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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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My focus is changing the little things that waste time, and that wasted time slowly adds up. If I'm playing a game in my free time, I really don't want to waste that limited amount of time waiting for things to happen.


1. Shared slots for harvesting tools. For every character, I have to switch tools, remember to switch when i'm done. Sometimes I forget to switch back at the end of the night, so next time, log in, realize that character can't get the tools, switch to the character with the tools, unequip, and switch back. I'd be willing to pay something for shared tool slots, since it would free up shared slots.

2. Gathering in safe places (home instance, guild hall) is just a time sink. Maybe make the harvest time 0 in those places, or add an NPC helper than can be earned/bought that harvest the stuff for you (though how that handles glyphs, I'm not sure)

3. Crafting is another time waste. Having a stack of mithril or other higher tier material and just watching the thing spin seems pointless. Lower tier materials refine faster, let the high tier ones do so also. Or instead of watching the things spin around, just do it as one blog, adding a pop up if concern people might accidentally refine more than they want.

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For dailies, make the **Tyria events ones only available to players without PoF.** There's already the "do one task" daily that's been implemented in the PoF zones, as the hearts are repeatable. How about that one showing, for PoF owners, instead of the "do 4 events in [Tyria zone]"?


It is an exercise in frustration trying to even get 1 hit on an enemy NPC when other players are leaping to them, and onto them, with their mounts. Escorts and protecting points events are both affected by this difference in player capabilities.


With the player base being 24/7 there is never an "off time" for doing this type of daily. Potentially you're pushing players into PvP and WvW in order to get their other daily achievement. Which affects those game play options for other players.

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* Ability to dye swimwear (from what I can tell it's already half implemented due to a bug I reported once)

* Add in more swimwear for us to use

* Warclaw to get the chains ability in PvE for more of a combat value approach of value to it outside of WvW as the more combat valuable mount compared to the others

* Home instanced mount placements of your current mounts for that character (like stables for each, showing)

* More Commander tag variations obtainable after doing map completion on a character by their race for being able to get a certain type like Cowmander(cow head) with human, Charrmander(charr head)/Carmander(charrcar) with charr, Chemander(test tube or flask)/Cogmander with Asura, Salamander/Herdmander(deer or moose head) with norn, Saladmander(a head of cabbage) with sylvari

* Home instance story teller that'll tell of something you did that relates to your active title, if none are selected he'll say he has to ponder what the stories were

* Home instance book shelf to keep our hopeless amount of found/completed books

* Home instance trophy case to allow visiting players to see which achievements you've completed, but you can toggle if openly visible or not by interaction with it

* Home instance brewery to make intoxicating beverages with the right achievement progressions

* Home instance scribe station unlocked by making it in guild scribe stations for more remote or advanced crafting progress on scribe that doesn't require you to be in a guild to work on scribing any further for utility crafting as well as having the ability to make decorations that could be simply donated to a guild you visit

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I think it has been asked again and again over time but: STOP SEPERATING ARMORS IN TWO VERSIONS (male and female), I'm thinking especially about the aetherblade armor, I want to put the female shoulders pads on my human male, and I want to put my male gloves/boots on my female norn -_-, can you at least for any armor that have male/female version give us a gizmo allowing us to choose between the two versions?


Currently I need to create a man with a female haircut, and consider it as a female mwelp....


Ps: Add a right click option on skins within wardrobe bank tab allowing previewing the male and the female version of the item.

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There's a few things I'm dying to see in the game to make things easier

**1. Auto Sorting Bank options**

I can't even tell you how many times I've tried going through my bank and had an impossible time finding something and wishing I could select a sort option like based on type of item or name or something like that, because it's so hard having to sort it myself since the items can't slide around everything is a painful one at a time drag and drop that can be 100s of items long


**2. A container for all the Converters**

I think there's more than enough for these things to have a container, like the leyline matter converter, princess, Hertia etc like they're very useful but you just can't keep them on you all the time and it's super easy to forget about them


**3. Container for the salvage-o-matics**

I didn't think much about this one honestly until that new Runecrafter's salvaging machine came out, there's 3 salvage-o-matics and I think if more will eventually come in they need to start putting them together into something to save space


**4. A container for all the passes like the tombs**

This one I can see being a big ol' mess since there's so much now but the last time all the passes were on sale i grabbed all of them and I officially have 7 (including that Bastion pass that just came out) and that's not counting the 3 tombs for the expansions, that's adding up to a whopping 9 slots taken up by all these passes and transports! I'm sure something like this could be very messy to consolidate into a single item but this is getting crazy. At the very least these small transport passes like the one to Divinity Reach, Lily of Elona or the Captains Airship Pass should all be put into a single one and if someone has a temporary pass it should go into the same slot the perm one would. Hell on top of that if someone has a perm pass the temporary ones should be unavailable to them to buy unless it's a gift because there's no reason it should be available to people once they have the perm pass it's just a waste of advertising or bank space


**5. Denial to gift a one time only item to someone who already has it**

This is another problem I've had, so far twice I've been secretly gifted something from a friend that I already had, when that happened we had to go through the whole process of contacting a dev, confirming a delete and getting a refund which officially ruined a nice surprise by turning it into a big production of getting a refund. If it's a mount skin pack or a glider or any other one time use cosmetic item the gem store should just void out the names of people in the game who already have the item, this is 2019 that doesn't seem like to much of a problem to implement and the fact that it hasn't been already is kinda mind boggling.


**6. Let us deposit more of those weird festival currencies in the bank**

Personal peeve, I have a big pile of Baubles, Bubble baubles, Queen's Gauntlet tickets and festival tokens just taking up space in my bank, it's just annoying


**7. Picking if you want the male or female version of an outfit on your character**

Another personal peeve but not on my behalf, I use the spring promenade dress on my character and my friend wanted to put it on her sylvari since it could match the peacock mount but since she had a male Sylvari it was just the exceedingly boring suit version of the outfit. When the look difference has that big a gap we should be able to pick which version we want. It's different when the main change is the female version shows a little leg and the male doesn't but the spring prom outfit is an excellent example of how the two outfits aren't even remotely similar! It's not even like the suit had a really flowery design it's was almost like a regular everyday suit.


**8. Better story diversification based on race and profession**

No matter which race you pick you're just a human commander now, they don't use their native slang or beliefs, like a Charr just says respect Kasmeer's religion when the whole thing about Charr are that they're godless heathens (not to mention that your Charr is super high ranking but it means nothing suddenly) or when you play Asura and how their whole thing is thinking they're smarter than everyone else but you as the nicest Asura on the planet don't do that and even get ripped on for being dumb sometimes (even though, you know, you won the Snaff prize which is one of the highest awards in Asura culture). Then there was a big fake out in diversifying how gameplay works based on your profession. There was one scene in the game when you're breaking out of the prison to get the Sunspear leader free there was a different way to escape based on what you played as! That was awesome but it was the only time it happened.


None of those diversifying ideas have to be big, complex, constant or even story changing but little things sprinkled throughout the game would be so much fun and make it more engaging


**9. Put in the content missed by HoT being too big as side stories or little instances and other dropped plots**

There is so much cool stuff we missed out on with HoT being rushed! The second Pale Tree, the Nightmare Court being Dragon Corruption (as the devs are now trying to say "no it's something else not dragon corruption" just give it up already we know that's a lie you hinted too hard about it in the game to cover it up now) or later on in PoF how Rox is on a secret mission for Smoldur and now she's a sand hippy with the Omakhan tribe, all that stuff going nowhere! You could just make side stories or small instances similar to dungeons or fracs that you can hop into and see the content maybe a fight or something. Something like that could even be applied to the Scarlet war content too, make a virtual training machine made by one of the Old Lion's Arch survivors that does slightly abridged versions of those fights and events and stuff to show what happened or hell just make points you can go too on the maps and call them flashback areas, slap a numbered list on them make it an achievement even! When we play the game we hit a certain point where we get a vague and unengaging literally called History Lesson about what happened and who's there and then suddenly you're tossed in and everyone's best friends except you don't actually know these characters at all! Until someone told me recently I had no idea Marjory was supposed to be a childhood friend of Logan, we shouldn't have to turn to the wiki to know basic things about these characters who officially took over the whole game. Maybe this stuff will be fixed and covered now that the layoffs made the team refocus their efforts on the game and future writing will fix these things but I worry the unfinished storylines will remain that way which is a huge waste, especially since the waste is because all these high ranking and high number of devs were moved off the main game and put on all these tiny mobile projects that literally not a single one even panned out to being anything of note


**10. Maybe another race and access to the old professions, plus more beetle skins to fill in the spaces packs as reduced price**

This is just a fun thing I'd like to do but I can see why they're not done, I'd think it'd be cool to see some more stuff like this as long as it doesn't go the route WoW does where they just plop new races in but don't bother to give them a starter story. Last thing is we have the theme pack skins like Mad Realm, Awakened, Branded etc packs (that I see even the war claw just this week even got some filling the space for) doesn't include beetle skins and so far they haven't done anything to fill those spaces. They should just make the beetle versions and sell them separately for the cost of one of the skins in the pack individually or maybe even sell a multipack of all of them for a set reasonable price. Oh almost forgot but when I say old professions I mean stuff from GW1 like monk, assassin, dervish etc that would be cool

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I'd like to see

* __Locked [inventory Bags](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Bag)__; only used manually, nothing goes is automatically in, protected from sort & vendors. Used on top of the character's inventory for the most used or valuable items, like gear and consumables.

* Ascended Bags: ascended or legendary items will fill this one, if possible.

* a __[Mystic Chromatic Ooze](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mystic_Chromatic_Ooze)__ infusion.

* a tuba [musical instrument](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Musical_instrument) in the gem store; a simpler version of the [Musical Verdarach](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Musical_Verdarach).

* (still) moveable GUI elements. Particularly the [target display](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Graphical_user_interface#Target_indicator) is awkwardly positioned.

* Outfits storing dye settings individually.

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How about a detection for the well known hack tool. I can link you where they sell it, or does this not matter? Over 15k downloads a month, now that probably works out to about 20% of the people in PVP are using it. Who is getting rich off this? Sure would be easy to make if you where a DEV.... Sony busted their devs making tools and hacks, selling platinum and more... 15k downloads, 30 dollars, 450,000 dollars.... so, who is getting rich selling the hacks to your game? Its so old and bother sum that nothing is being done at all when it should be easy to make detection. Its already half broken in PVP with mesmer and dead eye so over powered its a swear word. How about testing some of this stuff before release. Just this week i am pretty sure at least 18 of the 30 games i played had someone using the telehack. Thats over half of the games. Is anyone ever going to do anything or will that just create a problem for the person selling it? Ahkums Razor, the easiest explanation is the most probable. Who better to make a hack? Those who know the game? Send me a private message, ill show you where it is.. Im sure you know already though. How many years has this gone un touched? At least 4.

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In Twilight Arbor explorable Forward path, please fix the part with the elite archers inside the shield bubbles so that Ranger pets and other minions don't automatically die when entering and summoned. Switching pets while inside a bubble also causes the newly summoned pet to instantly lose all health.

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how to make lots of gem sales..... Variety of stand lone, absolutely new dragon mounts. (not aurene) not shatterer, etc..) All new skins that are not based off the griffon mount as well... Totally new, awesome dragons, make lots of different ones. You will sell a (bleep) ton of them... Your welcome... Sure maybe offer tequatl and stuff, but totally new ones would be best in my opinion... Sell and make more tonics for combat... even allow them in PvP matches? There are many ideas for great things. Balloons, minis, and some things are just not very interesting to me... The dragon mounts will make ya hundreds of thousands of dolla!

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I am glad that the Gem Store sells Bank Tab Expansions. I've purchased many, and while convenient, it has led to another issue. I have so much stuff, and there's no sorting other than what I can do manually.

It would be an amazing boon to be able to sort either the whole bank or by bank tab. It would also be fantastic if each bank tab could be labeled - similar to how the guild bank tabs can be labeled. While you're at it, would you mind making items in the guild bank stackable while in said bank? Now that I think about it, being able to double click or right click to deposit (and if the same items are in the bank, having them stack automatically) would be nice too.

Please make these simple requests into a reality. Thank you!

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It's funny to see how so many players are confusing Quality-of-Life changes with adding actual content to the game....


My suggestions are about guild decorations and the scribing UI. I did some search on the forums and I didn't find these anywhere. If they were mentioned already, I apologise.


1. It would be really nice to see the decorations be categorised in the crafting UI similar to how they already are in the decoration select window. Architecture, furniture, trophies, statues, etc... It's a really long list and would be nice to have a system to it.


2. A preview option for decorations. Either in a separate window (like how you can preview armours, weapons, mounts you don't have or even gathering effects) or as an outline while in decorating mode (as they appear for the decorations you have and are about to place.)

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It would be nice if there was a build preset option. Sometimes I like using axes on my ranger and it would be nice if I could have that build saved ( specifically the specializations) so I could more easily switch between them and my regular longbow settings. A normal circumstance where this happens is when I'm on a boss train. I usually adjust weapons to suit which boss I'm fighting and have to adjust quite a few times. I know it doesn't matter and could probably longbow (and do be cause the switching gets annoying) but it's more fun when I can vary playstyles.

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Suggestion regarding Mini-maps:


Sometimes I am doing map conpletion and I need to keep zooming in and out of the minimap or even opening the Word map to check the position of stuff in the map.


What if you could, through the menu or minimap options, choose to keep the size of icons like Vistas, HPs, etc "default" for any zoom?


This way, if I have the map zoomed out, I can still see the position of shops and world completion icons.


This already happens with Commander Tags, would be great if we could do it for everything else.

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> @"Solvar.7953" said:

> 1. Shared slots for harvesting tools. For every character, I have to switch tools, remember to switch when i'm done. Sometimes I forget to switch back at the end of the night, so next time, log in, realize that character can't get the tools, switch to the character with the tools, unequip, and switch back. I'd be willing to pay something for shared tool slots, since it would free up shared slots.


This, so much this!

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Suggestion to research into what can only be, Devs making their own hacks for PvP. When you fight a team who everyone on the team can hit you with 1 shot, have all buffs and are invulnerable the whole time, it gets pretty obvious. No wonder Anet is suffering, people get tired of playing what should be a fair game and its totally not. I can figure almost every single pvp match has some sort of hacking going on and it seems Anet just allows it. Do something about it. People leave the game for good, everyday and this is one of the top reasons.. its so obviously hacking... i have almost 4000 games and its so easy to tell when someone has something beyond the means of the game. The only real true answer to such things is that is has to be the Devs doing it. No one can hack server side dmg protocols. one hit for 30k? Right...

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Two huge QoL things for me and im sure others are. Put in a scale to adjust or turn off player spell effects!! Seriously this is not fun, and it probably damaging my retinas, i cant see anything but flash. This was linked by Bluejin in another thread, but i feel its an important issue, esp for us that play on big HD monitors. Its painful to have to try and see through that. Even a slider to tone it down!

![](https://i.imgur.com/oFzT0iV.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/qfgaG0M.jpg "")

![](https://i.imgur.com/nYnApox.jpg "")



And the other big thing is minions! On a necro everytime you hit a load screen you lose your minions, even waypoints will sometimes drop them. I dont see this with ranger pets so much. But necro minions its all the time. Sometimes you load in to a hostile area and you have no minions up to be ready for the fighting. It may seem small, but its QOL issue to be sure.

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