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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Make Necro minions run faster! I sear to God they can never keep up with me. I have to constantly stop and let the idiots lumber to me.


Also they are all but useless in PVP because they are so slow players can just walk backwards and avoid all their attacks while the minions look confused and amble about like drunks. They need to be 20% ~~ cooler~~ faster.

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> @"Aeon.4583" said:

> Small suggestion, to add Loot Count badge in loot section, which is show how many of same item you currently have in your bag ( current not-full item stack ).

> Sometime i wander around zones to gather some resources. And i have to open backpack now and then to keep track of how many resources i have gathered.

> Look at this Photoshop pic. Left is how it is now, right is my suggestion, showing how many Iron and other stuff i currently have in bag.

> ![](https://i.imgur.com/C6wFbWR.png "")



You would need to make this a toggle option and have it off by default because otherwise clueless players are going to see that and think, "Wow, I found (1+2+3+4+5+6+7) 28 Iron ore!" then open a ticket when they think they are missing items when they open their bag.


The same kind of thing happened with Engineer's flame thrower. It counts as a continual cast so the numbers just grow bigger and bigger and it looks like you are doing SO MUCH DAMAGE but it's just adding all the previous damage to the small tick you get this time.


Everyone who mains an Engineer gets to experience the heart break of learning their super-awesome burner-boy build is actually crap because of this.

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Why is it that you have to complete the last two levels of HoT mastery just to buy a gift to make some of the Legendary weapons when you do not even need to have map completion and only need 23k karma to buy a gift for the Legendaries that came with PoF. To me this seems really unbalanced when all of the Legendaries after HoT give you a choice of using either one for the mystic forge recipe. Considering the number of them i think like 4 or 5 maybe are HoT only. I'm not saying that if you only purchased PoF and not HoT that you should be able to get them but if you have both it seems really dumb not to roll it back for those few. Not to mention the collections which are a pain but I really don't mind them. Also, some the Itzel and Nuhoch masteries like fighting the champion might have seemed like a cool idea at launch but really they are pretty useless. (I have played GW2 since beta so I'm not just saying this coming in late either.)

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> @"Grey Poupon.8407" said:

> Why is it that you have to complete the last two levels of HoT mastery just to buy a gift to make some of the Legendary weapons when you do not even need to have map completion and only need 23k karma to buy a gift for the Legendaries that came with PoF. To me this seems really unbalanced when all of the Legendaries after HoT give you a choice of using either one for the mystic forge recipe. Considering the number of them i think like 4 or 5 maybe are HoT only. I'm not saying that if you only purchased PoF and not HoT that you should be able to get them but if you have both it seems really dumb not to roll it back for those few. Not to mention the collections which are a pain but I really don't mind them. Also, some the Itzel and Nuhoch masteries like fighting the champion might have seemed like a cool idea at launch but really they are pretty useless. (I have played GW2 since beta so I'm not just saying this coming in late either.)


yeah in return [Funerary Incense](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Funerary_Incense "Funerary Incense") is timegated, you need to do hearts or farm 750 [Elegy Mosaic](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Elegy_Mosaic "Elegy Mosaic") for 1 leg.

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New permanent contract for TP to Friend and portable fractal and currency vendors. A permanent total makeover kit as well would be nice maybe as an upgrade from hair stylist. Also certain tonics can have their effects stack but you wouldn’t be able to using the current novelties Mechanic. Makes more sense to have more slots for those not just for stacking tonics but for easier access to other toys and stuff. Currency exchange (Mag shards, LS currency or Relics) for core Tyria poi and Vista viewer.

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**Please let us store spice bags, insignias, intricate jewels, salad dressing, etc like normal ingredients**

As a crafter who often uses discovery to rank up, my inventory often ends up clogged with a bunch of ingredients that I can't store but want to use later. Being able to store that stuff would be a great improvement.


**Ability to Save and Toggle Between Graphics Profiles (ex. Performance VS Quality)**

Having a way to save 2 sets of graphics settings and be able to switch between them would be very helpful for livestreaming and players without top-of-the-line computers to reduce stuttering. Personally, there are several settings I regularly switch between (resolution, FPS, and for meta events: shadows, textures, model quality) when I'm just playing VS livestreaming (or fighting world boss), so it'd be helpful to have a couple profiles, something that could optionally be key-bound for moments when you're in a big battle and sudden freeze/stutter makes it hard to even drag the cursor up to the gear icon to turn the settings down.


**Custom Particle Effect Settings:**

> @"Carighan.6758" said:

> **Implement a user-customizable spell fx show/hide filter**

> This would allow us to clean up the often *very* confusing combat. Not upscaling effects on large enemies has helped a **lot** already, but the biggest hurdle - the mess of colors and circles and areas whenever 2+ players are firing off their skills - remains. Such a set of options should ideally offer the following options:


This post had great suggestions, and if combined with options to turn off other particle effects (ex. auras surrounding mounts), could probably save FPS, especially during really crowded events (world bosses, festivals) that sometimes cause the action to stutter even with other graphics settings turned down.


**Fix Stacking Problems**

Another user mentioned a problem with dragging and dropping not merging stacks in the Inventory. I thought this was just some restriction on not merging harvesting tools. Whatever the case, please fix this.


**Name Mounts?**

It'd be nice to be able to name mounts like Rangers name pets. I call my Reaper's pink-rosettes-on-blood-red springer Viscera. :D


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> @"YuckaMountain.3786" said:

> How about adding some kind of indicator that shows with a glance that when you inspect a book of recipes you looted whether you know all the recipes or not.


> It is annoying to go and check them one by one if you cannot remember if you had the items.


Was just going to say the same. This is a royal pita. Better still, don't drop a book if I've finished it. It's useless. Even better still, drop a book with something I haven't finished.

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I am interested in getting even more GW2 accounts. However, one thing that really discourages me is that I have to constantly type in my email address and password for each account every time I switch. Is it possible to get a launcher that stores multiple accounts so that I can switch accounts at the click of a button?

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I'd like the ability to buy more ingredients storage space for cheaper but for selected 5 ingredients by me or something like that. There is like 5-10 ingredients that you get thousands of, and 90% of them you get only like up to100 playing for a year.


I'd like more hairstyles and faces available.


I wish LFM informed people if map is full.


Smaller&cheaper or just smaller guild halls possible for tiny guilds would be awesome.

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> @"Kas.3509" said:

> I'd like the ability to buy more ingredients storage space for cheaper but for selected 5 ingredients by me or something like that. There is like 5-10 ingredients that you get thousands of, and 90% of them you get only like up to100 playing for a year.


OMFG yes. Gobblers take care of SOME of the bloodstone dust/empyreal stars/dragonite, but there's other stuff like t5 mats that I bet everyone has a ton of. This would be great. It can still be a gemstore item like the regular storage upgrade, just way cheaper and applicable to one slot only.


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Add some sorting/grouping options to the wardrobe for armor, back items, and weapon skins; and also add a favorite option. Example: glow effect, bare arms, no cape, weapon set, animation, etc...


It would also be beneficial to have a hover or group option on the exclusive set rare dyes. This is especially true now that birthday gifts are coming with dye unlocks.

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Make Essence of Luck a currency item for central Tyria the way the Living Season maps have currency items. A lot of people have maxed out their magic find, (I am not one of those yet), and there are only a few recipes and guild upgrades that use it.


I have purposefully not maxed out my magic find because I dread what will happen to my bank space when I do.

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> @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

> > @"Kas.3509" said:

> > I'd like the ability to buy more ingredients storage space for cheaper but for selected 5 ingredients by me or something like that. There is like 5-10 ingredients that you get thousands of, and 90% of them you get only like up to100 playing for a year.


> kitten yes. Gobblers take care of SOME of the bloodstone dust/empyreal stars/dragonite, but there's other stuff like t5 mats that I bet everyone has a ton of. This would be great. It can still be a gemstore item like the regular storage upgrade, just way cheaper and applicable to one slot only.



I'd probably boost some to max and end up spending a lot more than I would for what is offered now - ight now it feels like a waste so I don't want to buy it, when Im going to "throw away"/never use 90% of it. It's like buying the whole car just to get comfortable and pretty armchair.

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**QoL to Endless Black Lion Contracts**


No longer spawns a merchant. Just opens a vendor window. Doesn't close when you move. (I know you have the tech)

**Bank Access**

No longer closes when you move.

**Trading Post**

No longer spawns a trading post. Just opens the window. Doesn't close when you move.


Please I really need these to change. Especially because I cannot use Trading Post and Merchant at the same time.


It also would prevent players from trolling with personal contracts and players without these wouldn't be frustrated to be unable to use them (eventhough they are on the map and have the icon).

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I'd love to see more emotes added to the game! There are a few character animations I've seen that don't have commands associated with them, for instance the character holding their hands up slightly in a mildly surprised 'Wait a minute' manner (The commander even does this during the first part of episode 4). Along with drunkenly standing, and maybe some other animations not currently accessible to players, these would be fantastic for RPers.

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A remastered Guild Wars 1 and combine it with Guild Wars 2 than rename it Guild Wars 2gather. I feel it would give new players a real sense of history within our gaming community. Than offer monthly subscriptions for veteran bonuses that add like being able to roll-back dailies to the previous day because life happened and wasn't able to get it that day. Monthly amount of Gems and a reduced pricing on BLTP for things that are bought while in veteran status. Could even give it where your Guild Wars 1 account has more of the added bonuses for being a veteran player.

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