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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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Remove our shackles and end our enslavement to daily goals. Right now the 10 daily AP are tied to completing daily tasks, with PvP being the fastest one to complete if you are a regular pvper. But it shouldn't be like this, the daily tasks are nice when they give specific rewards for the daily task performed.


The 10 AP? Give those on 1 of 2 conditions:

1. Complete daily tasks as now or...

2. Play the game for at least one hour doing anything you want.


Whichever is completed first will grant the 10 AP, and so our enslavement to daily goals will end.




Another idea.

In the LFG window highlight categories that have active parties in them, some of those categories are completely barren because players are too lazy to check everything. It would also be a good idea to add a Festivals category during festivals.

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I know this is very Niche, but the ability to convert skins into a transmutation charge. I have a bunch of skins like chaos gloves, Krytan Armor, Auric Gloves, that are skins but I don't want to delete the skin in case I decide to use it on something. The skins are already unlocked and these just act as a very specific transmutation charge. It'd be nice to be able just to empty these out of my inventory and get a converted transmutation charge back.


TL:DR Convert unlocked skins into transmutation charges.

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Do something with the crown pavilion. I know that now he have been "fully" implemented, but it feels so unnatural, his appearance in DR is just awful and have nothing to deal with the DR architecture.

The same can be said with LA, please nuke her, the Pirate theme was awesome, an awesome city where I always loved to go, see her now, "sealand v9000" the worst is surely that horrible raid training station at the south, the structure in herself reminds me the Spongebob game on gamecube.


I would have enjoyed to see the canthan district. (Yeah I know why it was nuked, but not a reason, if it was, you would have nuked elonian district too.) I think it was a great waste of potential, sure you would have received negative feedbacks (in fact we have them for anything) but also a ton of positive ones. It's the aim of an fantasy MMO to mix architectures, styles, shapes it wasn't defined as 100% a specific country and architecture. And nuking wasn't the best answer for DR.


I've done. To sum up, i'm just asking to remove those horrible places from the game, kinda destroyed the ambience and meaning of the maps imho.


I know that the artist can do way far better, and to say huge thanks to them, for any other map :), Metrica province and Mount maelstrom will always be my favourites. :D But will now place sandswept Isles at the first place, just look like she came out from my mind, I'm so satisfied with her, would have changed nothing in her, apart keeping the original idea of a volcano at the north. :)

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> @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > Being able to open sunken chests everywhere, when we want. You don't mind how many keys I deleted just because I had enough of seeing already opened chests.


> Why don't you just go to the chests in a cycle?


Explain. ;) During Halloween I used to have 5 keys, I just wandered at every spot without doing 'blood in water', all chests were open. So totally stupid. If you have to do the achiev to unlock the chest each day, it's even more stupid. :/

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> @"hugo.4705" said:

> > @"BlueIce.6951" said:

> > > @"hugo.4705" said:

> > > Being able to open sunken chests everywhere, when we want. You don't mind how many keys I deleted just because I had enough of seeing already opened chests.

> >

> > Why don't you just go to the chests in a cycle?


> Explain. ;) During Halloween I used to have 5 keys, I just wandered at every spot without doing 'blood in water', all chests were open. So totally stupid. If you have to do the achiev to unlock the chest each day, it's even more stupid. :/


There are 11 chests. You need to open all of them in the group before the cycle resets. You can use this as a guide: [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Chest](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Chest "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Chest")


I have been waiting until I have 40 or more keys and then doing several map runs to open them all. You can also look at the sunken treasure hunter achievement to see which chests you currently have open. This resets with each cycle. [https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Treasure_Hunter](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Treasure_Hunter "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sunken_Treasure_Hunter")

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> @""BlueIce.6951"

Welp not optimized at all, master diver should be completed one time for all, and the chests should be infinite.

I have 5 keys, I open 5 times the same chest logic. What I know, is that system is very annoying and don't want to go to another one for a stupid cycle. Daily should be only linked to rewarding a key. No cycle should interfer with you opening a chest. If you are happy with that, it's cool. But it really bother me :/ It's sad, an water improvment that don't give you the envy to go in water.




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> @"Alimar.8760" said:

> I know this is very Niche, but the ability to convert skins into a transmutation charge. I have a bunch of skins like chaos gloves, Krytan Armor, Auric Gloves, that are skins but I don't want to delete the skin in case I decide to use it on something. The skins are already unlocked and these just act as a very specific transmutation charge. It'd be nice to be able just to empty these out of my inventory and get a converted transmutation charge back.


> TL:DR Convert unlocked skins into transmutation charges.


Oh my god, this is such a good idea! My bank is filled with skins and I am constantly trying to find outfits to make to just use them up and get them out of the way, this is such a good solution.

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Having a horse-style mount, a mount without any special ability, elegant, that you enjoy looking at the beautiful gw2 landscapes with. Would have the speed of jackal and the jackal teleport one when using boost. Will be a great addition imho, because you can design almost anything from that base, ghost mount to unicorns, pegasus.... even dromedary if done well. Even dragon!

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Okay, I am writing this suggestion out of seething hatred. Add checkpoints to the Not So Secret Aetherblade jumping puzzle. And maybe remove the diving goggles from there. Because I see diving goggles as more vista-like, rather than like a jumping puzzle. Again, seething hatred. Thank you. <3

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NECRO: Minions... please fix the fact that everywhere I go, it seems, I have to recast them. Leaving the water, changing maps etc...my quality of life will be much better. Minions shouldn't disappear as much as they do. Also, my minions run after enemies that I don't want while I'm waiting to mount. I can't mount with minions getting 'stuck' in a battle with a wolf in the woods. I can see not mounting while I'm in combat, but there is no control over minions actions when I don't want to attack. How about 'guard mode' so they don't attack as soon as I create them?

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# Mistward Armor Collection

Currently, only HoT accounts are capable of acquiring the mistward armor (and getting the associated Mistwarden title), despite the fact that the only requirement for playing a Revenant is to purchase _any one expansion_. This is because of a few collection items that can only be acquired from HoT content (the rest of the collection is just core tyria content). This means that PoF-only Revenant players can only acquire the Gloves and Boots from the set, since the insignia collection items for those two pieces are from Dry Top & Silverwastes respectively.


Below is my proposed changes to the Mistward Armor Collection to make it compatible with PoF:


* [Mistward Pauldron Insignia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Pauldron_Insignia "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Pauldron_Insignia")

"_Purchased for any of the following currencies:

-- Airship Parts from Itzel vendors in the Heart of Maguuma

-- Trade Contracts from renown heart vendors in Crystal Oasis_"

((Price: 100 Trade Contracts + 10 silver))


* [Mistward Legging Insignia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Legging_Insignia "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Legging_Insignia")

"_Purchased for any of the following currencies:

-- Aurillium from Exalted vendors in the Heart of Maguuma

-- Trade Contracts from renown heart vendors in Elon Riverlands_"

((Price: 100 Trade Contracts + 10 silver))


* [Mistward Coat Insignia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Coat_Insignia "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Coat_Insignia")

"_Purchased for any of the following currencies:

-- Ley Line Crystals from Nuhoch vendors in the Heart of Maguuma

-- Trade Contracts from renown heart vendors in Domain of Vabbi_"

((Price: 100 Trade Contracts + 10 silver))


* [Mistward Helm Lining](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Lining "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Lining")

"_Dropped by the following types of enemies:

-- Saurians

-- Hydras_"

((NOTE: this could really be whatever PoF enemy type you want, as this is just an example))


* [Mistward Helm Casing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Casing "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Casing")

"_Defeat one of the following foes:

-- Chak Gerent in Tangled Depths

-- Forged Demolisher in The Desolation_"


* [Mistward Helm Insignia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Insignia "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Insignia")

"_Purchased for any of the following currencies:

-- Crystalline Ore in Dragon's Stand

-- Elegy Mosaics in Desert Highlands_"

((Price: 30 Elegy Mosaics + 10 silver))

((obviously this one would be from the Primeval Steward in the tomb of primeval kings))


I, for one, think that it's perfectly reasonable to consider non-HoT accounts further down the line as GW2 ages even further and potentially accrues more expansions. After all -- assuming that ANet _does intend_ to make another expansion or two within GW2's lifetime, the further and further we move away from Heart of Thorns, the larger and larger the "non-HoT" audience of newer players will likely become. Even if the demographic of "PoF-only Revenant player" is _currently_ an extremely small portion of the playerbase in theory, said minority should still be considered in future achievement designs regardless. Again, the Revenant isn't just a HoT profession: It's an _Expansion_ profession. Therefore, players of other expansions outside of HoT should still be able to acquire the Mistward armor set and its associated title via completing content of similar difficulty in other expansion areas.

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> @"Gambit.9501" said:

> # Mistward Armor Collection

> Currently, only HoT accounts are capable of acquiring the mistward armor (and getting the associated Mistwarden title), despite the fact that the only requirement for playing a Revenant is to purchase _any one expansion_. This is because of a few collection items that can only be acquired from HoT content (the rest of the collection is just core tyria content). This means that PoF-only Revenant players can only acquire the Gloves and Boots from the set, since the insignia collection items for those two pieces are from Dry Top & Silverwastes respectively.


> Below is my proposed changes to the Mistward Armor Collection to make it compatible with PoF:


> * [Mistward Pauldron Insignia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Pauldron_Insignia "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Pauldron_Insignia")

> "_Purchased for any of the following currencies:

> -- Airship Parts from Itzel vendors in the Heart of Maguuma

> -- Trade Contracts from renown heart vendors in Crystal Oasis_"

> ((Price: 100 Trade Contracts + 10 silver))


> * [Mistward Legging Insignia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Legging_Insignia "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Legging_Insignia")

> "_Purchased for any of the following currencies:

> -- Aurillium from Exalted vendors in the Heart of Maguuma

> -- Trade Contracts from renown heart vendors in Elon Riverlands_"

> ((Price: 100 Trade Contracts + 10 silver))


> * [Mistward Coat Insignia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Coat_Insignia "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Coat_Insignia")

> "_Purchased for any of the following currencies:

> -- Ley Line Crystals from Nuhoch vendors in the Heart of Maguuma

> -- Trade Contracts from renown heart vendors in Domain of Vabbi_"

> ((Price: 100 Trade Contracts + 10 silver))


> * [Mistward Helm Lining](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Lining "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Lining")

> "_Dropped by the following types of enemies:

> -- Saurians

> -- Hydras_"

> ((NOTE: this could really be whatever PoF enemy type you want, as this is just an example))


> * [Mistward Helm Casing](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Casing "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Casing")

> "_Defeat one of the following foes:

> -- Chak Gerent in Tangled Depths

> -- Forged Demolisher in The Desolation_"


> * [Mistward Helm Insignia](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Insignia "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Mistward_Helm_Insignia")

> "_Purchased for any of the following currencies:

> -- Crystalline Ore in Dragon's Stand

> -- Elegy Mosaics in Desert Highlands_"

> ((Price: 30 Elegy Mosaics + 10 silver))

> ((obviously this one would be from the Primeval Steward in the tomb of primeval kings))

> ____________________

> I, for one, think that it's perfectly reasonable to consider non-HoT accounts further down the line as GW2 ages even further and potentially accrues more expansions. After all -- assuming that ANet _does intend_ to make another expansion or two within GW2's lifetime, the further and further we move away from Heart of Thorns, the larger and larger the "non-HoT" audience of newer players will likely become. Even if the demographic of "PoF-only Revenant player" is _currently_ an extremely small portion of the playerbase in theory, said minority should still be considered in future achievement designs regardless. Again, the Revenant isn't just a HoT profession: It's an _Expansion_ profession. Therefore, players of other expansions outside of HoT should still be able to acquire the Mistward armor set and its associated title via completing content of similar difficulty in other expansion areas.


There are tons items that are bound to certain content. Look at Living World Season 2. In the Silverwastes you can get carapace armor, however to get the pants unlocked you actually need to have LWS2. And then, if you want to upgrade it to the Luminescent Stuff then you need to have LWS2 anyway.

The new Elegy and Requiem stuff will be locked behind the LWS4 content.


Having certain things locked behind their content isn't a bad thing, like if you want it, then you get access to the content like everyone else did.

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> @"Gradash.3271" said:

> Heart of Thorns Rebalance


> Let face the real, HoT is abandoned. I'm trying to complete the skills points challenges and is just impossible! There are not enough people to complete it! For META events the situation is EVEN WORSE! Just there are not enough people to complete it and they require a lot of people to be complete. If you are a lone wolf is just not possible to complete HoT anymore.


> Skill Points Events should be Reduced to Cooper or Silver

> META Events should have those difficulties drastically reduced.


I solo HoT a lot and there are still a lot of people playing when I'm on. I do think the skill challenges can be tough but with a shout on the map there are usually people around to help. Maybe some tweaking but not a major nerf of HoT. The METAs are fine all except Tangled Depths which was the weakest map anyway.

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It would be nice if there could be some kind of bonus for fighting champions and elites when doing world boss events. Not a lot of people go after those in the mobs anymore.


Maybe use a counter and add extra loot drops after the event completes or give an increase in magic find for some of the rare boss items.

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> @"JackassTheX.6351" said:

> > @"Neoniac.2813" said:

> > Gw2 s next 2 big development should be

> > 1 - WvW Alliance System

> > 2- A new race ( its about time , game is big people need this )

> > Also show some love to dungeons , searching for party from different maps (like pvp queue) would be quite usefull , if u dont want to give more dungeon content , just make it more viable so people cannot be able to say that its dead


> Dungeons hell yeah - just up the rewards to be more than now and still less than fractals (dungs are easier after all) and hit that diminishing returns button hard. Actually you could implement the same daily chest and valuable junk item systems, just add junk items that are worth less or drop less frequently. A typical T4 + recs run nets around 12-20g in my experience. That's six "paths". So by that logic, if we look at the worst case scenario, one "path" nets 2g. Well, how about awarding the player with junk worth around 1g per path. That's 3g per cleared dungeon. Right now, Arah is the only one with that sort of rewards - I think all of them should be around that number, and Arah a bit higher. Or something, I'm no economist, let alone a virtual one, but dungeons just seem so unrewarding other than the joy of completing them, that is.


> Also - new race? One word: Largos. Though I think that might be a touch too kitten for Tyria to handle.


Dungeons can net you greater rewards by using currency to buy armour or weapons of the dungeon and salvage them for exotic inscriptions which is why CoF, CoE and Arah are the better ones to do because of Zerk inscriptions. A few dungeons even sell utility potions that can be worth selling.

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