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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Can you please increase amount of Equipement Templates to 8 ( even better 12 ).

Equipement Templates are awesome, but it can serve not only as Gear-Stat change, but also to switch Sigil variations under same Gear-Stats combo.


I have thief-deadeye with atleast Dagger\Dagger-Rifle Dagger\Dagger-Pistol\Pistol. Each of those weapon combos use atleast two templates to have switchable sigils in 2nd slot ( in my case legendary sigil, means it is not that easy to simply equip something from inventory ). With all weapon-sigil variations, i kinda run out of templates to add Daredevil with same possability to have templated sigil switch.


And i think your players will appreciate more Equipement Templates.

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> @"BOAsnake.7401" said:

> > @"Daddicus.6128" said:

> > Give us a way to abort a race adventure. If you make a bad turn going for gold, you shouldn't have to wait 12 minutes (or re-zone) just to start over.


> there is the X above the quest objective of the race ( should be on the top right side of your screen)


I'll try that. Thank you!

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I know, you don't really like persons breaking out of maps and exploring out of bound. But, may I ask to see more hidden easter eggs or features, beta things hidden or disguised in maps? I will not go ask for a secret map only accessible through secret holes/ interacting with certain objects but that's the idea.

As example: [Footage of hidden area](

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Also dunno if it has been requested before...

Can we PLEASE get some **settings options for Colorblind people**?

Slothasaur, and most of the Strike are inaccessible due to the lack of options.

If we try, we underperform and end up quickly being kicked out because we don't see telegraph and getting hit; or the correct colors for a fight mechanics.

This is something that GW2 is HUGELY Lacking in terms of Accessibility.

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**Bounty board guild**

This is an idea to bring Guild to life in GUILD Wars 2.

**Justification of project :**

Bounty board will be beneficial to the players and the gaming company in the both economically and functionally aspects, in such way that players do the tasks and the Bounty Board give them prizes. These prizes can be in-game money or items.

The main problem of players in such games like yours is the in-game money farming and most of these games have something like Bounty Board but none of them are similar to what I am going to say

The attraction of Guild wars is team playing that occur with guild. Now, if we strengthen inactive guilds, it will lead to coming back players who left the game and coming new players who like to participate in the challenge.

This means more players, more purchases, more capital for the company.

**# Explanation of the idea:**

**# Part 1:**

I plan to put up a board for the guilds which has weekly quests that rewards in-game money or items but if these boards are the same in all the guilds it is meaningless so I take this into account .

The quests for each board in each guild and the prizes are determined by the guild leader and not pre-arranged by the game developers.

**For example**: killing 5 champion bounty rabbits = prize: 3 gold or winning 15 Beetle races = 2 gold

In this way, any guild that has a knowledgeable leader has better quests and be more active team.

**But where do these awards come from?**

Prizes that include: in-game money are placed on the quest by the game itself

All Quests will have 3 degrees of difficulty, easy, normal and hard. in the same way the gold award is determined for them.

This will be from 1 gold to 20 gold. Quests above 10 gold on the board are only once per week.

Each person in the guild can choose one from any degree of quest difficulty and take 24 hours to complete it. If he fails to do so the quest will be out of his reach and quest will return to the board so that the other members can choose.

If he done it, it is checked on the board and contains the name of the person who succeeded. These quests can include subgroups.

The leader can request to do something in: wvw, pvp, fractals, raids or open world for the quest.

This board can only be activated and adjusted by the builder of the guild and the main leader, and no one is allowed to change it.

**# Part 2:**

The question is, why should only the builder of the guild do that?

There is a proverb that says that when the queen is asleep, her hive or honey becomes bitter or dry.

A powerful guild is a guild with an energetic and active leader. We do not seek to give lazy gold to lazy people.


**Why not Gold Awards from Guild?**

Since this is a kind of active farm, it must be payed by game itself so that it can be activated for all guilds and does not have a specific audience (Rich guilds).


In the part 1, we said awards are in-game money and items but what is an item?

This is where the story differs. Until now, the game itself provided gold quests, but here these quests have item prizes that the leader himself must award after determining the quest.

These items can be all items that can be sold except for legendary weapons.

If we put legendary weapons in the quest, the security of the quests will be compromised, and also the value of weapons farming will be drastically reduced, and part of the old farming of the game will be destroyed and the game system will be disrupted.

These quests are only visible and usable to members of the Guild who have been ranked higher than members and have played and bought expansions.

Gold quests are open to all members with the above conditions. All item quests are only open to people in the guild who have been active in the guild Affairs (Guild Mission + Board) for 1 week and received a rank above the member level from the leader.

The final word of the idea maker

Hello to the great team of Arena net

I am Ehsan, a player with more than 10 years of experience in the games. The idea I gave you is based on my experience with all games I played and how to increase their usability.

I have not only been a player but also a game developer.In my own country, I make first-person games and also I am a Part of the team of writers and creators of ideas

I hope that with this idea and of course the patience you put into reading and doing the idea, I can help raise the level of this game in the world and attract more fund to this game.

Of course, I have to apologize to you. I am not very good at graphic design, but I will try send you the design of the painting and how to arrange the quests at the board in the future.

I will be happy after reading this idea to share your opinion with me.


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Can we optionally turn off people's mounts, particularly the skyscale. The visual clutter when fighting in a world event, such as the leyline anomaly (coin boi) when lots of players are present is super annoying. Some people stay on their skyscale until the boss is vulnerable. Up to then, it's wings everywhere.

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> @"casualkenny.9817" said:

> mebbe u could rephrase ur suggestion to allow a 6th category for ur consumables


atleast for instanced PvE, people usually use 2 consumables: utility (wrench icon) and food (apple icon).. so that means we need not only a 6th but a 7th slot as well -and- maybe hotkeys that are bindable for both

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Why not just "please add holster for consumables/add option to use consumables in novelty slots"?

Instead of please remove feature that other people than me might appreciate, to replace with a feature I would appreciate?

I agree that it would be nice to have though, but it shouldn't replace a current QOL feature.

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> @"jokke.6239" said:

> Why not just "please add holster for consumables/add option to use consumables in novelty slots"?

> Instead of please remove feature that other people than me might appreciate, to replace with a feature I would appreciate?

> I agree that it would be nice to have though, but it shouldn't replace a current QOL feature.


It doesn't matter to me how ANET does it. If a misphrased question stirs up a discussion on a feature that should have been added years ago then maybe we will get a feature we all can use.

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Regarding hair accessories--


Can we please have the ability to change the hair accessory color just like we can with the outfits, equipment, etc?


This has always been a contentious point for me because I'd love to be able to make my hair accessories match my outfits instead of always having to make them gray to match everything... I know others feel the same way.


Changing hair color and such makes sense through those makeover kits, but the inability to change the accessory independently is disappointing.

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Fix the new unoptimized fire effect that has been used on two items that is causing huge performance issues for everyone. Even people who don't have the item. Either use the older flame effect or the primeval effect with the searing dye. Those have no performance hit unlike the new fire effect added to two items reaping havoc on all of our frames.

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Re: Quality of Life ideas, I have a wee bit of feedback. It's more of a hilarious shenanigan that I played upon myself (I really adore inventory space)


When I first became aware of the [Festival Frequenter](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Festival_Collections#achievement5005) achievement, I mistakenly believed - was completely convinced through no one's fault but my own - that once you collect all 6 Festival gizmos that the [invitation to the Party] gizmo would consume the other 6 to be spawned in our character inventory, thus freeing up 5 inventory slots. So today on the launch of 2020's Festival of the Four Winds I was a teeny bit disappointed to have a 7th gizmo appear with the other 6 remaining. And then I started laughing at my Mystic Forge Recipe (oh Zommoros, what dreams you have wrought!)


Anyway, I'm sharing this humorous anecdote so that I can spread around a bit of smiles.


(But... um... it's safe to delete the other 6 gizmos now, right?)

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People have been asking to be able to turn off squad nameplates for YEARS and we still don't have it nor, to my knowledge, any reason why you refuse to give it to us. I'm sure you all know how many complaints there are about visual clutter in this game and, in open world, people (including myself) REFUSE to join squads because its impossible to see anything. Targeting specific enemies is too hard/impossible with so many nameplates. The WVW dots as name-tags applied to open world would be a step in the right direction, but I don't see any reason why we can't turn them off altogether.

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**"Character Model Limit: None" (don't show any other players+mounts)**

Maybe this would be an easy feature to implement due to there already being certain levels/limits.


Background: We all know this option affects FPS big-time. Some of us don't really have a supercomputer and I myself have been getting lower frames since new maps got released. Especially in meta's where there's a lot of players around, FPS sometimes averages on 10 instead while I get 25 in an empty (new) map and 50 in a core tyria/older map. I think this is due to the game continuously predicting the "closest player" and trying to render a few of them. It would be awesome if there would be an option "None" so we can continue to enjoy this beautiful game!


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> @"Mystical.4586" said:

> **"Character Model Limit: None" (don't show any other players+mounts)**

> Maybe this would be an easy feature to implement due to there already being certain levels/limits.


> Background: We all know this option affects FPS big-time. Some of us don't really have a supercomputer and I myself have been getting lower frames since new maps got released. Especially in meta's where there's a lot of players around, FPS sometimes averages on 10 instead while I get 25 in an empty (new) map and 50 in a core tyria/older map. I think this is due to the game continuously predicting the "closest player" and trying to render a few of them. It would be awesome if there would be an option "None" so we can continue to enjoy this beautiful game!



If this was available during things like the treasure hunt, and during world bosses, that would be great. Changes in camera angle while flying around is bad enough, without having mounts moving everywhere. The treasure hunt activity is a guaranteed migraine/headache for me and I'm not the only one.

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> @"Mystical.4586" said:

> **"Character Model Limit: None" (don't show any other players+mounts)**

> Maybe this would be an easy feature to implement due to there already being certain levels/limits.


> Background: We all know this option affects FPS big-time. Some of us don't really have a supercomputer and I myself have been getting lower frames since new maps got released. Especially in meta's where there's a lot of players around, FPS sometimes averages on 10 instead while I get 25 in an empty (new) map and 50 in a core tyria/older map. I think this is due to the game continuously predicting the "closest player" and trying to render a few of them. It would be awesome if there would be an option "None" so we can continue to enjoy this beautiful game!



I love this. Can we also add an option for Party/Squad members only.

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