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Game Crash & Disconnection Issues [merged]

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> @"dolcolax.1268" said:

> is this the same issue? wherein i run the game, alt tab to desktop or another program, i get to desktop and the gw2 cursor remains in the desktop instead of the windows cursor. when i click say for example chrome nothing happens even clicking gw2 in the taskbar doesnt help nor alt tabbing back. when i do ctrl alt del the task manager shows up but nothing is accessible anyway. i havent tried logging out before doing the taskbar though. anyway to get the computer to work again im left with nothing but press the power and reset button. i am fed up with this as i have 2 hard drives and this sudden shut offs might kill em


I don't think this is the same issue. Not unless guildwars 2 crashes for you completely. Next time it happens for you, if you have Windows 10. Press Ctrl+Windows+D. It will create a new desktop. You can launch task manager there (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and terminate GW2.exe. To switch desktops or delete a desktop press Win+Tab.


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> @"Xruptor.3965" said:

> > @"dolcolax.1268" said:

> > is this the same issue? wherein i run the game, alt tab to desktop or another program, i get to desktop and the gw2 cursor remains in the desktop instead of the windows cursor. when i click say for example chrome nothing happens even clicking gw2 in the taskbar doesnt help nor alt tabbing back. when i do ctrl alt del the task manager shows up but nothing is accessible anyway. i havent tried logging out before doing the taskbar though. anyway to get the computer to work again im left with nothing but press the power and reset button. i am fed up with this as i have 2 hard drives and this sudden shut offs might kill em


> I don't think this is the same issue. Not unless guildwars 2 crashes for you completely. Next time it happens for you, if you have Windows 10. Press Ctrl+Windows+D. It will create a new desktop. You can launch task manager there (Ctrl+Shift+Esc) and terminate GW2.exe. To switch desktops or delete a desktop press Win+Tab.



aw im on windows 7. i tried to find that anet log file but i dont have it in that directory.

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> @"dolcolax.1268" said:


> aw im on windows 7. i tried to find that anet log file but i dont have it in that directory.


Try this:


1) Hold down the Windows button on the keyboard and hit the R key.

2) Paste in the following line: C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Guild Wars 2

3) Click “Ok.”

4) Locate the "Arenanet.log"



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= Checking server connectivity


Section completed in 0.00 seconds


Diag.ArenaNetworks.com - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed


Section completed in 10.05 seconds


assetcdn.101.ArenaNetworks.com. - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded


Section completed in 0.06 seconds


auth1.101.ArenaNetworks.com. - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed


Section completed in 10.00 seconds


auth2.101.ArenaNetworks.com. - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded


Section completed in 0.33 seconds


cligate.101.NCPlatform.net. - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect succeeded - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed - connect failed


Section completed in 10.00 seconds


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= Tracing network paths (about 10 mins)


*--> pathping -w 500 -q 50 -4 <--*


Tracing route to 64.25.33-1.ncsoft.com []

over a maximum of 30 hops:

0 Kaylee.Home []

1 Broadcom.Home []

2 host120.200-3-60.telecom.net.ar []

3 host4.181-88-170.telecom.net.ar []

4 host46.181-88-170.telecom.net.ar []

5 host166.190-225-252.telecom.net.ar []

6 et2-1-0.baires3.bai.seabone.net []

7 xe2-2-2.ashburn2.ash.seabone.net []

8 ash-bb1-link.telia.net []

9 ash-bb3-link.telia.net []

10 atl-b22-link.telia.net []

11 dls-b22-link.telia.net []

12 ncsoft-ic-317391-dls-b22.c.telia.net.10.115.62.in-addr.arpa []

13 64.25.32-9.ncsoft.com []

14 64.25.32-26.ncsoft.com []

15 * 64.25.33-1.ncsoft.com []


Computing statistics for 187 seconds...

Source to Here This Node/Link

Hop RTT Lost/Sent = Pct Lost/Sent = Pct Address

0 Kaylee.Home []

0/ 50 = 0% |

1 0ms 0/ 50 = 0% 0/ 50 = 0% Broadcom.Home []

3/ 50 = 6% |

2 19ms 4/ 50 = 8% 1/ 50 = 2% host120.200-3-60.telecom.net.ar []

0/ 50 = 0% |

3 19ms 3/ 50 = 6% 0/ 50 = 0% host4.181-88-170.telecom.net.ar []

0/ 50 = 0% |

4 24ms 5/ 50 = 10% 2/ 50 = 4% host46.181-88-170.telecom.net.ar []

0/ 50 = 0% |

5 24ms 3/ 50 = 6% 0/ 50 = 0% host166.190-225-252.telecom.net.ar []

2/ 50 = 4% |

6 30ms 5/ 50 = 10% 0/ 50 = 0% et2-1-0.baires3.bai.seabone.net []

9/ 50 = 18% |

7 166ms 14/ 50 = 28% 0/ 50 = 0% xe2-2-2.ashburn2.ash.seabone.net []

3/ 50 = 6% |

8 174ms 17/ 50 = 34% 0/ 50 = 0% ash-bb1-link.telia.net []

2/ 50 = 4% |

9 177ms 19/ 50 = 38% 0/ 50 = 0% ash-bb3-link.telia.net []

1/ 50 = 2% |

10 187ms 20/ 50 = 40% 0/ 50 = 0% atl-b22-link.telia.net []

0/ 50 = 0% |

11 201ms 20/ 50 = 40% 0/ 50 = 0% dls-b22-link.telia.net []

0/ 50 = 0% |

12 --- 50/ 50 =100% 30/ 50 = 60% ncsoft-ic-317391-dls-b22.c.telia.net.10.115.62.in-addr.arpa []

0/ 50 = 0% |

13 --- 50/ 50 =100% 30/ 50 = 60% 64.25.32-9.ncsoft.com []

0/ 50 = 0% |

14 --- 50/ 50 =100% 30/ 50 = 60% 64.25.32-26.ncsoft.com []

0/ 50 = 0% |

15 204ms 20/ 50 = 40% 0/ 50 = 0% 64.25.33-1.ncsoft.com []

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  • 2 weeks later...

My friends and I were finally able to get through Victory or Death when we added both the 102 and 103 URLs to the hosts file; that is, we used this line instead of the one the OP mentioned: assetcdn.102.arenanetworks.com assetcdn.103.arenanetworks.com


Thank you very much for this fix!

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Or this helpful information, offered by Tech Support frequenter, Healix.5819:

> >

> > The "connection error, retrying" error on the launcher means you're failing to connect to your nearest patch server. If you were using the -assetsrv option to manually choose a server, the IP probably changed. If you weren't, your DNS is probably outdated.

> >

> > To clear your DNS cache, open a command prompt (cmd.exe) and enter:

> > ipconfig /flushdns

> >

> > You could also setup Google's DNS:

> > https://developers.google.com/speed/public-dns/docs/using

> >

> > If you want to try the -assetsrv option, use:

> > -assetsrv

> >

> > If it still fails, you can verify your connection by opening the following web page:

> > http://assetcdn.101.arenanetworks.com

> > ... which should be a simple text page with an AssetSrv instance on the bottom. If you can see that, you likely have software on your computer that is blocking GW2 from connecting. If you can't, you're failing to connect to Amazon's server period. Try using a VPN.


> Good luck.


Sadly this doesn't work. I've gone through all of the above steps and still get frequent disconnects from game. It never happens in the open world, dungeons, fractals, or in cities, I only ever get disconnected from the game while in story instances.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Have you discussed the issue with the Tech CS Team?


I dealt with the tech support when the issue started for me 7 months ago but none of the troubleshooting steps or recommendations were able to provide any kind alleviation of the disconnection issues I experience in story instances. I actually just, roughly 5 minutes ago, got disconnected at the end of a story mission.


A quick trace route shows that everything is normal until getting closer to the Anet servers where I start seeing request time-outs returned. It's frustrating but I don't think there's anything that can be done about it, ultimately.


![](https://i.imgur.com/C5s3IvG.png "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/iMGpp7N.png "")


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Just spent almost 2 hours trying to get the 'Hearts & Mind' story missions done. Disconnected 3 times when the story instance tries to come back after defeating Mordremoth. When it returns to the character it just has a movie reel over its head for a few seconds then disconnects. I have tried the suggestion above - doesn't make a difference. I have also been logged in playing for the better part of 12hrs today and not had a single disconnect. Something is very wrong with the coding in Story missions. Why are there no checkpoints in long story missions? There are in other instances! And why can the game not seem to switch in and out of cut scenes without losing connection? These being long ones that cannot be skipped. Is Arenanet actually aware that this is a BIG problem? Are they doing anything about it?


My husband and I are so close to just uninstalling GW2 and forgetting about it and we would have already if it wasn't for the fact that we actually liked the game enough to have spent a fair bit of cash on it.



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> @"Zee.5348" said:

> Why are there no checkpoints in long story missions? There are in other instances!


Checkpoints were first seen in season 3. The old stories don't have them because that would require going back and updating them.


Disconnecting in the story exclusively has a variety of causes. For some people, simply switching the port to 80 or 443 fixes it (-clientport 80), or going a step further and using a VPN. Any software involving your network traffic can cause it, some of which is known to cause GW2 to crash while patching. Some routers and adapters can cause it. One case suggested it was a problem caused by the GPU dropping activity during cutscenes, where keeping it active by running something in the background fixed it.



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I have tried switching clientport to 80, I have tried the hosts file changes, and I have tried the DNS flush and Assetsrv thing. Nothing really seems to help. I shouldn't have to go through a VPN as I have absolutely no network problems outside of GW2 and running 'pingplotter' on the connection shows that there nothing wrong apart from a bit of packet-loss, which appears to be all on Arenanet's end. (Not something I can try to fix and I suspect VPN wouldn't fix that either)


The GPU issue is probably the only thing I haven't tried but surely that would fall within Arenanet to fix? I run a 1080ti on the very latest drivers in 4K - I guess I could drop the resolution down and see if that helps, but I shouldn't have to do that.


I can log in and play for hours, or even leave myself unattended facing a wall doing nothing and no disconnect. But in this Mordremoth story mission, I have just hit the button to do the final kill-shot on him and am clearly connected at that point as that has worked and advances the quest. It then plays a cut-scene of less than 15 seconds that I am unable to skip and boom! disconnected. I can reconnect instantly so at the very least I should be able to get back in where I left off - it's just very bad design/coding and the only ones who can help with that is Arenanet.

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> @"Shoarmapapa.6480" said:

> It does seem to be an issue with Win 10 Fall Creators Update concerning problems with DirectX.


> Try the following as a fix.

> Right click your GW2 exe, choose Compatibility and check Override high dpi and disable Full screen optimizations.

> Hope this works


This fixed the problem for me instantly and the game now runs better than ever <3 thanks

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I echo the same frustration as you all have. There is nothing from the developers to address this issue? I have also bought bother expansion packs for GW2. I have changed the video settings as mentioned previously in this post. It helped by reducing graph settings to medium and enabling video sync but still, after about a hour, my system will crash. I have to hard reboot to get it to come back up. Even with the reduced settings I still experience the screen lag at times, mostly during battles, which is also frustrating.

Thanks for suggestion about high dpi but NO JOY. :(

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