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PVE: Assassin energy costs too high on uility skills


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Hi everyone,

I've been playing a ton of Rev in Open World PVE lately and I love the assassin stance but there was something off about it. Until I realized I pretty much never use Riposting Shadows, Phase Traversal, or Jade Winds because the energy cost is too high and that using them would usually instantly make me have to switch stances or conversely I already used too much energy and I can't even use them to begin with.


Now I know what you might say, switching stances constantly is part of how rev works. That's fine and all, but I usually find myself in other stances considerably longer before I'm forced to switch and I think a big part of that is the energy costs on those skills. I think a nice change would be to see the energy cost on those skills much lower, and add a longer cooldown time for balancing reasons. I think that's a pretty simple and reasonable fix. It would make that stance feel less like a one trick pony and breath a little much deserved fresh air into it I think.


Am I wrong ?

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One of the first complaints for every new rev is the energy costs. I'm sorry but you cannot just camp shiro / impossible odds and expect to keep burning through energy from other skills. Each skill in shiro fullfills a different effect and it's up to the player to decide what they need now and what they can wait a few seconds longer for. Not only that, but you are ignoring 50e on swap and other skills that can do alot of work as well, like Elemental Fury and Burst of Strength with glint.


The most expensive upfront costing skill is Jade winds at 50e. That takes 10sec to recharge enough energy to use it again. 10 seconds to 600 radius aoe stun 5 foes for 3 seconds while applying 6 vulnerability for 6 seconds.


The second most costing skill is phase traversal at 35e. Assuming you have 50e to start out, you can phase traversal and then activate impossible odds and AA for like 5 seconds for some nasty damage.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> One of the first complaints for every new rev is the energy costs. I'm sorry but you cannot just camp shiro / impossible odds and expect to keep burning through energy from other skills. Each skill in shiro fullfills a different effect and it's up to the player to decide what they need now and what they can wait a few seconds longer for. Not only that, but you are ignoring 50e on swap and other skills that can do alot of work as well, like Elemental Fury and Burst of Strength with glint.


> The most expensive upfront costing skill is Jade winds at 50e. That takes 10sec to recharge enough energy to use it again. 10 seconds to 600 radius aoe stun 5 foes for 3 seconds while applying 6 vulnerability for 6 seconds.


> The second most costing skill is phase traversal at 35e. Assuming you have 50e to start out, you can phase traversal and then activate impossible odds and AA for like 5 seconds for some nasty damage.


Made this for another user that was having trouble with surviving pve on a rev.

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I find myself wondering what you're using so much energy on in open world PvE that you cannot find many opportunities to use Shiro's utilities. I suspect that's because you're using a burst of attacks from your weapon skills in combination with Impossible Odds. It's all you really need to do in PvE, but, if I'm correct in my assumption, that's also part of the problem; open world PvE is generally not demanding and so won't push you to actually learn to manage your energy and assess opportunity costs. Go into PvP or even WvW and you'd see the benefit of saving energy for Riposting Shadows to help you escape/dodge or Phase Traversal to chase down an opponent or gain unblockable attacks to cc through a block whereas just using weapon skills would not have been as effective.


Personally, the Rev's low cds are what draws me to it. While other classes are limited by their cooldowns, a Rev can be more dynamic in that it can use what it needs to more often without having to wait 20-60sec and instead has energy which acts as a way to limit how much a Rev can do in a given amount of time. I will agree that some utilities need to have their energy costs looked at, but putting cooldowns onto skills just makes me wonder why they cost energy in the first place, something Forced Engagement is an example of with its energy cost having been decreased to the point I hardly ever consider its cost because it's recharged in two seconds while the cooldown is what ends up limiting its use and making Rev, when using Jallis in this case, feel more like just another cooldown based class.


Overall, I think you just need to practice in a more demanding environment to see that Shiro, and other legends, are not one trick ponies. I also recommend trying out Charged Mists in the Invocation trait line.

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I'm not new to Rev, and I don't appreciate your condescending attitude. I never said I wanted to camp into Shiro using impossible odds all day, and I never said i had trouble surviving. It's actually pretty easy. Now whether your intentions were noble or not, you pissed me off and derailed my conversation before it's even begun.


I'm not talking about free skills so you can sit into impossible odds all day, I'm just looking for a better balance so Shiro can have a little more use outside of impossible odds. Cause right now the cost of those skills is too high making them not so useful compared to impossible odds. How many times have you said to yourself ( IN PVE) ya know what, I better save energy in case I need to evade and remove crippling conditions vs how many times have you said I better use impossible odds cause I'm just going to be switching back to glint or dwarf in a second anyway ? Why would you use phase traversal when you can use sword 5 followed by more time in impossible odds instead ? etc .. etc..


(edit: That reply was towards Justine, not Arkaile sorry for the confusion, I'm not good at forums, it's why I normally stay away from them)

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> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> Alright,

> I'm not new to Rev, and I don't appreciate your condescending attitude. I never said I wanted to camp into Shiro using impossible odds all day, and I never said i had trouble surviving. It's actually pretty easy. Now whether your intentions were noble or not, you pissed me off and derailed my conversation before it's even begun.


> I'm not talking about free skills so you can sit into impossible odds all day, I'm just looking for a better balance so Shiro can have a little more use outside of impossible odds. Cause right now the cost of those skills is too high making them not so useful compared to impossible odds. How many times have you said to yourself ( IN PVE) ya know what, I better save energy in case I need to evade and remove crippling conditions vs how many times have you said I better use impossible odds cause I'm just going to be switching back to glint or dwarf in a second anyway ? Why would you use phase traversal when you can use sword 5 followed by more time in impossible odds instead ? etc .. etc..


> (edit: That reply was towards Justine, not Arkaile sorry for the confusion, I'm not good at forums, it's why I normally stay away from them)


I reread your OP and I still read it the same. You want the legend skills cheap to the point they would have standard cooldowns for what they provide. And my answer is still, each skill has its use, each one has a maximum recharge of 10sec per the standard +5ER you have naturally as a revenant.


Could they reduce the energy costs in pve? I guess? Idk what that would really mean as power revenant still wouldn't be a max DPS for stuff like raids afaik. I can appreciate you not wanting to cycle legends simply cause no energy but im not really sure why you are playing this class in the first place. It would be like an ele who wanted lower cooldowns on x-attunement because they don't like to rotate attunements and simply AA when the other 4 weapon skills are on cooldown.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > Alright,

> > I'm not new to Rev, and I don't appreciate your condescending attitude. I never said I wanted to camp into Shiro using impossible odds all day, and I never said i had trouble surviving. It's actually pretty easy. Now whether your intentions were noble or not, you pissed me off and derailed my conversation before it's even begun.

> >

> > I'm not talking about free skills so you can sit into impossible odds all day, I'm just looking for a better balance so Shiro can have a little more use outside of impossible odds. Cause right now the cost of those skills is too high making them not so useful compared to impossible odds. How many times have you said to yourself ( IN PVE) ya know what, I better save energy in case I need to evade and remove crippling conditions vs how many times have you said I better use impossible odds cause I'm just going to be switching back to glint or dwarf in a second anyway ? Why would you use phase traversal when you can use sword 5 followed by more time in impossible odds instead ? etc .. etc..

> >

> > (edit: That reply was towards Justine, not Arkaile sorry for the confusion, I'm not good at forums, it's why I normally stay away from them)


> I reread your OP and I still read it the same. You want the legend skills cheap to the point they would have standard cooldowns for what they provide. And my answer is still, each skill has its use, each one has a maximum recharge of 10sec per the standard +5ER you have naturally as a revenant.


> Could they reduce the energy costs in pve? I guess? Idk what that would really mean as power revenant still wouldn't be a max DPS for stuff like raids afaik. I can appreciate you not wanting to cycle legends simply cause no energy but im not really sure why you are playing this class in the first place. It would be like an ele who wanted lower cooldowns on x-attunement because they don't like to rotate attunements and simply AA when the other 4 weapon skills are on cooldown.


No, I never said anything about standard cooldowns nor did I ever give out any numbers regarding energy cost. If that's the extreme direction your brain went in, that's your problem, not mine.


I'm not an expert at rebalancing skills, nor will I pretend to be. It's why I never proposed any numbers. I just know from lot's of personal play, my experience shows that those skills I mentioned could use an energy cost rework. When i said cooldown, I meant a minor cooldown similarly to other rev skills that also have small cooldowns to prevent the spamming of them, but still make it more about energy management.


An example would be Phase traversal now costs 35 energy and already has a 5 second cooldown right ? Maybe if it changes to 20 energy instead (making it more in line with sword 5, increase the cooldown time of 5 seconds, to however many seconds it would've taken to gain that extra 15 energy in combat. How many seconds is that ? 2 seconds? You get the idea.

Riposting Shadows now costs 30 energy , no cooldown. What about 15 energy, and a 5 second cooldown ?

I didn't want to throw out numbers like this, cause I don't think I'm qualified to do the math necessary for something like this. I'm only throwing those examples out there so you get a better idea of what I'm saying.




Please keep in mind this would be for PVE only, PVP and WvW is a bag of worms I do not want to open.

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> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > @"Justine.6351" said:

> > > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > > Alright,

> > > I'm not new to Rev, and I don't appreciate your condescending attitude. I never said I wanted to camp into Shiro using impossible odds all day, and I never said i had trouble surviving. It's actually pretty easy. Now whether your intentions were noble or not, you pissed me off and derailed my conversation before it's even begun.

> > >

> > > I'm not talking about free skills so you can sit into impossible odds all day, I'm just looking for a better balance so Shiro can have a little more use outside of impossible odds. Cause right now the cost of those skills is too high making them not so useful compared to impossible odds. How many times have you said to yourself ( IN PVE) ya know what, I better save energy in case I need to evade and remove crippling conditions vs how many times have you said I better use impossible odds cause I'm just going to be switching back to glint or dwarf in a second anyway ? Why would you use phase traversal when you can use sword 5 followed by more time in impossible odds instead ? etc .. etc..

> > >

> > > (edit: That reply was towards Justine, not Arkaile sorry for the confusion, I'm not good at forums, it's why I normally stay away from them)

> >

> > I reread your OP and I still read it the same. You want the legend skills cheap to the point they would have standard cooldowns for what they provide. And my answer is still, each skill has its use, each one has a maximum recharge of 10sec per the standard +5ER you have naturally as a revenant.

> >

> > Could they reduce the energy costs in pve? I guess? Idk what that would really mean as power revenant still wouldn't be a max DPS for stuff like raids afaik. I can appreciate you not wanting to cycle legends simply cause no energy but im not really sure why you are playing this class in the first place. It would be like an ele who wanted lower cooldowns on x-attunement because they don't like to rotate attunements and simply AA when the other 4 weapon skills are on cooldown.


> No, I never said anything about standard cooldowns nor did I ever give out any numbers regarding energy cost. If that's the extreme direction your brain went in, that's your problem, not mine.


> I'm not an expert at rebalancing skills, nor will I pretend to be. It's why I never proposed any numbers. I just know from lot's of personal play, my experience shows that those skills I mentioned could use an energy cost rework. When i said cooldown, I meant a minor cooldown similarly to other rev skills that also have small cooldowns to prevent the spamming of them, but still make it more about energy management.


> An example would be Phase traversal now costs 35 energy and already has a 5 second cooldown right ? Maybe if it changes to 20 energy instead (making it more in line with sword 5, increase the cooldown time of 5 seconds, to however many seconds it would've taken to gain that extra 15 energy in combat. How many seconds is that ? 2 seconds? You get the idea.

> Riposting Shadows now costs 30 energy , no cooldown. What about 15 energy, and a 5 second cooldown ?

> I didn't want to throw out numbers like this, cause I don't think I'm qualified to do the math necessary for something like this. I'm only throwing those examples out there so you get a better idea of what I'm saying.




> Please keep in mind this would be for PVE only, PVP and WvW is a bag of worms I do not want to open.


There are times when it’s absolutely useful to use riposting shadows multiple times in a row. For example, between just that one skill and regular dodges you can pretty much avoid every single attack Turai Ossa in the Queen’s Gauntlet throws at you when used skillfully. Giving it a 5s cooldown + 15 energy cost would make it much less versatile. I would rather not see the skill become vastly different than its pvp/wvw version because the gameplay feel across game modes should be preserved. Adding a 5s cooldown would be *huge* in terms of change of potential strategies and feeling. Same with phase traversal. 8s+ cooldown would make it much less useful. Revenant is about choices and making the right choices in the right moments.


The reason people like Justine and me are against increased cooldowns for skills is that more cooldowns slowly moves the class away from what it is supposed to be. Currently, Mallyx, Shiro, and Ventari all have incredibly low cooldowns and that generally makes them more interesting, versatile, and compelling to play as they’re true to the original design of Revenant. Looking at Jalis shows a legend that has had its energy costs gutted and its cooldowns massively increased. I find Jalis is probably the least fun/useful legend to play in solo pve and it’s mostly due to the lack of strong choices to make in terms of how to spend my energy. Kalla is much the same way, but her skills feel more impactful in PvE and more worth the cooldowns, plus they last for 6s+ each.


Lastly, you say that your personal experience with shiro has shown that these skills need energy reductions + minor cooldowns. That’s fine, you’re welcome to your thoughts and opinions on the legend! Understand though, that many of us in the revenant forums may not share those opinions or have had experiences that show us, personally, otherwise. I don’t think Justine meant any offense; it can be grating for veteran Revenants to see posts about how energy is terrible (usually by much newer, less experienced revenant players) and how it needs to be lowered/removed/added CDs etc. because these types of posts are pretty common. Additionally, Shiro is probably the best, most versatile legend overall (especially in PvE), so it tends to be l2p issues when there are complaints about him. For me personally, as a rev main since HoT launch, I really don’t think there are issues with Shiro’s costs. He feels fluid and balanced to me at this point and I almost always have the energy to use his utility when I need it. Plus he’s an amazing legend to engage with, meaning he’ll likely be ready to swap back in when you need defensive CDs 10-15seconds into a fight and defense is something he’s also amazing at. I do realize I have a massive amount of experience and time with the class compared to most other players, so others may have different experiences. My philosophy with revenant is this: If I don’t have the energy for the legend utils/weapon skillls I need then i made the wrong choices. It’s important when playing rev to not overcommit unless you know you can.

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I agree with Justine and Lucian. I don't want increased cooldowns.

And I use riposting shadow very often ! For example, when fighting a champion, I keep energy for riposting shadow to evade most attacks. Or twice in a row for panic retreat.

PT is more situational, but it has double range over death strike. It is useful from time to time to quickly switch target or a long range escape.

Jade winds is great in some situations when you need to disable or interrupt some foes.


I don't burn all my energy when I feel I will need those skills. I am also camping shiro for more than 10 seconds in those situations. It might not be a good pratice but I like it this way.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > Shiro / jalis / Herald are atm really good in terms of E-management, about ventari could have some slightly adjustments on the remove conditions utilitie.

> >


> Yeah and a stunbreak too. Maybe group stunbreak arround the tablet.


Jalis, shiro, demon stance, herald actuall all of them havestun breakers, for Ventari, IMO on tablet doesnt make any sense, but Anet could add it on surge of the mists on staff.

Still every stun breakers casted by rev when u release yourself u will affect allies in 600 radios that are stunned as well, ig harmony from herald is traited ofc.



EDIT: cleansing 3 condis actually uses lot of eneergy maybe that could stunbreak rather than have its energy consuption reduced ?

Still if i and some are getting to much stuns, ill just swap to jalis :)

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > Shiro / jalis / Herald are atm really good in terms of E-management, about ventari could have some slightly adjustments on the remove conditions utilitie.

> > >

> >

> > Yeah and a stunbreak too. Maybe group stunbreak arround the tablet.


> Jalis, shiro, demon stance, herald actuall all of them havestun breakers, for Ventari, IMO on tablet doesnt make any sense, but Anet could add it on surge of the mists on staff.

> Still every stun breakers casted by rev when u release yourself u will affect allies in 600 radios that are stunned as well, ig harmony from herald is traited ofc.



> EDIT: cleansing 3 condis actually uses lot of eneergy maybe that could stunbreak rather than have its energy consuption reduced ?

> Still if i and some are getting to much stuns, ill just swap to jalis :)


Ventari is generally undertuned on the utility side.

It already heals very well. Many traits are overshooting on that regard and are pretty flavourless even if they didnt.

The salvation line needs ajustements. Anet is so confident that nobody wants to take salvation without ventari that even the minors directly tune into defensive stats, healing and even ventari skills which is straight up dumb. Thats like a utility improvement minor even if you havent one of these minors but you want to play with a dtaff trait. Its just bad design and a wasted trait in such a scenario.

They should retune the traits to give meaningful choices. Minors should be cleanse and blind focussed. Thats something we always can use.

One line should focus on control one on boon support and one on heal support. Heal support shouldn't be just stat bumping, casting skills when swapping legends or a revive trait would be far better.


Shiro just needs slight decrease on the gap closer IMO for PvE that is.


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Ya know what? I'm not backing down from this. I don't think I'm wrong.


I feel like a lot of you see the word cooldown, and freak out without understanding that I was talking about a 1 -2 second cooldown difference. Just for balancing reasons. I wasn't going to sit here and ask for spammable low energy skills. That's not very productive. Maybe they don't even need a small cooldown difference, maybe something else needs to be changed, but I understand the laws of equal exchange, and I had no intention of asking for something without giving a solution or counter balance in return. I thought a small cooldown to prevent spamming was a stepping stone to a good solution. Instead it just points out how stubborn and set in their ways the community can be. I honestly think some of you are elitists who just like being disagreeable and shutting things down without opening up a dialogue. I'm not trying to give a perfect solution, I'm trying to open up a discussion and fish for other people's ideas. Saying NO NO NO , here have a video for noobs is the exact opposite of that.


Because anyone saying that Shiro is good as is, is bonkers. Play Shiro without Glint and tell me it's perfectly in line with the other stances. Even Jalis has more versatility while maintaining damage potential.


Compared to Glint for example, where I can have 25 stacks of might, and fury AND regen, ANDD still be able to use literally ALL of my weapon skills and remaining skills before having to switch due to energy management VS Shiro where you have to make a decision between not using weapon skills and waiting for the right moment to use a very niched utility. How is that in line and balanced? That is not a good energy management legendary. That is not okay.


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> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> Ya know what? I'm not backing down from this. I don't think I'm wrong.


> I feel like a lot of you see the word cooldown, and freak out without understanding that I was talking about a 1 -2 second cooldown difference. Just for balancing reasons. I wasn't going to sit here and ask for spammable low energy skills. That's not very productive. Maybe they don't need even need a small cooldown difference, maybe something else needs to be changed, but I understand the laws of equal exchange, and I had no intention of asking for something without giving a solution or counter balance in return. I thought a small cooldown to prevent spamming was a stepping stone to a good solution. Instead it just points out how stubborn and set in their ways the community can be. I honestly think some of you are elitists who just like being disagreeable and shutting things down without opening up a dialogue. I'm not trying to give a perfect solution, I'm trying to open up a discussion and fish for other people's ideas. Saying NO NO NO , here have a video for noobs is the exact opposite of that.


> Because anyone saying that Shiro is good as is, is bonkers. Play Shiro without Glint and tell me it's perfectly in line with the other stances. Even Jalis has more versatility while maintaining damage potential.


> Compared to Glint for example, where I can have 25 stacks of might, and fury AND regen, ANDD still be able to use literally ALL of my weapon skills and remaining skills before having to switch due to energy management VS Shiro where you have to make a decision between not using weapon skills and waiting for the right moment to use a very niched utility. How is that in line and balanced? That is not a good energy management legendary. That is not okay.



You literally ask us to tell you you’re wrong in your first post, then get mad when people tell you you’re wrong and call us elitist and stuck in our ways. 10/10 good meme

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> @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > Ya know what? I'm not backing down from this. I don't think I'm wrong.

> >

> > I feel like a lot of you see the word cooldown, and freak out without understanding that I was talking about a 1 -2 second cooldown difference. Just for balancing reasons. I wasn't going to sit here and ask for spammable low energy skills. That's not very productive. Maybe they don't need even need a small cooldown difference, maybe something else needs to be changed, but I understand the laws of equal exchange, and I had no intention of asking for something without giving a solution or counter balance in return. I thought a small cooldown to prevent spamming was a stepping stone to a good solution. Instead it just points out how stubborn and set in their ways the community can be. I honestly think some of you are elitists who just like being disagreeable and shutting things down without opening up a dialogue. I'm not trying to give a perfect solution, I'm trying to open up a discussion and fish for other people's ideas. Saying NO NO NO , here have a video for noobs is the exact opposite of that.

> >

> > Because anyone saying that Shiro is good as is, is bonkers. Play Shiro without Glint and tell me it's perfectly in line with the other stances. Even Jalis has more versatility while maintaining damage potential.

> >

> > Compared to Glint for example, where I can have 25 stacks of might, and fury AND regen, ANDD still be able to use literally ALL of my weapon skills and remaining skills before having to switch due to energy management VS Shiro where you have to make a decision between not using weapon skills and waiting for the right moment to use a very niched utility. How is that in line and balanced? That is not a good energy management legendary. That is not okay.

> >


> You literally ask us to tell you you’re wrong in your first post, then get mad when people tell you you’re wrong and call us elitist and stuck in our ways. 10/10 good meme


Good idea, let's derail the dialogue again with a personal attack. Clearly you felt offended with the ambiguous elitist comment, otherwise you wouldn't have retaliated with a personal attack of your own. Because what you're saying is Shiro is perfect right now. That's laughable. And if you don't think it's perfect right now, maybe you should present an idea. The stance might be okay at best, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. I'm putting myself out here and sharing ideas and thoughts. People are going to disagree, that's inevitable. But you are literally just saying 'no, l2p' with a lot more words. Not Very helpful.

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> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > @"LucianTheAngelic.7054" said:

> > > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > > Ya know what? I'm not backing down from this. I don't think I'm wrong.

> > >

> > > I feel like a lot of you see the word cooldown, and freak out without understanding that I was talking about a 1 -2 second cooldown difference. Just for balancing reasons. I wasn't going to sit here and ask for spammable low energy skills. That's not very productive. Maybe they don't need even need a small cooldown difference, maybe something else needs to be changed, but I understand the laws of equal exchange, and I had no intention of asking for something without giving a solution or counter balance in return. I thought a small cooldown to prevent spamming was a stepping stone to a good solution. Instead it just points out how stubborn and set in their ways the community can be. I honestly think some of you are elitists who just like being disagreeable and shutting things down without opening up a dialogue. I'm not trying to give a perfect solution, I'm trying to open up a discussion and fish for other people's ideas. Saying NO NO NO , here have a video for noobs is the exact opposite of that.

> > >

> > > Because anyone saying that Shiro is good as is, is bonkers. Play Shiro without Glint and tell me it's perfectly in line with the other stances. Even Jalis has more versatility while maintaining damage potential.

> > >

> > > Compared to Glint for example, where I can have 25 stacks of might, and fury AND regen, ANDD still be able to use literally ALL of my weapon skills and remaining skills before having to switch due to energy management VS Shiro where you have to make a decision between not using weapon skills and waiting for the right moment to use a very niched utility. How is that in line and balanced? That is not a good energy management legendary. That is not okay.

> > >

> >

> > You literally ask us to tell you you’re wrong in your first post, then get mad when people tell you you’re wrong and call us elitist and stuck in our ways. 10/10 good meme


> Good idea, let's derail the dialogue again with a personal attack. Clearly you felt offended with the ambiguous elitist comment, otherwise you wouldn't have retaliated with a personal attack of your own. Because what you're saying is Shiro is perfect right now. That's laughable. And if you don't think it's perfect right now, maybe you should present an idea. The stance might be okay at best, but that doesn't mean there isn't room for improvement. I'm putting myself out here and sharing ideas and thoughts. People are going to disagree, that's inevitable. But you are literally just saying 'no, l2p' with a lot more words. Not Very helpful.


My initial post presented a (loose) argument for why it would not be beneficial to add CDs to Shiro skills in the first paragraph. It then proceeded to address why veteran revenants might react strongly to your post. And then it proceeded to tell you that yes, it's fine for you to have opinions, but that you should remember that other people ALSO have differing opinions/experiences. And no, not terribly offended, however my "personal attack" was just pointing out your hypocrisy. If you got offended by "10/10 good meme" I most certainly can get offended by the not-ambiguous calling of the (revenant) community "stubborn and elitist." You don't get to subtly insult people and then get upset when the insulted get offended. You want people to tell you you're wrong ("Am I wrong?" from your first post), yet get offended when people have different opinions/experiences than you have.


As for the legend, Shiro is quite good and quite balanced. You say that it's "laughable" for me to claim it's balanced, but your argument is literally only "i use this in open world and I don't use the utilities much because I feel they cost too much." It's perhaps the most versatile legend of the bunch, as it's meta for the power build in every game mode, but also is NEARLY META for Condi Renegade as well (gets about 1k less DPS than Kalla AND it doesn't have to worry about allies hitting the boss for max dps). Looking objectively at its kit it has:

1) an okay heal skill/damage buff

2) probably the best upkeep skill in the game for raw damage

3) a 1200 range teleport w/ quickness+unblockable+damage buff that can be used offensively/defensively/ or for general mobility (if there are enemies around)

4) a no cooldown break stun with a 600 range evade (forward or backwards with about face) 3/4th second evade w/ movement impairing condi removal, fury gain, AND 25 more endurance gain. That's crazy good and absolutely worth the 30 energy cost

5) one of the best AoE stuns in the game

It has an incredibly solid mix of offense and defense which gives it its versatility. Riposting Shadows is THE BEST defense a revenant has outside of Infuse Light.

As I've said previously, revenant is entirely about choices. YOU choose how to spend your energy and what your priority is in any given moment. That is what makes revenant compelling. Adding cooldowns reduces the amount of available choices, even with lower energy costs.

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Shiro is like... the most solid Legend right now and arguably the most balanced skillset in the entire game

**High** Risk /**High** Reward


> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

>Until I realized I pretty much never use **Riposting Shadows**, Phase Traversal, or Jade Winds because the energy cost is too high and that using them would usually instantly **make me have to switch stances** or conversely I already used too much energy and I can't even use them to begin with.


>Riposting Shadows now costs 30 energy , no cooldown. What about 15 energy, and a 5 second cooldown ?


Perhaps this class isn't for you, you have **no idea** how much you would be butchering Shiro with such suggestions and it just shows how little time you've put into actually learning it.


Many other legends are the ones that need work instead. Shiro is very well balanced right now so please don't overthink things and end up ruining it too.

Also energy costs on weapon skills are a fine, a reminder.

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> @"XxsdgxX.8109" said:

> Shiro is like... the most solid Legend right now and arguably the most balanced skillset in the entire game

> **High** Risk /**High** Reward


> > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> >Until I realized I pretty much never use **Riposting Shadows**, Phase Traversal, or Jade Winds because the energy cost is too high and that using them would usually instantly **make me have to switch stances** or conversely I already used too much energy and I can't even use them to begin with.


> >Riposting Shadows now costs 30 energy , no cooldown. What about 15 energy, and a 5 second cooldown ?


> Maybe this class isn't for you, you have **no idea** how much you would be butchering Shiro with such suggestions and it just shows how little time you've put into actually learning it.


> Many other legends are the ones that need work instead. Shiro is very well balanced right now so please don't overthink things and end up ruining it too.

> Also energy costs on weapon skills are a fine, a reminder.


Well a 5s CD and half the energy cost isnt that bad of a suggestion i might say.

I do not catch me that often to double cast riposting shadows. 15 energy is pretty much free for a stunbreak though and i think maybe reduce the cost to 25 for PvE but thats it. Everything else could be as is.

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Got it everyone! Shiro is perfect, my mistake!

Can't wait to camp Glint until I need that ONE skill from Shiro stance at which point I will have to switch back to Glint ASAP thereafter to maximize my returns.

Minor tweaks will butcher this class completely or conversely make it completely OP. I'm a noob who needs to learn to play.


What really baffles me is how some of you say, no it's perfectly balanced, then complain in other threads how Rev is in a bad place DPS wise.

Discussions and ideas to improve things are not welcome here. Got it ! Let's just complain instead.


How about you time yourselves for how long you're in each stance for when you play. Let me know how long you spend in Shiro compared to the others, and if you stay in Shiro longer than 10 seconds, let me know how that DPS drop off feels. Rev is all about choices, I made a bad choice trying to converse with people who already have preconceived notions on how a class is "supposed to be played" vs how a class has the potential to be played.

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> @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > @"XxsdgxX.8109" said:

> > Shiro is like... the most solid Legend right now and arguably the most balanced skillset in the entire game

> > **High** Risk /**High** Reward

> >

> > > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > >Until I realized I pretty much never use **Riposting Shadows**, Phase Traversal, or Jade Winds because the energy cost is too high and that using them would usually instantly **make me have to switch stances** or conversely I already used too much energy and I can't even use them to begin with.

> >

> > >Riposting Shadows now costs 30 energy , no cooldown. What about 15 energy, and a 5 second cooldown ?

> >

> > Maybe this class isn't for you, you have **no idea** how much you would be butchering Shiro with such suggestions and it just shows how little time you've put into actually learning it.

> >

> > Many other legends are the ones that need work instead. Shiro is very well balanced right now so please don't overthink things and end up ruining it too.

> > Also energy costs on weapon skills are a fine, a reminder.


> Well a 5s CD and half the energy cost isnt that bad of a suggestion i might say.

> I do not catch me that often to double cast riposting shadows. 15 energy is pretty much free for a stunbreak though and i think maybe reduce the cost to 25 for PvE but thats it. Everything else could be as is.


Thank you for your input , and I see your point. 15 is probably too extreme, it was just an example.

Thanks for bringing thoughts to the discussion rather than just shutting me down and telling me how I know nothing of the class.

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> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > @"InsaneQR.7412" said:

> > > @"XxsdgxX.8109" said:

> > > Shiro is like... the most solid Legend right now and arguably the most balanced skillset in the entire game

> > > **High** Risk /**High** Reward

> > >

> > > > @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> > > >Until I realized I pretty much never use **Riposting Shadows**, Phase Traversal, or Jade Winds because the energy cost is too high and that using them would usually instantly **make me have to switch stances** or conversely I already used too much energy and I can't even use them to begin with.

> > >

> > > >Riposting Shadows now costs 30 energy , no cooldown. What about 15 energy, and a 5 second cooldown ?

> > >

> > > Maybe this class isn't for you, you have **no idea** how much you would be butchering Shiro with such suggestions and it just shows how little time you've put into actually learning it.

> > >

> > > Many other legends are the ones that need work instead. Shiro is very well balanced right now so please don't overthink things and end up ruining it too.

> > > Also energy costs on weapon skills are a fine, a reminder.

> >

> > Well a 5s CD and half the energy cost isnt that bad of a suggestion i might say.

> > I do not catch me that often to double cast riposting shadows. 15 energy is pretty much free for a stunbreak though and i think maybe reduce the cost to 25 for PvE but thats it. Everything else could be as is.


> Thank you for your input , and I see your point. 15 is probably too extreme, it was just an example.

> Thanks for bringing thoughts to the discussion rather than just shutting me down and telling me how I know nothing of the class.


Most got probably off the rails as they red CD.

For PvE a stunbreak is not as important as in PvP/WvW. But because mexhanics of skills stay the same accross the modes and only numbers change, they would have to add a CD onto the competitive skill too which is ofc less attractive as it is now.

Slight energy cost reduction on the stunbreak is fine by me. IMO they could shave the energy cost by 20% for alls legend stunbreaks in PvE for more fluid gameplay. In some regards i have to say is the uproaring mob that voiced against you right, in that you need more practice in managing energy. The 30 energy cost is not much of a hindrance if you get the hang of it, although it would not hurt PvE gameplay. If you know enemies that use high amounts of CC, try to not use IO but rather do dmg with weaponskills so you have some spare energy left for saving your butt.


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> @"Sparrow.5936" said:

> My ideas might be bad. But I get upset when all you have to say is "No l2p, it's perfect as is" in however many words , vs "no I don't think that idea will work because of 'x' reason, but maybe an improvement would be 'y' instead".


I don’t think it _needs_ improvements and that’s a perfectly valid point of view to have. Sorry some of us just don’t agree with you

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