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The season is ended . I write here not to obtain complain on that class or another. I want you to comment your experience and if u are satisfied or not. Had you have fun ? Have you had balanced matches ? In my opinion MM is not that good and it is really unfan to have unbalanced matches. At the end , which percent of balanced match have you got ? I played few matches becouse i got boared from unbalance and i played something else last month for most so i want to know your experience

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4 Seasons ago i just left behind the ultra competitive mindset and just started playing all my classes (usually i would just chose one class and play it for the season, for muscle memory purposes). Now i'm having some fun at high gold/ low plat with whatever profession i feel to play atm.


Excluding my placement (wich was TERRIBLE, 3/10 wins, including 2 quitters) i had some decent matches. Nothing excepcional, but you know when you're at high plat and get some 55 x 500 losing match? Well, i don't know it anymore, lul.

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> @"Kako.1930" said:

> It was boring and the same as all the other seasons. 1/10


Graphically, it's fine.


I kinda of agree. Nothing really to do with balance. Mind it always good when they work on it.

But my take on the overall spvp. MMR, No one cares no more. Conquest mod, maps, same old 2 or 3 builds in each classes with no real divers build option.

Yes, you can have dozen of variant builds that don't work at all in spvp. But there's only 2 or 3 per classes that will be viable.

Leaves gameplay stale & boring no matter how many bandaids they come out with every patches. This is what Bik & other youtubers are talking about.

& there right. It's Boring!

Boring in the past. Boring Now

Spvp needs to be scraped & rebuild from from ground up with a new kind of system that will be fun to play with.

But that's just me.


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> @"PierPiero.9142" said:

> The season is ended . I write here not to obtain complain on that class or another. I want you to comment your experience and if u are satisfied or not. Had you have fun ? Have you had balanced matches ? In my opinion MM is not that good and it is really unfan to have unbalanced matches. At the end , which percent of balanced match have you got ? I played few matches becouse i got boared from unbalance and i played something else last month for most so i want to know your experience


**My rating: 6/10**. I managed to finish top 50 in NA for the second time ever. I did that without playing a high-mobility burst class such as power mirage, power rev, d/p thief, or deadeye, or a 1v2 far build such as demolisher spellbreaker.


I deducted points due to the fact that, as I played mostly duelist or teamfight builds, I was much more at the mercy of my teammates' skill levels than if I had played a +1 build. It's highly frustrating that my rotational skills are average, yet I get teammates who push far unnecessarily and die, causing a snowball. I never, ever do that, so logically I should be matched with people who also have at least that basic understanding of rotations. Yet I'm still matched with people who are roughly a year behind me in terms of their skill level, and many years behind me in terms of their emotional control (a key factor in whether someone decides to do something both greedy and foolish like pushing far when you shouldn't). This game will always be held back by both the low player pool and Elo-based matchmaking formula.


P.S. @"PierPiero.9142" please proofread before posting.

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Well considering this is the last season you can get an spvp leaderboard title and i was able to squeeze one out ill give it a 10. Balance was good too.


Moving forward, what pvp reward do we play ranked for? Pips and pve reward chests/gold that true pvpers never even open/use?


Wtf do we need chests, skins etc. for when everyone who really pvps to pvp plays with standard character models on.


I mean ill still play the game cuz its fun, and ranked mode still offers rankings, but wtf is the point of removing titles? Its almost like they thought that they had to dilute the good news of bringing duo q back cuz us being too happy can be potentially dangerous for "the machine"

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After over 1000 games this season I can say that it was better than the previous one for sure. Far better balance between all classes and more build diversity than I can remember there being for a very long time. The high power damage meta really made me have to think much more than bunker metas have and play much more cautiously, which is a great thing. Match quality at off peak hours was absolute garbage, but that is never going to change and it’s something you just need to accept if you want to be a pvper. However, when I actually had games with several other top players, which was not uncommon at prime time, I did enjoy the games very much. I would have prefer to be able to duo q, but at prime time that isn’t even much of an issue- you will get at least one decent player on your team anyway.


Overall I would say this season was great and definitely a step up from last one. Keep up the good balance anet. 8/10

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The increased build diversity, which I always plead for, did have a positive effect. But on the downside, I felt that matches were more unbalanced and that plat3/legendary players got more and more matched up with gold players. More matches were total stomps and matchmaking itself was so often horrific, even at (close to) prime times. Uncarriable matches might even be more frustrating than matches in which you face a lot of OP classes, but once you stop caring it doesn't matter so much anymore.


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I had some fun playing non-meta engineer builds and finished gold 3. The few times I managed to crawl my way to plat 1 I couldn't be remotely useful without changing to a meta build.


Matchmaking is still pretty hit or miss. Some really close games and some massive blowouts.


Next season I'll probably just see where I place and then play unranked. The build diversity honestly makes it more interesting and fun

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> @"Vieux P.1238" said:

> > @"Kako.1930" said:

> > It was boring and the same as all the other seasons. 1/10


> Graphically, it's fine.

> But...

> I kinda of agree. Nothing really to do with balance. Mind it always good when they work on it.

> But my take on the overall spvp. MMR, No one cares no more. Conquest mod, maps, same old 2 or 3 builds in each classes with no real divers build option.

> Yes, you can have dozen of variant builds that don't work at all in spvp. But there's only 2 or 3 per classes that will be viable.

> Leaves gameplay stale & boring no matter how many bandaids they come out with every patches. This is what Bik & other youtubers are talking about.

> & there right. It's Boring!

> Boring in the past. Boring Now

> Spvp needs to be scraped & rebuild from from ground up with a new kind of system that will be fun to play with.

> But that's just me.


Nah, it's not just you....

It's pretty much everyone that cared for competitive PvP when it actually existed in this game.

There's a reason why in 2014, before HoT, Colin J was bragging about the best ever populations on PvP. It was actually good back then...

PvP was relatively balanced, was more varied than ever before that time, with the condi rework.

They were balancing it relatively often (iirc they were doing it every month or so, so 2-3x more often than now).

If you were playing, **you were playing because you wanted to PvP**. Rewards were just average, not extremely profitable, and were mostly alternative ways of getting stuff you could get otherwise in PvP.

You could play all modes with your friends, which is mightily important in a MMORPG.

Also there was a content drought in preparation for HoT, and hype because of HoT, the Pro Championships were highly advertised and PvP was featured in all of Arena Net's content streams, both the dedicated PvP stream and the Points of Interest one.

This tied to the pretty solid foundation that they had achieved for PvP at that time, made it pretty much the second best game mode in GW2.



Balance is poor, and not very often.

A lot of people are playing just for the rewards, which are more profitable, and exclusive. This brings a lot of people in that really don't care for PvP as a game mode or a competitive scene. Just as another loot farm. This coupled with Arena Net's lovely idea of managing by popular vote, had some interesting consequences.

If you want to play with your friends you have to forego the previously mentioned rewards, or be subject to somewhat arbitrary schedules of Automated Tournaments, which doesn't really work for most people. This cripples the social aspect of PvP, which is one of the pillars for any online game mode.

Even with content droughts PvP is still unsavoury, and the weird Mayfly seasons also create this farm mentality and seasonality to PvP that has a hard time complimenting PvE's down times.

Arena Net barely ever mentions PvP any more in it's content, except to briefly announce a new season.


All these mismanagements have formed the perfect spiral of destruction for PvP, which has seen population numbers dwindle to the point where you can't even get matched properly in 80% of the time, this also subjugates you even more to a arbitrary schedule, since if you want to get a proper match, you need to play at peak hours. Which, given the international nature of the game, is far from ideal.


That's why PvP is just not enjoyable, to you, to me, and to a lot of other people.


I'm sorry for being out of topic slightly, but i really can't rate the season, since i've not touched PvP since last November/December.


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> @"Frostmane.9734" said:

> 5/10


> I had some fun playing non-meta engineer builds and finished gold 3. The few times I managed to crawl my way to plat 1 I couldn't be remotely useful without changing to a meta build.


> Matchmaking is still pretty hit or miss. Some really close games and some massive blowouts.


> Next season I'll probably just see where I place and then play unranked. The build diversity honestly makes it more interesting and fun


I did that this past season. Played a total of 13 ranked matches this season. Placed in Gold 3 with 6/10 matches won and stayed there but the last match(the 13th! :lol: ) I played was such a flame war that I just lost all interest in playing more ranked for the season. Then came Queen's Gauntlet which is exactly the kind of solo content I've wanted from this game for a while now.


Edit: Forgot to rate. 6/10, it's getting better but too slowly. Build diversity looks pretty good and Scourge isn't OP anymore. On the other hand Mirage is still overtuned, certain classes have little to no representation and many classes do too much damage. I'd like to see vitality and toughness having some meaning again. Defense stats are not passive, they are static defense.

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