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Runes for Reaper Story/Open World


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Hi! I have been looking t what runes to use with my Minion Master Reaper which I use for open world fun and story content. Wont go for meta scholar runes casue I am always the target etc. I have singled out four runes that look good to me.


**Superior Rune of the Ranger**

_+25 Precision

+35 Ferocity

+50 Precision

+65 Ferocity

+100 Precision

+7% damage while you have an active companion._


Since I am always going to have minions up I will keep the +7% damage bonus permanently, seems like a solid dps choice, except that I get no power


**Superior Rune of Exuberance**

_+25 Vitality

3% of Vitality is converted to Healing Power

+50 Vitality

5% of Vitality is converted to Precision

+100 Vitality

7% of Vitality.png vitality is converted to Power_


Since Reaper benefits from Vitality and I am running Marauder Stats I should benefit from all that vitality conversion


**Superior Rune of the Chronomancer**

_(1): +25 Power

(2): +35 Precision

(3): +50 Power

(4): +65 Precision

(5): +100 Power

(6): Apply 2 seconds of Quickness when you cast a well._


I like wells on my Reaper :)


**Superior Rune of the Holosmith**

_+25 Power

+35 Vitality

+50 Power

+65 Vitality

+100 Power

Gain a Laser Disk when struck below the 75% health threshold. (Cooldown: 45s)_


A nice stat combo and the Laser Disk is nice since I am always in melee range, not too sure about this one though in terms of how reliable that dps from the disk will be



Let me know what you think or what you run that works well :D


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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:


> Ranger runes seems strictly better than Eagle Runes on a minion build and I am running Marauder stats on a Power Reaper so undead seems a major waste

Are you sure companion apply to minions as well?

Oh missed the point I should have talk of Runes of Wurm




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> @"phs.6089" said:

> > @"Omnicron.2467" said:


> > Ranger runes seems strictly better than Eagle Runes on a minion build and I am running Marauder stats on a Power Reaper so undead seems a major waste

> Are you sure companion apply to minions as well?

> Oh missed the point I should have talk of Runes of Wurm





According to the wiki it does work on Necromancer Minions :)


Wurm looks good but all that Ferocity might be a wasted stat on Maurader stats

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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > @"phs.6089" said:

> > > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> >

> > > Ranger runes seems strictly better than Eagle Runes on a minion build and I am running Marauder stats on a Power Reaper so undead seems a major waste

> > Are you sure companion apply to minions as well?

> > Oh missed the point I should have talk of Runes of Wurm

> >

> >

> >


> According to the wiki it does work on Necromancer Minions :)


> Wurm looks good but all that Ferocity might be a wasted stat on Maurader stats


why should it (ferocity) be wasted on marauders? you got enough crit to have full advantage of ferocity.

havent checked a spreadsheet tho ... to compare if dmg benefits more from power or ferocity at this point (there are breakpoints)... but either way, it wont be "wasted"

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Marauder stats include lower ferocity and higher precision than berserker which means ferocity will actually be more valuable if your running marauder so Runes of the Wurm are a good choice that synergises quite well with marauders.


If your looking for good offensive stats combined and good defensive stats with better overall value (like marauder vs berserker) then think about runes of divinity.


They give 78 power, precision and ferocity which is 234 total offensive stats vs the 275 stats on a rune combination with 2 stats but also gives 78 vitality, healing power (not super useful but free stats lol) and toughness.

(Note: this may be a problem depending on what groups you fractal and/or raid with so if you do these activities and you dont have a dedicated tank with more than 78 extra toughness then don't use these runes).

The final 10% health boost they give will be about 2700 Health which is the equivalent of 270 vitality or ~43% of the entire health boost of full marauder.


Fore pure damage I agree the runes of the ranger looks quite sweet. I'll have to let someone else comment on what the best and most reliable damage choice would be (outside of scholar due to uptime issues) as I prefer runes like divinity and maybe wurm that mix both defense and offense for best overall boost.

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go zephyrite runes lul


chronomancer lets you kill enemies quicc

holosmith rune deals pitiful damage and exuberance is just worse for sustained dps than the ranger runes, and you really dont need much health when you already have minions.


chronomancer is best for little skirmishes against a bunch of mobs

ranger is better against stronger enemies thanks to higher sustained dmg

but wurm is just better than everything else at everything so go wurm

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> @"Kumouta.4985" said:

> go zephyrite runes lul


> chronomancer lets you kill enemies quicc

> holosmith rune deals pitiful damage and exuberance is just worse for sustained dps than the ranger runes, and you really dont need much health when you already have minions.

> so:

> chronomancer is best for little skirmishes against a bunch of mobs

> ranger is better against stronger enemies thanks to higher sustained dmg

> but wurm is just better than everything else at everything so go wurm


I actually found that I can have 100% crit chance while in Shroud using Death Perception 50% crit bonus from Soul Reaping, so I only need 50% base crit chance which mean I can swap out a a few Marauder items for Valkyrie Stats for some extra Power, Vit, and Ferocity :)

So yeah Wurm seems best!



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> @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > @"Kumouta.4985" said:

> > go zephyrite runes lul

> >

> > chronomancer lets you kill enemies quicc

> > holosmith rune deals pitiful damage and exuberance is just worse for sustained dps than the ranger runes, and you really dont need much health when you already have minions.

> > so:

> > chronomancer is best for little skirmishes against a bunch of mobs

> > ranger is better against stronger enemies thanks to higher sustained dmg

> > but wurm is just better than everything else at everything so go wurm


> I actually found that I can have 100% crit chance while in Shroud using Death Perception 50% crit bonus from Soul Reaping, so I only need 50% base crit chance which mean I can swap out a a few Marauder items for Valkyrie Stats for some extra Power, Vit, and Ferocity :)

> So yeah Wurm seems best!


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vREQNBhOD7kZTolGsdTwbTgeTskLYUlh1QzCKA0AWBxTxs4YE-jxRBQB6R3AAeCAJU9nMq8TJ7PYSlgP4iAQKgImsB-e


You can even go with 0precision to get 100% critchance while in shroud. Get soulreaping last traitline middle -trait and reaper middle traitline bottom-trait.

With spite that makes enemy's getting vulnerability when applying chill, that's easy 100% crit



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> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Omnicron.2467" said:

> > > @"Kumouta.4985" said:

> > > go zephyrite runes lul

> > >

> > > chronomancer lets you kill enemies quicc

> > > holosmith rune deals pitiful damage and exuberance is just worse for sustained dps than the ranger runes, and you really dont need much health when you already have minions.

> > > so:

> > > chronomancer is best for little skirmishes against a bunch of mobs

> > > ranger is better against stronger enemies thanks to higher sustained dmg

> > > but wurm is just better than everything else at everything so go wurm

> >

> > I actually found that I can have 100% crit chance while in Shroud using Death Perception 50% crit bonus from Soul Reaping, so I only need 50% base crit chance which mean I can swap out a a few Marauder items for Valkyrie Stats for some extra Power, Vit, and Ferocity :)

> > So yeah Wurm seems best!

> >

> > http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vREQNBhOD7kZTolGsdTwbTgeTskLYUlh1QzCKA0AWBxTxs4YE-jxRBQB6R3AAeCAJU9nMq8TJ7PYSlgP4iAQKgImsB-e


> You can even go with 0precision to get 100% critchance while in shroud. Get soulreaping last traitline middle -trait and reaper middle traitline bottom-trait.

> With spite that makes enemy's getting vulnerability when applying chill, that's easy 100% crit


> http://gw2skills.net/editor/?vRAQFARnMbClbit0Au1A0bilfBLOJGFviUZhvQwCKpFA+AA-j1RBQBiU5HjUC+gLAge0BAgHAglU/RJ7PAA-w


Cool build idea! Will try it out sometime thanks

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  • 3 weeks later...

Full zerk gear, using Strength Runes and Spite Traitline alongside Death Magic for Minionmaster Build. So far I've soloed Auric Basin and VB except for Balth HP, and all story mode dungeons so... You don't need Marauder, Valkyrie, or any other Vit or Toughness gear, let alone other runes...

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> @"Obtena.7952" said:

> I think the OP was pretty clear on his reasoning to not use Scholar, and it wasn't related to a L2P issue. What would be most helpful is if the OP posted the build he's wanting to add runes to. A Minion Master Reaper build sounds a bit odd.




It's not odd, I've been using it to solo hard content for a while and works like a charm without losing damage. I run runes of Strength with Spite Traitline and no extra vitality stats, you don't need them. OFC for Fractals I run other build but for open world it's riddiculously easy. I've ran other Reaper Builds and none can top how simple this one makes things, I still find a loss of time and damage to add runes of the wurm or ranger.

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Being easy doesn't make it not odd. I say it's odd because reaper doesn't lend it self to minions and minions don't lend themselves to reaper. You can build whatever you want and I won't argue the reasons you like it or use it, but given the lack of interaction between the traits and the minion skills themselves, I definitely think being minion master in Reaper is a strange pairing.



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