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Soulbeast is great in WvW and PvP.


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> @Trueshots.9456 said:

> > @HeadCrowned.6834 said:

> > Thief is not made for 1v1's in PvP, so its not so good to base your conlusions on that.


> A thief in the sense of how the developers designed them from launch is just that, made for 1v1. Coming from someone who has played ranger and thief both from launch, although I've come and gone from the game many time for short stents, the thief continues to be extremely well adapted for 1v1 in both WvW and sPvP. I'm no pro, but if you're playing thief and are losing tons of 1v1's (see definition below), especially if you're getting the jump, you may want to choose another class....say a SoulBeast Ranger ? :).


> Side Note: I like what you all are saying about SoulBeast, its fun to me even though I don't fully understand its capabilities. I am afraid I wont be able to compete in WvW or sPvP with it. I may just have a mental block about it but interested in seeing more builds and thoughts about it in the future here!


> Definition: 1v1 - not two people standing around saying "are you ready? are you ready?, I'm ready, I'm ready". A 1v1 in WvW and sPvP are not cordial meetings....WE ARE TRYING TO DECAPITATE EACH OTHER! We're not making sure the guy has all his traits set up, it's about kill or be killed.


Don't take this the wrong way but this is mostly mistaken. Thief is not among the best 1vs1er at high levels of PVP. It's not meant to be 1vs1ing, the point is even if you have a match-up you can win, it will take 20-30seconds, and then you've just hindered your team. Thief's mobility and team stealth make it the ultimate +1er, it's meant to be calling out rotation, decapping, and searching for the quick +1 then getting out. A thief isn't meant to be fighting 1vs1 on nodes, nor holding nodes, it's not meant to be spending 30seconds 1vs1ing. There are plenty of 1vs1 profs like engineer/ele that make mince meat--this is given player skill is equal--it's not the thiefs job nor is it even the close.


Thieves are playmakers, alongside mesmars they have a high skill cap to play properly and massive impact on a team if played well. Nothing can match DD d/p mobility to +1 and decap/cap constantly around the map while calling out switches and other enemy thieves locations. That's it's job, that's it's real strength.



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> @Fluffball.8307 said:

> I feel like you're really missing out if you've never played against a really high level PvPer. There are quite a few on the ranger forum, it's worth messaging one to ask for a duel so you can see where you stand skill wise. New PvP players tend to have dramatically distorted views of what a good build is, what works, and how good they are because they don't realize how competent the really good players are.


> It's eye-opening and a lot of fun to boot. It gives you something to work towards. If you think you're really good already, there is no motivation to get legend-good. And being legend good means you can absolutely humiliate players in WvW roaming. :3


It's hard to respond to these sorts of things without sounding a bit conceited. However, if anyone would like to duel against me, I'd be more than happy to help. I'm a legend/plat 3 tier ranger every season.

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> @anduriell.6280 said:

> > @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

> > > @Eleazar.9478 said:

> > > Ya it is however it's alot weaker in 1v1s, soulbeast can't keep up with the sustain of a druid especially when they're running ancient seeds with that bugged gazelle

> >

> > 30 dollars to stay druid and just get a better pet.

> > still tempting!


> I can confirm druid is much better in WvW for roaming, zerging or solo. Yesterday nowadays i was fighting an spellbreaker and just when i downed him a group of 4 appeared.


> If it wouldn't be for staff + stealth they could have ganked me easily. That would had happened with the soulbeast 100% chance.


It's terrible. Most of the beast skills are weak, and you lose your pet's pressure to gain these weak skills.


Let's see. A 4k bird family heal every 40 seconds with just 3 seconds of resistance, or a 4k+ heal from lunar impact+water field on top of stealth and super speed every 12-20 seconds. Gosh, such a hard choice. Not.


Soulbeast is pathetic next to a druid with smokescale and hound. Mobility also sucks. All you have is greatsword, which is an awful weapon.

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Soulbeast is trash tier unless something changes mechanically or trait-wise. The dagger is trash. Traits are boring, bad and underwhelming overall. Stances are glorified single-player shouts (special mention to the shamefully and utterly craptastic elite skill). The class mechanic is hindered by a clunky time-gate and mostly, when melded with most pets, 2 of the 3 skills are terribly underpowered.

Druid is just the superior choice, sadly.

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I Will say that being merged is def better in general. My snow owl grants me perma swiftness, heals me and gives me resistance. I Just need to get a good merged DPS pet (maybe from PoF, havent gone there with my ranger yet). Anyone recommend a good DPS pet thats good when merged? Smokescale is good but not great (1 good ability imo)

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> @Hepatolith.6389 said:

> I don't think there's a dps pet that's really awesome while melded atm as most f1/f2 skills do terrible dmg....


I essentially feel like I'm forced into Smokescale and Gazelle to even try and make Soulbeast even remotely worthwhile.


But yeah shoutout to @"jcbroe.4329" totally agreed. I've never seen you in game but it's like we're on the same page or something.


This thread HAS to be trolling. I mean, there's even a Druid build linked lol.

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> @itsjc.5324 said:

> > @Hepatolith.6389 said:

> > I don't think there's a dps pet that's really awesome while melded atm as most f1/f2 skills do terrible dmg....


> I essentially feel like I'm forced into Smokescale and Gazelle to even try and make Soulbeast even remotely worthwhile.


Try Siamoth and drakehound. Both are pretty solid. Jacaranda is pretty good too.



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> @Arheundel.6451 said:

> > @"Heimskarl Ashfiend.9582" said:

> > > @Norseman.4280 said:

> > > > @Khenzy.9348 said:

> > > > I destroy every Soulbeast is see as a Druid, whether they are power or condis, without much effort. In PvP mind you. I don't really care about WvW, you can make anything work there with the massive stat overbloat. I also have waaay better match ups as Druid than as a Soulbeast, it's no contest.

> > >

> > > It's funny you say that. I've had a similar experience as the OP, in that soul beast is, well, a beast! I played base ranger up til this week (don't like druid) But the one thing I really struggle with is druids. I can't figure out why quite yet but compared to everything else, druids gave me fits.

> >

> > The massive sustain, ability to disengage, stealth & condi removal maybe? Plus, they know Ranger, which is why they are playing it and the best way to learn how to play against a class is play that class :)


> Isn't that the main problem here? Actually I thank you for openly admitting the "benefits" of playing druid and for what reason is played:

> - massive sustain that helps you recover almost indefinitely from mistakes

> - ability to disengage/stealth , look above, again you're allowed to make way too many mistakes and still come on top

> - condi removal: nice and comfy I admit it...fair trait that promotes healthy gameplay?...I don't think so


> **NOTE** PvP/WvW

> -No druid to this day has been able to give me troubles when using a soulbeast, ofc they can all stealth and run and recover Hp easily , there is little I can do about that: I can bring a druid down to 20% HP..they stealth always 1s before I can finish them off...they come back almost full HP.


> Personally, I'd love to see all HoT specs being brought down to PoF elite levels, HoT specs offer way too high reward for the effort they require.


> **NOTE2** PvP/WvW

> I never played the staff 11111 healbot bunker always used lb -sword/warhorn power druid; I truly hate the staff 11111 druid and all it represents: unhealthy gameplay that should in no way, under no circumstances be promoted, it allows players to survive situations they shouldn't **and this goes for virtually all HoT specs**


**NOTE 3** - You never made it out of Bronze


For real though, do you want a pat on the back? A cookie?

Are you better than ROM?

Are you a sadist? Do you run zerk in wvw?


There are no 'cheap' builds.

There are no 'easy win' builds.

There is no Pride in video games.


Use what works. Period.

The instant you won't play a spec because you think it's too easy..... bruh, you are doing it wrong.

You have a flawed mindset.


Now if you would of said, I never found staff to be enjoyable, eh that's personal preference.

You didn't do that.

You took some Stance against staff builds.

Do you think anyone else cares? When you win with an underpowered build, do crowds chant your name?


A salty ignored protest of 1, amazing.

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  • 1 month later...

seems anet had a clear view for few classes [spellbreaker with boon removal is a must have in zergs] scourges is more suportive and also have a good codi presure , the soullbeast new content have not much imbrovment for wvw i ve seen many suggest power builds with zerg armor for wvw [???? u need thoughnes ] or marauder full set in wvw u need to have condi cleansers [traits,skills] engage and disengage [weapons ,skills] all this beastmode lacks on wvw or they must fix so we can swap in fight the traitline is not good if u go for condi build> and predators cuning with even blight sigils u dont get a worthy amount of life siphon healing seems to be good for power build>live fast 7 sec of fury but u lose the unblockble but besides that not offering something more notable for the wvw. soulbeast is not a waste but u cant solo roam like before [druid] ,and the dagger in the begining looked promising but lacks dmg ,the leap is small [400] apply poison on hit but i had wrote above u dont get much life siphon

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> @lykos.4521 said:

> seems anet had a clear view for few classes [spellbreaker with boon removal is a must have in zergs] scourges is more suportive and also have a good codi presure , the soullbeast new content have not much imbrovment for wvw i ve seen many suggest power builds with zerg armor for wvw [???? u need thoughnes ] or marauder full set in wvw u need to have condi cleansers [traits,skills] engage and disengage [weapons ,skills] all this beastmode lacks on wvw or they must fix so we can swap in fight the traitline is not good if u go for condi build> and predators cuning with even blight sigils u dont get a worthy amount of life siphon healing seems to be good for power build>live fast 7 sec of fury but u lose the unblockble but besides that not offering something more notable for the wvw. soulbeast is not a waste but u cant solo roam like before [druid] ,and the dagger in the begining looked promising but lacks dmg ,the leap is small [400] apply poison on hit but i had wrote above u dont get much life siphon


@lykos , since I play Soulbeast I didn't zerg with a guild (like I did before with my druid), but I was many time with my roamer friends around my server blobl/zerg, usual being more like a killing small squad. Anyway, I think Soulbeast can be useful for zerg too, with power build. Ofc you can't stay in front tilne, like druid before, you are not healer anymore, but you can swap often front line with backline.

1. Armor - I prefer marauder (with Rune of Durability) because I want to do damage and be the one who finish enemies, but you cand choose melandru or another defensive rune or another armor

2. for condi cleansers I use Wilderness Survival trait line and at least 2 Survival utilities ... you can choose 3 +elite one (I use Troll Unguent+Quickening Zephyr+Lightnings reflexes+Doliak Stance+One Wolf pack) ... usual I have like 4 condi remove from Troll (with Muddy Terrain) + 2 condi remove from Zephyr and + 2 condi remove from Lightnings ... you can have more. Also you can use Jacaranda for another 2 condi remove every 2 sec or Bear when you are not in beast mode. + Entangle anothr 2 condi remove ... so I think Soulbeast can stay pretty well regarding condi cleansers, isn't ?

3. I use also Marksmanship (well I change time to time with Nature Magic when I want to have more survivability) with Stoneform+Brutish Seals (gives you 5 sec of Signet of Stone every 56 sec when you are below 50% of HP, btw atm Build Editor Webside is broken with these two traits) + Lead the Wind so I can hit multiple target with all my bow skills

4. Engage and sidengage (weapon,skills) : here you can choose between GS (is not my first choise) or Sword+Warhorn (with this one you can have also that unblockable which you said you lost it :) , and I think it's better than Unstoppable Union because you can choose when to have it, without enter in beastmode or even after you are alreay in beastmode). Both weapons GS and Sword have a very good disengage skills.

5. With Leader of the Pack + Dolyak Stance+One Wofl Pack (this is the setup I play) you can share to your party stability, and extra damage (so you can say you are a little support + F3 from Jacaranda , that emergency heal for 5 ppl)

So, I don't know why are you complain that Soulbeast is not suitable for wvw zerg :) . I know is not a support class like Druid was, but still you can have your place in a zerg or GvG ... only the commander must know what you can do and where you should be ;)

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For all the druids boasting about taking on any soulbeast, at this point I'm probably about 50/50 on my duels with druids and I'm pretty sure I've beaten most power rangers I've dueled as condi soulbeast. I don't think I'm particularly good either, so at this point I'm pretty sure it is a beast of a build.

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> @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> For all the druids boasting about taking on any soulbeast, at this point I'm probably about 50/50 on my duels with druids and I'm pretty sure I've beaten most power rangers I've dueled as condi soulbeast. I don't think I'm particularly good either, so at this point I'm pretty sure it is a beast of a build.


In pvp?


Are you playing competitively?





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> @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

> > @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > For all the druids boasting about taking on any soulbeast, at this point I'm probably about 50/50 on my duels with druids and I'm pretty sure I've beaten most power rangers I've dueled as condi soulbeast. I don't think I'm particularly good either, so at this point I'm pretty sure it is a beast of a build.


> In pvp?


> Are you playing competitively?

> Rank?


> Build?



Low-Mid gold in ranked, my actual rank is 47 at this point with 10 gained over the last week or two. A variant of soulbeast trapper.

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> @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

> > > @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > > For all the druids boasting about taking on any soulbeast, at this point I'm probably about 50/50 on my duels with druids and I'm pretty sure I've beaten most power rangers I've dueled as condi soulbeast. I don't think I'm particularly good either, so at this point I'm pretty sure it is a beast of a build.

> >

> > In pvp?

> >

> > Are you playing competitively?

> > Rank?

> >

> > Build?

> >


> Low-Mid gold in ranked, my actual rank is 47 at this point with 10 gained over the last week or two. A variant of soulbeast trapper.


Last time I checked, top 50 ranks were middle of plat 2 and higher.

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> @jcbroe.4329 said:

> > @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > > @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

> > > > @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > > > For all the druids boasting about taking on any soulbeast, at this point I'm probably about 50/50 on my duels with druids and I'm pretty sure I've beaten most power rangers I've dueled as condi soulbeast. I don't think I'm particularly good either, so at this point I'm pretty sure it is a beast of a build.

> > >

> > > In pvp?

> > >

> > > Are you playing competitively?

> > > Rank?

> > >

> > > Build?

> > >

> >

> > Low-Mid gold in ranked, my actual rank is 47 at this point with 10 gained over the last week or two. A variant of soulbeast trapper.


> Last time I checked, top 50 ranks were middle of plat 2 and higher.


If they meant my overall pvp rank then what's the point, I said in my initial post I was in gold.

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> @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > @jcbroe.4329 said:

> > > @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > > > @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

> > > > > @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > > > > For all the druids boasting about taking on any soulbeast, at this point I'm probably about 50/50 on my duels with druids and I'm pretty sure I've beaten most power rangers I've dueled as condi soulbeast. I don't think I'm particularly good either, so at this point I'm pretty sure it is a beast of a build.

> > > >

> > > > In pvp?

> > > >

> > > > Are you playing competitively?

> > > > Rank?

> > > >

> > > > Build?

> > > >

> > >

> > > Low-Mid gold in ranked, my actual rank is 47 at this point with 10 gained over the last week or two. A variant of soulbeast trapper.

> >

> > Last time I checked, top 50 ranks were middle of plat 2 and higher.


> If they meant my overall pvp rank then what's the point, I said in my initial post I was in gold.


Ah, okay, PvP rank, not leaderboard rank.


Sorry, that was my misinterpretation, thank you for clarifying, continue :)

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WvW MAYBE, but PvP definitely no.


Now play against actually good players who know SB inside and out as much as you do. The ceiling is low for soul beast unfortunately mainly due to you not being able to change during soulbeast mode. This would raise it much more, but it's not so you're so limited and very predictable in what you can accomplish. Druid is better for this reason, more tanky , and more active in combo setups.


There are so many rules tied to soulbeast in predicting what it can do in a fight.


The sad reality is most people who come to these forums excluding people like stawk/shadowfall (even they would play druid in ranked) all profess soul beast is the best spec because they beat X and Y when in reality you're just playing against trash players, but it's really not and there's a reason druid is still strong. Far point bunking outweights what soul beast can ever bring to a conquest fight in PvP.


Take your soulbeast build and duel kronos's mirage build (or any of his classes, he's mastered almost all of them), and you'll find how shitty the players you normally duel against actually are and realize quickly how bad soul beast is compared to druid.


WvW is irrelevant though because massive amounts of space exists, it doesn't matter what you run as a ranger there, longbow is what makes ranger effective there , not necessarily soulbeast - it just augments what longbow is able to do by wrapping it in massive amounts of quickness and unblockable attacks.

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> @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > @EnderzShadow.2506 said:

> > > @Cwnannwn.7681 said:

> > > For all the druids boasting about taking on any soulbeast, at this point I'm probably about 50/50 on my duels with druids and I'm pretty sure I've beaten most power rangers I've dueled as condi soulbeast. I don't think I'm particularly good either, so at this point I'm pretty sure it is a beast of a build.

> >

> > In pvp?

> >

> > Are you playing competitively?

> > Rank?

> >

> > Build?

> >


> Low-Mid gold in ranked, my actual rank is 47 at this point with 10 gained over the last week or two. A variant of soulbeast trapper.


So you don't want to tell me the build. Is it that powerful?

How do you remove condis?

Where does your movement between points come from?



Shrug, more power to you. I loved playing trapper but it was never competitive.

I don't understand what has changed so much in the meta and in soulbeast that makes it great.


Whatever is fun :)





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