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Some offhand QoL suggestions


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I'm not really enjoying some of our offhands currently - torch, focus and sword - each one has something about it not feeling quite right, so thinking about possible tweaks to make them more enjoyable and effective.


Sword 4 - have the evade also trigger if you choose to cast counter blade. Therefore you have the evade whether you choose to let the block happen, or choose to throw out the daze. This could also be applied to Scepter 2, so you get the evade whether you choose to block or use the counter bolt (would be a huge QoL buff for scepter which might see more use).

Sword 5 - the cast time is ridiculous for a melee animation, it's so sluggish that to actually hit with it in melee in order to benefit from the might is very awkward. I'd like to see a lower cast time/faster animation - ie 0.75s - make it more fluid to use.


Focus 4 - untraited curtain should destroy projectiles. Possible other changes, but at the least this would be something positive.

Focus 5 - literally any kind of buff to this would be appreciated, as has been mentioned by many people on here, iWarden is arguably one of our worst skills currently.


Torch 5 - 25s cast time. Not much to ask but given all other weapon phantasms are 20s or less it makes no sense that iMage is 30s base when it's not exactly that powerful since they nerfed the burn stacks.


Pistol's the only offhand that is kind of "ok" as in it functions effectively at what it's intended to do.


Of course there are many possibilities regarding say Focus which many of you have suggested in the past, I just want to highlight again to make some of these offhands more enjoyable to use especially compared with our mainhands/2handers all of which are strong and enjoyable (just that scepter 2 change similar to sword 4 as mentioned above).

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- 4 - I think it's ok as is.

- 5 - 100% agree. It's too slow.



- 4 - I'd love to have untraited projectile block, but I'm ok w/ it as is.

- 5 - 100% agree. Focus was "kinda alright" before they changed the behavior. It's complete garbage now.



- 5 - neutral. I think it's ok.


Edit: I should mention this is from a wvw roaming context.

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> @"phokus.8934" said:

> These are literally all buffs and no quality of life changes. With that said, sure, I'm all for it.


Hah, true, but Id rather avoid putting the word "buff" in this mesmer forum if possible given the allergic/hostile reactions it can cause (other than focus 5 - where no other word will do!). :)

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4. I really feel like they could have figured out a more fun skill than block and the weird projectile that shoots from it otherwise. Looks stupid.

5. I’d love this if it was ranged.



4. Fine with it. Wish it turned into a vortex as it sucked people in for flavor

5. I just want it to be scrapped I hate it

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Your suggestions are okay, but especially when it comes to Focus I'd love some more changes. Here is my wish-list, which might seem a lil over the top but whatever:



4 - changed into AoE field that damages + cripples foes and heals allies inside. Into the Void still pulls foes into it but no longer destroys the field.

5 - phantasm spawns next to the target like it used to do, performs one fast spin and changes into a clone, leaving swirling AoE that damages foes and destroys projectiles. That way it isn't completely negated by some random cleave/aoe. Or keep it as it is, but make it shoot axes at multiple foes at once. Or change it into something entirely different. It's terrible right now.



4 - I really dislike single-block-trigger type skills like this. I proposed one of the possible changes in my scepter redesign thread, which is change the skill into short duration block that blocks all incoming attacks and triggers its damage when it ends. Anyway I don't care much for OH-Sword as I don't really enjoy the weap whatsoever.

5 - It is good I guess, maybe reduce initial strike's cast time OR make the initial attack ranged (like warrior's oh sword 4, but with illusionary visual).



4 - great in pvp environments, reduce base cd to 20 sec in pve only.

5 - reduce cd to 25 sec.



4 - quite good

5 - maybe shorter cd/higher damage in PvE to make it a little more useful? Idk, never really liked this skill too much.

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> @"bart.3687" said:

> Your suggestions are okay, but especially when it comes to Focus I'd love some more changes. Here is my wish-list, which might seem a lil over the top but whatever:


> Focus

> 4 - changed into AoE field that damages + cripples foes and heals allies inside. Into the Void still pulls foes into it but no longer destroys the field.

> 5 - phantasm spawns next to the target like it used to do, performs one fast spin and changes into a clone, leaving swirling AoE that damages foes and destroys projectiles. That way it isn't completely negated by some random cleave/aoe. Or keep it as it is, but make it shoot axes at multiple foes at once. Or change it into something entirely different. It's terrible right now.


> OH-Sword

> 4 - I really dislike single-block-trigger type skills like this. I proposed one of the possible changes in my scepter redesign thread, which is change the skill into short duration block that blocks all incoming attacks and triggers its damage when it ends. Anyway I don't care much for OH-Sword as I don't really enjoy the weap whatsoever.

> 5 - It is good I guess, maybe reduce initial strike's cast time OR make the initial attack ranged (like warrior's oh sword 4, but with illusionary visual).


> Torch

> 4 - great in pvp environments, reduce base cd to 20 sec in pve only.

> 5 - reduce cd to 25 sec.


> Pistol

> 4 - quite good

> 5 - maybe shorter cd/higher damage in PvE to make it a little more useful? Idk, never really liked this skill too much.


I particularly love your suggestion for Focus 4, never thought of something like that - would be amazing as an AoE field that had those effects and also the pull to centre.


Yeah I was being more minimal in the hope that some of these would become a reality, but in reality for things like Focus and OH Sword it would be better for more in depth changes.

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