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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Can we get a build save feature like GW1. It's a bit annoying having to switch builds manually, especially if we play different game modes on the fly. I go from PvE roaming to Fractals and now to Raids and have to spend 5 min changing my character. Wish we could just select a loadout and be in there. The worst part is sometimes messing up your trait line when switching builds.

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> @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> > @"runeblade.7514" said:

> > Hearts needs to be party-friendly. It is the only feature/content that makes me not want to play with other people. When I finish my heart, I have to wait for the other player to finish before we can move on. Ultimately it makes me want to leave them completely. I feel this is a very important QoL feature that needs to be prioritize because every single 80 map from Ember bay has been heart maps. It will also help leveling core players also.

> >

> > How to fix:

> >

> > * If you are in a party and you are in the same zone with the same Heart, you share heart progress.

> > * Other players take less progress from you. Meaning if you kill a mob, you get 100% heart progress and the other player gets 50% heart progress, the third player gets 25% heart progress and the final player gets 12.5% heart progress. Each progress is randomized. This is so that players don't finish hearts too quickly.

> > * Players can still share progress in a squad, but only 4 players receives a shared heart progress every time.

> > * Heart progress prioritize players that hasn't finished the same heart and the player in the same heart area.

> >

> > It will improve socialization aspect because players will party up to finish content faster.


> Another idea would be to scale up the heart requirements by the number of people in your party in the heart zone. They already do this with events, so I would hope that it could be something implemented for hearts.


Probably not possible because players get their own heart progress bar. It isn't a group thing like events are.

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* Please. Milk and Cookies recipe, Chocolate Milk recipe, and Strawberry Milk recipe. The game already has the materials we'd need! (Just please no milkshakes unless we can hold one like that photoshopped Rytlock on Twitter)

* More cat stuff. (Home instance stuff, maybe a live cat on your head or shoulder as a fashion with a cat title for getting all the cats)

* Perhaps a home Choya tribe to dance with in either home instance or sun's refuge.

* Cashmander tag (cash symbol for a commander tag that is simply bought for a lot of gold or by gems)

* A Cowmoonder, Salamander, Saladmander (probably like a head of cabbage), Bearmander, and Chemander (like a chemistry flask sort) tag, all available for purchase after map completion. One per map completion on a specific race. (In the order of the listed: Human, Charr, Sylvari, Norn, Asura)

* A Peacock jumping spider as a pet for Ranger (smaller with less power and poison than other spider pets, but with confusion, torment, and an evasive lunge attack.

* More Guild Emblem options

* A /roll command to generate a randomized number out of a number (example: /roll 50, then it spits out any number 1-50

**Now for Gem Store suggestions:**

* Cone of Shame for a head piece.

* Animal Balloons Mount pack. (as in each is a balloon animal making the noises even)

* A long giant paintbrush as a staff skin.

* A headpiece that's just one eye with a glowing aura like effect.

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> @"runeblade.7514" said:

> > @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> > > @"runeblade.7514" said:

> > > Hearts needs to be party-friendly. It is the only feature/content that makes me not want to play with other people. When I finish my heart, I have to wait for the other player to finish before we can move on. Ultimately it makes me want to leave them completely. I feel this is a very important QoL feature that needs to be prioritize because every single 80 map from Ember bay has been heart maps. It will also help leveling core players also.

> > >

> > > How to fix:

> > >

> > > * If you are in a party and you are in the same zone with the same Heart, you share heart progress.

> > > * Other players take less progress from you. Meaning if you kill a mob, you get 100% heart progress and the other player gets 50% heart progress, the third player gets 25% heart progress and the final player gets 12.5% heart progress. Each progress is randomized. This is so that players don't finish hearts too quickly.

> > > * Players can still share progress in a squad, but only 4 players receives a shared heart progress every time.

> > > * Heart progress prioritize players that hasn't finished the same heart and the player in the same heart area.

> > >

> > > It will improve socialization aspect because players will party up to finish content faster.

> >

> > Another idea would be to scale up the heart requirements by the number of people in your party in the heart zone. They already do this with events, so I would hope that it could be something implemented for hearts.


> Probably not possible because players get their own heart progress bar. It isn't a group thing like events are.


Good Point, I hadn't thought of that fact. I really like your percentage idea, just don't know how they could set that.

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> @"qbalrog.8017" said:

> Not sure if this is QoL or a Black Lion option, but I'd like to be able to see PoF trade caches on the mini-map, just like gathering nodes. I'd be happy to buy that from the gemstore or do a collection for that. Thx!


They already have this with the special currencies on some of the living world maps. I would love to see this implemented in general as a mastery trait line that allows you to see chests, caches, and the other interactive items for loot across all of the maps. It could be the first cross game version mastery.

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I would absolutely love to have monthly achievements brought back with the same type of AP cap. A lot of those monthly items were fun trying to finish. I would just suggest scaling down from the super 100's per achievement and compensate with needing to complete more. Instead of 3 of 4, you need like 25 of 30.


Or maybe add some class specific monthly goals.

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As i can see, taking in consideration latests Chrono Nerf, many people starting to Hate Social Awkwardness more and more and wants it to be removed.

I have another suggestion for this situation: Adding another account augementation for Deroir to sell - Mistlock Immunity.


Mistlock Immunity can be sold only for those who have Agony Impedance 3, Karmic Retribution 3, Fractal Empowerment 3.

Each level of Mistlock Immunity gives a 25%(or maybe 15%) chance to remove 1 random negative Mistlock Instability that can affect only your character ( No Pain, No Gain - Social Awkwardness - Flux Bomb - Hamstrung ).

This way Social Awkwardness can be nerfed, without removing it completely from Fractals. And those who do fractals will have another goal to reach.



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Another idea before I don't remember her anymore: If we aren't going to have housing in-game, at least please, add the ability to use guild decos in our home instance, can be done an very easy way, once you craft a deco you gain the guild exemplar which goes in guild storage + a soulbound one which you can use in your home instance and be placed where you want. (In that case, you can't simply steal others decos made by others, they're yours) or easier, make guild decos seller like gravedigger in jahai bluffs but selling PvE decos (not guild ones), that way, no need to have extensions.

Second point, add D-J golem, that golem from sun refuge into our home instance, that way, you can change the music the way you like.

Third point, proven with the existence of D-J golem and his items, add an NPC in home instance that allow us to choose which NPC we want in your home. Toggling between present and absent. A correct list of guys yo met during your story... Professor Gorr.... Tybalt.... No matter if they are dead, you can make them as projections....

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I wanted to comment here because I used to play Guild Wars 2 a lot back in the day, and currently I'm floating around other games.


Chairs / toy chairs were a welcome change for someone like me, a roleplayer. /Crossarms emote and the /facepalm emote were also really great.


One important quality of life change would be a **channel system**, maybe in the same vein as WoW's community system? Right now, a lot of my friends list has moved onto other games and it makes for a very quiet GW2 experience, which then makes me want to look for other games or other things to do. A channel system to talk to a wider range of people that all share similar interests with me (in this case, roleplay, pve, etc) that doesn't take up a guild slot would be great.


Any kind of customization system for our home instances would be great, too.

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(Small Ask)

I really want to be able to access my home instance upgrades (nodes etc) in the Suns refuge.. this was a huge missed opportunity imo and really made the Refuge feel kinda pointless after completing all it's upgrade quests.

All I use it for now is a free teleport to Jahai thanks to the scroll.


(Moderate Ask)

More combat tonics please :D

I'd love to see things like the Monkey King tonic become combat capable.


(Big Ask)

Rebalance each of the games dungeon story modes to be solo instances like what was done to Arah.

Playing through the original Gw2 story is something I always do per character.. I don't skip ahead and leave previous story unfinished.

When getting to Arah having all of Destiny's edge all buddy buddy makes absolutely no sense if your PC has not completed each of the dungeons story modes..

Story modes which explain how a group of people who hated one another in a level 40 personal story instance have finally sorted their problems out and come together to fight Zhaitan.

That said getting mail about Ascalon catacombs story mode at level 30 despite Eir coming up with the idea and reason to go there in that very same level 40 story instance I mentioned earlier is yet another moment in the game that makes absolutely no sense what so ever and really annoys me more than it should xD

If we could start getting mail about dungeons after Destinys Edge meet up in old LA that little detail alone would be so much better.

Imo all story stuff in Gw2 should be soloable and for the most part it is, but with dungeon stories tied into the personal story the way they are it makes sense that they should be soloable.. specially since finding 5 people who want to do story can be a pain at times, specially when you want to watch all the dialogue cutscenes.


(Enormous Ask)

There is a gigantic void between the Personal story and Living world 2.

A void that includes the introduction of almost every ridiculously prominent NPC ally our player character has been traveling the world with for the last 4 years.. along with those characters introductions and initial bonding moments between one another.

At this point the only way anyone can really experience these moments is by watching a 3+ hour long video on youtube.


I can not stress enough how much not being able to replay these moments in game bothers me.. Severely and immensely are the first two words that come to mind xD

I get the reasons why after 4 years this still hasn't been done.. and I know it would take a lot to make living world 1 into replayable content.

But so long as that content remains unplayable.. Gw2 will always feel like an incomplete game that's missing important story content from the middle of it's overall campaign.

We quite literally go from "Yay we beat Zhaitan" to "Lets take a group of total strangers to fight a dragon we've never heard of"

It might just be me but the further we progress into Gw2's progressing story.. the bigger the absense of Living world 1 feels to me.

At this point I honestly don't care if living world 1 was redone and failed spectacularly at recreating the epic open world elements like Tower of nightmares, War for LA and the Marionette battle.

As long as the main story points were there to be replayed I'd be content enough just being able to experience them again.

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What I would like added to the game is probably silly. I would like a hall added in which there are characters wearing all the different hairstyles . So often I will choose a style that looks good in the character screen, but, once I have chosen that style, something is always off once I get in the world. I would really like to see the hairstyle on a character model so I can study it. Yes, some people would buy one hairstyle and keep it forever, but there might be others, like me, who would feel more confidence in switching hairstyles if they could see what they were getting in the real world.


Also, I have been doing so much Winterberry farming, I would like to see a farming outfit in the gem store....overalls and a winterberry on the bib :)

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> (Small Ask)

> I really want to be able to access my home instance upgrades (nodes etc) in the Suns refuge.. this was a huge missed opportunity imo and really made the Refuge feel kinda pointless after completing all it's upgrade quests.

> All I use it for now is a free teleport to Jahai thanks to the scroll.


> (Moderate Ask)

> More combat tonics please :D

> I'd love to see things like the Monkey King tonic become combat capable.


I couldn't agree more with these suggestions.

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> @"Zoltar MacRoth.7146" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > (Small Ask)

> > I really want to be able to access my home instance upgrades (nodes etc) in the Suns refuge.. this was a huge missed opportunity imo and really made the Refuge feel kinda pointless after completing all it's upgrade quests.

> > All I use it for now is a free teleport to Jahai thanks to the scroll.

> >

> > (Moderate Ask)

> > More combat tonics please :D

> > I'd love to see things like the Monkey King tonic become combat capable.


> I couldn't agree more with these suggestions.


No love for living world 1? Boo XD


Yeah man the novelty tab has been such a great addition, it makes me want Anet to just go nuts with it.

Add tons more tonics, chairs, baloons and toys ^^ the more useful/entertaining they are the better.


If they threw a combat capable endless Tengu tonic on the gem store for a few hundred gems I bet a lot of people would buy it.

I know I would XD

Doubt it would be hard to make one either.. Tengu uses the Charr frame I think so I expect all the PC Charr animations would be easily transferable to a Tengu tonic.

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A couple of QoL requests relating to summons consumables:


1. Given that the Sunspear Paragon Support consumable is account-bound, can you make all other summons (like the elemental powder, which shares the same cool-down) also account-bound, not soul-bound and allow them to be placed in the shared slots? This would make them more useful amongst multiple toons.


2. Could all summons please be consistent in their duration? Currently, most are 5 minutes, the paragon is only 2.


3. There's a consistent bug between the Elemental Powder and the Ogre Pet Whistle. If the powder is used AFTER the whistle, no elemental is summoned but the powder is still wasted. This has been reproducable for me, so I'm hoping you can reproduce it too and discover what's causing it.


4. I understand that the paragon, elemental and jade share the same cool-down to stop all three from being summoned at once and increasing server load, but if one has already been used and you use another, can the second usage please not consume the consumable?


5. Would be nice to have key-binds for each summon.

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A minor annoyance of mine is having to queue items via the Guild Hall (mostly siege for me personally) after crafting it, possibly either removing or tweaking the current system so a player can do more than 10 at a time. I spend so much time queuing up 50+ guild siege after I craft it for my guild and it just gets uggggghhhh.

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Slot-boxes for armor sets which is one slot in the inventory/ or even better - in the heropanel and requires only one click to switch all armor parts you put in that box. Im having like 6 sets of armor in my inventory for all the traits. just for wvw...

oh and btw - traits-saveings. so we dont have to look for hours to change our builds over and over. ty!

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Heart of Thorns Rebalance


Let face the real, HoT is abandoned. I'm trying to complete the skills points challenges and is just impossible! There are not enough people to complete it! For META events the situation is EVEN WORSE! Just there are not enough people to complete it and they require a lot of people to be complete. If you are a lone wolf is just not possible to complete HoT anymore.


Skill Points Events should be Reduced to Cooper or Silver

META Events should have those difficulties drastically reduced.

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I bet, this is mentioned before, but for me a big thing: In WvW, theres a small chest icon right above the mini map to show the bonus path progress and participation. Can you please please please move it maybe to the left side or to another place? Everytime there is a wiggle chest to open, I open that popup, have to close it and hit that chest. Every single damn time... so please please move that chest button!

(maybe imagine a cute puppy with big brown eyes begging for a treat).

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> @"Gradash.3271" said:

> Heart of Thorns Rebalance


> Let face the real, HoT is abandoned. I'm trying to complete the skills points challenges and is just impossible! There are not enough people to complete it! For META events the situation is EVEN WORSE! Just there are not enough people to complete it and they require a lot of people to be complete. If you are a lone wolf is just not possible to complete HoT anymore.


> Skill Points Events should be Reduced to Cooper or Silver

> META Events should have those difficulties drastically reduced.


I have gone through a few times and found people running the HOT maps, not saying you are on a map with people and just not seeing them, just saying there are times when people are on. I found the best way to do the Hero Points in those maps now is to either look for an LFG post stating it is for an HP train or advertising for a group to do an HP train.


I would be happy to help out if I am on at the same time. I have a ton of characters that still have to go through those maps so it would help me as well. Feel free to ping me if you see me online.


Another option is to look at the Players Helping Players forum.


That being said, yes it is not possible to do the Meta in those maps without either pulling in a group or finding one advertised. It would be really nice if they could add a floating count of users on that map instance that refreshes in a given interval. If it was live, I think it would change too much to be useful. It would also help if other players on that map could get a mini-map tag life if you were in the same guild, party, or squad.


Having markers would also allow groups to form larger than the 5 party limit without needing a commander.

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