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Thoughts On General State Of Spvp - Post Season 12

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_**Class balance**_ is getting better and better, (which means nothing is gamebreakingly OP anymore) but I'd expect some specialisation or even class rework, to bring up the unplayable specs to at least "decent" level. Obviously everything can't be meta, but they don't have to be as useless as they are now.


_**Matchmaking**_ on the other hand was horrible for me this season. I'd love to see some statistics on population and activity, because 90% of my season was predetermined matches, and I mostly managed to avoid these prior this season.

What i mean by predetermined: after a longer waiting time, players from a wider range of tiers are mushed into one match, and the number of "top" players is uneven. Whichever team gets the extra good player wins. These are the 500-100-ish roflstomps which on the long run don't affect your rating by much, because you get put into losing and winning teams evenly (if you play enough games), and are just an annoying waste of time, because you can't change the outcome no matter what you do.

Maybe I was just unlucky, but the matches where I really had fun (488-489 when the timer runs out etc.), I can count on one or two hands, after having played around 140 games.


I was playing DE/Blood Reaper/Core Guard, (mostly DE though), and finished 1730+, EU top 100.

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