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Will we be getting a rework?


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or staff…

or bloodmagic...

or several bad working skills like Focus 4...(and plz on necro this time, not on Guardian)

or the whole scourge…

or plaguelands… i mean everyone was playing the "old" lich and plague, why anet destroyed that good working elite skills? no one is using the current elite skills of core necro…


@"killfil.3472" , i absolutely agree with you, necro is in dire Need of rework. because atm this class has no Special abilites . everything get done better by other classes.

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Well sure the necro is badly in need of a rework but as far as getting one... I think it's to much work for anet and a proper rework might not satisfy everyone. As an example, for me a proper rework of the necromancer would necessarily have it's 2nd health bar removed but there are quite a lot of players that are against such thing. In my opinion, anet can tweek skills for years, as long as they do not touch the core mechanisms of the necromancer there will be no change in it's mediocrity in PvE and the fact that he can be dangerous for PvP/WvW.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Well sure the necro is badly in need of a rework but as far as getting one... I think it's to much work for anet and a proper rework might not satisfy everyone. As an example, for me a proper rework of the necromancer would necessarily have it's 2nd health bar removed but there are quite a lot of players that are against such thing. In my opinion, anet can tweek skills for years, as long as they do not touch the core mechanisms of the necromancer there will be no change in it's mediocrity in PvE and the fact that he can be dangerous for PvP/WvW.


I think the issue with the cries for rework is that it underestimates the problem and what it would take to fix it. The issue isn't just that Necro underperforms but some professions overperform. Thus if they were to really rework Necromancer they would also need to go in and change professions like Mesmer. Understandably Mesmer players would not stand for their profession being toyed with just to appease Necromancer players.


So you're 100% correct, a rework would not satisfy everyone and would likely enrage a lot of players. Sadly, if a faction has been stuck at the bottom for this long then there is a core problem with how the faction was created and that problem will extend to how the other factions were created too (which is why some factions remain at the top no matter what). Such a problem will persist so long as the same core mechanics of the entire game remain intact. So I think it may be possible to make Necromancer better but I do not think it will be possible to give Necro players what they really want out of the profession.

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Blood magic is fine btw, dunno why cries to rework it. Only thing wrong with it i see is that all 3 grandmasters are good party utility but we may have only one, backstabbing our support potential.


As for old elites - grim spectre (full condi and boon strip) was excellent move, as for rest i prefer new lich.

As for plague - yes it was great, a real move to tank through getting focused. It had one major flaw however (asides being transform and being able to rely only on passive/over time defenses) - it was easily shut down by polymorphs (mesmer moa and engie moa from elixir X belt skill). This should not be, or at least be blocked by stab.


Deathshroud - in need of major rework since 2012...



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> @"ZeftheWicked.3076" said:

> Blood magic is fine btw, dunno why cries to rework it. Only thing wrong with it i see is that all 3 grandmasters are good party utility but we may have only one, backstabbing our support potential.


> As for old elites - grim spectre (full condi and boon strip) was excellent move, as for rest i prefer new lich.

> As for plague - yes it was great, a real move to tank through getting focused. It had one major flaw however (asides being transform and being able to rely only on passive/over time defenses) - it was easily shut down by polymorphs (mesmer moa and engie moa from elixir X belt skill). This should not be, or at least be blocked by stab.


> Deathshroud - in need of major rework since 2012...




I want a rework to mobility to reaper personally or at the very least a buff to abilities to keep enemies close.Reaper plays a lot like death knights in world of warcraft, in that they too are very very slow hit really hard but unlike reaper, death knights can pull people to them with a cord to pull players towards them.


I would love ways to get better amount of survivability outside reaper so necros aren't automatically dead just because energy runs out fast.


I think if they did that, necro would be in a unbelievable place.d

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> @"Zero.3871" said:


> @"killfil.3472" , i absolutely agree with you, necro is in dire Need of rework. because atm this class has no Special abilites . everything get done better by other classes.


I dont agree that the neco does not have special abilities because it does. Via shroud skills, boon corruptions, blood magic (the ability to heal without having to fully invest hard into healing power also the ability to deal damage while privide sub support without having to think about trying to be a support), beint able to xfer conditions on itself to foes etc.


It has special abilites

The tools that boost these abilities have gotten cut down over time. And thats where its issues come from. Long term cuts with little compensation to make up for all those cuts. Alot of things that were considered too strong for its time got cut and then we see new specs or reworks on other professions that bring tools that are just as broken or stronger than the tools that necro got cut in the past mean while necro lingers in the past having to cling to what ever niche things manage to have not gotten cut yet. Right now its blood magic healing with usually power on the side... just throw in a a bit of boon corruption.


**Soul reaping** is a prime example of this the boost tools im talking about.


Soul reaping's whole existence was to boost up your profession mechanic and make it stronger when used just as every other profession has lines that boost up their personal mechanics.


For warriors its bonuses to burst and rewards on landing burst.

For mesmers its shatters making them more over loaded and more powerful with frequent use.

For thief it was stealing more often as well as giving them a great tool to initiate with and make the most of stolen skills.

Rangers its pets and making the pest faster/ hit harder


For necro it was

Making shroud last longer /be more accessible / do more damage

But it fails at doing this.


In soul reaping speed of shadows provided more accessibility while vital persistence provided increased up time. Death perception provides increased boost to all skills but not enough to be considered a real damage boost. All it does is allow you to shift your stats to have what would other wise be considered lack luster crit chance. You have other minor things mixed in like dhuumfire, foot in the grave, spectral mastery, etc. Unyielding blast. all of which are under powered at the core level even if by just a few numbers or seconds.


Over time speed of shadows got changed removing the accessibility boost factor and vital got changed removing the up time boost factor.

Death perception is good but not great

Dhuumfire with core shroud is very under performed

Foot in the grave is too far behind to be very effective

Unyielding is a joke of a trait especially with core necro


So what happens is soul reaping simply does not boost shroud anymore and its why its kind of gotten phased out unless you use it specifically for shroud skilll cd reduction and dhuum on scourge.


Pretty much most of the niche things that make necro strong in its own area have been getting cut down over time. Hints epidemic, just about the only thing it has left is blood magic well healing/ barrier if scourge/ and boon corruption. Ideally blood magic well healing is already under fire from people who cant cleave bodies to death or have sense enough to kill the necro first in a fight. So yeah.... there you go its not completely that every other profession has something better just the things that necro was good at got cut too much over time and almost never gets any real kind of rework to any of its problem skills / traits. it gets bone scraps here and there.


Axe damage 10%

Well of power grants 6 might

Blood is power gets 2 charges etc.


Things like this will never bring it up to speed with other professions in the game.



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> @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> For necro it was

> Making shroud last longer /be more accessible / do more damage

> But it fails at doing this.


Getting rid of the class mechanic for Scourge was the worst decision they ever made for this class. Soul Reaping used to do all of those things, but every single one was nerfed because of how it interacted with Sand Shades.

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > @"ZDragon.3046" said:

> > For necro it was

> > Making shroud last longer /be more accessible / do more damage

> > But it fails at doing this.


> Getting rid of the class mechanic for Scourge was the worst decision they ever made for this class. Soul Reaping used to do all of those things, but every single one was nerfed because of how it interacted with Sand Shades.


I completely disagree with that. They were nerfed long before the days of scourge as a result i cant blame scourge for their changes. If the changes had come with the patch just before or the PoF patch i would agree that scourge would be to blame but thats not the case.


The old versions could have worked with scourge in the following ways

Speed of shadows - reduced the desert shroud cd

Vital persistance - reduce the lf cost of all shade skills etc.


People also blame scourge for the change to plague to plague lands which i also dont agree with.


That change was a result of the HoT "Everything is too tanky" meta plague was only used as a stall tool to spam blind weakness while making the necro considertably harder to kill ideally it was one of those skills that was defensive and offensive at the same time as necro is prone to having but the defensive side of it was super strong while the offensive side was lacking and clunky in power not to mention it was just out right outdated.


Scourge had nothing to do with plagues change and i doubt it had anything to do with the speed of shadows or vital persistence changes either.


That said i dont want to see another scourge type load out come next e spec but thats me personally i would much rather go back to something similar to core or that works more integrated with core so they can finally take a good look at core in the process and maybe do some improvements on it. IF we get another scourge profession that completely avoids shroud we will end up with another scourge where its line is heavily weighted and skills are over loaded in attempts to make up for lackluster base perforce that is core by covering it from the top end which is the wrong way to go about fixing a profession or its issues.


On another note necro wont be easy to fix because the majority of its player base will never be happy to me it always seems like more than 50% of people want shroud gone but at the same time more than 50% of people like how shroud works. Anet would have to find away to fix it without removing shroud while also catoring to those who see it as the main problem having 2 health bars and all.

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Dhuumfire (ICD), Vital Persistence (-50% LF drain changed to +180 vitality), and Speed of Shadows (7s to 10s cd) Soul Reaping traits were all nerfed explicitly because of Scourge.


Dhhumfire and Speed Of Shadows were nerfed because they made condi shades more spammable. Vital Persistance was changed from slower LF drain to +vitality so scourge had a reason to take it. Both of the Shroud nerfs hit Reaper in particular very hard.

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> @"nekretaal.6485" said:

> I'm upset that the new Guardian Focus 4 wasn't given to Necromancer to replace the broken and unused Necromancer focus 4. A power based Damage over time skill fits perfectly within the theme of this class far more than it fits Guardian.


Anet listens to necro pleas, but gives them to other professions.

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While core shroud definitely could use some changes shroud in general needs mechanical changes as the way it currently works is impossible to balance within this game. The chances that we'll see a rework feels very small and complete reworks are probably incredibly unlikely as I don't think they'll do mechanical changes to class mechanics outside of elite specs.

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> @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > @"nekretaal.6485" said:

> > I'm upset that the new Guardian Focus 4 wasn't given to Necromancer to replace the broken and unused Necromancer focus 4. A power based Damage over time skill fits perfectly within the theme of this class far more than it fits Guardian.


> Anet listens to necro pleas, but gives them to other professions.


Bingo. My Ipos gets all flustered around guardians...Isnt it a kickinthenads that the 1 true necro styled weapon's busted. Bahh

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> @"DTATL.9641" said:

> While core shroud definitely could use some changes shroud in general needs mechanical changes as the way it currently works is impossible to balance within this game. The chances that we'll see a rework feels very small and complete reworks are probably incredibly unlikely as I don't think they'll do mechanical changes to class mechanics outside of elite specs.


Cough! cough!... You might not have seen the change on mesmer's fantasms...

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> @"killfil.3472" said:

> Will we?

> Core Death Shroud could sure use one.

> Or minions...

> Or Lich (I mean a proper rework, or even just replace it with it's #5 "Grim Specter")..

> Or perhaps even the Death Magic traitline...




xDxDxDxD necro getting a rework LoL


That's asked by necro community since how long? HoT?


Did we get one? No?


Seems that it's working as intended.

1. Necro out of any pve endgame content, due to lacking DPS or support

2. Having an identity crisis on core

3. Lacking support on scourge, which should be a condition based support spec, if you believe the introduction-video of scourge

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> @"dceptaconroy.7928" said:

> > @"Lahmia.2193" said:

> > > @"nekretaal.6485" said:

> > > I'm upset that the new Guardian Focus 4 wasn't given to Necromancer to replace the broken and unused Necromancer focus 4. A power based Damage over time skill fits perfectly within the theme of this class far more than it fits Guardian.

> >

> > Anet listens to necro pleas, but gives them to other professions.


> Bingo. My Ipos gets all flustered around guardians...Isnt it a kickinthenads that the 1 true necro styled weapon's busted. Bahh


It doesn't stop me using Ipos on my necro. It's worth it for Spinal Shivers. But I die a little inside every time a foe outruns my Reaper's Touch.

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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"killfil.3472" said:

> > Will we?

> > Core Death Shroud could sure use one.

> > Or minions...

> > Or Lich (I mean a proper rework, or even just replace it with it's #5 "Grim Specter")..

> > Or perhaps even the Death Magic traitline...

> >

> >


> xDxDxDxD necro getting a rework LoL


> That's asked by necro community since how long? HoT?


> Did we get one? No?


> Seems that it's working as intended.

> 1. Necro out of any pve endgame content, due to lacking DPS or support


True, unless you want to carry scrubs or bosses actually get high dps or condi pressure.


> 2. Having an identity crisis on core


No it has clear identity. This identity just sucks in PvE (which itself has a very linear design which doesn't bring out the advantages of necro very well)


> 3. Lacking support on scourge, which should be a condition based support spec, if you believe the introduction-video of scourge


That's exactly what the class is, and it's extremely strong.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"DTATL.9641" said:

> > While core shroud definitely could use some changes shroud in general needs mechanical changes as the way it currently works is impossible to balance within this game. The chances that we'll see a rework feels very small and complete reworks are probably incredibly unlikely as I don't think they'll do mechanical changes to class mechanics outside of elite specs.


> Cough! cough!... You might not have seen the change on mesmer's fantasms...


I have seen the phantasm changes and while they have reworked the phantasm skills. Mechanically, phantasm aren't that different to what they were before outside of them not interacting with shatters anymore. You still summon an entity that has a specific effect. To apply this to necro I can see them rework shroud skills and possibly do some changes to the shroud mechanic( because it really needs it) but they will probably never fundamentally change shroud. Core shroud or shroud mechanic reworks are probably very low on their priority list though which is why I said it the chances we'll see any are very small. Hopefully I'm wrong about that. A complete rework where they replace shroud with something else or fundamentally change how shroud work I don't think we'll ever see happen outside of elite specs as I think they have even said that before though I can't remember when or where so don't hold me up on that.

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For Scourge, I would like to see barriers scale better with defensive stat's to offer improved support at the cost of dps. The offensive capability seems fine for dps builds but the defense builds could offer better support.


For example, have toughness modify barrier duration and make barrier amount scale up more with healing. The change does not need to be crazy OP but a little could make bunker barrier builds good for bad PUGs, which seems to be right in line with developer intent.

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Minions would be fantastic if there would be weaponskills that would generate minions if you kill a target with that skill.

Also some sacrifice skills would be cool, so if you use a sacrifice skill it will kill the minion and trigger a special effect depending on minion and sacrifice. And the utilities and weaponskills could be split just like phantasms and clones on mesmer.

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