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Which professions go best thematically with which races?


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> @"Artyport.2084" said:

> the thing about this game is with the wardrobe system you can really thematically make anything work.


> for instance.

> Asura warrior- equip all tech weapons and some tech outfit and boom a little guy using a power suit and power weapons to beat the kitten out of ankles


You're absolutely right !

Asura warrior : heavy T3 + Magitek rifle


As Charr you can get an elementalist and a mesmer as part of your warband.

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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> Notes on Charr professions...

> Charr Necromancers: Ash Legion has a long history with necromancers; there have been a number of Charr necro NPCs with "Ash" in their names. And the Charr certainly have studied necromancy searching for a solution to Ascalon's ghosts. I don't see Charr necros fitting well with the Olmakhan, who would regard them as "unnatural".


What about the Olmakhan Lifebinders? They might bind souls to inanimate objects, though, so far, we haven't had any luck finding much anything about the Lifebinders.


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> @"Neeklahs.3064" said:

> @draxynnic.3719

> norn aren't humans they dont even see death in the same way as humans do, they happily jump off a bridge if this allows them to forge a legend.


Norn aren't humans, but they certainly seem to have human-like attitudes towards desecrating the dead.


> About Lefsi Spiritchaser he asked for a "emissary from the lands of the dead" thats more necromantic than ritualist if we apply it in gw2.


...because ritualists don't exist, at least not as an explicit thing, in GW2? Pulling spirits from the realm of the dead was always coming from the ritualist side, while necromancers dealt more with the Tyrian side of death. Either way, Lefsi is a terrible example, because he's explicitly not a necromancer. Maybe modern necromancers have absorbed that aspect of ritualism, but Lefsi himself is a ritualist, not a necromancer.


Either way, a few examples does not mean it's a signature profession of the race. There are quite a few human necromancers that can be listed as well.


> Also norn necromancy is diferent from human ones, they don't go around animating the dead, they're more bound to soul magic, blood magic, dark arts in general, that kind of thing but not animating dead kitten, the only respectable norn we see invoking creatures is Wiebe and he don't summon dead creatures, he summoned Kraits.


Human necromancers don't necessarily animate the dead either, but there's still a stigma because everyone knows they _could._


> About engineer you can see a lot of norn hunters carring shotguns and the fire rate is most like the engineer auto skill IMO, but yeah, a lot o norn uses guns, they arent the turret or fancy kind of engineer, they are most like the scrapper, firearms, Explosives. like i say mos like the Charr or Dredge thecnology, more linked to the forge than to the magitech, even in the personal story norn you steal a charr tank and use it, obviously the norn know about technology. Even in "The Great Hunt" norn intro you se a lot of norns with firearms.


Again, just carrying a few guns doesn't mean they're engineer-oriented. Going to need a lot more than a few guns to make that argument.


Let's look at humans, for instance. Watchknights are essentially human-made golems, although like golems there a mix of magic and engineering rather than being pure golems. Pretty much every enemy human faction we can fight has some sort of bomber or grenadier variant, while off the top of my head I don't think I've ever seen a generic norn hunter tossing grenades. Warriors (which do use firearms) and rangers seem to be _much_ more common. If we were rating which races had the most focus on engineering, norn would be lower on the scale than humans.


> the silvary list is fine for me, you use a lot of warriors or I think they are, random people swinging a sword, a mace or a greatsword. About the engineers, because the thing is that normal silvaris don't make things like scarlet, they make them grow like turrets, they have plant guns and kitten, like biotech.


You might see a few in the Nightmare Court, but the Court leans towards darker and more violent professions than mainstream sylvari society thanks to their nature.


You seem to have been observing norn closely - do the same for sylvari generic NPCs. Sylvari Wardens have three basic variants - an archer variant that behaves like a ranger longbow, a melee variant that uses ranger axe skills, and an elementalist variant that uses Earth Magic. Valiants also tend to be warriors rather than rangers. Given that the basic sylvari troops appear to be rangers rather than warriors, this suggests to me that the warrior profession is actually fairly rare among mainstream sylvari society.


There's also the discussion between Brenalynn and Thermaine, where the former is behaving as if a sylvari warrior is something exotic that she's never seen before, rather than something commonplace.


When it comes to sylvari plant turrets and such... this might have similar results to engineering, but it is explicitly _not_ engineering, but something specific to sylvari employing their own unique racial magic (which is probably closer to ranger magic than anything). If anything, their availability provides a disincentive to working with machinery, because they achieve similar effects without needing machines.


Rangers and scholar professions seem to be _much_ more common among sylvari than either warriors or engineers.

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I think the thread topic is flawed. A lot of the classes are pretty diverse. And the races take a diverse approach to them. e.g. Lot's of posts limiting the charr. Should be noted that each Legion utilizes all the classes. But every toon we make in any legion has the option to be best friends with an elementalist and a guardian in their own Legion. So, while the Blood Legion may be more melee focused, they'd be more apt to utilize more melee oriented elementalists. And Norn pick any job they want to make their legend and run with it 100%. So while there may be more human engineers, the Norn engineer is more likely to be better becasue the Norn takes his job more seriously as it be come his/her one true purpose in life.


The base engineer is equipment is charr. But the photon forge looks solidly asuran. So rather than looking for which class goes with which racial thematic, I'd look at how each race approaches each class becasue each race uses each class.


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> @"Drizzt.1796" said:

> > @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > Notes on Charr professions...

> > Charr Necromancers: Ash Legion has a long history with necromancers; there have been a number of Charr necro NPCs with "Ash" in their names. And the Charr certainly have studied necromancy searching for a solution to Ascalon's ghosts. I don't see Charr necros fitting well with the Olmakhan, who would regard them as "unnatural".


> What about the Olmakhan Lifebinders? They might bind souls to inanimate objects, though, so far, we haven't had any luck finding much anything about the Lifebinders.



Judging by their dress and the abilities they use in game, the Lifebinders are Druids.

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Everyone posting their opinions, so here is mine. :D


Human are very diverse and can fit to anything really. They have traditional soldiers (warriors, guardians), affinity to various kinds of magic (to which I'd include revenants), crazy engineers, sneaky thiefs, and adventurous rangers. No profession feels "out of place" with a human, although their soldiers might seem inferior to Charr or Norn soldiers due to their smaller size. I suppose finesse, strategy and faith in their deities can make up for that however. They've proven their equal power against the Charr in many battles after all.


I think Sylvari are almost just as versatile. Their plant nature means they could grow large and hard-skinned to fit a soldier style, and their curiosity and mystical nature might draw them to various kinds of magic, from elements to necromancy to illusions to channeling the mists. Don't need to say anything about ranger. Thief fits very well also, like a cunning wood creature. Engineer is the only one that feels a bit out of place.


Charr are obviously warriors and engineers first and foremost. Rangers are also a good fit especially with devourer pets. Thief goes well with Ash Legion and maybe the fact that kitties can be sneaky and cunning, but it's only a secondary fit IMO. The flame legion uses fire magic, but not other elements, and are outcasts, so IMO elementalist doesn't really fit for a Charr player character. Same for illusions and necromancy, which aren't very Charr-like. Revenant and guardian also get a meh from me, though a Kella-themed revenant might work. Guardian gets a meh because Charr are fierce and ferocious, not protectors. I haven't mentioned the Olmakhan because the player character can't really be one.


Norn are obviously mostly warriors and rangers. I guess guardian also fits. Revenant I don't really see fitting because the Norn worship the spirits of the wild, not other mystical/magical stuff. Elemental magic and necromancy are things I'd expect from a Svanir, not the player character. Mesmers are flamboyant as hell and very Norn-unlike. Thief requires you to be more nimble than a towering giant. Engineer might sorta kinda work maybe but Norn aren't known to use much advanced technology.


Asura is the race I have the most issues with. This is mostly because their extreme sci-fi theme doesn't fit any of the playable classes. They're tiny geniuses, so magic might superficially sound like their thing (like Gnomes in WoW), but the types of magic used by elementalists, necromancers, and mesmers all feel like a bad fit to an Asura, who use more a combination of sci-fi gadgets and more "raw" magic like ley-line energy. You might imagine an Asura in some kind of battle suit, being a warrior or guardian, but IMO it's a stretch; they'd rather build a golem and sit inside it like Taimi does. Rev doesn't work very well either unless you RP an Asura who obsesses over studying the Mists or something. Ranger, thief, and even engineer feel like "below" Asura, who would neither want to get dirty and socialize with animals, nor pathetically sneak around in the shadows, nor use lesser technologies like crude explosives and scrap metal. The holosmith might be an exception (which in turn I haven't thought about while thinking of the other races, because I find the holosmith so out of place).

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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> yes, really. They are versatile. They are fighters, hunters, scholars. You find sylvri npc covering all classes (apart from mesmer and engi) in the maps. The only sylvari engi I remember was Scarlet.


> But I can't really remember seeing norn necros or mesmer npcs. Or charr mesmers. We have an asuran mesmer in Sea of Sorrow. So mesmer is not human-only. Just rare among them?


On top of other mentions there is this guy in Queensdale too.



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> @"draxynnic.3719" said:

> > @"Neeklahs.3064" said:

> > norn aren't humans they dont even see death in the same way as humans do, they happily jump off a bridge if this allows them to forge a legend.


> Norn aren't humans, but they certainly seem to have human-like attitudes towards desecrating the dead.


No, **you still humanising norn way to much,** don't tink about them as u think as human or real world human culture paralel, there is nothing in lore that suggests that the Norn view necromancy badly, in fact what is known is that the Norn will use whatever seems cool to destroy their enemies, I don't see why a Norn would see bad the practice since **they think beating a drake to death with its own child is cool AF**. And this you see as soon as you start with your character norn, just as you see that the norn use firearms, which gives them a good place as engineers, many Aetherblades are norn. Being an engineer does not imply being a genius in mechanics, but having it as your fighting force. Even the engineer as a playable profession is based on the use of weapons instead of inventing things, turrets deploy them, do not create them at the moment, the engineer is never said to create his kits or weapons, only knowledge is needed basic powder and maintenance just like any other weapon. Norn cannot be seen as technologically retarded, he simply does not need it, he has magic and an absurdly strong body and it is said in lore that a single norn can against a small warband who still a very powerfull forse, when a norn uses technology they go for the big nuke kinda like [ Champion First Mate Horrik](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Champion_First_Mate_Horrik) he uses a fucking cannon from a fucking airship, also all norn gun design are fucking huge.


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> @"Edge.8724" said:

> For the humans in this game, I always though of this: Some proffessions seems tied with their gods.


> For exemple,

> Warrior - Balthazar

> Guardian - Dwayna

> Revenant - N/A

> Ranger - Melandru

> Thief - N/A

> Engineer - N/A

> Mesmer- Lyssa

> Elementalist - N/A

> Necromancer - Grenth


> For N/A, I didn't found them though... Only thing minght be Abbaddon or Kormir.


Balthazar's half brother, Menzies perhaps for one of the N/A

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> @"Musaroxy.2874" said:

> Charr have been covered pretty well by everyone else here, but I have to say, Necromancer is perfectly suited to Charr as well. A number of Ash Legion NPCs are Necromancers, and with all the ancient Human ruins around? Easy pickings for minion-making.


All of the Humans in ascalon turned into ghosts(the bodies turned into the ghosts shell to hold the weapon) because of the foefire. So, honestly, its not like there are tons of corpses laying around a long forgotten battlefield. :tongue:



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> @"Drizzt.1796" said:

> All of the Humans in ascalon turned into ghosts(the bodies turned into the ghosts shell to hold the weapon) because of the foefire. So, honestly, its not like there are tons of corpses laying around a long forgotten battlefield. :tongue:


There are a lot of human bandits and rebels still striking at the charr in Ascalon though.



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Revenant: As far as the profession itself goes, Id say in the cannon and within the lore itself that really only maybe two of the races canonically can be revenants or have them within their culture and ranks. The charr due to rytlock teaching them the practice when he was recalled in S3 prior to HoT which he Eludes too in PoF which is where and probably WHY we got kalla. I do think they are exceptionally rare as charr hate magic, they just don't like it or trust it. Any magic proffession is probably not as major as ranger, warrior and Engie along with thief.


The norn however have probably been doing "it" without having a true name for it for a long time, as they can and do have a connection to the mists as seen within their personal story. Hell Havrouns can enter the mists fully and freely and even bring along company, I can fully believe that an enamored young-adult norn hearing of shiro might go to learn more of his legend. And in an odd twist of fate.... begins to hear the call so to speak~ Or any such legend. And thus the norn goes to a havroun and from there they begin to practice mist magic and in time learn to channel legends. (Their entire culture is based around legends.)


Humans probably don't have a single revenant right now in the cannon, I doubt they would either. They don't care about such trifling things and from the previous entry and even in this game they are VERY skitish about the mists. To them its not to be tampered with, and I doubt a human would willingly channel shiro, mallyx, ventari or kalla or even glint because to them they ALL represent enemies of their race. They are very, very, very no-go with anything to go with that or anything that can't be linked to their petty gods..


Sylvari do hear the call of the mists, and with ventari's tablet being so close and the pale tree being able to connect to the mists I could see "Aspiring" revenants coming forth to learn. I feel like its fair to assume they would be able to do it eventually and might gradually pick it up, heck even in the dream they might be able to MEET their legends depending on who it is.


Asuran are the ones I feel would just study it at a distance. They are too snobish and selfish to care about legends or hog-wash magic when they could just use science in its place. To them the mists is an energy source and tool, its not somewhere you go to learn to fight but more of a battery for their machines and studies..

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:


> Asuran are the ones I feel would just study it at a distance. They are too snobish and selfish to care about legends or hog-wash magic when they could just use science in its place. To them the mists is an energy source and tool, its not somewhere you go to learn to fight but more of a battery for their machines and studies..


Ehh, asuran science revolves around the rules of magic and how they all connect everything. I don't see them taking a hogwash approach toward magic at all. They just wouldn't be prone to get caught up in the less academic aspects like legends and glory but they'd look at the exact same things with a scientific and examining mind set.



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> @"Dustfinger.9510" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:


> > Asuran are the ones I feel would just study it at a distance. They are too snobish and selfish to care about legends or hog-wash magic when they could just use science in its place. To them the mists is an energy source and tool, its not somewhere you go to learn to fight but more of a battery for their machines and studies..


> Ehh, asuran science revolves around the rules of magic and how they all connect everything. I don't see them taking a hogwash approach toward magic at all. They just wouldn't be prone to get caught up in the less academic aspects like legends and glory but they'd look at the exact same things with a scientific and examining mind set.




I guess, Im not as inclined to information about them. (Never paid much attention to them, so my apologies.)

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> Humans probably don't have a single revenant right now in the cannon, I doubt they would either. They don't care about such trifling things and from the previous entry and even in this game they are VERY skitish about the mists. To them its not to be tampered with, and I doubt a human would willingly channel shiro, mallyx, ventari or kalla or even glint because to them they ALL represent enemies of their race. They are very, very, very no-go with anything to go with that or anything that can't be linked to their petty gods..


Humans have always had connection to the Mists through the Ritualist profession.



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> @"Elric.4713" said:

> > @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> > Humans probably don't have a single revenant right now in the cannon, I doubt they would either. They don't care about such trifling things and from the previous entry and even in this game they are VERY skitish about the mists. To them its not to be tampered with, and I doubt a human would willingly channel shiro, mallyx, ventari or kalla or even glint because to them they ALL represent enemies of their race. They are very, very, very no-go with anything to go with that or anything that can't be linked to their petty gods..


> Humans have always had connection to the Mists through the Ritualist profession.




Yes but the revenant and ritualist are two different animals. Humans are self-centered, and honestly the only reason they'd lack it is because a charr came up with it and the racial tensions are still there. A few might pick it up but most would probably never touch it~

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Ritualists are also pretty culturally limiting. In GW, they were "unique to Cantha" and we don't really see them in playable humanity, that I'm aware of anyways. So, while there may be a few individual outside of Cantha, they'd be hard pressed to be (playable) humanities connection to the mists. Or, as humanities representation of their connection to the mists, their apparent rarity outside of Cantha is an indication that humanities connection to the mists, as a whole, isn't very strong.

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It is note worthy to mention that in GW1 we see Charr inhabit any of the original core professions. We see:


**Warrior:** Charr Warrior / Charr Axe Fiend / Charr Blade Storm / Charr Scout / Ember Bearer / Charr Skullcrusher / Charr Tracker / Charr Shadowblade / Elite Charr Guard / Charr Blademaster / Charr Axemaster

**Ranger:** Charr Hunter / Charr Stalker / Charr Sentry / Charr Demolisher / Charr Scout / Charr Seeker / Charr Warden / Elite Charr Guard

**Monk:** Charr Shaman / Charr Martyr / Charr Overseer / Charr Mender / Charr Prophet

**Necromancer:** Charr Ashen Claw / Charr Ash Walker / Charr Ash Caller / Charr Ash Storm / Charr Ash Thief / Charr Defiler / Charr Hexreaper

**Mesmer:** Charr Chaot / Charr Mind Spark / Charr Mind Lord / Charr Dominator

**Elementalist:** Charr Fire Caller / Charr Flame Wielder / Flame Keeper / Charr Wardkeeper / Charr Flame Lord /Charr Sootreigner / Charr Firereigner /Charr Flameshielder

**Ritualist:** Charr Ash Bearer / Charr Avenger


No common Charr **assassins**, apart from bosses. There are also a few rare dual profession Charr in GW1. Warriors, rangers, monks, necromancers and elementalists seem the most represented in GW1 among the Charr.




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I think the only two professions that make a difference are Mesmer and Engineer.


The first is a type of magic used only by humans, the only non-human Mesmer that I remember is Faolain, it does not seem to me that there were other Mesmer sylvari.


The engineer is a profession developed by Iron Legion, but I think that unlike Mesmer over time it has been possible for other races to learn this profession, the Watchknight are an example.

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> @"Revolution.5409" said:

> I think the only two professions that make a difference are Mesmer and Engineer.


> The first is a type of magic used only by humans, the only non-human Mesmer that I remember is Faolain, it does not seem to me that there were other Mesmer sylvari.


> The engineer is a profession developed by Iron Legion, but I think that unlike Mesmer over time it has been possible for other races to learn this profession, the Watchknight are an example.


Um... in the Sylvari pesronal story the Order of Whispers contact is a Sylvari mesmer who had been working on an illusion spell for a while. There is a Norn mesmer who randomly appears near the Priory at times as an event. There is an evil Norn mesmer who spawns in snowden drifts. GW1 had dwarf, Forgotton, Charr, Mursaat, Margonite, Tengu mesmers.


There are tons of Mesmers across all races.

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> @"assasin oates.3018" said:

> There was plenty of none human Mesmers in GW1...


> @"Kalavier.1097" said:

> > @"Revolution.5409" said:

> > I think the only two professions that make a difference are Mesmer and Engineer.

> >

> > The first is a type of magic used only by humans, the only non-human Mesmer that I remember is Faolain, it does not seem to me that there were other Mesmer sylvari.

> >

> > The engineer is a profession developed by Iron Legion, but I think that unlike Mesmer over time it has been possible for other races to learn this profession, the Watchknight are an example.


> Um... in the Sylvari pesronal story the Order of Whispers contact is a Sylvari mesmer who had been working on an illusion spell for a while. There is a Norn mesmer who randomly appears near the Priory at times as an event. There is an evil Norn mesmer who spawns in snowden drifts. GW1 had dwarf, Forgotton, Charr, Mursaat, Margonite, Tengu mesmers.


> There are tons of Mesmers across all races.


Theres also Goemm the Mad who is an asura.


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