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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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> @"mathion.8549" said:


> >

> There are very practical, real-world issues with trying to create a single open map from Central Tyria. I won't go into them, but they're not going to do that. It SOUNDS like you're not utilizing the tools and tricks available to you to level up QUICKLY. If you think you need to follow your progression with the level of map, you don't. The map XP increases with your level, maintaining a consistent XP increase. TBH, ANet all but makes you level 80 ASAP, but there are some strategies as to how to do that FASTER.


> I recently took a character from level 40 to 80 in about 6 hours of play, all without going to more than seven and a quarter maps (the cities and Queensdale, with some of Ashford, IIRC).


> First, I started with a level 2 (you always start with level 2 after Pre), and popped the level 40 cookie I had. I then got some XP bonuses that give XP for "all game types" of XP, and mapped all of the cities. Once I was a higher level (I was 45, I think), I got level appropriate masterwork armor and weapons (you can use the gear you get from level rewards, but most of it will be lower-level by the time you're done, I usually just dump it, since it can't be salvaged or sold).



Hey there, friend. I appreciate your input, but unfortunately, my suggestion had 0% to do with leveling. I have 45 characters, and I'm well aware of techniques to level quickly.


My suggestion was about making the base game content more enjoyable on the whole, as I've found that other MMOs, when changing from a level-gated zone system, to an open world system, became much more interesting to play in. The idea is that, while the backwards-leveling system we have right now allows for high level players to assist low level players, there is very little other draw to complete zones you've outleveled. In addition, as you said, even leveling players have little draw to complete other zones, as you can effectively level from 1-80 in one zone, and why travel halfway across tyria for mobs your level when you don't have to?


There's so much lovely environmental storytelling in this game. There's little jokes and hidden storylines in events and interactions. Getting a Gen1 Legendary weapon shouldn't be the only reason I'm experiencing these things. In addition, the base game maps are very very infrequently visited these days. Opening Central Tyria to all players regardless of level creates more opportunity for interaction between players old and new. New players wouldn't feel as pressured to get to 80 quickly to partake in "veteran content" just to be on an active map. Older players would have a rekindled spark to play the base game. It's truly a win-win all around.


Yes, I understand that there are challenges in changing the level system. I did not suggest one map for the entirety, though, so I think that was misunderstood. I'm simply suggesting that ALL zones be battle-scaled. There should be no penalty for taking my level 12 character to the Iron Marches if that's where I'm interested in visiting. Since there is very little story through-line between zones, it doesn't make sense to effectively be punished for wanting to experience more of the lore of the world, especially from the perspective of a new player.

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Any chance that summon consumables (e.g. Fire Elemental Powder, Ogre Pet Whistle, etc.) can be made account-bound instead of soul-bound? Most of these items are already locked behind events which you need to have participation in, before you can purchase them. I think that's probably enough to ensure that players 'earn' the item, so I don't think it's unfair to give players the freedom to swap these items around between characters.

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i think it would be cool to be able to mix and match store bought outfits together with each other,, and even mix with regular armor,, i also find it really rewarding while playing an mmo to get drops on the ground,, instead of the same old big chest u get from bosses and fracts,, i think it would be awesome to see an ascended weapon shining on the ground glowing pinkish and exotics glowing orange on the ground,, also would be kinda nice to see quest requirements kinda like how u needed the next mount to do part of ls or the regular story quest cant remember,, when u finish a quest u should feel rewarded,, but u should also feel great about just being able to start the quest,, like ohh i wanna do this quest but i need more achieve points to start it or i need to finish 2 quests in a diff part of the map to start this one,,

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race change in gem store.. i promise u would see plenty money the second its in the shop.. even from people with 436734673 toons,, also plz plz plz add capes and GVG.. 10v10 or 15v15.. more pcs can handle 10v10 gvg.. giving people with high end and low end pcs more options on pvp styles

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- Item that allows you to bind all the passes (like for example Royal Terrace Pass andd Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey) into a single item like the Season 3 and 4 Portal Tomes do

- Extendable item that allows you to create your own places that you can portal to. You'd first have to visit the spot and then you can commit it to the item and give the spot a name. Then you can travel to them like you would with the Season 3/4 Portal Tomes

- Extension of Home Portal Stone to allow selection of which Home Instance you go to


**Home Instance:**

- 3rd home instance Black Lion Gardening Spot (there's 3 spots in every Home Instance and you are only giving us 2? Why?)

- Item that allows you to upgrade all your Home Instance nodes to Rich versions (including trees, plants, map currency, etc)

- Access pass that I can give out to friends that allows them to enter my home instance (great idea by phs.6089)

- More Black Lion Hunters Board teams



- New Shared Inventory cap of 40

- New Bank Tab cap of 25

- New Material Storage cap of 10000

- Bauble Bubbles and Baubles should get their own Material Storage spots

- Material Storage for Gem Store Boosters (Heroic Boosters for example), the Expresses (like Merchant Express) and Experience Scrolls


**Gathering Tools:**

- Shared Gathering Tool Slot so you dont constantly have to go through the hassle of swapping them over

- Allowing for multiple glyphs to be used on gathering tools

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For Deadeye. Can kneel skill #4 "Death's Retreat" become a normal skill instead of targetted?

1~ I struggle a lot of targetting the bar around my character.

2~ When 2 enemies or more, I don't have the time of clicking 5 then 4 then looking at ennemy shooting at me then retargeting the other one and continue shooting.

3~ That skill and "Shadow flare" are the only targetting skills for rifle deadeye and it's annoying whereas it could simply spawn a barrier following our character facing/summoning the flare on ennemy.


I feel like those skills are clunky. Autotargetting in my case just doesn't work, it isn't automatically jumping on target... and I don't have the time of targetting plus even more when ennemies are on me, irony for a sniper...

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> @"Warlord.9082" said:


> **Home Instance:**

> - 3rd home instance Black Lion Gardening Spot (there's 3 spots in every Home Instance and you are only giving us 2? Why?)

> - Item that allows you to upgrade all your Home Instance nodes to Rich versions (including trees, plants, map currency, etc)


> **Gathering Tools:**

> - Shared Gathering Tool Slot so you dont constantly have to go through the hassle of swapping them over

> - Allowing for multiple glyphs to be used on gathering tools


Totally agree on the garden plots! I want a third for aesthetics as much as for crafting more primers! :lol:

Regarding making home instance nodes rich... considering how much each costs on its own, I think any upgrade would have to be very expensive for each one.


I would LOVE shared gathering tool slots! Multiple glyphs on gathering tools could potentially be OP, no? Bounty combined with Reaping or any glyph that grants extra materials?

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I'd like to see some dye channels opened up on certain outfits. Anything that has 3 dye channels should be bumped up to 4. One of my favorite coats is only a 3 channel and two separate materials on it share the same dye slot so they always end up looking really goofy. The materials are already completely separate from each other, it would just be a matter of making them dye independently of each other.


I'd also appreciate a on/off setting or even a slider for players glow effects/skyscales that doesnt affect AoEs or any ability signals, just disabling trinkets and things like that. It is getting harder and harder to focus on mobs and their ability queues now that everybody and their mother looks like a dying star. My PC would also be really thankful for the frame rate boost.


I would also love to see a return of personality traits, at least as far as them being mildly relevant to gameplay. (I.e: unique walk/idle animations, voicelines, maybe impliment an optional SUBTLE glow effect/filter to reflect this kind of alignment) As it is now, choosing any of the brutish, honorable, or charming dialogue options feels really hollow for a game that centers around playing how you want. It's like giving me the option to choose what color a knife is before I'm stabbed with it. Yeah I get to "choose" the knife but it doesn't matter cuz I'm still being stabbed, that doesn't change at all.

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It's sad tha WvW map completion was removed. Sure I took time, but when used to finish them I was the happier player like I achieved something extraordinary, and no gift of explo is okay. Shouldn't be gave away. If they do that, they would have to give plenty of GoE to players which have already completed 100%.

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Personally, the largest and most beneficial QoL update would be to fix the 2-year old Mastery Point Notification 'bug'.

Whether it's a bug, a feature, or something else entirely is outside the scope of this post, but I can safely say that it has come to the point that I no longer want to play GW2 despite specifically coming to this game with friends because of the design, style and lore of the game.

For anyone unaware of what this bug is;

If you have unspent Mastery Points but a maxed out EXP bar, you will be constantly reminded by a pop-up box larger than your default chat window (that also overlays everything) to spend them. While spending them might make sense, a lot of players will be trying to save them for the abilities they specifically want. Since they get more expensive the further down a single tree you go, the problem gets worse and worse the longer you invest as you will be forced to deal with this pop up for longer periods of time. Closing the pop-up only disables it for that specific "exp waste", so the next time you gain any exp for any reason, you will have the pop up reappear.


I can guarantee this would not be a difficult fix. Either by creating a boolean variable that is set in the settings menu to permanently disable the pop-up so that every time the pop up would want to trigger, it checks the boolean, and if true/false it proceeds/halts the instruction. Alternatively, adjust the current behaviour such that it only activates a single time per character, which again a simple boolean could do.



A problem that has been reported and ticketed by at least hundreds of players since October 2017 has still not been fixed, and has caused many players to abandon the game out of pure frustration. Myself included for over 6 months.

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I've got a request concerning black dyes. None of them really look black. I would like to see a black dye similar to permafrost (call it permabyss or permablack for all i care) which is black as night no matter on what material it is appled to and so powerful it diminishes the details of armor, much like permafrost does. would be really nice to see. i've tried all shades of black i could find including shadow abyss and tar on the new skyscale skin, and lo and behold, shades of grey instead of the advertised black color. i know lizard scales should be reflective a bit, but someone over did it imho. shadow abyss is supposed to be the darkest black, and it really doesnt act like it on the skyscale skin. I mean sure, it would be nice if u fixed the reflection and alpha maps on the skyscale skin, but a new permabyss dye i really wouldnt mind at all ;)

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Unbind 24/28 Slot bags...let them still be craftable by other characters on the account. Can't believe I've just ran into this problem yesterday and seen forum posts mentioning it from 2 years ago but no mention of changing it. There's literally no reason to restrict them from being craftable once they're bound

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Easy way to bring a lot of players back.


Everything that is instanced, add the option to chose, easy mode, normal mode, hard mode and yes... Inferno mode ( near impossible to win)


How to do this with limited time and resources?


Use the player base, use veterans to beta test this changes and validate the difuculty.

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Something that made me and many people love gw1 is that the best way to move forward in story mode was by grouping with humans, and sometimes the only way.


Forcing people to group to do something is not a bad thing, teaching people they need others to achieve is a very good life lesson.


I will not just say reward grouping, I will say next time you add content, force people to group, literally you can't get in alone, you need 5 people to go in. Ohhh the beauty.


And then reward those who already win that challenge when they bring new players in, but big rewards, so you have a constant flow of groups. So rewarding that people would have the LFG tab always open waiting for a noob to help.

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> Instead of world completion for Gift of Exploration, I think map completing any 25 maps would be better. Core Tyria is a snooze fest for level 80’s to map complete and there are too many hearts.


I really disagree. I find it fun going back through core maps that I haven't hung around in for quite a while. Especially with mounts, this is a fairly quick task.


Edit: I need to state that this is merely my opinion on getting the GoE and central Tyria map complete. I also want to state that I hate HOT maps and love most of the POF maps. I wouldn't be against allowing you to have random map completes count, but I do think that the ones that count should be similar in size or challenge. Tangled depths alone would be all of Orr.

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