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New Forum: 2000+ Hours of Gameplay and "Promoted to Recruit"


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> @Svarty.8019 said:

> IMO They should have used the WvW ranks, or should change WvW ranks to match the forum ranks, perhaps?

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/World_Experience#World_ranks


I mean that would be good but if they did mirror them like that players like me who RP and focus pve would get the shaft as well because not everyone plays WvW or PvP.


Its an odd conundrum though. I think the best way to deal with the issue at hand would be to keep an ticker on the players little information area in each post with how many hours they have logged into the game. Those with higher times are more likely to know a thing or two. This way while you might be a "Recruit" on the forums you will still have something to say I know what I am talking about.


Just my opinion.

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> @Samarak.7519 said:

> Everyone has their own idea of what makes you worthy of a promotion... I have spent a ton of money in the gem-store, does that make me entitled? No I don't think so; if we start from scratch it's fair to everyone.


Except on the old forums some of us have hundreds of posts. Some have even more.

Except we're not all equal and many on these forums have been helping, building and taking care of the community for a long time.

There's no recognition for any of that and I find that rather upsetting.

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I only have ~1.2k hours in game over >5 years, and I can easily admit that there is a lot that I don't know. I learn from a lot of the posts on here far more than I can teach, but where I can be helpful, I certainly try. Personally, I need to get used to the new forum as well, so it's best if I remain a "Recruit" for some time.


I hope the formula for ranking is based on a combination of posts and feedback given/received. The most involved who are providing the most help and entertainment will gain ranks first. I've seen several names in the forums pop up in multiple threads, just like the old forum, and I look forward to seeing those names with higher ranks.

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From what I've been able to gather there is a time AND helpful/up vote component to the ranks.


There are certainly people who have been up voted nearly 100 times and have helpful ranks of 25+ who are still recruits. This seems low if merely getting more likes is sufficient.


I suspect there is, for example, a 10 day timer for the first rank up. I also suspect the badges are related to the rank ups.


According to the badges post the badges come at 5, 25, 50, etc. Reaching the hidden minimum time and 25 is, hopefully, enough for the first rank up. Especially given that so much functionality in terms of editing and having a signature are locked behind higher ranks.

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> @foogison.5067 said:

> Is there a formal breakdown of the new forum "rank" system somewhere? I have invested over 2000 hours and have been playing guild wars 2 since BWE1; I would hope that I have a better knowledge of the game than someone who joined within the past month or so. Nonetheless, I was presented with the rank of "recruit" upon logging into the new forums - quaint. I would personally like to see each players hours/player since date somehow incorporated into their forum rank as a form of credibility. Thoughts?


I think the rank system is based on posts and actions in the new forum; seeing as it seems they're starting from a clean slate; we're all recruits regardless of number of hours played. Even if you had 2000 hours to your name or just 200, wouldn't an hours played ranking system be misguiding if you have spent 1800 of those hours grinding in Silverwastes?

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So someone that spends a ton of time in game should have that reflected on the forum? That doesn't make any sense to me at all. Posting rank on the forum is exactly that. It shouldn't have anything to do with in game time. You could play day and night and never post on the forum at all, yet you would have a high rank from simply playing the game.

Forum ranks imo are just something there to acknowledge those who have input on the forums. No one should be worrying about it really cause it has very little meaning. To suggest people should have a rank based on something totally unrelated (skill/time spent in game) is just silly to me.

Btw I've played since pre-beta as well.

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> @Luna.1598 said:

> So someone that spends a ton of time in game should have that reflected on the forum? That doesn't make any sense to me at all. Posting rank on the forum is exactly that. It shouldn't have anything to do with in game time. You could play day and night and never post on the forum at all, yet you would have a high rank from simply playing the game.

> Forum ranks imo are just something there to acknowledge those who have input on the forums. No one should be worrying about it really cause it has very little meaning. To suggest people should have a rank based on something totally unrelated (skill/time spent in game) is just silly to me.

> Btw I've played since pre-beta as well.




I rarely use forums if I am honest, so my having a high rank just because my of my game time and/or achievements seems a bit wrong.


I think the OP just wants something flashy to show off how dedicated he is, although 2k hours isnt really much :/

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Forum rank should be based on behavior and contribution on the forum itself.


Someone could've played 10,000+ hours of the game but still be verbally abusive toward people or post nothing but unconstructive negativity.


Think of it in this scenario:

A new player joins Guild Wars 2. They come to the forum seeking information from other players. They read posts where the posters have extremely high forum rank, which the new player perceives as indicating they are a valued member of the community. That new player encounters toxicity, abuse, negativity, etc. from the supposed helpful veteran poster(s). This could lead to the new player believing that is the kind of community we have overall. If someone highly ranked on the forum behaves in a certain way then it could be perceived as representative of the forum community as a whole.


A separate indicator (perhaps user profile, new avatars, etc.) for hours played, WvW rank, PvP accomplishments, achievement points, etc. would be better so then someone can still take that into account when reading a users post, if they so choose. But forum rank should be based on how their behavior and comments are seen by other players in the forum community.

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> @OriOri.8724 said:

> > @foogison.5067 said:

> > Is there a formal breakdown of the new forum "rank" system somewhere? I have invested over 2000 hours and have been playing guild wars 2 since BWE1; I would hope that I have a better knowledge of the game than someone who joined within the past month or so. Nonetheless, I was presented with the rank of "recruit" upon logging into the new forums - quaint. I would personally like to see each players hours/player since date somehow incorporated into their forum rank as a form of credibility. Thoughts?


> The forum "rank" is not at all related to your in game playtime. Its related to how you act on the forums. If you are a generally helpful member, then it will go up, and a higher rank will reflect that you take the time to explain things/be nice/answer questions/etc... That is independent of your playtime, and I frankly don't understand why having more playtime should give you a higher forum rank. Nor do I understand why you even care.


Say someone is asking for advice on a ranger pvp build, i think it would be helpful to that person asking to be able to know that whomever answers their question has some experience in that department of the game.

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> @DakotaCoty.5721 said:

> I think it would be a bad idea to put in forum-rank system for in-game hours; however, there should be a clear metric to what we need to do to unlock the rewards on this forums.


> Players have been talking nonstop about needing to to X to unlock Y forum feature - I'm curious as to what we need to do to unlock stuff. Perhaps ArenaNet haven't planned it out yet.


Others have said side/by-side ranks or stats would be better, and i think I agree with this

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Here's the problem with that: you could have spent those 2000 hours in Queensdale and playing the trading post for all anyone knows. I've been here since BWE1 too, but that really doesn't mean anything. Add to that the fact that this is the forums. Not the game. Maybe your forum game is weak. We don't know that. ;) I jest.


Point is, your time on these NEW forums is fresh and new as everyone else.



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> @Coconut.7082 said:

> 2000 hours don't make you special, move along


> @Vavume.8065 said:

> 15k hours played here, however I do not feel this entitles me to being higher than recruit at this point.


Not trying to imply that I have the most hours played here, or that I am somehow a god at this game. Just that I have a knowledge of aspects of this game due to time spent in game. I think in game time is a credential that ads validity to advice we give to others on an official forum.

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> @foogison.5067 said:

> > @OriOri.8724 said:

> > > @foogison.5067 said:

> > > Is there a formal breakdown of the new forum "rank" system somewhere? I have invested over 2000 hours and have been playing guild wars 2 since BWE1; I would hope that I have a better knowledge of the game than someone who joined within the past month or so. Nonetheless, I was presented with the rank of "recruit" upon logging into the new forums - quaint. I would personally like to see each players hours/player since date somehow incorporated into their forum rank as a form of credibility. Thoughts?

> >

> > The forum "rank" is not at all related to your in game playtime. Its related to how you act on the forums. If you are a generally helpful member, then it will go up, and a higher rank will reflect that you take the time to explain things/be nice/answer questions/etc... That is independent of your playtime, and I frankly don't understand why having more playtime should give you a higher forum rank. Nor do I understand why you even care.


> Say someone is asking for advice on a ranger pvp build, i think it would be helpful to that person asking to be able to know that whomever answers their question has some experience in that department of the game.


I don't disagree with this statement. But your unstated premise is that simply having hours played makes you a good person to answer those comments. Your however many hours played may have been on every class except Ranger, and the forums wouldn't know that. Or even if you only ever played mesmer, that doesn't mean that you are good at giving criticism. That was clearly evident in the old forums. A huge number of people would give shit feedback (usually in the form of just calling something stupid without ever explaining why), no matter how many hours they had on their account. And that makes them someone you __shouldn't__ be listening to for advice, because their advice is crap.


It makes sense to distance the forum ranks from the in game stats.

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> @"Omar Aschi Popp.7496" said:

> > @Dashingsteel.3410 said:

> > So forum rank is based on the moderators subjective opinion of who is being helpful?


> Why was this downvote? It was a legit kitten question!


Yeah that is how downvoting works, people downvote everything most of the time without even reading or understanding the post. Very often it's based more on poster than the post itself. We're going to see a lot more of that.

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