pretty much everything is offense to someone, and ele sucks balls in pvp so why the hell should anyone have to even see the words on their chat box. Everyone will be offended by everything, everyone is in a contest to be THE LEAST TOXIC PLAYER WOW

> 4. everyone playing the game will be a whiney child who needs adult supervision at all times because we can't have anyone ever getting offended! ZOMG. Now anet is so overburdened by the number of referees they had to hire that the game content never gets released anymore and we have no content. Not even a new fractal, for years at a time.


> Or, the adult grown up version: "toxic" players don't get banned:

> 1. people are still playing gw2 several years from now, because people aren't being banned for insanely kitten kitten

> 2. people actually learn how to play pvp because not only are their teammates going to call them trash for playing bad, but they also get immediate feedback when they do something stupid and learn how to correct it right away

> 3. several years from now, you are still allowed to type things in chat because people aren't banned for saying "hammer rev is bad" in public chat

> 4. you learn how to deal with criticism, how to determine valid vs invalid criticism, in addition to minor degrees of critical thinking skills, as well you learn how to not be a whiney child who is incapable of handling minor arguments without a mature adult holding your hand. Anet doesn't have to devote resources to babysitting children anymore, and now they're releasing regular content. CONTENT RELEASES! Amazing.


> Which one of these two options actually sounds more appealing to you? Reaaaaaaaaaaaaally think long and hard about the final application of your idea of "banning toxic players" and where that will lead many years down the road. Reaaaaaaally think about it. Like, critical thinking.


Well said man.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"Elmo Benchwarmer.3025" said:

> > You were right to report him Tetsuyja. I'd have done the same.

> >

> > Childish behaviour like displayed by your teammate is unacceptable. There is no excuse for taking your anger out on someone else over something as trivial as a video game. Especially when like in GW2 there is absolutely nothing at stake. As you can see though this kind of disrespectful and irresponsible behaviour has become the largely accepted norm.


> I agree with what you're saying but I don't agree with you thinking this is actionable stuff that needs reporting.


> No offense intended here but people need to grow up for real, use the block feature. Nobody needs to be banning anybody else because "he said useless piece of".


> Seriously, is this what it's coming to now? Every time somebody says something that might hurt your feelings we need account action? Are we going to start arresting people out on the streets of they call you a kitten?


> If anything I think people need to be taught to have thicker skin.


Well it's in the TOS ... Freedom of speech out in the real world vs breaking TOS in a game that has declared terms are 2 different things. Although I do agree with what you're saying, the comparison was pretty bad.

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> @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > > @"Legatus.3608" said:

> > > > @"babazhook.6805" said:

> > > > This is right out of RULES of Conduct something all players agree to when they Click "I accept" when installing this game.

> > > >

> > > > https://www.guildwars2.com/en/legal/guild-wars-2-rules-of-conduct/

> > > >

> > > > >While playing Guild Wars 2, you must respect the rights of others and their rights to play and enjoy the Game. To this end, you may not defraud, harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress and/or unwanted attention to other players. This includes posting insulting, offensive, or abusive comments about players, repeatedly sending unwanted messages, reporting players maliciously, attacking a player based on race, sexual orientation, religion, heritage, etc. Hate speech is not tolerated.

> > > >

> > > > It pretty clear what they are saying here .

> > > >

> > > > No where in that Rules of Conduct does it suggest that players "must be Good" or that players "Must play acceptable builds".

> > > >

> > > > Now again, I have never felt the need to report another player even though I have received such messages. That does not suggest that other players do not have that right should they feel they have been subject to such.

> > >

> > > But playing with eles on my team "causes distress" to me and other players

> > > Playing with a guardian on my team who goes to my home node with me at start (I am the thief) "causes distress" to me and other players

> > > Playing with revs on my team "causes distress" to me and other players

> > >

> > > Hell, playing against duo queue teams "causes distress" to me more than any of the above things, and that was sanctioned by anet as well as half the community. Why haven't all those people been banned? Why didn't anet ban themselves?

> > >

> > > You might read that and laugh, but that's what you sound like to me - someone call me a ninny and my feelings are hurt so I want him banned.

> > >

> > > You know what happened this morning when someone called me a kitten noob for running over to +1 on a 2v1 node? I called him a kitten and went back to mid - but now I won't +1 a 2v1 as a thief anymore, because I realized that was stupid. Maybe instead of hiding in our "safe spaces" and grabbing our blankies every time someone doesn't like something we did, we can all grow the kitten up and learn to deal with "toxicity". You people really haven't learned how to think things through properly.

> > >

> > > One of two things can happen. Scenario 1: "toxic" players start getting banned -

> > > 1. well that's 80% of the people who play the game, so nobody is going to be left playing. This will actually lead to even MORE toxicity in the end, as the matchmaker struggles to correct massive imbalances caused by low population due to the high number of banned players

> > > 2. In addition, everyone will be trash at pvp now, because none of the whiney children can get out of their safe space with their blankies long enough to learn how to pvp because they can't handle someone calling them a noob for +1 a 2v1 on the side node.

> > > 3. Then, several years from now, long after the authorities have caved to your whining about someone calling you a noob, and since "toxicity" is absurdly vague to the point that you can't possibly define it, you get YOURSELF banned because someone else is offended by the phrase "fresh air ele is trash" because they happened to be playing fresh air ele and you didn't see that. Because by that time pretty much everything is offense to someone, and ele sucks balls in pvp so why the hell should anyone have to even see the words on their chat box. Everyone will be offended by everything, everyone is in a contest to be THE LEAST TOXIC PLAYER WOW

> > > 4. everyone playing the game will be a whiney child who needs adult supervision at all times because we can't have anyone ever getting offended! ZOMG. Now anet is so overburdened by the number of referees they had to hire that the game content never gets released anymore and we have no content. Not even a new fractal, for years at a time.

> > >

> > > Or, the adult grown up version: "toxic" players don't get banned:

> > > 1. people are still playing gw2 several years from now, because people aren't being banned for insanely kitten kitten

> > > 2. people actually learn how to play pvp because not only are their teammates going to call them trash for playing bad, but they also get immediate feedback when they do something stupid and learn how to correct it right away

> > > 3. several years from now, you are still allowed to type things in chat because people aren't banned for saying "hammer rev is bad" in public chat

> > > 4. you learn how to deal with criticism, how to determine valid vs invalid criticism, in addition to minor degrees of critical thinking skills, as well you learn how to not be a whiney child who is incapable of handling minor arguments without a mature adult holding your hand

> > >

> > > Which one of these two options actually sounds more appealing to you? Reaaaaaaaaaaaaally think long and hard about the final application of your idea of "banning toxic players" and where that will lead many years down the road. Reaaaaaaally think about it. Like, critical thinking.

> >

> > Oh please. You do not make thet call as to what distress is. ANET does. They put those rules in place for a reason . If you are not willing to abide by th terms of service, it on you. If people feel they have been subjected to a breach of service they can make a report. If you feel a person being a bad player is a breach of service then make a report.

> >

> > As to childlike behaviour, I do not consider name calling as anything BUT child like.


> That's exactly my point guy, I can say this conversation is offensive to me and have you banned by the afternoon because I am offended when people disagree with me.


> No I can't? Well, if anet says it's distressing, then off you go. Bye bye. No objective reasoning for you, you were causing me distress so now you're out. Plus my guild of extremely unbiased friends all agreed with me that you were a jerk - sounds unbiased and fair to me! Everyone agrees with me that you're a jerk so cya.


> Oh? That doesn't make sense to you? Well, since there's no possible objective standard to "distressing", and instead it's just whatever the hell some random anet employee wants it to be, you're gone buddy.


> Plus, you know, there's the whole other 10 points I made that are all valid reasons why this line of thought is extremely bad.


Well you don't usually get perma-banned for 1st time offenses (even using racism) anyway, it takes roughly 6 offense reports consecutively to actually get perma'd and even then it might simply come down to the staff member reviewing it... Usually it starts off like this before a perma ban occurs.


Warning - once / twice

Suspension - 1 day

Suspension - 3 days

Suspension - 1 week

Suspension - 15 days

Suspension - 30 days


They then decide if permanently banning your account is the better route since you've been reported so many times for bad behavior that you're obviously not learning from the punishments. Also, this comes down to what they deem is necessary to suspend/ban you so even if somebody may feel offended or threatened, it's up to them to review and take action accordingly. Just because the guy reported him, this doesn't automatically mean Anet just auto-bans or auto-suspends them.


Another thing, there is nothing about being thick skinned when it breaks terms, it's called not breaking terms - whether the person can take it or not... The problem isn't on the person receiving the offensive chat messages - it's the problem on the person doing it, this is where it starts.


You're right though, we don't live in a perfect world where everybody is nice and it's important to develop that thick skin at some point in your life. This is where I would say to go outside where the real world exists and do that, the game is not a good place to attempt to develop those qualities. Being face to face with that kind of stuff physically is a much better way to do that.

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Unless he said something racist no action will be taken.


Even if you could argue verbal abuse they do not enforce it in any way beyond extreme situations. They expect you to just block and be done with it.


Lololol~ You should use it as an excuse to be the same, that way you may help it eventually become big enough of a problem that it does get inforced

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I am kinda torn on this,


While I don't like overly negative and toxic players, I also don't mind trash talk to a degree of civility of course. I have had friends banned for a week + for saying gg ez after a match, while also having another friend banned for a few days for having the word autism in his name, neither were particularly abusive, distasteful sure, but I would rather players get temp banned for saying stuff like a threat or as another mentioned "go kys", over saying something like gg ez. I do think toxicity in games can be bad for the long term health of the game though.


Then again some of my favorite conversations and laughs I have had in gw2 started off with friendly trash talking. I think you will find if instead of getting immediatly offended by every attempt at BMing(assuming not overly toxic), you just kinda went along or laughed at it, can be kind of fun/funny. For example I had a ranked game a while back where every time I pulled a player back with my spear(back when meditrapper was meta) I qouted the next line of Baby Come Back by player, I am more hesitant to BM like that now in public games though due to the increase in bans I have seen. As it was the person pm'd me after saying that they couldn't even be mad as they were laughing too hard, but had the player been more sensitive and reported me for verbal abuse that could have been very different.


I leave you with this, It all started with a player BMing and trash talking me, but as I went along with it became quite funny, and gave us both a good laugh(did do a little censoring),



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As a player, my policy is to ask myself “would this comment, if directed at another person, constitute abuse, harassment or violate community norms of conduct if spoken to a relative stranger in a party/social setting?”


If yes, then I will report you. Whether or not Anet takes action is on the reviewer and the standards in the terms of service discussed by @"babazhook.6805". But I will hold you in contempt if you act like a petulant child and indulge anonymity to be inappropriate.


Once, I accused someone of acting immaturely and asked his age. He then went an an extended troll fest claiming asking his age meant I was a pedo. After I let him continue to try to get me to fall for his troll, I informed him his trolls were highly inappropriate given the age range of people who play and I had reported him for that reason. It wasn’t his earlier troll comments and immaturity I cared about.


It was when he crossed a line that I took what little capacity I had to attempt to remove him from the game. Community standards start with the community after all.

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if i get insulted i start chatting with them if possible. usually after a while chatting they calm down. if not i will keep provoking them so they do not think before answering and then i can make fun on their expense without insults etc on my part wich usually leads to them ragequitting after a while. and then there are the ones that keep spamming insults no matter what i answer and that really are unable to get 1 whisper without an insult. if they do that over extended periods of time i will report them. because i think if you are emotionally affected enough that you feel the need to spew insults not just out of the moment but over sometimes 10-20 minutes, then you are in that moment not enjoying the game, so you should take a break. i dont expect them to get banned for 1 report, but if such behaviour repeats itself and they get a warning etc. they might think about it a little and try to learn to controll themself a little better. i never keep playing the game to the point were i am emotionally affected enough to insult my opponents, i will take a short break before.

insults for just taunting are oke, i mean if i taunt i dont do that with insults as that is not my style but i am oke with it if they stop when they realize its not working.

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