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So if you are like me an have been really enjoying the achievement quest , would you like to see them expand on this idea.


I love the open world events and they are great at telling stories in there own right but I'm the kind of player who reads quest lines and loves a good story.

I'd love if they made these side stories more of a thing in the future.

They would make great mini updates along side living story.

Think of the things we could do.

Explore malycks tree.

Figure out how the nightmare court are doing now that they have a new dutchess.

We could help heal the pale mother.


I obviously play sylvari.


Would you like to see the system expanded on and what stories would you like to be told?

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> Sure, side stories/current events are great. Maybe, if the Current Event Team is not working on a new Festival/new Festival content, the Team will have time for more Current Events. Here's hoping. :)


well I'm talking more in depth tho. not just like little quest.

I want them to be big multiple stories scattered throughout tyria!

maybe no voice acting to cut the cost.

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So essentially you would like more lore-focused, text-heavy tasks to do? I'm sure they could easily supplement that by adding more of those "tomes" things in the Living Story that you interact with. Hopefully with more than just two lines of text displayed before you have to press "continue" or whatever, which currently seems to be the norm in this game when you interact with plaques and books.

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I liked the quests. I was disappointed that the quests for the new weapons was so short and easy to do. As Artyport suggested, cut out any voice acting, even for your char, to save costs.. Make it all text. And have it more than visit spots A, B, and C. One possibility, be required to go to several different maps and on each map do X number of events to help out. Or part of it, be required to harvest/buy X amount of lumber and Y amount of ore. You give them to the NPC to “craft” the weapon and get the weapon given to you in return.

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> @"Quyx.1307" said:

> So essentially you would like more lore-focused, text-heavy tasks to do? I'm sure they could easily supplement that by adding more of those "tomes" things in the Living Story that you interact with. Hopefully with more than just two lines of text displayed before you have to press "continue" or whatever, which currently seems to be the norm in this game when you interact with plaques and books.


Nah books dont do it.

I need to see reoccurring characters with motives and personalities.

Characters interacting with the world around them further explaining more lore into current existing and future zones.

Lore tied to weapons and armor.

More race lore.

like actual quest with actual characters pushing a narrative. Like the personal story but in the open world and not voice acted.

Like ffxiv or elderscrolls.

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I'd like to see more things like the Caladbolg reforging quest. That was an excellent use of a side story - engaging, rich in lore, relevant and rewarding.


Whilst I would happily see more involved side stories like you suggest, they are struggling to put out LS content (as per Kourna running out of time). If they can fit such things in I can't imagine much objection to the idea. Personally I always thought the Orders were well set up to do things like this. We could be doing Order missions similar to what we do in the PS.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> I'd like to see more things like the Caladbolg reforging quest. That was an excellent use of a side story - engaging, rich in lore, relevant and rewarding.


> Whilst I would happily see more involved side stories like you suggest, they are struggling to put out LS content (as per Kourna running out of time). If they can fit such things in I can't imagine much objection to the idea. Personally I always thought the Orders were well set up to do things like this. We could be doing Order missions similar to what we do in the PS.


caladbog is exactly what I'm talking about.

and i agree about the struggle they are having to putting out new content. which is sad. I feel like they dont invest enough in the actual game tho. GW2 is honestly just coasting which is annoying because it has always had the potential to be exceptional

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Idk about reading text but the more "traditional" like quest anet have done are some of my favourite content in this game. The shadow stone, the reforging of caladbolg are all really good content updates that some times rival sections of lw updates (for me).


Im sad they havent further developed and seemingly dropped this kind of updates, it would be ideal if we got 1 or 2 of these between living world updates to bridge the episodes or tell sidestories to actually make lw feel more like, you know "a living, breathing world" like it kinda was back in se2 and deff was in s1 .

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> @"Artyport.2084" said:

> > @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > Do be aware: The Living World Season Team is separate from the Current Event Team. One, of course, works on Living World Season Episodes; the other on Current Events like the Caladbolg 'quest'.


> they need to expand this team cuz its awesome


They certainly have done some great work. Not everything has hit the mark(the unfinished rift portal one for eg), but where the quality has shone through on festival content and quests like Caladbolg, I would certainly like to see them expand the team to have the resources to continue to do cool things

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