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Black Lion keys worth buying?

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@OP, it's a matter of personal opinion, depending on own's criteria of what is "worth it" to our eyes. You will hear loads of different opinions, each relying on what the person considers valuable drops . This also depends on some boundary conditions. For example, how far the person is already "rich" or not in game is a contributor. A player who doesn't have much gold and few gems only will of course have a lot more to lose than a player who has plenty of gems and gold.


I believe that the easiest way to decide is to ask to yourself the following question. If you spend gems on keys now, and that you get the worst case, as in nothing valuable - according to your criteria - out of the chests: How bad is that for you? How detrimental would it be for you to have invested the gems/gold for nothing? If you don't care about that, then go for it. If you care, don't.

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I thought let's try it cause they're on sale. So I got 25 keys and opened 25 chests. I got 50 transmute items, 3 hair kits and a full make over kit. And a few more black lion convenience things that I care less about. About 70 gold from those sellable trash items that are worth gold and some other bits and bobs. So for the money I spent on the keys an what some of these items cost in the gem shop I can say I got my money's worth. However, it's also nothing for me to get excited over either. So it felt more like an RNG exchange than a win.


When I opened a few chests before just from keys I got from map completion I got that storm dagger skin, a set of mini's of the mounts and a scarab like backpack. That felt more exciting than anything I got with these 25 keys.


I guess it all depends on what you want. As usual the rule is that with RNG, if you want something specific, don't open RNG packs but buy the item off the TP. It's cheaper to buy the gold with gems than to hope to get the item from the black lion chests.

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Short answer is 'NO'. I've bought them, and I've gotten some valuable rewards, but overall the system is designed to be a net loss for the player. If I'd spent my gems on gold I'd have fared MUCH better (I mean in the order of multiple times over). Just use the keys you get as rewards in-game, and if they yield crap, it's no big deal.

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> @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> I thought let's try it cause they're on sale. So I got 25 keys and opened 25 chests. I got 50 transmute items, 3 hair kits and a full make over kit. And a few more black lion convenience things that I care less about. About 70 gold from those sellable trash items that are worth gold and some other bits and bobs. So for the money I spent on the keys an what some of these items cost in the gem shop I can say I got my money's worth. However, it's also nothing for me to get excited over either. So it felt more like an RNG exchange than a win.


How much were the 25 keys? Because lately you can straight up convert about 1000 gems into 250 gold, which to my mind is worth WAY more than you got out of those keys.



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As of today, you can get a town clothes outfit for 20 Black Lion Statuettes. You can get 20 keys for 1900 gems, which costs 715 gold today and about 525g last month. Compare that to the cost of (most) town clothes: from 150-750g today (average of buy/sell), and last month 250-1200 or more


That might be worth it for some people, depending on the outfit, especially since the BL chests also throw a bunch of other stuff at us. And for others, this would be a complete waste.

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bought the keys when they were on sale, traded gold to gems for them, between a dye and griffon minis instant selling, got about 70g, only worthwhile bits i got today... And Anet, PLEASE CHANGE IT BACK TO 1 TRANSMUTATION CHARGE! sadly added about 25 more transmutation charges to my already 500+

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> @"Biff.5312" said:

> > @"Gehenna.3625" said:

> > I thought let's try it cause they're on sale. So I got 25 keys and opened 25 chests. I got 50 transmute items, 3 hair kits and a full make over kit. And a few more black lion convenience things that I care less about. About 70 gold from those sellable trash items that are worth gold and some other bits and bobs. So for the money I spent on the keys an what some of these items cost in the gem shop I can say I got my money's worth. However, it's also nothing for me to get excited over either. So it felt more like an RNG exchange than a win.


> How much were the 25 keys? Because lately you can straight up convert about 1000 gems into 250 gold, which to my mind is worth WAY more than you got out of those keys.



Depends on how you look at it. There were a bunch of convenience items in there that made it ok and you cannot buy those with gold. So you can't really make a direct comparison with gold. If it's gold you want, don't buy the chests. It's that simple. Personally it was ok for me but not great and because it's rng, I might be lucky but also end up less than excited when I don't get convenience items I would use.


In the end it really is about what you are after but if it's something specific, don't try to win it with black lion chests is my advice.


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I agree with everyone about the statuettes. Its not worth it otherwise.


I used 38 keys (4200 gems) I've saved up. Aside from statuettes and the Storm Dagger, I only made about 130-140 gold off the items I got in the chests.


If you were to use gems to convert to gold instead of buying keys, you'd get at least 1000 gold. The gems are better used for buying direct purchases and the skins from previous chests to get what you like.

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@"EpicName.4523": It is always a risky business, as is the nature of gambling. But there are rarely "completely useless items" IMO. Then again, it depends on what you are looking for.


> @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> Super rare just doesn't ever happen. Maybe 1 in 1,000 keys would be that "lucky".


I can't agree:

![](https://i.imgur.com/phpOxy3.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/FFWX1MZ.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/P2LiaIv.jpg "")


Also, one Wardrobe Unlock got me this:

![](https://i.imgur.com/dyRdsj6.jpg "")


P.S. Yes, I opened many, but 1 in 1,000 sounds a little extreme. ;)

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I did 100 keys yesterday, and got 1 drop from the Rare section, i got around 8 from the common section, but now a days the BLC's are about how many wardrobe unlocks you can get, and i yielded 12 in total, across the 3 available, i do want to add that i do feel that Anet are reducing the rate at which the common weapon skins are dropping, about 6 months ago when i did a 100 key roll i got around 15 skins, now its about half of that, and it has been in a steady decline month on month,


If anet was to sell the Wardrobe unlocks directly from the TP i would never buy another BLK in this game.

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> @"Ok I Did It.2854" said:

> I did 100 keys yesterday, and got 1 drop from the Rare section, i got around 8 from the common section, but now a days the BLC's are about how many wardrobe unlocks you can get, and i yielded 12 in total, across the 3 available, i do want to add that i do feel that Anet are reducing the rate at which the common weapon skins are dropping, about 6 months ago when i did a 100 key roll i got around 15 skins, now its about half of that, and it has been in a steady decline month on month,


> If anet was to sell the Wardrobe unlocks directly from the TP i would never buy another BLK in this game.


Same, only reason im buying/farming keys is due to unlocks. Im not even hoping for rares, mainly just unlocks (got 11 from 75 keys, bought another 6 with statuetes).

But i also do feel like drops of rares and unlocks are actualy getting lower overtime. I mean, it can be just rng, but i do feel like it got changed.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> @"EpicName.4523": It is always a risky business, as is the nature of gambling. But there are rarely "completely useless items" IMO. Then again, it depends on what you are looking for.


> > @"OutOfOrder.3719" said:

> > Super rare just doesn't ever happen. Maybe 1 in 1,000 keys would be that "lucky".


> I can't agree:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/phpOxy3.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/FFWX1MZ.jpg "")

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/P2LiaIv.jpg "")


> Also, one Wardrobe Unlock got me this:

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/dyRdsj6.jpg "")


> P.S. Yes, I opened many, but 1 in 1,000 sounds a little extreme. ;)


looks like those casino billboards that say "you too can win".

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Unless you're aiming for something exclusive in the BLC, no.

I bought 200 keys(full price) because I wanted the new Equinox weapons, only to then realize they can be bought/sold on the TP for very cheap compared to how much I spent to only get 9 of them. Used 30 scraps, a ticket and 250 statuettes for Equinox weapons..

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> @"Qelris.6901" said:

> Unless you're aiming for something exclusive in the BLC, no.

> **I bought 200 keys(full price) because I wanted the new Equinox weapons, only to then realize they can be bought/sold on the TP for very cheap compared to how much I spent to only get 9 of them. Used 30 scraps, a ticket and 250 statuettes for Equinox weapons**..


Ouch :'(


That's painful.


![](http://oi63.tinypic.com/v2xl34.jpg "")





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> @"StinVec.3621" said:

> I would strongly recommend looking at other threads on these forums (search box above) and maybe on Reddit also to see how poor chest results is extremely common. If you don't mind the near-guarantee to get nothing but worthless or lackluster results from the chests, go for it, but don't expect to get something decent (let alone something you actually desire). Buying keys is essentially throwing your money/gold in the garbage, but there is an extremely rare chance that something that isn't garbage will be thrown back at you.


> >! I only ever use keys I get extremely rarely via map completion or from a kill (which I think still happens). My results have only ever reinforced my view that they are not worth buying (I'd never spend real money to gamble, but these aren't worth it even with virtual money).

> >!

> >! However, I was weak and decided to buy 1 discounted key with some leftover gold-bought gems after getting a character slot and voucher yesterday - what I got was as bad as I expected and just reinforced my decision to never pay for them, but now not even with gold-bought gems at a discounted price.

> >!

> >! I got:

> >! * A Gnashblade Zephyrite Supply Box that is worthless as it gave me a Festival Token that can't be used because the Festival of the Four Winds is over, a junk trophy item worth a few silver and a single quartz crystal. Why is this item even given still? The Festival is over with, yet it says it is only available _**during**_ the Festival. So glad I got a single token that isn't added to my wallet and now takes up a space in the bank or on a mule until next year(?) when I can use it, and even then I will also likely need a lot more of them to be able to buy anything. (Supply box is also affected by magic find and mine is maxed and I had MF food on top of that...doesn't really help much as you can see...)

> >! * Two T6 mat bags

> >! * It also gave me 1 Statuette and then 3 Statuettes... Yeah, 2 roll slots to give me the same item. Why is it even possible to get multiples of the same thing in the same chest? At least Statuettes are better than Exotic Luck Essence, which I have seen someone get in all 3 roll slots a long time ago.

> >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/K8VH41r.jpg "")



Opened a 2nd chest last night with the free key and chest from the gem store and got:

* 1 Statuette

* 1 Revive Orb (to go with my other 100+)

* 2 more bags of T6 mats ...


Free was free, but that's still 2 keys in a row that gave junk that was either useless or worth little more than a few silver at best and was a wasted opportunity to lure a player into opening more of the gambling chests. With results like these you're not getting me to want to re-consider spending money/gold to get keys and open some more, ANet, but are instead only reinforcing my resolve to _not_ buy keys (with either money or gold no matter how cheap the keys may be when on sale).

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> @"StinVec.3621" said:

> > @"StinVec.3621" said:

> > I would strongly recommend looking at other threads on these forums (search box above) and maybe on Reddit also to see how poor chest results is extremely common. If you don't mind the near-guarantee to get nothing but worthless or lackluster results from the chests, go for it, but don't expect to get something decent (let alone something you actually desire). Buying keys is essentially throwing your money/gold in the garbage, but there is an extremely rare chance that something that isn't garbage will be thrown back at you.

> >

> > >! I only ever use keys I get extremely rarely via map completion or from a kill (which I think still happens). My results have only ever reinforced my view that they are not worth buying (I'd never spend real money to gamble, but these aren't worth it even with virtual money).

> > >!

> > >! However, I was weak and decided to buy 1 discounted key with some leftover gold-bought gems after getting a character slot and voucher yesterday - what I got was as bad as I expected and just reinforced my decision to never pay for them, but now not even with gold-bought gems at a discounted price.

> > >!

> > >! I got:

> > >! * A Gnashblade Zephyrite Supply Box that is worthless as it gave me a Festival Token that can't be used because the Festival of the Four Winds is over, a junk trophy item worth a few silver and a single quartz crystal. Why is this item even given still? The Festival is over with, yet it says it is only available _**during**_ the Festival. So glad I got a single token that isn't added to my wallet and now takes up a space in the bank or on a mule until next year(?) when I can use it, and even then I will also likely need a lot more of them to be able to buy anything. (Supply box is also affected by magic find and mine is maxed and I had MF food on top of that...doesn't really help much as you can see...)

> > >! * Two T6 mat bags

> > >! * It also gave me 1 Statuette and then 3 Statuettes... Yeah, 2 roll slots to give me the same item. Why is it even possible to get multiples of the same thing in the same chest? At least Statuettes are better than Exotic Luck Essence, which I have seen someone get in all 3 roll slots a long time ago.

> > >! ![](https://i.imgur.com/K8VH41r.jpg "")

> >


> Opened a 2nd chest last night with the free key and chest from the gem store and got:

> * 1 Statuette

> * 1 Revive Orb (to go with my other 100+)

> * 2 more bags of T6 mats ...


> Free was free, but that's still 2 keys in a row that gave junk that was either useless or worth little more than a few silver at best and was a wasted opportunity to lure a player into opening more of the gambling chests. With results like these you're not getting me to want to re-consider spending money/gold to get keys and open some more, ANet, but are instead only reinforcing my resolve to _not_ buy keys (with either money or gold no matter how cheap the keys may be when on sale).


What do you think you should have got instead? They already have it set up so your're gauranteed to get a townsclothes outfit (if yiu want it)after 20 keys plus whatever else you get.

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> @"Glider.5792" said:

> I opened 75 yesterday.


> Not happy at all.. :/


That amount of crafting bags you got really really REALLY bothers me. Bad enough you get transmutation charges, which are not only plentiful, but can also be purchased with the statuette you're guaranteed to get, but T5 / T6 mats? ANET should just rip those out of the box. Replace them with mystic coins or laurels.

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