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About Adulthood


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> @"RazielSpecter.6295" said:

> How old Asuras and Charrs have when it comes?


The average human lifespan, at least for those who live healthy lives (no smoking, no drugs etc.) tends to be above 80 years. The same could be applied for the humans in Guild Wars 2. From what I've seen and read, Asura are capable of living slightly longer than humans, but not by a lot. Charr mature slightly quicker than humans and are able to live up to 90 years, but it's not that common.

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> @"ugrakarma.9416" said:

> in gw2 is very generic. there is no adolescence or middle age. but I prefer it that way.


Well in lore, there are defninitely adolecents, but due to their awkwardness, the devs decided to just use the adult model instead.


There even exists concept art of a teenage charr with nubby horns and copper earrings. I just imagine the Fahrar cubs to be of varying age between small cubs, to subadults. Based on that, being a primus must be a tough assignment. You start as replacement parent and watch your group make their first steps, kill their first rodent, teach them to read, write and perform basic auxillary tasks along with the most basic of combat training.

Then they enter the "why" phase. At peak curiousity they are fast learners, so you try to fill them up with knowlege to the best of your and their ability.

At the same time you keep your eyes open on any special talent they may exhibit, both individually and collectively and assign them to special instructors. Every charr is a soldier, but the legions also need smiths, craftscharr, engineers, healers, farmers, miners, bookeepers, logisticians, traders and so on.

The last years of Fahrar are the roughest, for both your fledgling warbands and for you. Infighting, even more so than usual, charr teenage relationship drama, uppity charr testing their boundaries, all these make it difficult to give them their final lectures, before they are sent to the frontlines, midlines, or backlines to help with the ongoing war effort.

And eventually they graduate, that is, a centurion takes interest in your bands and assumes command over them, you hold a short graduation speech, send them on their way and hope they don't get slaughtered on their first tour of duty.


The asura are taught in school from a young age too, and are expected to eventually graduate in one of the colleges. The better you graduate, the better your prospects to get a research grant and form your own krewe. Overall, I imagine their society features a strong academic system, a night-watchman state and many independent krewes, that compete with one another and generate both research and products.

Teenagers among the asura are likely to experience enormous pressure to perform well, unless they like to spend the rest of their lives as lab-workers and underlings. Considering the attitude you get from your typical asuran superior, I can see how that would be seen as unappealing.

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As far as maturing asura go, we can kind of look at Taimi. I don't remember if we had an initial age for her, but over the course of season 3, she slowly grew until Path of Fire, where we see her again as a fully-matured asura. Now culturally, it's hard to say when she left progeny status and became an adult, but it does give a rough idea of how quickly they grow.

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> @"Rognik.2579" said:

> As far as maturing asura go, we can kind of look at Taimi. I don't remember if we had an initial age for her, but over the course of season 3, she slowly grew until Path of Fire, where we see her again as a fully-matured asura. Now culturally, it's hard to say when she left progeny status and became an adult, but it does give a rough idea of how quickly they grow.


She was thirteen when we met her. That'd make her 16/17 at PoF, so maybe a marginally slower growth rate than humans.

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