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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Re: skins


Currently, if you buy a skin, you get the skin as an item that takes up a storage slot with a one-time use. Instead:

* If account-bound skin: the skin _automatically unlocks_ and gives you _one free transmutation charge_. There is no item to store.

* If the skin can be traded: you should need to **right click** on the item to unlock -- the skin _unlocks_ and gives you _one free transmutation charge_. By unlocking the skin, the item disappears and there is nothing to store.

* The only time you get the one free transmutation charge is when the item is first unlocked on your account. If you acquire multiple copies of the same skin, there are no further free transmutes.


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I love that you added more books to collection in LWS4 Ep4, I really do. ~~However, as someone with OCD who is a bit of a hoarder we really need some place to store all these items.~~ I just found a nice bookshelf in Sun's Refuge with all these books. Thank you. :)


Perhaps now maybe a place to store all the other books we've collected?


I know it's been mentioned before, and I know i'm not the only one who would greatly appreciate it.


Also, the ability to contain all converters within an item as well, and teleport scrolls/tomes.

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Could those who have obtained the Mystic Chromatic Ooze while crafting Juggernaut please have an option to turn it into an Infusion so we don't have to re-apply it every 5 minutes. That'd be a huge QoL improvement for the item. Make it so that you must have actually crafted and bound Juggernaut for it to be possible to trade it in for an Infusion and have it require a +9 stats Infusion to become one?


![](https://i.imgur.com/VG9KDlK.jpg "")


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For thief - Prevent Stealth attacks from autoattacking after using a different skill but keep autoattacks enabled if they are. Eliminates having to weapon swap/spam ESC button or dodges.


fix shadow trap to where it actually WORKS 100% of the time and allow it to ignore LoS. Add a counter icon to it like Mesmer's portal Entre.

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Have not gotten over all suggestions and might be stated before, but would have a look tomorrow as I am nearly feeling the Joko's lure in my tired body.


Implementing a tablet like item or option, connected with the wiki inside the game. A portable wiki tablet within the game, which would save up time browsing the website, without tabbing the game out. I don't remember which game, but seen similar functions before and think this might be useful in terms of time saving, encouraging people to play more (than to actually afk) due to the faster search system.


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The one thing I genuinely want is an option for concise skill descriptions like in GW1, except in GW2 they should show base skill power and how much is coming in from stats. Having to constantly go to the wiki to see if a skill or trait scales at all is painful and unnecessary.


EDIT: Oh, right, and the option to disable ability queueing.

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If you use any sort of portal device or book from a shared inventory slot, upon arrival, if you open your inventory, the shared bag should be collapsed if (assuming you are in 'show individual bags' mode, I suppose).


This actually works for some items, or maybe just 'sometimes', but not all items. An item it doesn't work for, that stands out, is the [spearmarshal's Plea]. An example of one that 'works' is probably the [Mistlock Sanctuary Passkey].

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Would be nice to maybe scrap all the items and scrolls and books and go with a full on UI for teleportations you learn. We could get a scroll when we learn it, but then it unlocks the teleport in the UI, and the item can be scrapped at that point.


Maybe just hijack the UI for the LFG tool? Each category of thing could be the top category (like a Living World episode, or 'Passkeys', and possibly 'Other' for odds and ends like Spearmarshal's Plea). Each item under a category would be the port itself, and you click a 'go' button and/or double click to go. Maybe a 'right click' with a context menu that has options of 'Go' and 'Show Me' (which would show you where in the world the thing was going to take you).

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> @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> I'm sure this has been mentioned once or twice or a hundred times, but please PLEASE kill repeatable hearts. Make them one and done. It's so tedious to do them every time you want to buy something from the vendor. We didn't have them in central Tyria and I don't see what they add to PoF other than frustration and boredom.


They have daily rewards that allows you to purchase map currency on each of your characters that does the heart, I can understand why they need to be repeated for that single reason.



Can we please have a bookshelf or three added to the home instance now that you have shown that you can create a bookshelf system with Sun's Refuge? There's some of us that would love to populate our own little library in the home instance with the various books we've picked up over the years, who's now running low on space because there are no place to put them. Please?

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Edit - as I reread this, it seems like stream of thought writing, I apologize and will try to organize it better later.


I would really love to see an update to the LFG tool. Specifically, I think it would be useful to have toggle settings to indicate what type of content you are available for so that you get a chat notification when someone posts a group that fits with something you are looking to and are open to do. This could also help with some of the confusion over group posting descriptions, if there were also some general checks you could tick off when posting.


In addition, I think there should be some descriptive checks for common grouping items. It is sometimes confusing figuring out where you should post or look for a group. For example, say you are trying to do achievements in open world and plan on going through a few different maps. Posting in achievement hunters could make sense, but what if the people who try to join your group do not have the particular map or mastery required to complete a task; maybe you instead post for open world for that map instead.


The PVE portion of this game is full of people willing and eager to help each other out, do some training for newbies, complete events, and on and on.


Oh, and maybe we could get a list of some topics or some free form text boxes stating where you feel you could help others by acting as mentor or commander for a group of tasks.


Some ideas for extra/non-standard type of events to advertise for could be:

* Resource node gathering tours

* Scavenger hunt trips

* Elite profession collections

* Mount tasks - earning Griffon or Roller Beetle

* Map completion for specific topics - poi, heart, vista, hero point

* Map currency farming - for living world season maps or HOT maps. It is really helpful to have a group running around Dragon's stand to get through mobs and open the seed pod's. Especially if you are on a time limit and cannot commit 2 hours to completing the meta but really need that next random drop to complete the machined weapon collection.


Maybe there could be a tie in to the group/mentor/commander ui that allows you to activate yourself as available for group tasks related to your selected items for a specific time period. That would be really useful if you have like 20 minutes and want or need to do something that could be done as a group.

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> @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> - Option for sigils & runes: treat as trash at vendors (checkbox)


THIS^ !!! Most minor and major runes and sigils are worthless anyway - you could add "treat minor/major as junk" similat to how salvage kits work (salvage fine and lower etc.).


Also a mount related one: while I've recently discovered that you can bind your mounts to dedicated keys (I use numpad keys) it would be cool if right-clicking on the mount icon would "cycle" mounts, and even cooler if you could re-arrange the order of which mounts appear on the click menu, which would affect the cycle. So for example, right now it's Raptor>Springer>Skimmer>Jackal etc. but you could change the order, which, to me at least, always depends on the map I'm in - a water-heavy map means I can prioritize Skimmer, in the Desolation it would be Jackal first, then Skimmer, then Springer etc.



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> @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

> > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > - Option for sigils & runes: treat as trash at vendors (checkbox)


> THIS^ !!! Most minor and major runes and sigils are worthless anyway - you could add "treat minor/major as junk" similat to how salvage kits work (salvage fine and lower etc.).


> Also a mount related one: while I've recently discovered that you can bind your mounts to dedicated keys (I use numpad keys) it would be cool if right-clicking on the mount icon would "cycle" mounts, and even cooler if you could re-arrange the order of which mounts appear on the click menu, which would affect the cycle. So for example, right now it's Raptor>Springer>Skimmer>Jackal etc. but you could change the order, which, to me at least, always depends on the map I'm in - a water-heavy map means I can prioritize Skimmer, in the Desolation it would be Jackal first, then Skimmer, then Springer etc.




I agree on the sigils & runes suggestion.


On the mount binding, do you mean you can bind specific mounts to specific activation keys, or do you mean that you can bind the mount actions to keys?

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Adventures that are like tutorials in the main Tyria maps. These would be beginner tasks to learn things like CC, jumping puzzle basics, underwater content, and knockbacks off the top of my head.


Something to help people learn underwater movement and combat would especially be awesome if underwater content continues to be improved.

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Add storage slots for:

-[bauble](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bauble "Bauble")

-[bauble Bubble](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bauble_Bubble "Bauble Bubble")

-[Fractal Encryption](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Fractal_Encryption "Fractal Encryption")

-[Ornate Rusted Key](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Ornate_Rusted_Key "Ornate Rusted Key")


And add toggle option to show or not Soulbeast's Beastmode aura.

I like my Soulbeast, playing Ranger without pet and so, but this green aura really doesn't match with my character's gear color. Or maybe you can add dye option for Soulbeast Aura.


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Hey gang,

I'm not sure this is a QoL update or a suggestion, but here goes.

Please oh please make it so when you stealth someone who is downed their downed channeled skill stops. Many times I have tried to stealth people who are about to get stomped but they reveal themselves. Besides, when youre alive and stealth you stop AA'ing so it makes sense to apply this to downed state too.


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Dear Anet, please make it so the crafted backpacks can be salvaged. It's really frustrating to have to destroy something you spent so much gold on just to raise crafting levels from 400-500. Really, I'd rather just pay the gold it would take to learn a crafting tier, like a Tome of Armorcrafting..or! Craft the tomes (account bound, ofc) and then use them to raises your skill level. They could be like the backpacks, where you use one tier to craft the next tier, but you could also consume them, instead of having 30 or so unstackable items that you can't sell or salvage the excess.

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> @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> Adventures that are like tutorials in the main Tyria maps. These would be beginner tasks to learn things like CC, jumping puzzle basics, underwater content, and knockbacks off the top of my head.


> Something to help people learn underwater movement and combat would especially be awesome if underwater content continues to be improved.


I second this! We already have the "Dodge Training" NPC. That idea could be expanded on :)

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> @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> > @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

> > > @"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:

> > > - Option for sigils & runes: treat as trash at vendors (checkbox)

> >

> > THIS^ !!! Most minor and major runes and sigils are worthless anyway - you could add "treat minor/major as junk" similat to how salvage kits work (salvage fine and lower etc.).

> >

> > Also a mount related one: while I've recently discovered that you can bind your mounts to dedicated keys (I use numpad keys) it would be cool if right-clicking on the mount icon would "cycle" mounts, and even cooler if you could re-arrange the order of which mounts appear on the click menu, which would affect the cycle. So for example, right now it's Raptor>Springer>Skimmer>Jackal etc. but you could change the order, which, to me at least, always depends on the map I'm in - a water-heavy map means I can prioritize Skimmer, in the Desolation it would be Jackal first, then Skimmer, then Springer etc.

> >

> >


> I agree on the sigils & runes suggestion.


> On the mount binding, do you mean you can bind specific mounts to specific activation keys, or do you mean that you can bind the mount actions to keys?


You can bind a key to activate a mount directly without using the mount menu. For example, I have Raptor on NUM 0 Springer on NUM 1, Skimmer on NUM2, Jackal on NUM 3. I mostly use the Raptor, so when I need the Springer, I just dismount the raptor, hit NUM 1 and there it is. Then, if I need the skimmer, bam, NUM 2.

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> @"Kitty La Boom Boom.4065" said:

> Dear Anet, please make it so the crafted backpacks can be salvaged. It's really frustrating to have to destroy something you spent so much gold on just to raise crafting levels from 400-500. Really, I'd rather just pay the gold it would take to learn a crafting tier, like a Tome of Armorcrafting..or! Craft the tomes (account bound, ofc) and then use them to raises your skill level. They could be like the backpacks, where you use one tier to craft the next tier, but you could also consume them, instead of having 30 or so unstackable items that you can't sell or salvage the excess.


There is a new way to rise your crafting, backpacks are so 2012. Check out Mystic curios. Gets you to 500 and things are tradable.

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