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Happy Anniversary!

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Faren is a fool who thinks he's a hero, and Joko is a joke-oh. It's in his name and everything. From most heroic to least heroic, the top five TRUE heroes are Glint, Rurik, Rytlock, Forgal, and last, but most certainly not least, the one, the only KILROOOOOOY STONEKIN!!!


Has it really only been six years? It seems like GW2 came out forever ago. I thought that time flies when you're having fun, but I guess that it doesn't fly that fast.

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Happy Anniversary GW2! So many memories...

I think I'm a lot like Lord Faren; I have titles and experience and gold. I'm not much good at being a hero but I'm still out there and plugging away at it, giving it my best go, and I usually keep it up until I manage to either succeed from sheer stubbornness or find someone to carry me. :) All in all it's a good life.

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