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World Bosses - A lot to improve

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1) Pre-quests should be deleted: Megadestroyer, Shatterer, etc.

2) Put some health on them: Fire Elemental, Karka Queen, etc.

3) Improve the loot: You kil the big ice dragon and get loot worth less than 1g; thats ridiculous.

4) Already asked for more wbosses, not going to happen but should be mentioned here.


Be cool, dont hate, be chill

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I'm either in agreement or ambivalent on all but 1) which I think is something that should never be taken away. Pre-events work well as a set up either for story purposes or as a filler whilst the map fills up. I don't removing them is a positive step to improving World bosses. The chain leading up to Fire ELemental and Megadestroyer for example work really well as a natural chain of events leading up to the boss, something that is pretty fundamental to the "living world" GW2 portrays

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1. I like the pre-events, for the most part. I do wish some were a little bit shorter (specifically FE and Megadestroyer), but they're a good way to make sure people get there in time to tag the bosses. Plus, they make the Daily Map Event Completer dailies go by quickly, if they happen to sync up that way.

2. I agree. It'd be nice to have FE, KQ, and any other of the low HP world bosses get an HP boost.

3. I'd like to see better loot from events, in general, so I agree with this point, too. I think the loot for some is fine as it is (ie. FE, SB, KQ, etc.). But Shatterer and Claw of Jormag should, in my opinion, give better loot than what they currently give.

4. Honestly, I think we have plenty of World Bosses and don't really NEED more of them.

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1. The pre-events give others time to get into the fray of fighting the world boss if they are still running into the area. Imagine Shadow Behemoth going down because all the people had mounts and you had just started playing, don't have the waypoints and are running like the dickens to try and do the boss. Also, some people do not like sitting at the boss spawn when they could be map completing or something else.

2. They do need to adjust the scaling of health on the bosses but understand that they are the way they are after doing the Crown Pavilion. I don't think most would want to sit around for an hour trying to kill Teq because the map is full.

3. Loot is lacking on some bosses and needs tweaking.

4. We did get more world bosses, they are just in the form of bounties now or, like the Crazed Doppelgänger, chained quests.

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I agree that most of them are to easy and should get better loot. It doesn't even have to be more gold (although it certainly wouldn't hurt), just give them unique weapon and armor sets like they did with Tequatl. I'd love to see a fire elemental themed armor set which turns me into a "walking torch".

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1) No... pre events have their place. yeah some are a lil to long.

2) Oh yes... FE melts so fast

3) Big YES , maybe follow Teq and give each world boss a set of unique drops even reskins can work if done right.

4)Yes Marionette should be added back as a World Boss on the same level as TT and Teq. Also bring back the Flame shaman in Ascalon.

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1) I don't think they should be removed, but it would be nice if some were shorter.

2) Yup, agree some die way too quickly. Also this kinda links with number 1, when doing the pre events takes a significantly longer than the actual boss, I think that's a sign some adjustments need to be done to health/pre event duration (Fire Ele is probably the best example of this, ~5 mins escort + 5 mins defend, for a boss that dies on average in what must be less than a minute).

3) While I don't play for rewards, I do agree as barring an ultra lucky drop it doesn't really feel like you get anything from a world boss that's worth anything more than you could get from killing a couple of random mobs. But I'm not sure how/what fix there would be., as rares are already basically worthless, so adding more rares as a reward would actually make things worse as their worth/ecto value would plummet more anyway, so having 3 might just equate to what 1 is worth now anyway. Same problem with exotics.

4) I think the amount of current bosses is fine, as someone else is mentioned we get current event stuff added, ley anomaly, bandit champs, bloodstone creatures etc. And bounties, which in many cases are like world bosses, without the pre events, and give about the same amount of rewards.


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1) Please keep Pres. I actually like doing them, and they are a good 'last call' for other people to hurry up and get in the area.

2) I support that. Karka Queen and Fire Elemental are ridiculous. Calling them 'boss' is just a disgrace

3) I'd like better loot like everybody else.

4) nah, we don't need more.


In my opinion, some bosses need a serious buff. Shadow Behe, Fire Elemental, Wychmire Wurm, Modniir Ulgoth, Jormag are all close to harmless. The Svanir Shamane kills more people than Jormag.. just sad. Not necessarily more hp, but more damage. Shadow Behe for example. He doesn't do anything. He is just there. Sometimes he moves a bit. If you are not afk, you will survive without taking any damage whatsoever. Make them more active, make their attacks actually harmful. Make them, you know, worthy of ones time. Taidha is pretty good in that regard. Yeah, the pre takes ages. But the fight with her is kind of fun. Tequatl at least does something. Shatterer... not. all the damage there is from the branded minions.. kind of sad too. Megadestroyer was much more dangerous pre PoF. But now with superheal firebrands and similar builts.. his damage is just not enough. Pre PoF every burn phase douzends of people went down. Now it is maybe two or three. Four if someone falls into the lava without noticing. How can one not notice that? Well, maybe the player fell asleep during the event because it has become so freaking easy?

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> @"Glacial.9516" said:

> I'd be happy enough to see actual hitboxes on the bosses or red circles below where the hitbox is to help with ground aoes (I know there's an aoe snap-to-target option, but still!).


Just aim your AoE where the blob is? That's how I aim all my non-homing skills until I see numbers again =)

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I would love to see unique drops (account bound) from the core world bosses (not just the achievement rewards). This would give players more incentive to keep participating in these world boss events on a regular basis. Who here wouldn't want (for example) a uniquely themed armor set from each core world boss? ANET could slowly release parts of the sets over time. That would certainly give me more incentive to keep coming back! =)

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