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I really miss the cut scene conversation feature...

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Let us skip the dialogue Anet, i don't have the patience to sit through everyone slow delivery for the fifth time, i wanted to hear how my Pact Commander deliver their line for each race and also get achievement but having to sit through 2-3 minutes lines from other just to get to mine or do that achievement, i just quit. Here is a suggestion, why can't you make the current talking NPC clickable to skip?

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I vaguely remember it had something to do with timing and character position. I'm not really interested in most of the dialogue because my character isn't involved in any of it and I dislike the commander. Not sure how she keeps all of my characters following her around. Instead, I mostly just afk in story heavy portions after the first time through.

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Was doing some personal story with the Mrs last night, and when you're not the commander, you can't skip the dialogue (obviously) but also you can't rummage through your inventory or shop on the TP while the dialogue is in progress. The HoT/PoF system doesn't restrict you from this, though while you can't skip the dialogue, I think it's the better of the two systems.


That said, one of the things I've loved about this game is how they insert your character into the story. In the cut scenes there you are, wearing the gear / dyes you've chosen, conversing with the NPC. The final cinematic of core personal story has you inserted next to Destiny's Edge. I think that is so cool.

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> @"flog.3485" said:

> Nah it just breaks the immersion and the pace too much imo.

> Don’t worry the art of Gw2 will forever be relevant through open world content. And frankly from now on, it would be better to stick with what they have created in the cinematic with joko (if possible).


It's the exact opposite for me. The current system, often has piles of players on top of story NPCs who aren't even visible. I can't count the times I found myself talking to an NPC I couldn't see, during the first days of an episode. And in many instances the absence of cutscenes has NPCs spouting exposition to you while everyone is stuck in combat, causing you to miss it. Or even worse, delivering important dialogue while they are stuck half a map away, fighting a single enemy. If things like these aren't immersion-breaking, I don't know what is.


I don't even see how it benefits players who like to rush through story as the cutscenes were skipable while this system isn't.


Every video game I've played with a story worth a kitten had dialogue cutscenes. Surely there is a reason for that.

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> @"arielwind.8921" said:

> This is not a discussion of 'SKIP' things. What we're talking about is 'cut scene part of art style' and I and author saying that add it as option in future story.

> For me, current system of story progress is boring like common mmos.


if they did it like SWToR then yes, bring it back but like that, the way it was done back then is just boring.

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