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What makes wvw support chrono good?

Stand The Wall.6987

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I honestly don't understand. Their heals and condi clears aren't as good as other classes. Stab is ok I guess, range isn't great. Rather have a 2nd FB. Veil is good for pug zergs if you can stack it, for organized comps blasting smoke is way better. Portal bombs are a one trick pony, I suppose they could be used defensively to some effect. The boon output is top notch, but a good enemy bomb with a winds of disenchantment will see those boons gone. This is where raw heals and damage mitigation would be way more effective then boon spam. Boon spam is a sort of a snowball mechanic hoping your enemy wont strip them.


Pls halp.

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Boon generation, boonshare, heals, veil, illusion of life, focus pull and gravity well. Those are the things I can think of. I haven't seen pug blobs stack stealth properly since 2015 so veil will always be in demand.


Gravity well is extremely strong in this meta because of the triple cc. Place it in bubbles and observe the corpses shortly afterwards.


The reason why you're asking this question is because good support mesmers are rare. You don't notice them. The majority of players doesn't play them because the loot you get is sparse and it's kind of expensive to get the gear and the concentration sigils.


Trust me, once you have a good chrono in your sub group you will notice he's there.

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Chrono provides extremely reliable stability from the mantra if your group is organized enough to stay close. The focus pull is one of the strongest pulls in the game, and gravity well is similarly powerful. When used in conjunction with good spellbreakers, those pulls produce fantastic kills.


Boonshare is also obviously a big deal. The key with Chrono is that you're able to use your defenses to avoid getting your boons removed from a bubble or scourge bomb. This allows you to pop SoI to instantly refresh the full boons on everyone after a bomb has happened.


If your group is getting continually stripped to the point that even a Chrono can't keep boons up, then a firebrand isn't going to out heal it either; it just means you're outclassed.

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Heals are handled by FBs and you can help with heal well.


Condi clear is actually on average higher on mesmer than on FB, but i guess FB does it in more of a bursty way while in F2(and converts them).


If 2 guilds blast stealth exactly the same and 1 runs mesmer with veil? Who is going to have better stealth?


Portal is almost never used and even when it is, it fails because second or third mesmer fail.


Boon output is as high or higher than that of FB(arcdps doesn't provide those numbers), basicly you can maintain like 8 boons on whole party at all times. Boons don't magicaly vaporize when bubble is dropped, enemy scourges and mesmers have to strip them(bubble only strips 1 per tick), and having 12 boons(which is what should happen on engage) is a 8,34% chance that stability gets stripped first (bubble removal is random)-and is increasing the more boons get ripped - and you will likely to have that half a second to dodge out(the reaction time basicly of when you see it until you do the action). But ok, now you are out of bubble, your party too and all are a bit low on boons, you just press f2, f3 and signet, voila everyone at full boons again and ready to push on, without a downtime. So basicly you see, boons are also a counter to bubble.


Now for the things you didn't mention:


Illusion of life rez is very important and powerful effect in any guild, it can swing fights on it's own, but it's a bit hard to use in pugs, because most don't actually expect to be rezzed.


Boonstrip on boonshare mesmer is between half to the same as scourge, while retaining almost all/all(dependion on build again support aspects.


And the extreme CC that mesmer provides that no other class even comes close to. Gravity well that is 3x CC at 900 range on a class that can cast it twice without a problem and has quickness to reduce the 1s cast time of GWell. Focus pull that is 1200 range, 20s cooldown and 600 range is the pull radious (that is huge btw). And unlimited target shield wave that can stun twice on 30s cooldown that also provides 8s of alacrity to ALL allies who touche it twice.


If i was a pug commander i would ask for a FB and Chrono in every single party, along with 2 scourges(spite, soul reaping ofc) and X (x=spellbreaker, rev, maybe ele).

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You have to first grasp the fact that Memsers in a zerg are a strategic tool. They are the only class with reliable Zerg level utility functions, have strong area manipulation in Core, and even more controls and additional boons in Chrono. Mirages trades most of that to focus entirely on Dueling.


When you look at the individual Mesmer skills, they are all very decisive, but require a high level of precision or coordination in execution. Builds like Firebrand and Scourge are just utterly indiscriminate, which is why they're popular among pugs. But being what they are, their power comes from their volume. Not enough of them, and they hardly make a dent in a battle. But stack a bunch of them, and they overrun the opposition through sheer saturation and cumulative numerical magnitude. You need at least 3 Firebrands and around 8 Scourges in a zerg to make them effective. But ONE Memser is all thats needed to take advantage of its best skills in a zerg of any size. Get 3 Coordinated, and a Commander can control the field against anything except a more organized group then their own. Access to Group stealth and portals alone offer enough element of surprise to win most fights outright.


Think of it this way. Thieves and Mesmers win Duels and small scale fights, because they command "uncertainty". Most classes have little to no way of dealing with that, and thus have to rely on second guessing to try and counter it. Not only is that difficult, but also monopolizes your attention and makes preemption an even bigger gamble then it normally is. A Support Mesmer can bring that from anywhere between 10-50 allies. And getting caught in the wake of any one of those strategies is staggering at best, or lethal at worst. And thats not even going into what mesmer adds to a group on a personal level.


Basically the more coordinated a group is, the more powerful a support memser is to the comp. And unlike all the other builds, they don't need a specific comp to be effective.

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> You have to first grasp the fact that Memsers in a zerg are a strategic tool. They are the only class with reliable Zerg level utility functions, have strong area manipulation in Core, and even more controls and additional boons in Chrono. Mirages trades most of that to focus entirely on Dueling.


> When you look at the individual Mesmer skills, they are all very decisive, but require a high level of precision or coordination in execution. Builds like Firebrand and Scourge are just utterly indiscriminate, which is why they're popular among pugs. But being what they are, their power comes from their volume. Not enough of them, and they hardly make a dent in a battle. But stack a bunch of them, and they overrun the opposition through sheer saturation and cumulative numerical magnitude. You need at least 3 Firebrands and around 8 Scourges in a zerg to make them effective. But ONE Memser is all thats needed to take advantage of its best skills in a zerg of any size. Get 3 Coordinated, and a Commander can control the field against anything except a more organized group then their own. Access to Group stealth and portals alone offer enough element of surprise to win most fights outright.


> Think of it this way. Thieves and Mesmers win Duels and small scale fights, because they command "uncertainty". Most classes have little to no way of dealing with that, and thus have to rely on second guessing to try and counter it. Not only is that difficult, but also monopolizes your attention and makes preemption an even bigger gamble then it normally is. A Support Mesmer can bring that from anywhere between 10-50 allies. And getting caught in the wake of any one of those strategies is staggering at best, or lethal at worst. And thats not even going into what mesmer adds to a group on a personal level.


> Basically the more coordinated a group is, the more powerful a support memser is to the comp. And unlike all the other builds, they don't need a specific comp to be effective.


Actually more boonrip, bubbles you have, the better chrono performs.

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