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Festival of the Four Winds - Its dying rapidly because its not very rewarding

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> @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > > @"Astralporing.1957" said:

> > > > @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > > > Tbh i think the problem isn't "bad rewards", but at least make ppl "feel" they're getting something.

> > > > Those bags from Pavillion meta is plain stupid.

> > >

> > > Gauntlet not giving _anyhing_ beyond achievements/ap (which are one-time) is also not a good thing for its longevity. Okay, it's going to be probably fine this time around (as we have to redo all of them), but what about next year?

> >

> > We get to do them all over again so I guess it will be fine next time round :)

> Based on the current model, i'm pretty sure we won't be able to do the achieves again (and get new APs) next time. And since there are no rewards, and the challenge is already done... what would be the point?


Guessing you missed the humour part.. but tbh, they reset them once so no reason they cant or won't again, but as far as challenges and rewards.. lacklustre as they are the event will still be popular for the first few days to a week when it comes around again, but like most events the novelty wears thin quite quickly. The only ones that tend to keep more interest for longer are hallowen and wintersday, but having a jump puzzle and longer term achievements helps a little I guess.


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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Biff.5312" said:

> > The entire game is built more around rewarding experiences than getting rich with loot. The festival provides some novelty. I bought a couple of home instance nodes and skins with my tokens - rewards enough imo. As for the boss blitz, people try to coordinate and get 'gold' not for the rewards, but for the challenge.


> What Home instance nodes have you bought for token.. I must of missed that vendor...


You probably just already have them. I think it's LS1 stuff; like sprocket and quartz.

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Yes, the whole festival was a disappointment. Basically nothing to do compared to the last two times. Everything is gated behind dailies and RNG boxes now.


> @"DirtyDan.4759" said:

> 400 easy achievement points sound quite rewarding to me.


You have those after 1-3 days depending on your daily playtime (and excluding the timegated daily ones)

Plus next time around they probably will not give AP anymore, since Anet is not resetting festival achievements that reward AP anymore

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I've been sorely disappointed in this year's Boss Blitz. 4 years ago I managed to get 30+ Gold chests; this year, only 4, and all of those were in the first week. Last time there were always several maps trying to coordinate BB; this year, usually there's one at most, and 90% of the time these "organized" maps make one attempt or at most 2 attempts before falling apart due to people zerging and paying zero attention to map chat.


My analysis: the difference between Silver and Gold is not nearly enough to compel people to care to put in the effort. 4 years ago we'd get a group going for hours at a time, hit Gold maybe 80% of the time, people would stay, people just arrived would quickly be educated as to how to get gold, and it was addictive. This year, it seems a lot of people are just there to get their dailies and move on, ignoring everyone around them. It only takes a handful of such people to ruin any chance at gold, and virtually every map has people like this. If there were a steep disparity between Silver and Gold I think people would stop and pay attention and actually care enough to make the effort, but that simply isn't happening. With xpac/elites/powercreep and breakbars, this event should be *easier* than it was 4 years ago, but the results have clearly demonstrated otherwise. It's very disheartening.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Don't worry, Arenanet decided to add some terrible rewards to it

> https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/weekend-boss-blitz-bonanza/


> "Celebration Boosters and Zephyrite Supply Boxes", 100 supply boxes? I wonder if there will be a visible timer showing progress


But you see? Those supply boxes should be a reward for Boss Blitz/ Gauntlet from the beggining.

The amount of boxes should be exponencially higher for bonze/ silver/ gold respectively, we would've seen a lot more coordinated activities on the map. Festival would've been A LOT more active.

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> @"BlueMelody.6398" said:

> I've been sorely disappointed in this year's Boss Blitz. 4 years ago I managed to get 30+ Gold chests; this year, only 4, and all of those were in the first week. Last time there were always several maps trying to coordinate BB; this year, usually there's one at most, and 90% of the time these "organized" maps make one attempt or at most 2 attempts before falling apart due to people zerging and paying zero attention to map chat.


> My analysis: the difference between Silver and Gold is not nearly enough to compel people to care to put in the effort. 4 years ago we'd get a group going for hours at a time, hit Gold maybe 80% of the time, people would stay, people just arrived would quickly be educated as to how to get gold, and it was addictive. This year, it seems a lot of people are just there to get their dailies and move on, ignoring everyone around them. It only takes a handful of such people to ruin any chance at gold, and virtually every map has people like this. If there were a steep disparity between Silver and Gold I think people would stop and pay attention and actually care enough to make the effort, but that simply isn't happening. With xpac/elites/powercreep and breakbars, this event should be *easier* than it was 4 years ago, but the results have clearly demonstrated otherwise. It's very disheartening.


Not to mention last time you could get favors via the meta events of the two maps. This time timegated by dailies. Garbage!

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> @"Malafaia.8903" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Don't worry, Arenanet decided to add some terrible rewards to it

> > https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/weekend-boss-blitz-bonanza/

> >

> > "Celebration Boosters and Zephyrite Supply Boxes", 100 supply boxes? I wonder if there will be a visible timer showing progress


> But you see? Those supply boxes should be a reward for Boss Blitz/ Gauntlet from the beggining.

> The amount of boxes should be exponencially higher for bonze/ silver/ gold respectively, we would've seen a lot more coordinated activities on the map. Festival would've been A LOT more active.


This is true. I wonder how many boxes we'll get and if the amount of boxes will depend on how many BB someone finished.

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> @"Doggie.3184" said:

> It's a shadow of it's former self since there's no mob farming anymore. Promotes waiting around idle quite a lot without anything to do in between.

I miss the bosses that could be triggered in the caves


> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> Definitely agree that the Cliffs are absolutely empty besides a 30 minute period of events every 2 hours

I felt the no reward thing sharply after finishing all 3 hunting events: poster pieces, master and regular crystals.


> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> Don't worry, Arenanet decided to add some terrible rewards to it

> https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/weekend-boss-blitz-bonanza/


> "Celebration Boosters and Zephyrite Supply Boxes", 100 supply boxes? I wonder if there will be a visible timer showing progress

Even the Mad King event had much better drops from the Trick or Treat bags from farming the Labyrinth.

[Take a look on Reddit at the 50k research guy posting](https://redd.it/91lc1x)


Hopefully, you can imagine ways to tweak the events for next year.



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