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PVP is extremely laggy

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I don't know if I am the only one but pvp has been unplayable for me lately. Even though my in game ping says its around 40 I still get lag spikes (ping doesn't change for some reason) and have 2 second delays from when I cast a skill to seeing it go off on the screen. I checked my connection via cmd ping google.com and my ping is 8ms (very good). Since my ping is good and I never had problems like this before I am guessing it is a server thing. Just wondering if anyone else is experiencing lag that is not caused by their internet connection.

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> @"Crinn.7864" said:

> I've been noticing some extreme input latency despite playing at 90+ fps. Stow Canceling skills is basically impossible, and dodging seems delayed to the point that reactively dodging all but the longest casts is impossible.


I am having some weird dodging issues as well. Only not just delayed but also pre-active when an enemy gets "Evaded" when dodging straight out during the _second_ skill after when the first one was supposed to be already landed.

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Ya I'm having ping issues too, only seems to be with gw2, I have FiOS and a new router so I know it's not my internet and gw2 is the only program I have running.


Normally I sit at 20 ping (FiOS is dope) but its been spiking to 400.



Really been messing up my matches the lag gets so bad I literally just stop touching anything and the next frame a million different effects happen

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