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How many times have you completed Agent of Entropy?

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> @"StinVec.3621" said:

> (snip)

> As these items are very common, it is normal to get several dozen of each of the different items every minute. This could easily result in several hundred salvaged items every minute or so. These items are extremely cheap (60c -1s) and produce materials that sell for 2-3 times the cost of buying the item - the items also produce more than 1 of the material fairly often.


> This person also likely has several dozen thousand gold by now just from salvaging these items and selling the materials. I wouldn't be surprised if it is the same person who has the most liquid gold on gw2efficiency as it is extremely lucrative, but primarily only for them due to their working these items 24/7 and other people can barely manage to sneak buy orders of 5-10 getting filled (a matter of a few seconds usually) before they are outbid again by them.


Hah, yeah that reminds me of the time when blues and greens went from absolutely worthless to absolutely worth salvaging a few years ago. I got very heavily into that and most of my salvages probably go back to then. But it's so time consuming and mind-numbing to keep up with that manually, you'd have to suspect the only way to stay on top of those salvage markets would be with -at the very least- monitoring scripts to prompt a human buy order. (More likey just to automate that part too in such a way as to make it plausible that a human placed the order.)


In the end the TP is just another competative PvP arena for some: Trader vs Trader!


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