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New PvP Style / Gamemodes


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Sup Guys !


I was thinking about new game modes and found a few interesting ideas!

My first idea is the blitz mode / quick game mode!


**_The 15 points to win 3v3 or 5v5 quick game mode._**


A game mode with kill count instead of points progress about either 3 or 5 minutes playtime.

This mode would be for all those players who want to have fast pace games where only the stronger team wins.

It would requir anet to create some new smaller maps but would make the game experience even funnier and bring back some old gamers.

Respawn time would be shorter and you could rejoin again faster maybe also add some kind of special before the game starts items or boons to get another type of pvp.

For example you go in as a s/d thief and before the game starts you can add a item for yourself that gives you a 10% faster attackspeed or something like this.

Warrior with a extra boon of 10% more def or more dmg output / higher crit chance etc. to allow different types of builds.

Also another example a map like eternal battlegrounds where the team has 1 nearby respawn and has to fight on one capture point until 1 team reaches the 15 points.

For each kill 1 point would be the idea behind it but I also see the problem when people would start playing bunker builds etc. to ruin it.

But therefore the minutes counter would go to 0 and the team with the most points wins it.

We could also add a few npcs to kill for extra points like svanir or utah on certain spots or maps.



15 points to win you gain 1 point by killing 1 enemy

3-5 minutes play time

respawn is 5-10 seconds

battle area could be eternal coliseum mid capture point just a bit larger sized


The idea behind comes from other mobas where you can enjoy a fast game and go on for something else.


What do you think about it ?

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To make a new game mode takes time and resources...a software company has there entire programing schedual layed out for at least 6 months. And to change that schedual would mean a hault on most if not all schedual work and nithing will get done...to keep requesting new game modes is like asking for the rain to stop when its raining...will it, no it might stop and change to sun in 10 min but for a software company thats like 10 months....

However in the context of anet and gw2, i dout new games mode will ever happen. Anet is a pve minded company and pvp just isnt in there cards to satisfy the peoples wants and expectations for pvp.

6 years and nothing really new for pvp.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> To make a new game mode takes time and resources...a software company has there entire programing schedual layed out for at least 6 months. And to change that schedual would mean a hault on most if not all schedual work and nithing will get done...to keep requesting new game modes is like asking for the rain to stop when its raining...will it, no it might stop and change to sun in 10 min but for a software company thats like 10 months....

> However in the context of anet and gw2, i dout new games mode will ever happen. Anet is a pve minded company and pvp just isnt in there cards to satisfy the peoples wants and expectations for pvp.

> 6 years and nothing really new for pvp.



I beg to differ the resources and people are there. It's just when you have 95% of your workforce working 24/7 365 on shiny buyable black lion skins it kind of is hard to do anything else. Every patch even itf its for 1 bug fix seems to have new flashy buyable skins. It's just the decision of the company to let PvP die even tho when Guild Wars 2 was about to come out they said it would have epic pvp... Dancing in 3 little circles on giant maps for 6+ years is not epic pvp.


Once the company realized after about 2 years in that they could make a waterfall of money jusst by putting out crap shiny buyable skins. The reason for gliders and mounts was for.. you guessed it shiny buyable skins! yay i can make my glider look like a bubble! woohoo so amazing. Yet pvp is dead now good job!

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The issue lies not with conquest.

The issue lies with the playerbase being not "right" for the game. PvP in GW2 is far too complex for the casual, reward driven gameplay most of the players left enjoy. Especially as so many of the players that kept these gamemodes healthy and alive have left, making "fun" and "competitive" matches exceedingly more rare. The huge skill difference between players makes any PvP style mode progressively worse.


A new gamemode won't fix this. It won't make the game easier to understand for these players. It won't make them suddenly desire competition. It won't make them suddenly want to compete more. It won't change their preferences at all.

It will further split the remaining players over gamemodes (assuming they're good, if they're bad then it's just wasted dev efforts) meaning more parts which require balancing, which struggle with declining / lacking population to support the mode, ...


A "good" pvp gamemode for GW2's current playerbase DOES NOT EXIST. You want to improve PvP? Heavily tone down the powercreep making the game easier to understand and play, so players can keep up with understanding both combat and rotations / objectives. Cause right now they can't do either.


The difficulty difference between pvp and pve is massive and a big reason we have these issues.

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It's a question of time before i completely drop Gw2 pvp & all it's game mods. Pvp is so stale!

Only thing keeping me here is there nothing out there atm that's worth to switch to.

But as soon a western mmo comes out. I'"ll give it a chance see how it works out.

& if it does, no new skin's or Gw2 expansion will get me back again.


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@"Etheri.5406" I'm sorry but the main issue has always been circlequest. When you have maps this big |.........................................................| But only 3 small areas like this |...| matter. It makes it quite boring. Hell pvp in gw1 was and still is perfect and it has like a thousand skill combos between the classes. This is just a sad attempt of a game mode that should never survived after the first year. Roll teef bow #5 win games with stealth and decapping.


@"Vieux P.1238" Hey check out Anthem the game. Right now it will start with just PvE when it comes out january but pvp is in the works. Right now if GW2 pvp doesn't improve from circle dancing joke pvp by the time thats out. Then as a vet player from gw1 og i may have to just dump guild wars after all these years and wait for the announcement of guild wars 3 while i play that.


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First and foremost I want them to fix some of the existing stuff first like (for example) the fee for custom rooms has to go. Speaking of which they should add an option for regular deathmatch to custom rooms.


That being said I do want them to add beetle races as a seperate game mode with its own lobby and proper race tracks at some point in the future.

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> @"Ziggityzog.7389" said:

> @"Etheri.5406" I'm sorry but the main issue has always been circlequest. When you have maps this big |.........................................................| But only 3 small areas like this |...| matter. It makes it quite boring. Hell pvp in gw1 was and still is perfect and it has like a thousand skill combos between the classes. This is just a sad attempt of a game mode that should never survived after the first year. Roll teef bow #5 win games with stealth and decapping.


> @"Vieux P.1238" Hey check out Anthem the game. Right now it will start with just PvE when it comes out january but pvp is in the works. Right now if GW2 pvp doesn't improve from circle dancing joke pvp by the time thats out. Then as a vet player from gw1 og i may have to just dump guild wars after all these years and wait for the announcement of guild wars 3 while i play that.




Yeahhhhh... EA, not the most stellar gaming company out there. I don't think i'll jump the bandwagon that fast on that one.

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One argument I've seen come up many times in regards to new pvp modes is that it might stretch the player-base too thin, or everyone would ignore it and continue to play conquest anyway (like what happened with stronghold).


Personally I would like new pvp game modes that are relatively simple (death match, capture the flag, king of the hill, conquest with 4+ capture points) but I'm worried that it might slow down the balancing process which, is already very slow, since class performance would have to be evaluated in additional game modes leading to a lot more stasis and less buffs/nerfs.

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A new game mode would be awesome.


But more important to point out is that Conquest is a pretty fun & dynamic game mode, all heckling aside. Not so easy to trump Conquest with a game mode. People participating in this thread, should read this thread -> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/43109/what-makes-a-new-game-mode-good-or-bad#1

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